All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 78 – As long as I have a whim, I can kill you at any time!

"How? Do you feel good?"

Bai Ye glanced at Qiu Zixi.

He felt that this time, let the other party kill Sha Ying.

The meaning seems to be bigger.

"Thank you Bai Ye!

Qiu Zixi looked at Bai Ye seriously and thanked him.

She felt the shackles in her heart.

It seems to be completely unraveled.

Before, I always felt inferior because of Bai Ye's strength.

Qiu Zixi doesn't want to be a vase.

But in fact, his combat power simply couldn't keep up with Bai Ye's room for improvement.

This also made Qiu Zixi feel hopeless.

But Bai Ye's help this time made her feel that the gap between herself and these monsters was not big.

This also ignited the hope in her heart.

At the same time, deep in her heart, she seemed to have a more special feeling for Bai Ye.

"It's fine, as long as you feel better now. 95

"Humph, the two of you are still flirting here, I can't comfort the wounded!? 35

Xia Ningmeng's whole person is not well.

I'm almost dying myself.

As a result, they are still flirting here.

Simply inhuman.

"Cough, let's open the treasure chest first. 35

Bai Ye touched his nose, for some reason, he felt like he was being raped.

in this group of people.

In fact, Bai Ye took a fancy to Qiu Zixi at first glance.

After all, this royal sister is very sassy, ​​black and straight, long legs, plus a royal sister's face, her figure and face are perfect.

Especially the black silk female ghost sword.

Who can stop this?

However, after that, he didn't mention it much.

Mainly because of this team, there seems to be a very strange feeling.

Although it is said that it is not usually there, but sometimes, Bai Ye can still feel it.

"Hmm, yes indeed."

Qiu Zixi nodded in agreement.

If she didn't change the subject at this time, she felt that Wang Banxue's gloomy eyes couldn't bear it.

[Ding! Open the special treasure chest of Shaying and complete, reward: 5 million experience points, 5 million energy coins.

Equipment: Shaying's Ghost Slayer (Artifact)

Items: Devil May Cry Ability Book (restricted to use by Ghost Swordsmen), Female Ghost Sword Second Transformation Profession Book (Wandering Samurai)

Skill Book: Ghost Shadow Step, Devouring Ghost Slash, Ghost Shadow Flash, Frost Saya, Death Tombstone]

【Shaying's Ghost Slayer】(Artifact)


[Curse]: The attack has a curse effect, there is a 117 chance to kill the enemy in one move, and at the same time cause 200% damage to the ghost.

[Devil May Cry Ability Book]: Only ghost swordsmen can use it, and after using it, it will have the second ability Devil May Cry.

[Girls Ghost Sword II-Transfer Occupation Book] (Wandering Samurai): After the level is raised to level 35, there will be a special job transfer, and after the job transfer, you will have special ability blessings.

[Ghost Steps]: The steps of ghosts and gods, increase their own movement speed after use, and at the same time rush forward for a certain period of time will enter the invincible state.

[Devouring Ghost Slash]: Charge up to increase the damage of Ghost Slash, and you can slash the ghost wave forward.

[Ghost Flash]: You must use the ghost step in the front, enter the invincible state, and move a distance at an extremely fast speed to perform space slash.

[Frost Saya]: Summons Saya, causing ice magic damage to enemies within the range, and has a certain chance to cause the enemy to enter a frozen state.

[Death Tombstone]: A certain tombstone falls around the self, causing damage and adding a curse effect.

All the things dropped this time were used by Qiu Zixi.

At the same time, these skills were all used by Shaying before, but only this death tombstone.

Shaying was instantly killed without using it before.

"Damn it, you can switch to the class of wandering warrior in your second rank, and... you now have the Devil May Cry ability book, which means that you can use it once before the second rank, and you can use the ability book once after the second rank. , I... this is so lucky!

Xia Ningmeng is also very envious at this moment.

After all, Qiu Zixi herself is a female ghost swordsman. This hidden profession can be transferred to a wandering warrior later.

Then, after the job change, the use of the ability book was reset.

You can use it once for the first turn, and you can also use it once for the second turn.

But if the first turn is not used, the second turn can only be used once and cannot be stacked.

Looking at it this way, Qiu Zixi's strength is directly full.

It is conceivable that at the thirty-fifth level, the increase in combat power is absolutely enormous!

And this time it is not only the ability book, but also the skill book.

These skills seem to be really strong.

They all understood it before.

"Well, I'll give you all the words this time, put this job transfer book here first? I'll wait for you at level 35 before I'll give it to you?!


Qiu Zixi nodded. Basically, everything that is not needed will be kept here by Bai Ye for help.

After all he has a Kamui space to store it.

Will take it out when needed.

[Ding! You have used the Devil May Cry Ability Book, already acquired Devil May Cry abilities, and acquired passives: Seal Release, Dark Affinity. 】

【Ding! You have used Ghost Step, Devouring Ghost Slash, Ghost Flash, Frost Saya, Death Tombstone skill book, and the skill learning is complete. 】

【Ding! Attribute upgrade...】

A series of beeps.

Take a look at the attributes that you have improved at this time.

A trace of surprise flashed in Qiu Zixi's eyes.

This is twice as powerful as before.

If you let the current self face the previous Shaying.

She felt that she was not impossible.

Just a pity.

This time, using the ability book, only got two passive skills.

Removing the seal will automatically increase the skill you have learned by one level, resulting in a stronger effect.

Dark Affinity will increase your own dark attribute resistance and dark attribute attack.

"Hehe, thank you so much this time!

A look of joy flashed across Qiu Zixi's face.

Look at everyone and say thank you.

Now that he can get to this point, Bai Ye must be the most important, and the support of others is naturally inseparable.

"Hee hee, don't forget about wealth and honor.

Xia Ningmeng made a joke.

Everyone is getting stronger.

I hope I can have my own ability book in the future.

And this time around.

Xia Ningmeng knew very well that this was her profession as an assassin, unless she had obtained the ability book.

Otherwise, his job transfer would be ordinary.

"Look at what I'm doing, go ahead and take a look.

Bai Ye glanced at a few people.

According to Bai Yan's observation, the monster in front seems to be the final BOSS here.


His experience value is a little bit worse.

I originally thought that I would be able to upgrade to level 30 here.


It's really just a little bit worse.

Think about it now.

He can only break through at the next boss.

Upgrade to level 30.

He can continue to unlock the pupil technique again.

"What else?! I thought this thing was over, it's 40,000 combat power, but it's not over yet!?

A hint of surprise flashed in Xia Ningmeng's eyes.

I thought that this moment was already the final boss.

As a result, Bai Ye said, there is still more ahead.

"Well, I saw it before, and there are monsters ahead, so be careful.""

Bai Ye nodded and said slowly.

That monster is much stronger than the one here.

"Well, then let's move on, don't waste time, the gap we managed to narrow before seems to be getting bigger again!"

Their scores were relatively high before.


This is just after entering the secret realm.

They began to be slowly surpassed by others.


They know it now too.

We must leave the secret realm quickly.

Earning points in the secret realm is definitely not as fast as anyone else in the forest of death.

"Well, but you don't need to be too anxious."

Bai Ye nodded and said slowly.

But really talk about it.

In fact, there is no need to rush.

After all (afdc) can also plunder the points of other teams.


Bai Ye and others walked for a long time.

Finally came to a door.

it's here.

There were five monsters dressed in knight costumes standing in place with daggers and shields.

Wait until Bai Ye and others step outside the palace gate.

They also turned their heads to look at Bai Ye and others.

【Remains of the King】

"To disturb the king's rest! Unforgivable!

"Has the front been swept away? Let us protect the king!

A cold voice resounded throughout the palace.

【Vortex of the Wind】


[Comprehensive combat power]: 4.2W

[Characteristics]: extremely fast, and has stealth ability, the less blood, the faster the speed, with high hardness

【Guardian Myra】


[Comprehensive combat power]: 4.3W

[Characteristics]: The boss has the ability to rebound damage. When it is in red, it rebounds physical attacks, and when it is in blue, it rebounds magic attacks. The less blood, the faster the conversion.

【Eston of Ice】


[Comprehensive combat power]: 4.4W

[Characteristics]: An ice shard will appear on the ground, and the person who is hit will cause high damage and freezing effect, and at the same time have a certain knockback ability

【Glad of Flame】


[Comprehensive combat power]: 4.5W

[Characteristics]: The whole body is covered in flames, and the attack cannot be more than five times. If more than five times, the flames on the head will explode, causing high damage.

【Woderos of Light】


[Comprehensive combat power]: 4.6W

[Characteristics]: The attack causes dizziness, and the attack speed is extremely fast, and can use lightning and flash to attack.

Five knights.

From the perspective of comprehensive combat power, it did not surpass Shaying by much.

But that's five in total.

And their five characteristics are very special.

"Trouble, but I can deal with one or... two!?"

Qiu Zixi said slowly.

Before, because of his own promotion.

She felt that facing them, she should be able to fight.

Of course, when it comes to fighting, I also know that it should be possible to deal with one or two.

"Leave the wind vortex to me, in terms of speed, I am the fastest here..."

Xia Ning dreams of fighting against Wind Vortex Su.

"Then this Guardian Myra and the Fire Gurad can be handed over to me. My Devil May Cry is magic damage, and the Ghost Swordsman is physical. You can switch to play Guardian Myra. As for this fellow, the Flame Gurad , I have ghost flash and death tombstone to try!

Qiu Zixi said slowly.

"Me too, I'm the Forbidden Magic Mage, and the two of us can work together to kill Gurad the Flame."

Si Yudie hurriedly asked Ying Road.

Her Forbidden Spell can do quick kills.

"it is good!"

Qiu Zixi did not refuse.

Dealing with two at a time, she may not have a bottom line in her heart.

The two can work together.

"In this case, leave it to me, the Ice Eston, my robot can fly in the air.

Wang Banxue said slowly.

What does the ice flakes on the ground have to do with the robot in the sky!?

"I'll fight the injury!"

Lin Dairou walked in front with her shield on her back.

In the end, several people have all chosen their opponents.

"In that case, I'll deal with Wardrus of Light!?

Knight of Light.

The speed is extremely fast, and at the same time, it has the strongest combat power and various tricks to attack.

pretty good.

Bai Ye just wanted to try it with him.

"All right!"

The division of labor is completed.

Each chose their opponent.

Add all the buffs.

Each faced their own opponents.

Wardrus of Light glanced at Bai Ye in front of him.

No nonsense.

At that speed, it rushed directly to Bai Ye, and then, a knife fell.


The ground was directly smashed into a deep pit.

"so fast!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

This guy is really fast.

Knight of Light.

"It didn't hit!?"


Wardros the Light was a little puzzled.

Obviously his speed has been pulled full.

But the other party actually avoided it so easily.


"Could it be the ability of space!?"

The dust dissipated.

Bai Ye is still in his original position.

That is, he didn't hide from the beginning.

"The ability to use space is very expensive. I will see how long you can last."

Wardroth of Light said coldly.

He saw Bai Ye's ability.

At the same time, he also knew that Bai Ye's ability would not last long.

After all, the power consumption of space is extremely huge.

[Haha, finally someone can see the ability characteristics of this product, let me just say, the space ability looks invincible, but the consumption is large, he is dead! 】

【This boss is a bit brainy!】

【Very good, this product is dead now!?】

Finally met a boss who could see through Bai Ye's abilities.

"Wan Lei!"

"Ultra Shinigami Laser Cannon!! 39

Under two strokes.

Wardroth of Light blasted directly at Bai Ye's position.

He doesn't believe it.

Bai Ye will not die.

The bombardment continued for almost ten minutes.

"Should be dead!"

Wardroth of Light said coldly.

"Well, it seems a little smart, but it doesn't matter, as long as I have a whim, I can kill you at any time."

Bai Ye touched his chin, and this ability was seen to be normal.

Then upgrade Kamui slowly.

However, he is not without a solution.

The God of the High-yield Nest Sun!!.

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