All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

506 Zixiao Divine Thunder! Zhenxunzi’S Strength!

The yellow scarf warrior and the money-grabbing kid.

The size difference between the two is huge. Huang Jinli is wearing a yellow robe and is eight feet tall, while this kid is only about five feet tall.

However, with such a huge difference in body size, the strength between the two was evenly matched at this moment.

Even that kid is even stronger. After all, He Shen is a level 40 boss, and he is a boss from this hell level dungeon.


Just at this level, this identity is already far superior to other evolvers.

But Zhenxunzi didn't panic at all, and there wasn't even any fluctuation in his eyes. He just snorted coldly at the kid who broke through the blockade of the yellow scarf warriors and rushed toward him, and used a few talismans. After being thrown out, it will either be thundered or burned by real fire. "080"

In this dark tomb, the various colors killed these ghosts and monsters.

"It's interesting. It's really interesting. If that's the case, don't blame grandpa for using his real power and skills!"

He Shen smiled darkly.

The next moment, before Zhen Xuzi could react, a piece of gold came out of his arms.

This gold is only the size of a fist. Although it is already very small, at first glance it looks like it is only about half a catty or about a catty at most.

Zhen Xuzi didn't even pay much attention at first. He just watched the yellow scarf warriors fighting while holding a few talismans in his hand again.

Between the movement of light, there is a compaction.

However, He Shen seemed to have expected his attitude and threw the gold ingot in his hand straight away.

That's right, it's just thrown out without any skills or any other bells and whistles.

In just an instant, this ingot of gold came to the top of Zhen Xuzi and the group of yellow scarf warriors.

Then the next moment, the gold ingot that was originally just the size of a fist just instantly turned into a terrifying gold mountain that was tens of meters, or even close to hundreds of meters.

It suddenly hit Zhen Xuzi's head.


A terrifying loud noise, accompanied by the shaking of the earth and mountains, appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This terrifying golden mountain hit Zhen Xuzi directly without any hindrance, and seemed to be crushed into meat cakes together with those golden warriors.


Fang Ning, who was watching the battle outside, seemed to be directly frightened by this scene.

Even he can feel that in your live broadcast, the cave mountain tour that was smashed by a golden mountain in the picture is definitely not something that can be calculated. One hundred thousand catties is just a basis.

Under such a terrifying force, is it possible that the Taoist priest in chat group No. 001 will die immediately?

Not only Fang Ning but also many people watching this scene were feeling nervous.

Although they believe in Taoist priests and know that Taoist priests are capable, not many people have actually fought a PK duel with a Taoist priest.

Therefore, not many people have truly seen the abilities of Taoist priests, and do not know what their skills are.

Thunder and lightning are the most powerful things, the most powerful attribute power, and also the biggest nemesis of all evil spirits.

This is a new skill he has mastered after completing his second transformation, and it is also the most powerful skill he has mastered so far.

Just at this moment, the air in this underground palace seemed to suddenly become extremely violent, and He Shen's expression seemed to change because of this.

How could this stinky cow nose be so strong?

At this moment, feeling the terrifying pressure of the golden mountain and the locking effect that was extremely difficult to avoid directly, Zhen Xuzi narrowed his eyes slightly and finally looked at He Shen.

In just a moment, Zhen Xuzi's figure reappeared not far away.

Besides, after all, there are so many friends from group 001 watching.

It didn't even take too long from beginning to end, but the skills and various coping methods displayed made everyone feel eye-opening.

Although ordinary mobs and bosses are not the same.

This ability is similar to teleportation, but it seems to consume much less energy than teleportation and is more flexible.

It's a pity that no one can see the defensive strength of this skill, but at this moment, the skill mastered by Zhen Xuzi has made everyone see it.

As expected, the others did not worry for too long.

It made him feel the terror of being about to disappear into ashes.

Only Chen Bai and a few others saw Zhen Xuzi's movements after the Jinshan fell.

He could feel that the stinky cow nose in front of him was accumulating a terrifying power that made him feel afraid.

This guy is far more powerful than he imagined.

From this point of view, if I don't really use some skills, I'm afraid it's really hard to win.

With a crash, the golden jade clothes and He Shen seemed to be turned into ashes under the power of the thunder.

In his last life, Chen Bai had heard many times that this man could travel thousands of miles in a day with his magical power of shrinking the ground into an inch.

The previous friends had eradicated the zombies in three strokes, five divisions and two divisions. If he wasted too much time and hands and feet here, wouldn't it look like he was too useless?

The magic shrank to an inch.

It was a purple thunder and lightning. The moment the golden jade clothes appeared, it suddenly burst out from Zhen Xuzi's hand skills, and instantly illuminated the underground palace in purple.

So amidst Na Heshen's sneer, he suddenly stretched out his palm and pinched out a special spell...

Purple Sky Divine Thunder!

This kind of power has almost natural restraint for a being like him.

He Shen almost didn't think about it, and a golden light appeared all over his body.

That is a special piece of armor under his body, which is the golden jade garment among his skills.

Others may not recognize what this thunder is, but Ma Twenty, who knows so much about thunder and lightning, and even obtained the inheritance of the ancient thunder god, recognized what it was at a glance.

The legendary purple sky thunder.

But Zhen Xuzi also has his pride.

It's just that at this time, this shrinking magical power is obviously still quite immature and can only dodge such attacks.

After hearing the feedback prompt of the will of the universe and the appearance of several things under the body that turned to ashes, everyone realized that this purple sky thunder actually killed them instantly.

Chen Bai narrowed his eyes slightly.

This skill obviously uses wealth as a protective skill.

And this thunder and lightning is obviously not an ordinary thunder. The Five Thunder Curse on the talisman of Zhen Xuzi is obviously not the same as 0.2.

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