All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

372 Level Breakthrough! Rika's Whereabouts!

The arrival of the Plague Sect has not changed Chen Bai's promotion and growth. Now, he really has nothing to do urgently.

Bloodline, now he already has devil's bloodline and devil's bloodline, and both of them are extremely rare bloodlines of SSS level.

Although it is said that the blood of the abyss has the power of nine bloodlines that can be accommodated at the same time, it is not in a hurry right now, and if he insists, at his current level, he can't find any place where he can continue to improve the rest of the bloodlines.

No, not no.

For example, those monsters in the Suoyue Tower in Shushan.

But the problem is that Chen Bai is really worried about the bloodline of the Yaozu.

The randomness is strong, and there is also the possibility of gene collapse. It is a bit too bad to use it for yourself. If you have to say, "It is more cost-effective to use it for the evolutionists of Zhongdi City.

Among other things, the strength of the genetic warriors to contain the blood of the monster race is so high. In the past few days, Chen Bai has already seen it from the changes in Zhao Pinghuai.

Now, the whole Baidi City knows that Zhao Pinghuai got a rather remarkable experimental reward from Lord Baidi.

Not only does he have extremely powerful bloodline power, but he also has a career promotion because of it. Right now, besides Lengshuang, he already has the meaning of becoming the strongest evolutionary in Baidi City.

This is enough to prove that Zhao Pinghuai's current strength, as well as the integration of the gene warrior and the blood of the monster race, is really high.

Therefore, Chen Bai really didn't pay much attention to the aspect of bloodline.

In the next few days, he only did one thing.


For Chen Bai, the improvement of level is the most important thing now.

His basic attributes have reached an unprecedented height, but in the final analysis, no matter how high the attributes are, sometimes they will still be constrained by the realm. Once the realm level is not enough, then the attributes cannot be fully utilized, right?

His results are also quite impressive.

A few days ago, the level of Rika that had surpassed him was now under his feet again!

Ten days have passed since the arrival of the Plague Sect.

However, in just ten days, Chen Bai's level has reached the current level of 29 from the previous level of 24!

Although, during this period of time, Rika's level has also increased by one level, making it from the previous level 25 to level 26.

However, with the blessing of the golden hand, he has gained too much experience.

Moreover, Chen Bai didn't inject the experience gained into Doomsday Judgment again, so as to raise the level of this growing Horcrux, but focused on his own level!

With such a multiplier of experience gain, if he wants to concentrate on upgrading, it should not be too simple.

After all, at his level, there are already quite a few dungeons of secret realms that he can enter around the White Emperor City!

Plague sewers, several dungeons in Jiangcheng Zoo, power distribution room, and the most important Shushan Demon Locking Tower.

These provided him with a lot of experience, and even, if it weren't for the slightly longer cooling time of the previous few, Chen Bai's level, perhaps at this time, could already approach the 30th level mark!

The biggest advantage of the Demon Locking Tower is not that there are so many monsters and how high the level is, but that, as a large-scale special level dungeon, its entry time does not have the cooling down of the traditional secret realm dungeon.

It is precisely because of the Demon Locking Tower that the level advantages of the members of the 001 group have gradually begun to emerge.

After entering the third floor of the Demon Locking Tower, as expected, the contribution of the dropped palace gate has increased a lot.

Satisfied, he walked out of the demon lock tower with his friends from group 001.

Overlord rode the chasing wind that Chen Bai had sold him before, and even greeted him.

What he cares most about is the contribution of the sect that exploded!

Ever since he found out about his sister's arrival, Han Xiao has worked hard to strengthen himself. Coupled with his own abilities and bloodline effects, his level has now broken through the twentieth level and has become a top existence on the level ranking list.

It's just that, what's cheating is that the contribution value needed for an outer disciple from Shushan to be promoted to an inner disciple is in addition to the 1000 points required for the contribution value.

Instead, it has come to the third floor!

He didn't need to pay attention to those equipments and the devoured blood, they were all thrown into the warehouse of Baidi City for medical treatment.

Chen Bai exchanged greetings with him, then raised his eyebrows slightly:

This setting is very cheating 833, but Chen Bai has nothing to do.

Didn't expect to be here today?!

But with the Demon Locking Tower, it may take at most two to three days to complete it!

"Where is Han Xiao?! Hasn't he been absent these days?!"

It's just not the second layer with other 001 group members.

And the harvest of Shushan on this day undoubtedly made Chen Bai quite satisfied!

With these sect contributions, the first thing Chen Bai wanted was his identity.

To become an inner disciple, one needs to become an outer disciple for a month.

But fortunately, with the strength that was almost crushed, Chen Bai could deal with it easily in the follow-up.

He exchanged his identity as an outer disciple a few days before entering hell.

Of course, now, in fact, there is not much difference.

It still takes time for qualifications.

Although it is said that the experience from level 29 to level 30 requires a terrifying demand of 100w.

The third floor is all monsters of level 30-40, and Chen Bai has also seen the horror of some big monsters from the monster race. Danshu brought Chen Bai great trouble.

Of course, although there is some refresh time, it is still stronger than the dungeon that takes several days to enter.

But about the time, it's not much worse.

"How about Bai Da Harvest?"

Now a month, it seems to be coming.

As long as the status of the token is raised, the time to stay on Shushan Mountain will be longer. Chen Bai also wants to see the rest of the buildings in Shushan Mountain, such as the Sword Tomb, Wanjing Tower and so on.

【Your King Han: My sister found me! @白,白大! She said she wanted to find you! What should I say?】.

The idea of ​​quickly becoming a core disciple, or even a deacon, or even an elder, is undoubtedly in vain.

However, at this moment, it was really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived. At this moment, news of him came from the 001 group, and at this moment, even Chen You stared intently!

Everyone shook their heads.

But at this very moment, Chen Bai is at the top of the Demon Locking Tower.

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