The dark red final annihilation power rotated with the ring blade, and the originally silvery white full moon gradually turned into deep red. In an instant, the sky and earth of tens of thousands of meters were reflected in deep red, as if falling into hell!

Threads of dark red final annihilation power flowed out from the deep red full moon that appeared in Diana's right eye.

At this moment, the full moon's strongest final destruction form descended!

"Welcome, your death." With the sound of indifference and ruthlessness, Diana slowly raised her hand and waved it down.

In an instant, the dark red light of the final annihilation wheel shone to the extreme, turning into a terrifying red shadow that tore through the sky, and slashed towards the centipede beast that was the most seriously injured!

Hiss! The centipede beast roared in fear, and opened its extremely dense teeth to bite!

The moment of contact, the final annihilation wheel did not stop at all, and went straight through the centipede beast's head. The hard shell did not resist for a millisecond, and then the long body!

Under the terrifying final annihilation power compressed nine times, its flesh and blood were instantly cut and shredded by the dark red light!

In just a few seconds, the thousand-meter body of the centipede beast turned into blurred residues, and countless broken limbs fell to the ground. After struggling for several times, it completely lost its ability to move!

Just one blow directly killed the level 65 beast!

Such a terrifying power, even Chen Lin couldn't help being surprised.

Diana's final destruction form is really powerful, and it may be difficult for the black underworld to merge with the refining heaven and prison to block it.

Because the defense-breaking effect of the final annihilation power is too terrifying, almost to the point of being ignored!

And she has an even more terrifying sun and moon form!

However, the crimson full moon became a little lighter at this moment, and the ultimate annihilation power wrapped in the true wheel also dimmed.

This move obviously consumed a lot of energy for Diana.

But she still had some strength left, and her mind controlled the ultimate annihilation true wheel and slashed to the side instantly. The ghost rock beast was so frightened that its mind exploded and it immediately grew a thicker and harder stone skin.

But this could not resist the ultimate annihilation true wheel at all, and it instantly slashed into its flesh and blood. Just when the body was about to split in two, the crimson full moon in the sky finally couldn't hold on and quickly disintegrated.

The crimson light reflecting the world disappeared.

Diana's slender and perfect body instantly turned into a young form, and her arrogant and indifferent face showed a trace of innocence. She blinked, as if she didn't expect this to happen.

She quickly flapped her wings to look for the figure of her master.

Suddenly the ground trembled violently, and a hideous mutant beast instantly broke through the ground, and its huge body of 100 meters jumped into the air, opening its huge mouth to swallow Diana into its stomach.

In this sudden change, Chen Lin's reaction reached the extreme, and the halberd in his hand swept across in an instant.

During the rotation, it became more than 40 meters in size, and the hot dark red cracks boiled up, forming a lava flame that instantly exploded its head!

Whoosh! Diana fell next to Chen Lin. Fortunately, the lava lines were completely dim at this time, and there was no trace of the hot power to melt the whole body.

Aww! At this time, Hei Ming had already pounced on the ghost rock beast, and black light appeared on his claws, constantly tearing it down.

Although it was far inferior to the ultimate destruction of the true power, it could still leave a deep scar.

In a state of severe injury, the ghost rock beast was not an opponent at all, and was beaten by Hei Ming.

The demon elephant on the side was also in a bad condition facing the more powerful and cruel demon shadow, and was already covered with wounds.

The two beasts knew that they had to quickly deal with this black wolf, otherwise they would die, and began to attack frantically.

Roar! The demon elephant roared and rushed towards Hei Ming, ignoring the attack of the cruel demon shadow. Its huge body hit it and collapsed thousands of meters of mountains.

Ao! Hei Ming's heavy eyes with death suddenly burst out, and the surroundings instantly turned into a gray life-annihilating zone.

The terrifying power of death was like a millstone, crushing its life source bit by bit.

The demon elephant immediately let out an extremely painful roar, but it was not over yet. The cruel demon shadow that followed behind also burst out with death in its gray eyes!

As a domain creature manifested by three powers, it and Hei Ming can both use the death pupil!

The power of death was superimposed in an instant, and the life of the demon elephant was wiped out more quickly.

In just a few seconds, its breath was extremely weak, and it let out a terrifying and sad roar.

The ghost rock beast rushed to support, but was directly knocked over by the huge palm of the cruel phantom that was hundreds of meters long.

"Ao! Die." Hei Ming's cold gray heavy eyes watched the demon elephant gradually lose its struggle and its life was completely wiped out.

Immediately, they joined the fierce demon shadow to fight against the ghost rock beast. They attacked crazily, and the ground collapsed again and again.

Finally, after a few minutes, they sent it to meet the other two beasts.


Aww!! With this ferocious roar that resounded dozens of kilometers away, the terrifying battle between the four beasts ended.

Beside Hei Ming, the ferocious demon shadow that resembled it slowly dissipated.

Looking at this black wolf standing in the dark sea of ​​fire, with a body of a thousand meters and swirling with overwhelming power, all the officers in the command center were deeply shocked.

"All three beasts were killed?!"

"I really can't believe it..."

Cao Yu was also a little dizzy and unbelievable.

Originally, it was just a task of intercepting and killing, but Chen Lin did it and intercepted and killed all the mutant beasts!

One person swept through the entire range of thousands of mutant beasts!

The effect is several times greater than that of all the others combined!

"In this way, the danger of attacking Wu City is solved!" Cao Yu's face was excited, and many worries were dispelled.

The original defense possibility was less than 10%, but now there is hope!

Yang Xiao also laughed. He didn't expect that this black wolf had a domain, and it was also very strong!

The black flames in the mountains quickly devoured all the corpses and life crystals, and then returned to Hei Ming's body.

Under the transformed energy, it grew another meter in size, and its attributes all increased by 2 points.

It was a bit insignificant, but the evolution in the future became more and more difficult, so it was necessary to accumulate slowly in this way to maintain the terrifying combat power and continue to move forward.

At the same time, Chen Lin also improved all his attributes by 1 point.

The energy transformed by the giant beast was not much for Hei Ming, but it was different for Chen Lin.

Even if it was only one-third, the improvement was not low.

Now his attributes are strength 251, physique 200, agility 202, and spirit 310.

Such values ​​are not much worse than those of a hidden professional at level 30.

Therefore, with the terrifying blessing of the silver butterfly, Chen Lin could blast a level 40 mutant beast with one halberd.

As for the level 50 mutant beast, it would take more than a dozen times.

Facing some weaker beasts head-on may not be a problem for Chen Lin now!

When thinking about this, Hei Ming returned to his normal state.

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