The two of them were so busy that they had to work hard to stop the mutant beasts.

Qin Kong's eyes lit up and he readily agreed.

Originally, they took the risk to accept the fifth-level mission, partly to contribute more and end the crisis of the mutant beasts' riot.

After hearing that Chen Lin still wanted to hunt, it was impossible to refuse.

As for the need to go back to accept the mission to get the reward, who cares? Anyway, 1,000 contribution points for a giant rock dragon lizard is enough.

So, even if they have to accompany Chen Lin to kill for a whole day, they are willing!

Seeing this scene, Chen Lin laughed.

Although the two seemed very redundant when facing the giant rock dragon lizard, Ye Kexi's auxiliary role was still not low.

Next, the three began to clean up the surrounding 50~54 level mutant beasts.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Kong finally looked like the best person in Skylark Academy. He rushed to slash the Level 51 mutant beast with dozens of swords, and finally escaped safely, which was very elegant.

The damage was a bit low, not much different from tickling.

Wang Yao used his ultimate move with all his strength, and dealt high damage with one axe, which was comparable to the power of Hei Ming's ordinary claws, and was equally brave.

Chen Lin was amazed.

He asked Hei Ming, who had not rested for a long time, to take action immediately.

Until late at night, the two people and the beast lay on the ground panting, exhausted.

Qin Kong smiled bitterly, "Today's face is considered to be completely lost in front of my junior."

Hearing this, Wang Yao silently buried his head in the soil, a little reluctant to see anyone.

When he chopped that blow, it was majestic, like a giant holding an axe to split the sky, but it only caused minor injuries.

He suffered a heavy blow in his heart.

Ye Kexi stood aside and laughed. She and Chen Lin hid behind, so they were only weak and dizzy.

Looking at the panel, Hei Ming's evolution value has been completed, and Chen Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's goal is considered to be completed!

And in terms of size, after swallowing ten mutant beasts above level 50, Hei Ming has grown to a height of 80 meters!

The four-dimensional attributes increased by 60 points, and the strength and physical agility all broke through the 400 mark!

Now the normal state is a hundred-meter giant beast, and it is even more terrifying after the giantization!

"Let's go, we should go back."

The three of them nodded quickly after hearing this. If they continued to fight, their bodies would really not be able to support it.

From seven in the morning to now, for a full twenty hours, they were either killing mutant beasts or on the way to find them.

Who can bear it!

The drone that had been following them in the air transmitted the pictures of their return to the command center, and Yang Xiao was relieved immediately.

If they continued to fight, he would order them to stop.

After all, in their current state, an accident could cost them all their lives.

"It's incredible. They killed 11 mutant beasts above level 50 in one day!"

"Even those instructors can't beat this speed!"

One person said.

Everyone nodded in admiration.

As for the shock, from the beginning to now, they have been completely numb.

"There are only more than a thousand mutant beasts above level 50 in the entire Bailian Mountains. At this rate, it is estimated that they can be cleared in more than a month!"

Hearing the words of the female officer, Yang Xiao nodded, with satisfaction on his face.

Every time the mutant beasts riot, these level 50 mutant beasts are undoubtedly the most difficult to deal with.

There are so many of them, and their individual strength is also very strong. Just one rushing into the city will cause great damage.

As long as they are killed, those more powerful and intelligent beasts will not dare to attack casually.

The hidden danger of mutant beasts rioting will naturally disappear.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao laughed, "Now, our Hengshan base should be the fastest in the cleanup operation, right?"

"Uh..." The female officer hesitated for a moment and said, "No, Luoxiang base is still ahead."

"What's going on with them? How can they be so fast?" Yang Xiao was stunned.

"I don't know. Compared with yesterday, the cleanup speed of Luoxiang base has increased a lot."


On the other side, at this time, Luoxiang Command Headquarters looked at the base where it was almost dawn, but there were almost no students.

The commander didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

At this time, they were all still fighting fiercely with mutant beasts in the mountains. Except for coming back to accept the mission, they didn't stop for a moment!

Originally, only the freshmen fought so hard, but when their contribution points increased and they were slowly approaching the top, the sophomores were under pressure.

If it was just a genius

, it is not shameful to be overtaken.

But all the freshmen are obviously catching up!

In order to save face, they have to start working hard.

The juniors and seniors who saw this scene could not sit still.

The final result is that all the students in the academy joined this internal storm.

No one dared to rest, worried that they would be left behind by others in the wasted time.

In this case, even the instructors were not spared, and they felt that resting was a very shameful thing.

"Will they really not get into trouble? The average rest time is less than two hours a day. Even combat professionals can't bear it." Someone worried.

The commander sighed, "You can't stop them from shed their blood."

Fortunately, the academies assigned to the Luoxiang base are all very strong.

Especially Beilong is recognized as the first academy.

In addition, he gave an order to send a large number of soldiers and armed helicopters to stand by outside the mountain range, so that they can support the students who call for help more quickly.

Therefore, most of the casualties are serious, and there are very few deaths.

"Just now, news came from thirteen bases that their situation is very bad, and they can't even clear the range of level 20 mutant beasts."

"The most dangerous thing is that the Wushan base said that the mutant beasts there have shown signs of gathering!"

"This means that some giant beasts can't wait to leave the mountains and attack the surrounding cities."

"Wu City, which is closest to the Wushan base, will be the first to bear the brunt. The strongest mentor there is only the fourth turn and can't stop it at all."

"By then, the consequence will be that the mutant beasts will march straight in, and countless people will become food." The commander looked solemn.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent, and the news of the fall of cities gradually emerged in their minds, and their hearts were gloomy.

Looking at them, the commander said in a firm tone: "So, the faster we clean up, the sooner we can send people to support the Wushan base and protect more people!"

At this time, in the mountains, a young man in black armor slashed the sword in his hand frantically, attacking the level 39 heavy-scaled lizard in front of him desperately.

His eyes were full of bloodshot, and his eyeballs were almost bulging out, like a madman!

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, turn them all into contribution points!"

Xiao Yunxu kept muttering, and the black airflow wrapped around his body gradually condensed into substance. Every time he slashed at the heavy-scaled lizard, he ignored its defense and made it roar violently.

After more than ten minutes, he completely killed it. Xiao Yunxu did not stay for a second and continued to walk deeper.

"Level 40... Level 40... I can definitely do it!"

Suddenly, he turned his head to look to the side, where a mutant beast with a body size of more than 30 meters like a cat demon was sneaking over.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yunxu's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent.

As if being stared at by a pervert, the cat demon's body trembled, and it felt that this person was extremely dangerous, so it turned around and ran away.

"You can't run away, hehehe!"

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