Chapter 98 Ice Lord Han Xianmi, it doesn’t take any effort to get it!!

In the afternoon, Yi Feng returned to the Dawning Territory with everyone.

Including the thirty or so soldiers who could operate the crossbow, Yi Feng asked Gru to arrange a room for them.

Since the quick-loading bed crossbow has not been produced for the time being.

Yi Feng asked them to go to the civilians to select 100 people suitable for operating the bed.

The quick-loading crossbow requires two people to operate.

One main shooter, one quick filler.

Installing 50 on the walls can form a powerful long-range deterrent.

There are currently 600 civilians in the territory.

Of these, 300 were recruited and 300 were accepted displaced persons, so many that the transfer of 100 would not affect production.

Yi Feng handed over the [Leather Refinery] drawings to the civilians, let them hurry up and build them, and then put the forged cold iron drawings and 10,000 gold coins into the blacksmith shop to upgrade.

As for the Frost Holy Sword and the Quick Loading Bed Crossbow drawings, they cannot be upgraded for the time being.

Because the heavy equipment plant is still under construction, it is expected to be completed in the evening.

The Frost Holy Sword process is upgraded, requiring 5 pieces of refined cold iron, which cannot be forged at present.

About five minutes later.

【Ding! [Fine forging cold iron process] upgraded successfully! 】

The process upgrade was successful.

Not knowing what materials are needed to forge cold iron, Yi Feng entered the blacksmith shop to check.

[Fine forged cold iron]

[Forging requirements: refined ingots ×10/cold iron ore × 500/gold ×20]

Cold iron ore?

I was a little impressed by this thing, but I can’t remember where I saw it.

It could be the market.

However, the Longguo Channel has tens of millions of people, and there are too many stalls in the trading market, and it is impossible to remember who bought cold iron ore.

However, according to the information on the list of requirements.

Cold iron ore is only born in extremely cold places, and in essence, it belongs to metal ore like ordinary iron ore.

Like the Uzi mine where Damascus knives were forged.

Without the forging process of Damascus knives, the swords forged by Wuzi Mine are not much different from those forged from ordinary iron ore.


If there is no fine forging cold iron technology, cold iron ore can only be forged into ordinary swords.

Yi Feng remembers.

At the beginning, the stall owner sold cold iron ore at the price of ordinary iron ore in the market.

If you want to find him.

You can only try it on the Dragon Kingdom Channel.

“@ [Everyone] buys Cold Iron! Acquisition of Haniron ore! Acquisition of Haniron ore! ”

Three exclamation points in a row.

As long as everyone in the chat channel, you should be able to see it.

“I lean on, catch the big guy alive!”

“Brother Feng hasn’t come to the Dragon Kingdom Channel for a long time, is it a mixed regional channel, just forgot us.”

“It’s a pity that I’m not in the same area as Little Brother Yifeng.”

“Little brother Yifeng, what do you want the Cold Iron Mine to do?”

“I seem to have seen people selling cold iron ore in the market before, and I can’t remember the name.”

Yi Feng spoke.

Below is a dense barrage brushed up, and soon the purchase information is gone.

That’s not an option.

Right at this moment.

A ticking prompt is sent out in a private chat message.

“Brother Yifeng, do you want to buy cold iron ore? I know the lord who sells cold iron ore. ”

I lose!

“Really fake?”

“Of course it’s true, she is also a girl, but she was unlucky, she was born in a very cold area, where there is no wood or food, and it just so happens that there is no iron ore in my territory, and I think she is pitiful, so I exchange her iron ore for a price higher than the market.”

“We became good friends later.”

This is really a nowhere to step on iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

“Hurry up and drop it, chat with her privately, and let her add my friend!”

“Well, okay.”

“Forget it, I’ll add her, what’s her name?”

Yi Feng had already closed the friend application.

If it is turned on, at least millions of people add his friends every day, and they can be annoyed to death.

“Her name is Ice Lord Han Shumi.”

“I already told her, you plus her should be able to pass immediately.”

I lose!


Do parents nowadays name so casually?

Yi Feng tried to add each other.

Direct seconds pass.

“Wow, little brother Yifeng, it’s really you.”

“I never dreamed you would add me friends, we’re in the same area.”

Oh, what a coincidence.

“Little brother Yifeng, I heard that you want to buy my cold iron ore?”

“I have a lot of them here.”

“Can you exchange some meat and wood for me first, my territory is covered with snow all year round, there is not a single tree, and the number of Warcraft is very small.”

Yi Feng was a little puzzled.

“Even if the number of Warcraft is small, in this period, it should not eat meat, right?”

“Little brother Yifeng, you don’t know, my barracks are recruiting frost trolls, they are so good to eat, they can eat my food for a month.”

No way!

It turned out to be a class of the troll race, and it can be regarded as a very bullish fork.

Trolls and Titans belong to the same race of giants.

However, the Frost Troll comes with the power of Frost, and its combat power is slightly higher than that of the Titan.

It’s just that Han Xiaomi’s birth environment is not good.

Coupled with the fact that cold iron ore, the ultimate ore, because no one recognizes the goods, it can only be sold as ordinary iron ore, resulting in the delay in the development of Han Xiaomi’s territory.

“How many cold iron ores do you still have in your warehouse?”

“At present, there are only 10,000 units, but if Little Brother Yifeng has a large demand, I can quickly send someone to mine.”

10,000 units of cold iron ore can just forge 20 pieces of finely forged cold iron.

Upgrading the Frost Holy Sword drawings requires exactly 2 pieces of finely forged cold iron, but after upgrading the forging weapons, I am afraid that more are needed.

“In this way, you vigorously mine cold iron ore, and I will buy it at a price that is twice as high as the market.”

“It can be wood, meat, stone, gold coins, and even weapons and equipment.”

“I will charge as much as you have, the amount is not limited!”

The more cold iron ore, the better.

Even if they can’t use it up, in the future, other lords will find the value of cold iron ore and will definitely buy it at a high price.

At that time, Yi Feng will change hands and earn a large amount.

Hearing that Yi Feng bought it at a price twice as high as the market, Han Xiaomi died happily: “Wow, brother Yi Feng, you are so good, I am so happy.” ”

“These 10,000 units of iron ore will all be exchanged for wood and meat, now wood is urgently needed to make fires, and the territory is so cold.” (with photos)”


And pictures, will it be a benefit?

Easy wind click to view.

Well… It is estimated that Han Xiaomi’s side is too cold, and she is dressed so thickly, like a penguin.

But the face is beautiful.

Placed before crossing, proper goddess level.

【Ding! You received a gift from your friend [Ice Lord Han Shumi] [Cold Iron Ore × 10,000]]

You believe me.

Directly sent the ore first.

Yi Feng was also not stingy, and directly sent 10,000 units of meat and 20, units of wood, plus a bottle of rum.

“Han Xiaomi, this rum wine is very strong, you are so cold over there, you can warm up your body if you drink it.”

“Wow, thank you Brother Yifeng, you can call me Squint.”

Is it so affectionate?

Forget it, as soon as my old driver calls out, he will be evil by the way.

It’s still called Han Xiao.

It seems to be a little evil, and the name has a sense of picture no matter how it is called.

Forget it, don’t care.

“Han Xiao, you hurry up and send someone to mine, I need a lot of money.”

“Is it so urgent?”

“It’s so stressful, try to meet the requirements of Brother Yi Feng.”

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