Under the night of the wasteland, a five-man lizardman squad moved quickly along the rut. The lizardman

in the front suddenly stopped, raised his hand to signal, and the four lizardmen behind him also stopped one after another, looking around vigilantly, and the lizardman captain squatted down and touched the marks on the ground.

This well-trained squad, Scouts among the Lizardman warriors, is the most dangerous warrior in the tribe, and only special Lizardmen can be selected as scouts.

Their body size is more slender and streamlined than ordinary lizardmen, which makes them faster when running, and when running in the wasteland, they will only bring up slight dust, and even footprints will not be left.

As a scout, the equipment used is also uniform, wearing leather shorts on the lower body, equipped with several small pockets, containing small bits and pieces and various healing pills and poisons, two slightly shorter machetes hanging from the waist, and three slender all-metal throwing guns on the back, the tip of the gun turned over the dark green light, it was quenched and poisoned, and the throat was sealed with blood.

Night is not an obstacle to scouts, whether it is the cold-blooded animal’s iconic vertical pupil or the forked tongue that can distinguish smells and temperature, it can make it easier for them to pursue enemies.

It’s just that the enemy they are chasing this time is different from the past, not a normal living creature, which increases the difficulty a little, but the undead are also too careless, and actually left such a deep rut on the ground, isn’t this equivalent to leaving them with obvious clues? The

scout captain touched the ground in a chaos, divided into two traces, his tongue subconsciously swallowed twice, distinguishing the residual smell in the air, turning his head to look at one of the ruts, the trace was more, deeper, more obvious, he was sure, this was the trace left by the undead.

The other rut is shallower, in that direction, there is temperature and smell left, the undead is a pile of bones, even if there is a smell, it should be the smell of decay, and there will be no residual temperature, the scout captain thought a little and determined the direction.

He looked up into the distance, then got up, took the four team members behind him, and returned to the large army to report.

“Can you be sure it’s an undead over there?” Receiving the intelligence from the

scout, Eminem frowned, from the moment he felt that things did not seem to be the same as expected, the ruts left by the undead were deeper and more numerous than he thought, and he also felt another smell in the air, which did not belong to the undead. In the previous battle, he only saw the undead, did not feel the smell

other than the undead, why is there the smell of other creatures this time, living in the wasteland, even if he is not a scout, Eminem has a set of his own reconnaissance methods, otherwise how to be a bandit, the depth of the rut, indicates the weight.

The number of wheels has increased, the depth has also increased, and there are more undead than before!

“If you can be sure that we are pursuing the undead, then I will not make a mistake.” Even if Eminem was the leader of this operation, the scout captain spoke unceremoniously.

The scout is the highest ranking among the lizardman warriors, and you a temporary leader don’t want to be respected by him, if it weren’t for the leader’s order, he wouldn’t even bother to look at Eminem.

Eminem did not pay attention to the tone of the scout captain, thought a little, and immediately ordered, “Go forward and pursue the undead.” When the

scout captain receives the order to turn around and leave, their scout will definitely appear at the front of the team, first clear the obstacles for the team, and ensure the direction of the team.

After the scout squad left, the team of lizardman warriors began to advance, and they were more disciplined than the lizardman robbers that Eminem had taken with him.


After separating from Liu Xingxing, Li Ziyu let the moving castle wander around the wasteland, while constantly putting down the undead to detect whether anyone was chasing him, and if he chased him, it was best to confirm what tribe the other party was.

Soon news came back that there were really people behind them who were following, and there were quite a few of them, more than the number of undead, as for races, old friends, lizardmen.

Hearing that it was a lizard man who was chasing him, Li Ziyu was happy, the lizard man is good, I like the lizard man, they are all good people.

The previous wave of lizardman robbers really made a lot of contributions to him, and many of the weapons used by the undead are still contributed by the lizardman robbers last time, and their own bone engines and armor workshops are also inseparable from the help of the lizardman robbers.

This is knowing that his resources are not enough, and he rushed over to send resources, thanks to Lao Tie’s strong support, thank you Lizardman Big Brother!

There are many of them, then it doesn’t matter, at the beginning he was poor, he grabbed weapons and did it with them, and now he has changed shotguns for cannons, not only all the undead have weapons, but also bone warriors, take a step back and say, even if he can’t fight, with the speed of moving the castle, he can get out of the battlefield. With the blessing of the big bone wheel

and the small bone wheel, the speed of the moving castle can be lifted, the attack can be attacked, the retreat can be defended, if it can be fought, I will fight, if I can’t beat, I will run, Li Ziyu still doesn’t believe it, the lizardman who relies on his legs can still catch up with him?

Move the fortress and start to circle around the wasteland, and the last time to deal with the lizardman bandit a way, the move is not afraid of aging, easy to use, just take advantage of this lizardman attack, test the combat effectiveness of the skeleton warrior.


The lizardman scout quickly discovered the abnormality of the rut and told Eminem the situation, and Eminem immediately understood in his heart what the undead were thinking, it was like this last time, but unfortunately, the situation is different, last time he only had a lot of manpower, this time he was with a full 500 lizardman warriors!

“Attack, annihilate the undead!” Eminem felt that the time for revenge had come, and reached out with a finger in anger, hissing and ordering.

The team suddenly accelerated, and a famous lizardman warrior ran, scattering around them according to their familiar battle pattern, like a large hunting net slowly spreading. Under the moonlight, the undead

moving castle constantly turns around in a circle on the ground, the ground will press out an S, a B will be pressed, the lizardman warriors also see clearly through the moonlight, can’t help but inhale, it’s actually true, there are really undead, the Senran mobile fortress in front of it, so that all the lizardman warriors who participated in the battle believed Eminem’s words.

When the enemy saw each other, he was reduced to being a small minions, the pot of the undead, and Eminem did not hesitate to blow the bone whistle to let the soldiers attack.

This time is a win, a defeat, he no longer cares, win the best, lose, he doesn’t care, there will be lizardman warriors to escape back, bring the news of the undead back to the tribe, at that time, everything he said will be proven to be true, there will be more warriors to join the crusade against the undead, these hundreds of undead, will eventually be wiped out by the lizardmen in the wasteland!

As a warrior of a large tribe, the lizardmen who came this time are much more fierce and much better equipped than the lizardmen led by Eminem before, not only accompanied by spears and spears, scimitars, but also wearing armor made of animal skins and bones, and their combat skills are more skillful.

Notified by the bone whistle, the lizardman warriors charged towards the undead moving castle in the moonlight.

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