All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 323 When I think of him, he also thinks of me

The videos sent by the old man of the Xu family were very organized.

In order to show Xu Xin the true strength of Luo Feng, the first few videos sent by the old man Xu were about the golden-horned beast wreaking havoc on the earth.

When Xu Xin clicked on the first video, he saw a giant beast that covered the sky and the sun descending on the base on the other side of the ocean.

This giant beast was bathed in the hail of bullets from humans, and even the ultimate weapon of humans, the laser cannon, had no effect on it. The giant beast opened its mouth and swallowed an entire military base into its belly.

This horrific scene stunned Xu Xin. She was sweating all over, and even her palms, which were tightly holding the Eternal Love, began to moisten slightly.

Xu Xin is not an ordinary person. She is a direct descendant of the Xu family, so her understanding of this world is far superior to most people. In the internal information circulated in the family, she has seen the video of the battle between the two beast kings in Honghe and the sea, but even the two beast kings in the deep sea are not as terrifying as this giant beast.

It can swallow a military base in one bite. How many bites can this giant beast swallow the entire human society?

Just by watching the video, Xu Xin could imagine how desperate the soldiers who were devoured in the military base were before they died.

Then Xu Xin immediately thought of the news he had just seen. In the news, the base city of the White Elephant Country was almost in ruins, with debris and broken walls everywhere, and injured refugees everywhere.

Originally, Xu Xin was still wondering who had the ability to cause such a huge disaster. Now it seems that there is no need to guess. It must be the work of this giant beast.

But what does such a terrifying giant beast have to do with Luo Feng?

In Xu Xin's heart, Luo Feng is extremely outstanding, but from Xu Xin's perspective, Luo Feng is already a master of martial arts at this age, while taking into account his studies.

Xu Xin is confident that as long as Luo Feng can advance to the level of a general within three years, he will definitely be among the most dazzling young people in the entire China.

But even so, there should be no connection between this video and Luo Feng.

Among the soldiers devoured in the military base, there are many general-level warriors, and Xu Xin even knows that the commander of this military base, General Tom, is a high-level god of war.

But in front of the Devouring Beast, these powerful warriors were all vulnerable.

High-level war gods are no match for him. Luo Feng is just a rookie who has just become a warrior. What can Luo Feng do in front of the Devouring Beast?

Xu Xin was even more confused.

The next few videos all showed the strength of the Golden Horned Beast, especially the video shot in the base city of the White Elephant Country. When Xu Xin saw the Golden Horned Beast chewing a councilor-level strongman into pieces like a chicken-flavored snack, she was even more nervous.

She knew that if humans could not defeat such a terrifying beast, then the current stable life would be gone forever, and it would even be questionable whether humans would still exist in a few months.

But thinking back to the happy tone of Grandpa just now, Xu Xin put her heart at ease again!

If the matter of the Golden Horned Beast was not resolved, Grandpa would never be so relaxed and so happy with his character.

Xu Xin quickly clicked on the video and looked down.

Because she suddenly thought of a possibility. No one can be immune to such a battle. As a warrior, Luo Feng may be recruited and rushed to the front line.

In fact, warriors enjoy privileges, so they must make corresponding contributions. It is the responsibility of warriors to stand up when humans are threatened.

But this is still very strange.

After all, Luo Feng is a genius to become a warrior at this age.

There is no way to send geniuses to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

But it is not completely impossible.

Xu Xin knows Luo Feng's life experience. First, he has no family background. Second, it doesn't matter. If he offends someone and is regarded as an unlucky guy, it is possible that he will take over.

Maybe Luo Feng showed some amazing talent in the war with the golden-horned beast and made great contributions, which made his grandfather value him so much.

But Xu Xin was not happy at all that Luo Feng might have any amazing potential. Instead, he was full of fear and worry.

How could an ordinary person like Luo Feng, who had just become a warrior, participate in the battle with such a terrifying creature?

Even if Luo Feng really made some contributions in such a battle, I'm afraid the process was a life-and-death struggle.

Xu Xin was confused and quickly turned to the next page.

Then Xu Xin turned to the video of Hong and Lei Shen fighting against the golden-horned beast.

In the video, Hong and Lei Shen showed extremely exquisite domain power and had a fair duel with the golden-horned beast.

Although the duel was short, it was quite exciting.

Whether it was Lei Shen's nine-fold thunder sword that cut through the sky and the earth, or Hong's peerless gun skills that burned his soul and condensed his domain, they were all extremely shocking.

But Xu Xin had no intention of appreciating the battle between Hong and Lei Shen. Her eyes kept drifting, looking for Luo Feng's trace.

This level of battle, let alone Luo Feng, even a strong man at the level of the speaker could not intervene.

Xu Xin secretly guessed that it was because Hong and Lei Shen fought the golden-horned beast to the point of both sides being injured, and then the major forces mobilized the warrior army to use the human wave tactics to encircle and suppress the golden-horned beast, which gave Luo Feng the opportunity to make a contribution.

But how dangerous would this be!

It is called the human wave tactics, but in fact it is cannon fodder to die, but Luo Feng was lucky and talented, so he was able to stand out from it.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin felt distressed and scared.

She felt distressed about Luo Feng's narrow escape, and she was scared that she almost would never see Luo Feng again.

And Xu Xin knew that if he was used as cannon fodder, even if Luo Feng could survive, he would probably be seriously injured. After all, such a battle would definitely require risking one's life, so how could he escape unscathed?

Just as Xu Xin was imagining Luo Feng's pitiful appearance lying in the hospital after being injured, the satellite view in the sky suddenly shifted, shifting the view from the fiercely fighting Hong and Lei Shen to Luo Feng who was paddling on the side.

Luo Feng was seen wearing black clothes, with a neat short haircut, standing in the air with his arms folded, looking like he was eating melons leisurely.

And it is possible that Luo Feng was chatting in the group at that time, so there was a hint of smile on his face, which looked out of place with the fierce battlefield next to him.

It is not surprising that Luo Feng was captured in the video of Hong and Lei Shen's battle.

After all, this video was captured directly from the satellite video at the time, and the bigwigs who were watching the battle at the time naturally could not ignore Luo Feng. Under their command, it was normal for the perspective to shift to Luo Feng.

The moment she saw Luo Feng, Xu Xin, who was still feeling sorry for Luo Feng, was stunned.

What was going on?

She thought so much, but Luo Feng was actually watching the show in the middle of the battlefield.

This was completely different from the cannon fodder she imagined.

And why could Luo Feng float in the air!

If Xu Xin remembered correctly, standing in the air was an ability that only planetary-level warriors could have.

Although Luo Feng had not made a move yet, just this posture of eating melons was enough to show his strength as a planetary-level warrior.

Seeing Luo Feng appear, Xu Xin was even more confused. No matter how hard Xu Xin tried, she couldn't figure out why Luo Feng had the strength of a planetary-level warrior and why he was standing in the middle of the battlefield eating melons.

The scene in the video progressed very quickly. After all, the battle between Hong, Lei Shen and the golden-horned beast was already going very fast.

In just about a minute, Hong and Lei Shen were defeated. Although Hong and Lei Shen successfully replaced one of the golden-horned beast's claws before they were defeated, it still didn't help.

Looking at the amazing development in the video, Xu Xin became a little calm.

After all, Luo Feng has become a planetary warrior, so what can surprise her.

When watching the videos sent by his grandfather, Xu Xin felt that her mood was like a roller coaster, ups and downs, ups and downs, and now it is completely calm.

Anyway, grandpa's mood has already shown that humans have won in the end, so it's better to keep a normal mind and watch the video.

Even if Luo Feng smashed the beast alone, Xu Xin felt that she would not be surprised anymore.

But not long after, Xu Xin's originally very beautiful almond eyes were round, her mouth opened wide, and even the Eternal Practice in her hand slipped to the ground.

This really can't be blamed on Xu Xin's poor psychological endurance.

The main reason is that Luo Feng's performance was too outrageous.

When the sea of ​​suffering appeared, the world surged, the four swords opened the chaos, the universe shattered the blue sky, the Milky Way penetrated the nine heavens, and the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Bridge appeared.

These grand and ethereal visions, the appearance is simply too vast to be described in words, and the information conveyed by the laws contained in them even exceeds the expression ability of human language.

If you have to describe it, there is only one adjective, that is, immeasurable!

If you want to simplify it further, you can only use one word, that is Tao!

This scene brings shock to people, just like a human who has lived underground for many years suddenly drilled out of the ground to look up at the sun, moon, stars and rivers.

This scene immediately changed Xu Xin's expression from "I have never seen any scene before" to "I have never seen this scene before".

In fact, Luo Feng's visions were not so terrifying. When he first started practicing, although Luo Feng also had seven visions, his seven visions at that time were not the same as the seven visions now.

At the beginning, Luo Feng's seven visions were the Milky Way, the rotation of the sun and the moon, the final shattering, the golden bridge to cross the world, the king of all beasts, and so on.

Although these visions were also grand, they were incomparable to Luo Feng's impression at this moment.

And there was a reason for his vision to change like this.

In the chat group, Luo Feng absorbed a lot of nutrients from other worlds.

For example, Yang Chan uploaded the four swords of Zhuxian, Xu Chenzhou uploaded the three pictures of Taishang, Hong Yi uploaded the Great Dao of Yi, Xiao Shihao uploaded the original true solution, and so on.

However, the cultivation system of the Devouring World was not compatible with the cultivation systems of other worlds at a low level, and there was almost nothing to integrate.

So Luo Feng completely integrated this understanding into his Heaven Covering Method, or to put it more bluntly, into his vision.

After all, Luo Feng's cultivation has only reached the Dao Palace Secret Realm. From the perspective of Heaven Covering Method, there is nothing to toss about Luo Feng's body except the sea of ​​suffering and visions.

As soon as this gorgeous and dazzling scene appeared, Xu Xin's eyes were filled with brilliance.

After all, Luo Feng, who was using the Heaven Covering Technique to beat up the golden-horned beast, was so handsome. He was dressed in black, covered with colorful light, and the sky was full of divine aura. He grabbed the sun and the moon in his hands and stepped on the galaxy, beating the beast that covered the sky and made it run away in panic.

Such a chic figure, not to mention that Xu Xin had a good impression of Luo Feng, even a woman who had never met Luo Feng would be involuntarily excited when seeing this scene.

After watching the entire video, Xu Xin put down the bracelet, and his eyes were a little bit unrelieved.

In just ten minutes, the image of Luo Feng in his heart changed drastically.

From a silly boy who always secretly watched him from behind, he became an invincible hero, the world's strongest man on earth.

This change made even a woman with a heart like Xu Xin hesitate.

In fact, when she saw Luo Feng again, Xu Xin understood her feelings. She liked Luo Feng, otherwise she would not have asked Luo Feng to come and see him again.

But now Xu Xin is a little hesitant about this relationship.

She is just an ordinary little girl, and her only background is that she is a direct descendant of the Xu family, but now the weight of such an identity is completely insignificant in front of Luo Feng.

Is she still worthy of Luo Feng?

Luo Feng has become so powerful, will he still like me?

Xu Xin had such a question in her mind, and she clenched her hands tighter and tighter until her nails were about to dig into her flesh. She felt that she was holding something in her hands.

It was the Eternal Love that Luo Feng had specially given her.

Xu Xin stared at the Eternal Love in her hand in a daze, and there was no more doubt in her mind.

Because at this time Xu Xin had already understood why Luo Feng suddenly came to see her a few days ago.

The bracelet received another message from her grandfather.

"Xin'er, how is it, have you confirmed it?

This Luo Feng is really your classmate!!"

Xu Xin nodded: "Yes, grandpa, I have confirmed it."

"Then how do you feel about him? If you are interested in Luo Feng and want to pursue him, no matter what you need, the family will give you full support."

Hearing the words of his grandfather, Xu Xin showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, I'm going after him, that's a nice thought.

But if Luo Feng is willing to come to me next, I can give him a chance."

After Xu Xin sent the message, the old man of the Xu family seemed to be stimulated by something and sent many messages in a row.

"My little ancestor, did you not finish watching the video? If you don't seize this opportunity,


Grandpa sent a lot of messages, but Xu Xin didn't watch them. She turned the bracelet to silent mode again, and then hung the Eternal Love around her neck, humming happily and getting into work.

But her eyes always drifted away, as if she was missing someone.

And Luo Feng, who was at the bottom of the sea, was thinking about Xu Xin and his family at this time.

Because he was about to start taking over the body.

Even with such sufficient preparation, Luo Feng was still a little unsure of how long it would take for him to take over the body.

The only thing he could be sure of was that his taking over the body would definitely succeed.

At this time, the golden-horned beast no longer had the arrogant look at the beginning.

A golden sea of ​​suffering surged wildly at the bottom of the sea. Four giant swords broke through the chaos and pierced through the body of the golden-horned beast, nailing it to the ground, unable to move.

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