All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 108 What is the power of the ancestral spirit?

Shi Hao gradually became obsessed with runes that were extremely complicated for others, but not that complicated for him.

The villagers in Shicun discovered that the little one had completely changed.

It became extremely strange and even made them feel a little scared.

A resident of Shicun passed by Xiao Budian with a bowl of animal milk.

The big bowl of animal milk was very close to the little one, almost touching the little one's nose.

But Xiao Shi Hao didn't react at all. He still looked at the tome in his hand very obsessively, and then looked at the treasure bones on his right from time to time.

Just when Little Dodian was obsessed, a willow branch grew out from behind Little Dodian and gently caressed Little Shi Hao's forehead.

"Show me this bone."

After learning about Liu Shen's origin from Xu Chenzhou, Xiao Shi Hao had already established a relationship with Liu Shen, and with the help of Liu Shen's guidance, he found a place with many precious medicines.

There is sufficient food and a sufficient supply of precious medicines, which is why Xiao Shi Hao has been able to improve so quickly recently.

Obviously, he is only over three years old now, and he is already on the verge of reaching the extreme state of moving blood.

Liu Shen rarely spoke, and almost never took the initiative to talk to Shi Hao.

But this time, he made an exception and asked Shi Hao for the bone in his hand, which surprised Shi Hao.

It seems that the Supreme Treasure in Sister Yang Chan's eyes may be even more powerful than he imagined.

After Liu Shen took the bone, he fell into silence for a long time.

And Xiao Shihao didn't have any impatience. He held the training manual given to him by the chat group and studied every rune seriously.

A long time passed, and it even got dark.

Liu Shencai slowly handed the bone back to Shi Hao's hand.

“This treasure technique is incredible and deserves to be practiced carefully.

It clearly looks like a natural treasure, but it is so ingenious that it doesn't look like it is innate but something that has been carefully cultivated.

It is actually possible to fuse three completely different runes together, allowing a magic technique to exhibit three different effects at the same time.

And every effect is very powerful, no less than the secret fighting techniques mastered by those terrifying beings.

And some of these runes are so unique that they seem to come from another world. "

Liu Shen paused and then continued.

“This treasure technique is really too complicated, far beyond what you can learn at your current level.

So I split it into three parts.

However, due to being split up, many rune changes were lost.

My current memory is incomplete and there is no way to make up for it, so the effect of each magic spell is weaker than the original version.

But it doesn’t matter, you learn part by part first.

Finally, these three treasures will be combined into one, and then the full power of this treasure will naturally be unleashed! . "

Liu Shen had never said so many words in front of Shi Hao. This was the first time.

After speaking, Liu Shen's willow branches drooped and he did not ask Xiao Shi Hao where he got this secret technique.

He just placed the three-leaf shining willow leaf in front of Shi Hao, and then retracted the willow branch.

This willow leaf seems very small, but there are countless symbols engraved on it in miniature, which are the three secret scriptures split by the God of Willow.

Liu Shen is Liu Shen, even if he has the strength, he can still transform such three treasures in his current state.

Xiao Shihao named them respectively the Original Nine Swings Silence Strike, Xuanhuang Exquisite Body Protection Technique, and Nine Color Divine Light Technique.

After Xiao Shihao obtained the treasure technique, he immediately uploaded the three treasure techniques to the chat group, and then began to study them without sleep and food.

In the Star World, Xu Chenzhou was sitting on a maglev car heading to the most expensive Xianke Restaurant in Tiancheng City.

He promised Zhou Xuanyi to have dinner together tonight, so naturally he would not break his promise.

Sitting in the car, Xu Chenzhou saw the three new treasure arts uploaded by Xiao Shi Hao.

Looking at the names of these three treasures, Xu Chenzhou guessed the origins of these three treasures.

Without even thinking about it, these three treasures must have been dismantled from the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light.

And the only one who can do this next to the little one is Liu Shen.

What is the strength of ancestor sacrifice spirits?

Xu Chenzhou did not materialize these three skills, but chose to watch them through the virtual panel of the chat group.

After watching it for a short while, Xu Chenzhou was shocked by Liu Shen's exquisite conception.

Practice according to Liu Shen's way, divide one treasure technique into three treasure techniques, practice them separately and then combine them into one.

Not only can it enhance the cultivator's understanding of the original Xuanhuang Jiudang Divine Light, but it can also reduce the cultivation time by at least three times.

Xu Chenzhou only watched it for a short while, but still had some unfinished thoughts, before the maglev car took him to the door of the hotel.

Xu Chenzhou arrived at Tianzi No. 1 box, opened the door and walked in. He saw only two people sitting in the huge box.

One is Zhou Xuanyi,

The other one was a young man wearing glasses. He looked to be only about twenty-four years old, very young.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou walking in, the young man turned to look at Zhou Xuanyi.

"Lao Zhou, who is this little brother?"

Liu Xuanyan looked at Zhou Xuanyi with a somewhat dissatisfied look.

Zhou Xuanyi saw Liu Xuanyan's expression and immediately guessed what he was thinking.

Lao Zhou, didn't you say you would only invite that master tonight? Who is this person?

Zhou Xuanyi did not answer, with a faint smile on his face.

"you guess?"

Liu Xuanyan was a little hesitant: "Could this little brother be the disciple of that master? He is really a young and heroic brother, and he looks like a talented person.

Once this little brother comes, will the master stop coming?

I still have many questions to ask that master.

Although this little brother is a disciple of the master, there are some questions I would rather ask the master for advice. "

Of course Zhou Xuanyi knew the hidden meaning of Liu Xuan's speech. He wanted to meet the master instead of his disciples. He had some questions that no one except the master could answer.

But Liu Xuanyan did not dare to say harsh words because he was afraid that if he offended Xu Chenzhou, he would indirectly offend the master.

Zhou Xuanyi couldn't help but laugh when he saw Liu Xuanyan, who was obviously very anxious, but still suppressing his temper.

"Old Liu Qian guessed wrong.

Don't you want to see that master so much?

Why can’t you recognize someone when they’re standing right in front of you?”

As soon as Zhou Xuanyi said these words, both Liu Xuanyan and Xu Chenzhou were a little confused.

ah! Is he a master?

ah! Am I a master?

Both of them were confused for a moment.

Although Xu Chenzhou has a deep understanding of all the heavens and worlds, he does not have a deep understanding of the star world where he lives.

So I have no idea how difficult the questions he answered during the exam were.

This cannot be blamed on Xu Chenzhou, after all, who would have thought that such a level of difficulty would arise in the assessment of a mere star warrior.

And although this question is a difficult question, for Xu Chenzhou, who has obtained Yuanshi Tianzun's sermon notes, it is just a piece of cake.

It seems a little difficult, but the difficulty is not obvious.

It's the kind of question that can be solved with just a little thought.

Xu Chenzhou never paid much attention to it.

Liu Xuanyan was even more confused. In the past two days, he had already made up the image of the master in his mind.

He must be the kind of person who looks very knowledgeable at first glance, with a beard and a serious appearance.

He is either an elderly person or a middle-aged person. He is the kind of industry authority who has devoted his whole life to the study of martial arts theory.

But when he saw Xu Chenzhou, the image that Liu Xuanyan had been working on for several days suddenly collapsed.

Although after these days of practice, Xu Chenzhou's temperament has become extremely calm, seemingly unfathomable, and he has the bearing of a master.

But this can't change the appearance of the young Xu Chenzhou.

Based on Liu Xuanyan's research on the human body, he could tell at a glance that Xu Chenzhou was an authentic eighteen-year-old boy.

The true identity of the martial arts master he admires is a young man.

This made Liu Xuanyan a little suspicious of life. What kind of eggs has he studied over the years.

After so many years of hard work, is it possible that he is no longer as good as a young man who has not lived as long as him?

Zhou Xuanyi looked at Liu Xuanyan's face as his worldview collapsed, and patted Liu Xuanyan on the shoulder.

"Old Liu, don't be surprised too early, you will suffer later.

Let me ask you, do you know how long it took to develop that plan? "

Liu Xuanyan frowned and said somewhat unconfidently: "One month?"

For Liu Xuanyan, this time is already very short.

You must know that if you want to come up with such a rigorous plan, the amount of calculation involved is unimaginable.

If it only lasts for a month, it can almost lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

It's actually normal for Liu Xuanyan to think this way. After all, Liu Xuanyan's research idea is to use existing martial arts theories to deduce, then perform calculations, and finally draw conclusions.

Xu Chenzhou, on the other hand, was much simpler and cruder. He started directly from the lowest level of the Five Elements theory and made deductions based on the changes in the Five Elements mentioned in Yuanshi Tianzun's sermon notes. This way of looking at the problem directly from the root made him very relaxed. This solves this huge problem.

To be honest, even if someone told Liu Xuanyan that it took a year or two for the master to develop this plan, he would still be able to accept it.

After all, conceive, look for problems, calculate, find errors, re-derive, conceive again, and calculate again.

Going back and forth here can easily consume a year or two.

However, Liu Xuanyan did not dare to guess for too long, after all, the boy in front of him was so young.

Plus he had just been slapped in the face again.

So Liu Xuan's guessing was particularly radical this time.

Zhou Xuanyi stretched out a finger and shook it.

"No, no, no, your guess is still too conservative, go lower!"

"20 days?"

"Old Liu, I'm not telling you, can you be bolder and let your imagination go!"

"Let go of my imagination!" Liu Xuanyan said to herself, "I've already guessed 20 days. Isn't my imagination open enough?"

"10 days? It can't be any shorter!" Liu Xuan said in a broken voice.

"Zhen Zhengzhen, you are still the director of the joint research institute, so you can't come up with any pattern.

I said you can't make your layout bigger?

It was really hard to guess and search. "

"Then when you tell me how long it took, it can't be shorter than 10 days!"

"Twenty minutes. Strictly speaking, it should be less than 20 minutes, because in those 20 minutes, Shen Zhou also did a whole set of theoretical questions for the martial arts exam."

Liu Xuanyan was shocked first and then again, almost to the point of striking out.

tnnd, this solution was written by this young man during the martial arts theory exam.

What kind of genius is this? This is too scary!

Then Liu Xuanyan found another blind spot.


Who would put such a question in a serious martial arts theory exam?

Liu Xuanyan, who is extremely familiar with the martial arts assessment mechanism, thought about it and reacted immediately.

"Old Zhou, you are too inhuman!

Even the association headquarters and the joint research institute can't solve your problem.

You are so bored that you posted it to the help board of this small local martial arts association.

Are you crazy?"

Zhou Xuanyi glanced at Liu Xuanyan, his face full of smugness.

"I'm just trying it casually, so you can tell me whether my problem has been solved or not!"

Hearing Zhou Xuanyi's answer, Liu Xuanyan was so angry that he wanted to roll his eyes.

What kind of shit luck is this? This kind of low-probability event can actually happen to Old Zhou, this bastard.

However, Liu Xuanyan is the director of the joint research institute after all, and his psychological quality is still quite strong.

Although he was very reluctant to believe that the master he had always admired in his heart was actually a young man who had just reached adulthood.

But since the matter was a foregone conclusion, Liu Xuanyan would naturally not be unable to accept the fact.

Besides, he came here today to learn from the master.

As long as the master is present, it doesn't matter whether he is old, middle-aged or young. If he can learn knowledge, he is a good master.

Of course, Liu Xuanyan is not such a tactless person. Everyone is not very familiar with each other. At this time, directly asking the master will probably be annoying.

So Liu Xuanyan quickly clapped his hands and asked the waiter to start serving the dishes.

When the dishes were almost served, Liu Xuanyan took out the Qionghua Yulu that he had treasured for many years.

This wine is one of Liu Xuanyan's favorites. A lot of extraordinary materials are added during the brewing process. The taste is smooth, just like drinking nectar, which is very helpful for cultivation.

And because of the addition of extraordinary materials, even extraordinary warriors cannot be completely immune to drunkenness!

Liu Xuanyan has kept this bottle of wine in the kiln for many years and has never been willing to open it.

But today, facing Xu Chenzhou, he opened this jar of wine worth millions without hesitation.

After eating and drinking, under the influence of alcohol, the conversation between the three became more casual.

Maybe this is the charm of alcohol.

This extraordinary alcohol is really too strong.

Even with Xu Chenzhou's strong body, he still became a little dizzy under the influence of this alcohol.

Taking advantage of the heated atmosphere, Liu Xuanyan quickly raised his question.

"Master Xu, how can you think of using such a fantastic way to cure the problem in Lao Zhou's body.

Although I know your solution is perfect through calculations later.

But every time I review it, I still feel that your thinking point is really amazing.

I wonder if you can tell me your thinking at that time.

Master, don't worry, I know the rules. I have prepared a few small gifts, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

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