[Log]: You killed the invader, Half-Dragon Dimiugos.

[Log]: You killed the intruder Gu Ya Yar Bed.

[Log]: You used the Divine Magic Magnetic Link to forcibly seize the Anzirgong legendary prop Mountain and River Society Jitu.

[Log]: You killed the intruder Anzulgon.

[Log]: You killed…

[Modifier]: You killed the invader Half-Dragon Dimiugos. You get a legendary half-dragon soul, and you extract all your combat talents.

[Modifier]: You killed the intruder Gu Yao Yaerbed. You have obtained a Legendary Valley Soul, and you have extracted all your magical talents.

[Modifier]: You killed the intruder Anzulgon. Souls cannot be extracted, you have extracted all phased magic systems, and you have acquired a transcendent magical talent.


Brush pull pull!

Like a torrent of data, a large sum of rewards appeared in front of Jiang Shuihan’s eyes.

Kill, kill, kill.

Plunder, plunder, plunder.

All the forces belonging to the Nazalik Great Tomb were all killed by Jiang Shuihan with his own strength!

A legend is a legend after all.

It is simply impossible to compete with the demigod-level Jiang Shui Han.

“This time to kill, blood will not be lost!”

Belief energy, although Jiang Shuihan consumed a full 1.5 million.

But the huge rewards are really impossible to estimate.

But the legendary props, Jiang Shui Han plundered more than thirty.

In addition, there are some nine-star props and eight-star props.

And even more.

and a complete magical system.

Invigilator of the Shinto Military Academy.

“Kill the intruder neatly, and kill them all without missing the net. Add one point! ”

“Battlefield range control, excellent. Degree of damage, middle and lower. Add one point! ”

Watching Jiang Shuihan single-handedly kill all these intruders.

Many teachers couldn’t help but nod slightly.

They were very pleased with this decisive killing technique.

The Divine Military Academy has entered a brand new genius this time.

“The Great Tomb of Nazarik! Is this a good building? Ability to expand the area underground! How can it not be charged! ”

The corners of his mouth raised slightly. Jiang Shuihan directly set his eyes on this Nasarik tomb.

What the built-in structure of this big tomb looks like, Jiang Shui Han does not care at all.

As long as it is in your own hands, it is being improved. Remodel.

It can fully assume the important underground base of the shipwives.

The desert island is no more than five hundred hectares.

Now the building alone covers an area of nearly 70 or 80 hectares.

The blue sea desperately needed a place to transfer buildings above the desert island.

The underground building space is absolutely suitable!

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuihan immediately started.

With a wave of your hands, your great tomb of Nazalik, buried deep in the ground, burns under the immense energy of faith in the cold river.

Directly began to creak out.


Tens of hectares of ground cracked at this moment.

Rocks collapse and plains slope.

The entire Nazalik tomb, wrapped in Jiang Shuihan’s huge faith energy, directly presented an intact form and appeared in front of Jiang Shuihan’s eyes.

One floor above ground.

Basement 1, 2, 3, 4 …. Ten floors.


As if covering the sky, the river water excavated this Nasarik tomb with a total area of more than 300 hectares from the ground.


The underground level class landing is very rhythmic.

The surface area is less than one hectare.

However, there are more than 300 hectares underground.

Great, this is equivalent to the blue sea out of thin air more than 300 hectares.

When this one was suspended in the air, causing thousands of hectares of land, plains, mountains, and jungles to collapse around it, the Nazalik tomb was abruptly collected by the river cold.


[Log]: You are doing undesirable behavior, please stop immediately! Please stop now!

After seeing Jiang Shuihan’s operation, the invigilators of the Divine Military Academy were completely unable to sit still.

Jiang Shuihan, you bastard!

Ransacking the desert city doesn’t count, and now it’s coming to take away the great tomb of Nasarik.

You bastard!

Annoyed, these proctors issued a ban order against Jiang Shui Han through the proctoring system.

However, you see this red warning message above the log.

Jiang Shuihan couldn’t help but sneer.

Stop it?

It is impossible to stop beating to death!

It’s really a full man, I don’t know how hungry people are hungry.

Is it easy for me to develop the blue sea?

The entire 2,500-hectare Divine Domain can only be used for the time being, about 500 hectares.

I will either develop Sky City, or Underground City, or Underwater City.

Whether it is the development of the sky city or the underwater city. It is more difficult than directly robbing such a Nazarik tomb.

It is impossible to stop, it must be grabbed!

Without saying a word, Jiang Shuihan directly ignored the flashing red exclamation mark.

The backhand is to load it into its own god space.

“This is a little robber. O little robber! ”

“This little bastard, why did he start so ruthlessly? So good a building was directly snatched away! ”

“No, you can’t do that. What must be made to be paid? ”

“This is a guy who only gets in and can’t get out, how are you going to make him pay something?”

“This little guy seems to have discovered a hidden loophole in the entrance exam! But isn’t that nice? Stop arguing! ”

“That team leader, what do you say?”

“What to do? Deduct this little bastard’s academy points! Since the start is so ruthless. Then the academy points of this honor student of him are directly erased! ”

“Good! Just do it! ”

Under the echo of the invigilator, Jiang Shuihan’s college points were abruptly erased.

Whether the academy points are earned or lost in exchange for these things. The proctors were also a little confused.

After all, college points are internal consumption points that are used for multiple functions such as exchange, exchange, purchase, and application.

“Ready for the return!”

When everything was in hand, Jiang Shuihan no longer had the slightest nostalgia for this place.


The entrance exams are over, what are you doing here?

【Log】: Your entrance exam has ended, please wait for the information email of the Shinto Military Academy!

When the log is flushed out after such a paragraph.

Jiang Shuihan very decisively activated the return ticket.

Jiang Shui Han at home.

In the living room, Bai Mengmeng, who was watching the TV of the gods, watched Jiang Shuihan, who was smiling and walked out of his room.

“How, Brother Shui Han? What about entrance exams? ”

Jiang Shuihan, who exudes a relaxed aura, is directly compared to a thumbs up!

“Perfect, this time the entrance exam, it’s not too easy! Not only that, but this time there was a wave of blood! ”

Saying that, Jiang Shuihan leaned on this sofa very naturally.

I just picked up a bottle of ice and drank it.

Looking at Jiang Shuihan’s very natural appearance, Bai Mengmeng gently supported her hair, and then sat on the sofa and looked at Jiang Shuihan with a smile: “Brother Shuihan, if you want to drink ice, won’t you take it yourself?” You drank that, but mine! ”

Looking at the white mengmeng who exuded charm all over his body, Jiang Shui, who was drinking non-stop, was stunned, and his movements did not stop. Keep drinking!

Drink it all anyway. When you stop, you’re embarrassed.

“Ha~” Put down the ice that drank cleanly, and Jiang Shui breathed a sigh of relief.

“I said, how come this ice is half a bottle! No problem. I’ll get you another bottle! ”

Saying that, Jiang Shuihan took a bottle out of the refrigerator again.

“Speaking of Brother Shuihan, what did you do this time? Say that blood earned a wave? ”

Taking the bottle of ice handed over by Jiang Shuihan, Bai Mengmeng was still quite curious in her heart.

“Hehe, nothing. It was a wave of looting in the entrance examination room! Probably counted. He ransacked more than fifty legendary props, nearly a hundred forbidden spell-level magic, and thousands of star props! ”

“Oh, right. I also forcibly demolished a high-grade Divine Revealed Building! ”

After thinking slightly, Jiang Shuihan said with a grin at Bai Mengmeng with white teeth.


Listening to Jiang Shuihan’s words, the ice in his hand fell to the ground. Bai Mengmeng was completely stunned.

Brother Shui Han, are you so engaged, aren’t you afraid that the invigilator will give you a few knives?

“Brother Shui Han, you are too…”

Speaking of this, Bai Mengmeng really couldn’t say it.

Maybe it’s too sick, right?

“Exam room world! There are loopholes in itself, while giving a very short time, but also to complete the exam task perfectly. It is not yet possible to take away the local indigenous believers. In this case, there are not a few demitheists who set their sights on resources! ”

“But the vast majority of demitheists. Don’t dare to loot like me! ”

“Most of them take a little bit of something, and the meaning is enough!”

“It is estimated that in the future, this academy will also set up conditions for this, right?”

Leaning on the sofa, Jiang Shuihan naturally knew the consequences of such a round of operation.

That is, it is quite possible to spit out these resources. But Jiang Shui Han didn’t care.

Jiang Shuihan is trying the nerve bottom line of the Divine Military Academy!

If that’s all allowed. Then Jiang Shuihan will be able to develop rapidly at the fastest rate of plunder in the next academy life!

If not…. Then we’ll talk about it then.

Things work themselves out. Big deal, exchange with Academy Points.

These things, Jiang Shuihan handed over the mind!


[ps: Thank you [High Pitch Meow] [Night Yao Shura] [ksjdj] [Chen Yuan] [Supernatural] [Sword Walks the World] [Xi Chuci] [Lin Tangchao] for your monthly pass support! Thanks to [Jinwu] [ZXC**] [Innocence] for their tip support! Thank you very much!

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