It took them about half an hour to let them leave the hall and go to the sports field.

Suncia has a large gymnasium that can accommodate thousands of people. Gu Pan took Jiang Xun back to his classroom first.

Under Jiang Xun's surprised, speechless, and other unspeakable gazes, he took two whole suitcases...

Jiang Xun felt that whenever he changed someone, he would definitely feel that the other person had a sick mind, but now...

Jiang Xun sighed helplessly, and took the initiative to pull the two suitcases in front of him. He also carried a schoolbag on his back, which contained a lot of food, and now it seems that it is useless.

As soon as Gu Pan appeared on the stage, he attracted the attention of the teachers and students of the whole school. Without him, this look like a vacation was really annoying.

Even the fans who were holding up their support cards and preparing to give their Young Master Gu a big surprise were stunned.

It wasn't until the head of the support club spoke up that a group of girls raised their support cards with all their strength.

"Young Master Gu is welcome to participate in the sports meeting! Young Master Gu is the strongest! Young Master Gu is the most handsome!"

"We will always be Master Gu's fans!"

Looking around, more than half of the people in the stands were holding light signs, each with the word "hope" written on it.

Gu Pan suddenly thought of the inexplicable "away" these days. The two people who stood in front of her when the box fell to the ground that morning had smiling faces on their faces. The people of the cards overlap perfectly.

Gu Pan bent down heavily, and the moisture spread to his eyes.

After ten seconds, she got up again, glanced at everyone, and only said "thank you".

These are all people who really like her. No matter what their original intention of liking them is, they are sincere until now, Gu Pan thinks so.

She took her suitcase from Jiang Xun, trotted to the stands, took out all the snacks she had been thinking about for a week, and distributed them bit by bit.

Gu Pan was dealing with such an occasion for the first time, and when he remembered the scene just now, he felt a little embarrassed, his ears were red, but he sincerely gave his favorite to these people.

Fans are of course flattered. What's better than going both ways?

They like to support people, and they also respect and care for them.

Two suitcases of snacks may not be eaten by one person, but it is not enough to distribute them to hundreds of people.

But it doesn't matter, Gu Pan made a phone call, and immediately someone came over by private jet to deliver snacks to Master Gu.

Gu Pan has never been stingy in this regard, he just waved his hand and said, "Eat whatever you want, I'll be full today", causing a burst of screams again.

After the fans were settled and a large bag of snacks was on hand, Master Gu, who was finally satisfied, suddenly found that he had nothing to eat...

Jiang Xun has been following Gu Pan all the time, seeing her blushing eyes moved by the fan girl, seeing her donating all her snacks without hesitation, seeing her... hanging her head like an eggplant beaten by frost, there is annoyance, there is Incredible, but no regrets.

As if his heart was full, Jiang Xun walked over, put his backpack in front of Gu Pan, and said softly, "Don't worry, I still have it here."

At this moment, in Gu Pan's eyes, Jiang Xun is the image of a little angel, the kind with a halo on his head, plus this big man's face that is so captivating and amiable smile...

For a moment, Gu Pan even felt it was difficult to breathe, and her forehead flushed red.


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