001 / Seven Flows

For doctors, it is common to perform operations every day.

Therefore, in the middle of the night, he received a call from the director asking him to go back to work overtime, and Lu Yan had no objection.

After all, his surgical level is recognized by the whole hospital as good, and because he is young, he knows many new surgical techniques. Whenever there are incurable diseases, the director always likes to let him help.

But today's surgery seems to be a little different.

Lu Yan didn't see the patient until he entered the operation preparation room. I don't know what surgery to do.

This obviously doesn't make sense.

In the operation preparation room, Lu Yan changed into his surgical gown and listened to the whispers of others.

There seems to be another pollution disease in coastal areas... The head nurse looked worried. Experts say that pollution disease is a genetic disease caused by the nuclear pollution of Dongdao dumped into the Pacific Ocean in the last century. Today The city of h has been locked down. Fortunately, the disease only occurs in the coastal areas...

Lu Yandao: Not only the coast, but also inland. The reason must be more than nuclear pollution.

Ah, how did Dr. Lu know?

Lu Yan stated calmly: My father also suffered from pollution disease. On the second day when the aberration symptoms appeared, the relevant authorities took him away.

Lu Yan still remembered that it was winter. Father's head swelled abnormally, like a water-filled football. A second face loomed over the sarcoma that had grown on the back of the head.

It was the happiest day of his life.

...Sorry. The little nurse lowered her head.

Lu Yan comforted her: It's okay. I don't care.

Dr. Li, who was also in the same operating room, looked around and took out his mobile phone nervously.

My friend is a reporter who happened to be dispatched to City H. He sent it to me in the middle of the night.

Lu Yan couldn't help but looked closer.

The picture in the video is very bumpy, looking at the angle, it looks like a candid shot.

The camera is facing the ground, it is night, the street lights are on, and the military explosion-proof shield emits a cold light. There were faint cries and gunshots in the background.

The lens moved up slowly.

When they saw clearly what was pointed at by the gun, everyone present couldn't help gasping for breath.

What it is?

In Lu Yan's cognition, the aberrations caused by pollution diseases usually manifested as physical deformities, such as long tumors, bones, curved brains, abnormal development of the brain... but at least the human form was retained.

However, what is in the video, it is difficult to judge that it is still a person.

Under the dim light, there is a vaguely human figure standing at the door of the office building. This thing has no head, and tentacles spew out from its neck. The whole figure is like a strange tree.

The tentacles spread around, and at the end of each tentacle hung a dead man. The blood dripped on the marble slab, making a terrible sizzling sound.

--Prepare! Gather the fire!

An officer roared, with an undisguised fear of the unknown in his voice.

Intense gunshots sounded, and the bullets were dense as if it was raining.

These ammunition penetrated the body of the monster, and blood flowers burst open. Its body was almost blasted into mud.

The monster fell to the ground without making a sound for a long time.

Someone in the video asks: Is it over...?

But the next second, the tentacles broke free from the mud and slowly moved forward.

The video stops here, and it's pitch black.

In the operation preparation room, everyone present fell into a long silence.

Is this filming? How could there be such a thing. As if to embolden himself, a resident doctor looked disdainful, Naked eye 3D, it's a good job.

But, what if it's true? Aberrations have been around for several years... Although it doesn't affect much every time, but...

Dr. Li's face was pale, but he just held his arm and shook his head.


Lu Yan didn't speak. The word Yan in his name was unexpectedly reticent.

He was putting acrylic gloves on himself when the door to the preparation room was pushed open again.

The director came in with three strangers.

With just a glance, Lu Yan realized one thing: these people must be soldiers.

They have a heavy evil spirit on their bodies, their bodies are straight, and their every move is carved out of a mold.

The director's face is always cheerful, like a Maitreya Buddha, but now his expression is heavy and scary.

He looked around and said sternly: There are not enough surgical gowns, so put on the third-level protective clothing as well!

The young resident was stunned: So serious? Could it be Ebola?

Next to the director, a young man stood up first: Excuse me. I'm Lin Sinan. This time the patient is my team member. He unfortunately suffered from pollution disease during the process of solving pollutants in H City. We hope to use surgery. Removal of his diseased part in a way. Before that, you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement. It is completely voluntary.

The little nurse asked timidly: ...is it nuclear pollution?

Lin Sinan turned his head and gave him a deep look: No. If possible, I also hope that it is nuclear pollution.

Many people present seemed hesitant.

It is a doctor's duty to treat patients, but if you want to take yourself in, you will have to weigh yourself.

Lu Yan asked, Where to sign?

The director wiped the sweat from his forehead and took out the morning meal.

Prepare confidential documents.

Lu Yan hurriedly glanced at it, and it was nothing more than asking the doctor not to disclose the contents of the operation to others, not to take pictures, and not to publicize it.

He simply signed his name.

In the end, this operation left a total of three doctors, the director Lu Yan and Dr. Li. two nurses. There is no anesthesiologist.

In addition, there is a special assistant. Lin Sinan.

It was impossible for outsiders to enter the operating room. It's just that the situation is special, and no one asks much.

The little nurse complained bitterly: If the patient was not rescued, this person wouldn't have pulled out a gun and jumped at us directly...?

Lin Sinan was not wearing a military uniform, and his pockets were bulging high, clearly the outline of a gun.

The lights in the operating room were on, but there was no one on the operating table.

A minute later, two officers were pushed into a circular metal cabin on stretchers.

Lu Yan couldn't help looking at the director.

The director has saved countless lives in his life, and his name has been left in the textbook for a long time, but at this moment, his hand is shaking slightly.

The hatch opened, and a chill was coming.

The patient was carried to the operating table.

The first second he saw him, Dr. Li couldn't help turning his head and vomited.

The little nurse's expression changed greatly, and her voice trembled: This is... what is this?

The patient's stomach was covered with translucent eggs, and these follicles, under the illumination of the shadowless lamp, revealed the beating creatures inside, like fish.

Black juveniles swim happily in the follicles, full of exuberant vitality.

These follicles appear to have grown from the patient's body. On the surface of the fish eggs, you can even see the raised skin tissue and the dry fat below, which are densely packed together.

Like, a spoonful of caviar.

Lu Yan thought to himself.

The officers tied the patient to the hospital bed numbly, and the movements were very skilled.

Lin Sinan stood in the distance: He was parasitized by C-level pollutants. He has reached the second stage of distortion. The doctor said that there may be hope for recovery by removing the lesions on his body and adjuvant treatment. The situation is urgent, and there is no time to rush back. The central laboratory, I can only rely on you. Please rest assured that these fish eggs are just ordinary parasites and will not cause secondary pollution to ordinary people.

Lu Yan has a very good quality, that is, calm. This calmness allowed him to complete the task brilliantly when he first got the scalpel.

The same is true now. After a moment of shock, Lu Yan was the first doctor to perform surgery.

This made Sinan Lin couldn't help but look at him more.

The patient's breathing is very weak. Obviously, there is also pain.

Whenever a fish egg was cut off, the patient would struggle like a convulsion, his face was even redder, and the blood on the follicle was clearly visible.

The roes that were picked shriveled up quickly, like sea cucumbers that had been evaporated and shrunken into a small ball.

These fish eggs are uniformly thrown into a special processing tank, which is boiling water. High temperature cannot kill fish eggs, but can effectively reduce their activity.

Why don't you use anesthesia? Lu Yan couldn't help raising his head and asked, Although it has been fixed, muscle tremors will also hinder the surgical field of vision.

Lin Sinan was silent for a moment, then said, After anesthesia, I may never have the chance to wake up again.

The First People's Hospital is the best hospital in K city and naturally has the best doctors.

After the initial panic, the operation was clearly orderly.

The patient's bleeding was controlled within an optimistic range.

About the time of concentration was too long, and I was in a trance. In the third hour of the operation, Dr. Li accidentally cut his gloves. Dirty water from the roe drenched his hands.

Help - help! Dr. Li's spirit collapsed in an instant, I'm not going to have surgery! I'm resigning! Let me go!

He dropped the scalpel and rushed out the door.

Lin Sinan frowned, but did not stop him.

Anyway, in this state, Dr. Li can't get out of the hospital, and will be pulled for psychological counseling and pollution testing.

The operation lasted four and a half hours. The last fish egg in the thoracic cavity was finally successfully removed.

The director was getting old, and his head was sweating coldly. The moment he put down the scalpel, he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

The operation was a success...

The director looked at the patient's only family.

Lin Sinan's muscles that had been stretched for hours were finally relieved, and a shallow smile appeared on his face.

Lu Yan blinked his eyelashes and looked at the back of the patient's hand.

Under the skin, something seemed to flow in the blood vessels.

The patient should also be a soldier with extraordinary willpower, and the operation without anesthesia is just a few muffled groans. After that, there was no hum at all. Maybe the pain is numb.

Now, his fingers trembled slightly, as if trying to get the doctor's attention. It is a pity that the binding is very strong and the movements are very slight.

Lu Yan looked into his eyes. It was a pair of tearful eyes, full of reluctance and determination.

Is he... asking for help?

Almost subconsciously, Lu Yan's scalpel cut through the skin tissue on the back of the patient's hand.

A piece of tiny golden fish eggs spewed out.

Lin Sinan's complexion changed drastically in an instant.


Unexpected gunshots sounded, deafening.

The nurses screamed and hugged.

Lu Yan has done many surgeries, especially the rescue of some critically ill patients. Of course, he can't guarantee that everyone will get off the operating table alive.

It's just that he never thought that on the operating table, the wounded would die like this.

Blood splattered on the suit. Not only blood, but also some visceral tissue. Too close to escape.

The director's legs softened and he sat on the ground.

Lin Sinan put down his gun and said apologetically: I'm sorry. I made a mistake. He has entered the third stage. Pollution is inevitable. We can only remove the pollutants in advance. Special personnel will contact you tomorrow to provide compensation.

Lu Yan still stared blankly at the corpse on the operating table, as if he didn't react.

Lin Sinan's teammates had stepped forward in silence and started to carry the patient's body. It won't be sent to the morgue, it has to be put into a protective cabin, and then cremated at high temperature.

I'm sorry. Let everyone see this scene.

Lin Sinan bowed for the last time and exited the operating room.

Those left behind looked at each other.

The director did not dare to take off his protective suit, even though he was already sweating.

There was bitterness in his mouth, and he said, I'll give everyone three days off, all go home...let's have a good rest.

The little nurse's hands still couldn't help trembling, she wiped the mist on her blindfold: Director, pollution disease, is it really a disease?

The director smiled bitterly: I don't know. It's just that I've heard a saying that those at the institute call this... evolution. And evolution must go hand in hand with extinction. Without extinction, new species won't get niche gaps.

Prepare more for yourself. He didn't want to say more.

Lu Yan came to the dressing room and turned on the faucet in front of the mirror.

He was supposed to wash his hands after the operation, and the water was flushing, but his hands kept clenching into fists.

Lu Yan looked at himself in the mirror.

It was a calm and indifferent face. Without joy, there will be no panic and fear.

No one knew what he was thinking, and naturally no one noticed what he did at the end of the operation.

He turned off the tap. And put his hands in his pockets. let go.

At that moment, a mechanical sound clearly sounded in Lu Yan's mind——

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