"Boys come here."

"Girls go over there."

"In a row."

"All took off their coats and checked them one by one in order."

"c1, Wang Xiaoming, come in."

In the waiting room, two doctors, a man and a woman in white coats, have entered the examination room.

The remaining two doctors stood outside the door, saying word by word with expressions all over the room, arranging for male and female players to separate and stand in their respective teams.

The male-to-female ratio is almost 1.5:1. After Mr. Zhao brought the students here, he sat gloomily on the bench in the waiting area.

Players can measure height and measurements very quickly. In less than 20 minutes, all girls have been measured.

Only the last few male players remained.

Halfway through, Teacher Zhao answered a phone call.

"What? Moving books?"

"Let's move it ourselves?"

"Alright, alright, let's go."

Seeing the few people left, Teacher Zhao finally got up from the chair gloomily: "You guys, go back to the classroom after the next test. The first day of school is very heavy, and I have to take them to move Book."

The "you few" in his mouth were the last remaining three people, Bai Lixin, Liang Xi and Su Fan.

It was just Liang Xi's turn to measure, and as Teacher Zhao shouted, the mighty team of players followed and left the waiting room.

In the medical room, it instantly became deserted.

Liang Xi was in the testing room, and only Bai Lixin and Su Fan were waiting outside.

The two doctors who were in the waiting room just now had no idea where they had gone. In the huge room wrapped in white, only Bai Lixin and Su Fan were left.

"I heard," Su Fan suddenly said, and some cold breath blew down from behind Bai Lixin and landed on the back of Bai Lixin's neck, "Some bad doctors will use the name of physical examination to manipulate patients. , You look so good-looking, you have to be careful later."

The cool wind blew into Bailishin's collar along the neck, and a layer of small goose bumps appeared on the back of the frozen Bailishin's neck.

He lowered his head and saw traces of shadows moving under the curtain, followed by the sound of footsteps.

The next second, the curtain was pulled open and Liang Xi came out.

Seeing that there were so many people outside suddenly, Liang Xi was slightly stunned: "Xin Shen, why are you two left?"

Bai Lixin: "Mr. Zhao has brought other players to move books. Wait for me outside. Let's go back together."

When Bai Lixin was about to lift the curtain and go in, the door of the girl next to her during the physical examination suddenly opened.

The female doctor walked out from the inside with a blank face. She swept back and forth on the faces of Bailishin and Su Fan for two seconds, and finally her eyes fell on Bailishin's face, "You come to this room to check."

Saying that, he opened the curtain and motioned Bai Lixin to go in.

Liang Xi hurriedly said, "Doctor, he's a boy."

The female doctor glanced at Liang Xi coldly: "I'm not blind. Our attending doctor just came out after the operation. He said he will measure your body for you."

Liang Xi: "Surgery? Can surgery be performed here?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The female doctor had a look of contempt in her eyes, "You don't think that we are just like other ordinary high schools here, and we can only do simple physical examinations and prescribe some cold medicine?"

"The place you are staying is the waiting room, and this room is the medical examination room."

The female doctor pointed to the next room, "That's the operating room."

"In order to facilitate the passage of doctors, the operating room can be directly linked to the medical examination room."

Liang Xi looked at the operating room pointed by the female doctor. From the outside, there was no plaque on the top of the operating room, just an ordinary-looking door. If the female doctor hadn't said that there was an operating room, he wouldn't even know it. Think in that direction.

Liang Xi suddenly remembered something: "Since the operation is over, why didn't you see the patient come out?"

Female doctor: "They are all dead, what are you doing here?"

"This is a school hospital after all, and the space is limited. There is a morgue next to the operating room. After the operation fails, it is directly pushed to the morgue."

When she said this, it was as easy as saying "the fruit fell on the floor so I threw it in the trash".

Liang Xi was a little scared: "Then, why did that patient have the operation?"

Female doctor: "Well, he didn't follow the school rules and disciplines well, and was punished by the head teacher. After being punished too much, he was sent here. When he was sent, he was already dead. He was quite a young guy."

Liang Xi took a deep breath and strengthened his courage: "It won't work when people send it? What does it look like when people send it? Why can't it work?"

Female doctor: "Well, it's better that you don't know, it's easy to have psychological shadows. But this is a school, and Wensong High School is the most disciplined place. As long as you are obedient and abide by the school rules, you will not be punished. punish."

"Seriously," the female doctor curled her lips without smiling, "As a doctor, I don't want to see you in a place like this."

The female doctor looked at them, opened her mouth, and when she was about to say something, a light cough came from inside.

She immediately pulled back the curtain and looked at Bai Lixin: "Come on, go in."

Bai Lixin glanced at the operating room and silently walked into the medical examination room.

The curtain of the examination room was drawn, and the female doctor walked towards the door with her hands in her pockets.

Seeing this, Liang Xi asked:

"Doctor, where are you going?"

The female doctor pointed to the watch above her head, "I'm off work, and I don't have overtime pay for working overtime. Do you want to waste your youth with you here?"

After speaking, the female doctor left without looking back. In the waiting room, the number became two again.

Su Fan stood silently at the door, Liang Xi glanced at Su Fan, and quietly took two steps back.

I don't know why, Su Fan obviously looks good, but it always feels strange.

Not only is he white all over, but his skin is a little whiter than everyone else's.

If Bailishin's whiteness is the faint luster of moonlight, then Su Fan's whiteness is a bit like malnourished paleness.

But Su Fan's pupils were extremely dark, and his eyes were even more eerily dark against the white hair and skin.

Aware of Liang Xi's gaze, Su Fan turned his head, "Is there something on my face?"

The voice was slightly cold, but still cool.

Liang Xi couldn't help shivering, and he smiled dryly, "No, there is nothing. Well, do you want to add a friend? If there is any situation, I can take care of you."

Su Fan smiled extremely perfunctoryly, "No, I don't like private chats. We are so close, we can exchange information face to face if we have any information."

The dark eyes fell on Liang Xi, which immediately made Liang Xi feel uncomfortable. Those sharp eyes were like being stared at by a poisonous snake.

This Su Fan is so aura.

Certainly not an ordinary person.

How could such a person run slower than them?

When he was running, he didn't notice that there was such a number one person beside him.

The atmosphere was a little stiff, Liang Xi looked away in a panic, and his eyes fell on the operating room where the lights had been turned off.

"That, Su Fan, the doctor is gone now anyway." Liang Xi pointed to the operating room, "Would you like to go in and see how the punished person died?"

Su Fanmai walked over with his long legs, "Okay, if you are idle, you are idle. Go in and have a look."

The two were just about to go to the operating room when the curtain of the boy's physical examination room was suddenly pulled open from inside.

An expressionless pale doctor's face stuck out, the man looked outside, and then saw the two of them.

"You two, who hasn't had a medical examination yet?"

Su Fan stopped, "Me."

Male doctor: "Come in quickly, didn't you finish checking your ink marks outside?"

After saying this, the male doctor shrank his head back again.

Su Fan looked at Liang Xi regretfully, "Liang Xi, I'm sorry, it looks like I can't accompany you in."

His hand fell on Liang Xi's shoulder and patted: "You do it yourself."

Watching Su Fan walk into the medical examination room, Liang Xi took a long and deep breath, resting his hands on his knees and gasping for a few rough breaths.

Cao, when Su Fan stretched out his hand just now, he thought that the other party was going to pinch his neck.

So scary.

The waiting area was full of people just now, but in the blink of an eye, only himself was left.

In the empty room, only the clock on the wall made a rhythmic "ticking" sound. He looked at the two medical examination rooms, and then looked at the dark operating room.

In the end, Liang Xi took heavy steps back to the wooden bench and sat down.

His body was stuck on the bench, and Liang Xi crossed his hands and rubbed back and forth to ease the fear in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound from the closed door of the infirmary.

Liang Xi froze all of a sudden, twisted his neck to look over, and saw that the door of the infirmary that had been closed just now opened a crack.

The cool wind was blowing in from the outside, and in the too quiet surroundings, the ticking of the clock above and the sound of his heartbeat became louder.

The two voices are chasing after me, as if competing for who can jump faster.

Liang Xi looked at the crack of the door for a second, then boldly asked, "Who, who is there?"

There was only silent silence in response to him.

The wind had blown in coolly, and the door was blown open again.

Liang Xi suppressed the fear in his heart, stood up from the bench, walked over with his stiff legs, stretched out his trembling fingers, and slowly closed the door.

"It should be the wind." He murmured softly, walked back to the bench, and continued to cross his trembling hands to ease the fear in his heart.

Since childhood, he has been particularly afraid of this deadly silence.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that only himself is left.

That's why he chose to become a veterinarian and likes to keep pets, hoping to have the company of pets to help him get through that kind of desperate loneliness.

His trembling pupils stared at his trembling hands, rubbing each other hard to relieve the uncontrolled hands.

Just when the spasms of his hands were about to stop, there was another "squeak" in his ears.

In the silent air, the business was like a steel needle that pierced the air, stabbing into Liang Xi's chest without warning.

Liang Xi turned his head with a stiff neck, and the door that he had closed just now was opened again.

It's still the same slit, and it's still the cool wind.

After the door was opened, it even shook twice.

Through the slit, Liang Xi could only see the dark corridor and the gray concrete floor.

Liang Xi swallowed, then got up again and closed the door in a panic.

And this time, his ass

Without sitting on the bench, the door opened again.

This time the door opened faster than the previous two times, and the "squeak" sound was also a bit louder.

Liang Xi stared at the slit, and in a strange way, he sounded the words that the male player in the white shirt said when he was in the classroom in the morning.

- "Turn on the phone camera, the camera will automatically focus."

With trembling fingers, he pulled the smartphone out of his pocket and opened the phone camera with trembling trembling.

When unlocking, he even failed to unlock it several times because of trembling.

Finally, he turned on the mobile phone camera, switched the lens to the rear lens, and aimed at the door.

Liang Xi's heartbeat was like thunder and drums, so fast that it almost jumped into his throat.

The panicked eyes kept switching between the mobile phone screen and the real door, and the picture on the mobile phone screen also trembled because of the trembling fingers.

Suddenly, a square box appeared on the phone.

The four squares kept moving because of the shaking of the camera, but the place where the four squares were aligned was always the dark gap.

It was as if there was an invisible person grabbing the door frame and the doorknob, opening the door and looking inside!

At that moment, Liang Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, his face that was originally pale because of loneliness is now bloodless, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Invisible dirt, the loneliness that is removed from life, all the fear at that moment, oppressing Liangxi from all directions.

The surrounding scene began to shake and tremble in his eyes, and darkness began to appear in front of him.

His brain was buzzing, and even breathing began to hurt.

Liang Xi staggered two steps, stumbled and sat on the bench. He used the last of his strength to turn off the phone, grabbed his neck with both hands, and took a deep breath with his head up.

Can't call.

Calm down, Liang Xi.

It's just an invisible dungeon. You have experienced so many weird things. You are no longer the timid Liang Xi when you first entered the dungeon.

You'll be fine, you're just scaring yourself.

Xin Shen is still inside, he can even save Zhou Guang who died, how can he leave him alone?

If Xin Shen did not come out, there would be no fatal danger here.

Yes, there is no danger.

On the verge of despair and fear, Bai Lixin's calm and free face suddenly appeared in Liang Xi's mind.

At that moment, all the fears disappeared, and Liang Xi regained his breath.

The tense shoulders gradually relaxed, and even the stiff limbs were relieved a lot.

He let out a long breath, waiting for the lingering fear to dissipate from his body.

His eyes fell on the door again, and Liang Xi opened his dry mouth and asked tentatively, "Who are you?"

- "My name is Xiaoguang."

A voice suddenly appeared in Liang Xi's mind.

Liang Xi's shoulders, which had just been relaxed, tightened again.

But the next second, he relaxed again.

His voice was still a little trembling, but Liang Xi was no longer so scared. He restrained his instinct to grab the door and run away, and continued to say, "Hello, Xiaoguang."

- "Sorry, did I scare you just now?"

- "I don't want to either."

Liang Xi: "It's okay, I'm okay. Why are you here?"

- "I got lost, I just remember going out to the toilet at night. When I woke up, it became like this, I wanted to go home."

Liang Xi was stunned, and quickly asked, "Are you a student of this school?"

- "Student? Am I a student? I don't know. I forgot, I don't know anything."

- "I just want to go home, can you help me?"

Ding! Congratulations to the player, you found the exploration task [Help Xiaoguang find his way home], the difficulty of this task is level B, and you can get 6000 mall points after completing the task.

Friendly reminder: Because this mission is an exploration mission, you will not be punished by the system if the mission fails.


Liang Xi hesitated for a long time.

If you promise him, Xiaoguang may follow him all the time.

Scary to think about.

But if you reject him

Xiaoguang's voice came again.

——"Wuwuwu, I really want to go home. It's so dark and scary here. I've been lost here for a long time, and I'm alone, and I can't get out at all."

- "You are the only one who can hear my voice, can you help me?"

- "So lonely, so lonely."

So lonely, so lonely.

The pain that he had suffered in the past suddenly came like a tidal wave.

Liang Xi finally put his consciousness on [Accept] and pressed it down.

Just when Liang Xi accepted the task, Bai Lixin, who he believed in in his heart, was also accepting a difficult challenge.

A man in a white coat sat on a chair with a straight back. He wore a gold-rimmed eye of a gentle scum, and his mouth and nose were covered by a blue mask.

The fingertips in latex white gloves held a pen, and the tip of the pen swiped lightly, bringing out a smooth black ink.

"Blissin, male, 21 years old."

The man's voice was hoarse and low, with a bit of abstinence combing.

As he spoke, he scribbled quickly on the paper.

For a moment, the body

The words spoken by him appeared on the inspection record sheet.

Handwriting dragon and phoenix dance.

After the man finished writing, he put the medical record sheet on the table.

The movable work chair turns half a turn, towards the direction in which the thymus is standing.

The tip of the black leather shoe tapped lightly on the ground and controlled the rotation of the chair.

Then, the man's two slender and straight legs folded up and down, and his hands were also lazily crossed, placing them on his thighs.

Through the transparent gold wire eye frame, the doctor's gaze fell on Bai Lixin's face.

His gaze moved down slowly along Bai Lixin's forehead.

There was an inexplicable sense of oppression in his eyes, as if he was enjoying the spoils of war.

In such a gaze, for a moment, Bai Lixin even felt that he had no clothes on.

Bai Lixin's eyes flickered, and his body took a step back.

After carefully looking at Bailishin up and down, the doctor said lightly, "What are you doing back? Why can't I still eat you?"

Saying that, he stood up from the chair and walked slowly to Bai Lixin.

With a height of 1.9 meters, Bailishin, who was 1.8 meters tall, was immediately shorter.

A huge shadow came down, and the man looked down at Bai Lixin condescendingly, "I am your doctor. In this school, I can save your life at a critical time."

"You still have some reasons to be afraid of those teachers, but you shouldn't be afraid of me."

"Anyone in this school can punish you, only I can save you."

The man put his finger on Bailishin's shoulder, moved slowly, and landed on Bailishin's collar.

Bai Lixin grabbed the man's hand, and immediately felt the man's cold latex texture on his fingers, "Doctor, what are you doing?"

The man's fingertips have already hooked up the buttons of Bailishin's neckline, and he chuckled: "Of course it's to help you get a medical examination, didn't I say? I'm here to save you."

"I see that you look nervous, so I'm here to help you."

Bai Lixin's eyes fell on the man's hand.

Even wearing latex gloves couldn't hide the man's slender fingers with distinct bones.

"Isn't it just two heights and measurements to make school uniforms?" Bai Lixin grabbed the man's fingers, pulled them off the buttons one by one, and took two steps back, "How did it become a medical examination?"

"Because I'm a conscientious doctor," the gentle and scum male doctor withdrew his hand from Bailishin's hand, and the tip of his index finger landed on Bailishin's collarbone, and then slowly moved down, along Bailishin's hand. The tight lines and bumps fell on Bailishin's chest. "Looking, hearing, asking, and knowing is the foundation of practicing medicine. I just looked at you from a distance and found that there may be some problems with your body, so I need you to check it thoroughly."

"Let's talk about your heartbeat," his fingertips turned in circles, "the speed is a little abnormal. I suspect that you have a serious heart disease. If you have a heart disease, I need to report a case, so that the school will not Force you to run."

Bai Lixin's shoulders shook, he lowered his head and bit the corner of his lips lightly, quickly grabbed the doctor's fingers, "Yes, how to check?"

"Undo a few buttons, I need to listen carefully to your heart beat with a stethoscope." The male doctor pointed to the examination chair next to him, "Good boy, sit on the bed over there."

Bai Lixin took a deep look at the man, did not resist much, and chose to sit on the examination chair.

Seeing that Bai Lixin was sitting up obediently, the man pulled his wheelchair and sat down, looking at him with cold eyes, his eyes were serious and serious, it seemed that Bai Lixin was really just a patient.

Holding the stethoscope with one hand, the man stared at Bai Lixin and said coldly, "Why haven't you unbuttoned your shirt?"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Although the school doctor does not belong to the teacher in name, he is also one of the important members of the school, and his identity is equivalent to the teacher. If you violate the requirements of the school doctor, it is equivalent to breaking the requirements of the teacher, and it is equivalent to violating the school rules. School discipline."

Bai Lixin hesitated for two seconds, and the system prompt sounded suddenly.

Escape system: Don't listen to him, nothing.

Escape system: Lord Bailishin, this is his trick to fool you. You are Brother M's most cherished master, this is a special reminder to you.

Am I doing well, brother m?

s419m's voice is sweet: um, sister escape is great, you are amazing. But don't worry about them, you just have a lot to learn in the future. You have to learn to judge the situation and carefully observe the master's micro-expressions.

His eyes flickered, his expression relaxed, and he was clearly enjoying it. In this case, there is no need to remind him.

Escape system: Hee hee, that's how it turned out. Brother m, you are amazing, you can do anything.


I thank you so much.

The doctor's urging voice sounded again: "Hurry up."

Bai Lixin glanced at the doctor again, raised his hand and unbuttoned the two buttons on his shirt, and the V-shaped cream was immediately exposed.

"Put two hands behind him, supporting the chair." The doctor said lightly, with a businesslike appearance.

The red light had already started to light up in his forehead, and Bai Lixin then put his hands behind his back and put his palms on the chair.

The silver round stethoscope landed on the Adam's apple without warning, and the cold touch immediately invaded and crawled, and Bai Lixin shivered physiologically.

The doctor's eyes narrowed slightly, and his dark eyes carefully watched the position of the stethoscope.

Under the stethoscope, the young man swallowed carefully, and his throat immediately moved up and down for a moment, as if being

The wind blows the waves of the wheat field.

Doctor: "Relax, I want to help you hear if there is any problem with the bronchus."

Put the other end of the stethoscope in your ear, and the cold round stethoscope begins to move slowly from the thymus' Adam's apple.

Slow and serious.

It wasn't until he was about to slide to the lower abdomen that the man stopped and took off the stethoscope from his ear, "Congratulations, classmate Bai Lixin, there is nothing wrong with the trachea."

Bai Lixin: ""

God fucking organ on the belly.

You quack!

There was nothing wrong with Bailishin's mournful and questioning eyes, the stethoscope in the doctor's hand moved quickly, passed through the opened shirt, and quickly landed on his chest.

"I'll test your chest next, open your mouth, and take a deep breath." The man indifferently gave strict instructions and put the stethoscope in his ears again.

Bai Lixin opened his mouth and took a big breath in coordination, and his chest also rose and fell greatly.

Cold latex hands brushed against the skin.

Even with every breath, the little finger can touch the honey color.

Bai Lixin's cheeks were slightly hot, and he turned his head in shame, and his eyes swept over the doctor in front of him inadvertently. The doctor's expression was calm and serious, as if he was only facing a cold instrument.

"Okay." After a long time, the doctor took back the stethoscope. "The heart beats faster than ordinary people, and the frequency is very confusing. There are murmurs and it is not clear."

"I'll open a case note for you, and you can ask for leave when you run at noon in the future. But for your health, you need to come to me to check your health every day."

"I'm a doctor, and I won't give up any patient." The male doctor stuffed the stethoscope into the pocket of his white coat and looked at Bai Lixin's eyes with determination, "Your condition is very serious and not optimistic, so It must be treated aggressively.”

"This is my business card, take it, it has my phone in it." The doctor slid the chair to the table, took out a business card from the business card box and handed it to Bai Lixin, "My name is Dijia, you can call me Dr. Jia, if you have any questions or feel any discomfort, you can call me."

"Believe me."

Bai Lixin took the business card with a stiff face: "Thank you, Dr. Jia."

Doctor Ka? I see you as a fake doctor.

I believe you?

I believe in you asshole.

Bai Lixin got up from the chair after taking the business card and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Di Jia called out to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin put the business card in his trousers pocket and looked at Di Jia doubtfully: "I'm going out, Doctor Jia, what else do I need to check?"

Dijia shook the tape measure on his body: "I just checked the problem for you just now, and I haven't done the business yet. Besides, I haven't opened your case and leave application for you."

He paused, his eyes fell on Bailishin's neckline, "Also, do you want to go out like this?"

Bai Lixin lowered his head, his face flushed instantly, and quickly fastened a few buttons on his neckline.

Dija pointed to the height ruler sticking to the corner of the wall.

"Go to the wall and measure your height."

As soon as Bai Lixin walked over and stood up, he heard Di Jia's voice, "183 cm, good height."

"Then turn around and stand with your hands on the wall. I'll measure your measurements for you."

Bai Lixin was stunned for a moment.

There was a bit of urgency in Dijia's voice, "Come on, I'm getting off work, don't waste time."

Bai Lixin was silent for two seconds, then turned around and stretched out his arms, placing his hands on the wall.

Behind him, a warm force covered him, and then a pair of strong arms passed through his armpits, and then the tape measure fell on his chest.

"The bust is 103cm."

"Developed well."

Pull out a soft ruler from your arm and place it on your shoulder: "Shoulder width 55cm."

"Model shoulders."

"Hip is 94cm."

"It's very warped, and the shape is good." The man slid his fingers over, and the man said in a rigorous voice, "Pay attention to exercise and maintain, otherwise it will be easy to lose shape."

"The waist is 52cm."

The man's slender fingers were placed on both sides of his waist, and they were gently tucked inwards. The fingertips touched the fingertips, "I just found out that your waist is very thin, but I didn't expect it to be so thin."

The man measured his legs and arms, and even measured the circumference of his thighs and his neck.

After all the measurements were completed, the man seriously registered on the paper and said lightly, "Okay, the measurement is over."

"Although your heart isn't very healthy, your body is developing very well overall."

"Okay, take your case and the leave slip. I only asked you for one day. Come here every day and I'll give you a new one. Go out."

The doctor returned to his seat and began to write with his head down, with a serious expression, and he didn't even look up at Bailishin anymore.

The blue mask was worn on the face from beginning to end, and the whole face could only see the pair of dark black pupils hidden under the glasses.

But just those pupils made Bailishin recognize Dijia's identity as soon as he came in.


By the way, my God, is this really a picture I can see? ! Was Xin Shen being touched by the doctor from beginning to end just now? !

Is the system insane? This time, some kindness was sent, and it was not blocked! ! !

My God, this doctor's way is really wild, Xin Shen's face was red just now.

Tsk tsk, ah ah ah, my xp is burning. Go fuck the big boss, I think the gold wire glasses abstinence attack is great!

Ahem, I don't know if it's a friend of a brother or a sister. Is your empathy too fast? You didn't even look at your face.

Does this still have to look at the face? Just the eyes that drive at any time, and the hands that drive at any time. What if you don't have a face!

Hahaha, Xin Shen didn't know, when the others were measuring, they just stood and quickly measured the measurements. In contrast, Xin Shen's treatment is definitely a top-level treatment.

I should feel sorry for Xin Shen, but now I just want to """", woo woo, Xin Shen, I'm sorry for you.

Woohoo, boss, I'm sorry for you too.

Big guy: I cried and fainted in the toilet.

No, the doctor didn't take off the mask, maybe the doctor is the boss?

If the doctor is the boss, who is Baimao? Woohoo, help, I like both. Difficulty choosing.

Xin Shen: Only children do multiple-choice questions.

Ah this! Hee hee hee hee hee hee.

Bai Lixin pushed open the curtain and stepped out of the curtain with one foot.

Outside, Liang Xi and Su Fanan sat quietly on the bench.

Su Fan sat in the middle of the bench, Liang Xi sat on the edge, and even half of his body was already in the air, his whole body was full of resistance.

Su Fan's face looked a little stern, and his dark eyes were very gloomy at the moment, and he was looking here coldly.

Bai Lixin glanced at Su Fan, then turned to look at Di Jia inside, and it took too long to leave the examination room.

As he left, he lowered his head, pursed his lips, and made a suspicious sound that only he could hear.

"Two? No?"

Seeing Bai Lixin come out, Liang Xi immediately rushed over, "Shen Xin, you finally came out. You have been in for a long time."

Su Fan also stood up, and the moment he saw Bailishin, the evil in his eyes had already subsided.

Walking over with a capable step, Su Fan chuckled lightly: "That's right, why is it taking so long? I went to the next door and came in later than you, and came out ten minutes earlier than you."

"You guys," Su Fan lowered his voice, "what are you doing inside?"

"The doctor checked that I have some health problems," Blissin shook the case in his hand. "He said I have a heart problem."

"So I was given a case and a leave of absence, so I don't have to run for a fuck."

Liang Xi and Su Fan looked at each other, Su Fan took the case, and Liang Xi took the leave.

Liang Xi was a little nervous: "Why do you have a heart attack? Xin Shen, do you have a bad heart?"

Su Fan was more direct, pulled Bailishin's hand directly, and quickly put his cold fingers on Bailishin's wrist, and began to feel Bailishin's pulse.

"I'm fine," Bai Lixin laughed dumbly, "I guess it's the game character setting, I don't know if I have a heart attack?"

"Whether you are sick or not, only the doctor knows best." A serious and cold voice sounded from behind the curtain.

Then a tall figure walked out.

The man had taken off his white coat and mask, revealing the black shirt and black trousers he wore inside, as well as his handsome facial features.

The moment he saw the doctor's facial features clearly, Liang Xi stayed for two seconds, "Boss?"

As for Su Fan, his expression was a little tangled.

It seemed a little irritable, but also a little resentful and gloomy.

While he looked at Di Jia with complicated eyes, Di Jia was also looking at Su Fan with cold eyes.

When the sight collided, the temperature in the already cold room seemed to have dropped a bit.

Dijia's eyes saw Su Fan pulling on Bailishin's wrist, and he picked up Bailishin's other wrist, sneering: "Are you reviewing? Why, are you questioning my test results?"

Su Fan smiled grimly: "It's bad to encounter a quack doctor. Misdiagnosis is small, and misdiagnosis is big."

Liang Xi shivered and retreated to the corner with interest.


Boss! Boss! Really big guy! I got it right.

What the hell is going on with the pressure of this love triangle?

This damn Shura field!

Xin God! you can! Don't be shy, go to both! They are so high quality, what a pity to let others!

Xin Shen: Seeing how loving you are, why don't you two stay together?

Hahaha, you are so poisonous upstairs.

Su Fan: Bad luck!

Boss: Bad luck!

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