In the beautiful crystal coffin, lies a beautiful long-eared elf.

The surroundings are dotted with green and bright flowers, the elf girl's face is pale, and she can see very rich dark dark spots under her eyes.

This is the elf princess said in the mouth of the elf leader.

The surrounding room woven by green vines is like a building that only appears in fairy tales. Birds dotted with green feathers hover on the roof, performing song after song.

Bai Lixin walked to the elf girl and looked down at the young girl's face.

"This is our princess," the elf wiped her tears, "she's really cute, isn't she? Her hair is as mysterious as the night sky, and her face is as delicate as a rose. If you have a chance, you should really see it Her eyes, she had eyes that even the gods of the forest were jealous of, those eyes were like the forest itself. God was so cruel to her."

Bai Lixin: ""

Your opera opening is cruel to me too.

He walked quietly to the girl's side, gently pulled the girl's wrist and began to feel the pulse.

The girl's skin was still warm and had a pulse, but it was very weak.

The pulse of elves is different from that of human beings, and Bai Lixin can only be sure that the pulse of the other party is gentle and weak.

Her life seems to have come to an end, but there is something hanging her life, so that she will not fall into death.

Blissin tries to use the power of the necklace.

At the same time as the warm white light enveloped the princess, the system prompt sounded, Ding! The treatment target is ineffective and the treatment fails.

The white light dissipated, and Bai Lixin's eyes with thick eyelashes flashed in surprise.

Invalid target?

It's definitely not because of the race, it was normal when he treated the night spirit who was injured by the arrow just now.

The elf on the side came over: "How is it?"

Bai Lixin shook his head: "It's a little tricky."

The elf's expectant look was gradually replaced by disappointment, but it quickly calmed down: "The elf king has a request."


The Elf King seemed to have just woken up from his sleep. He was not wearing any formal clothes. He was wearing a pure black nightgown. The belt was loosely tied around his waist, revealing a large amount of honey-milk color at will.

The other party seemed to be around 30 years old. Compared with other night elves, he looked taller. His handsome features were alienated and indifferent, and he just sat on the throne and looked down at Bailishin.

The Elf King's gaze stayed on Bailishin's face for two more seconds before he said coldly: "Are you the human magician who can heal?"

The other party's voice was quite nice, a bit like the ethereal dolphin voice in the sea.

Bai Lixin: "Yes, it is a great honor to meet you, Your Royal Highness the Elf King."

Elf King: "You entered the elves privately, and you should have been sentenced to death. But as long as you can rescue the princess, our elves will not only blame you, but will also give you the secret treasures of the elves."

He turned his head and said, "But on the contrary, if you can't save the princess, I will make atonement for your life."

After the Elf King said this, a black shackle suddenly emerged from his cuff. The shackle was like a winding snake, wrapped directly around Bai Lixin's wrist and integrated into his body.

Bai Lixin opened his wrist and saw a black chain pattern appeared on his wrist, with a shackle imprint in the middle of the chain.

Under the chain, there is also a countdown sign, and the countdown time is 1 hour.

"This is the elf contract, I'll give you an hour."

Bai Lixin: ""

1 hour, this is simply unreasonable, capitalists are not so rogues like him.

He raised his head and looked at the tall and handsome Elf King in front of him, "The premise of my curing the princess is that the princess can be cured."

Remembering the "target failure" that the system prompted just now, Bai Lixin continued: "But can the princess I saw just now really be cured?"

"A revered and noble princess, without the permission of the Elf King, can be led by others at will. The guards around are also very weak and pitiful."

Ding! Congrats to the player, discovering the false disguise of the princess.

Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have won the appreciation of the Elf King.

Ding! Congratulations to the players, triggering a new plot.

The elf king was serious, and finally stood up from the throne and walked to Bailishin.

"You are very careful," the Elf King looked into Bai Lixin's eyes. "The one just now is indeed not a princess, but a disguise I made up with plants. If he can't even find the disguise, what ability does he have to save the real one? Princess."

The Elf King recited, and swiped his hand on Bailishin's wrist, and the time on Bailishin immediately increased from 1 hour to 4 o'clock.

"This is your reward, come with me."

Bai Lixin: ""

This reward is not so good, is it?

He hugged the wolf cub and silently followed the elf king in front of him, and the two walked through the lush grass until they entered the depths of the middle of the forest.

In the middle of the forest, stand five huge ginkgo trees. The vines are wrapped around the trunks of the five big trees, and the flowers form a circle.

The Elf King walked to the middle, opened his hand and recited to the vine for a moment.

those dense

The numb vines instantly seemed to have life, slowly opening, revealing the original appearance inside.

In the middle of the vines, lay a girl, exactly like the princess I saw just now.

It's just that the girl in front of her has emerald green hair, and the skirt on her body is made of flowers and plants.

The Elf King said: "Someone is indeed sick, but it is not my princess, but the forest princess. I don't know why she fell into a deep sleep, she is the god of the forest, if she continues to sleep like this, the forest will die. , our night elves will also be a space to live."

"It's her who I asked you to save."

"Frankly speaking, the matter of the forest princess falling into a deep sleep is related to the safety of the night elf. If you can wake her up, the deep sleep is in the past tense, and I will not worry about it getting out."

"If you fail, the contract will keep your mouth shut. Dead men keep secrets."

"Sorry, it's also helpless to impose a contract on you. After all, this is related to the fate of the entire night elves."

The elf king seemed to be patiently explaining, but there was a vague sense of arrogance in his words, and he didn't care about the life and death of the other party at all.

Bai Lixin: "Has anyone treated the forest princess before me?"

The curse is to become undead after death, and this contract is to just let the player die.

Links are interlocked, isn't this just buckled?

The Elf King smiled, "I can only tell you that you are not the first, but I hope you are the last."

"Don't try to hurt the forest princess. The contract I gave you includes punishment for maliciousness. Once you have any bad thoughts about the forest princess, the countdown will speed up. Once you want to hurt the forest princess, the time will directly count down to 0. Time At the last moment, not even the gods can save you."

"Good luck." After the elf king said this, he left Bailishin and left alone.

In the depths of the huge jungle, Bai Lixin, the wolf cub in his arms, and the forest princess in the vines who do not know whether to live or die.

On the hammock woven by vines, Bai Lixin could vaguely see the forest princess's chest rising and falling evenly.

Bai Lixin tried to use the Mermaid Heart, and also got a reasonable and unexpected system prompt.

Ding! It is detected that the opponent's level attribute is too high, and the treatment cannot be performed, and the proficiency has not been increased.

Bai Lixin took a step forward, and the vines that had been entrenched around him suddenly fanned him.

Bai Lixin reached out to block it, and the slender serrated leaves brushed the back of his hand, leaving a small red mark.

Ding! A small amount of toxin is detected, the poison resistance is activated, the poison resistance proficiency is increased, and the poison resistance level is currently lv.1.

Bai Lixin looked at the vines in surprise, and the vines actually contained toxins.

These vines extend underground, and such vines are generally not poisonous.

He thought of something, and he tore a leaf from the green plant at hand, crushed it and applied it to the unhealed red wound.

The system beep sounds again.

Ding! A small amount of toxin is detected, the poison resistance is activated, and the poison resistance proficiency is increased. The current level of poison resistance is lv.1.

Bai Lixin threw away the leaf in his hand and pulled another petal. This time he put the petal in his mouth and chewed it twice, and as expected, the system beep sounded again.

Because the body itself has poison resistance, Bai Lixin is very free and easy to die.

An hour later, he tried all the plants he could taste, and without exception, they all contained traces of toxins. Because of this, his poison resistance has also been raised to lv.3.

Toxins are native to some plants, not common to all plants. If all plants today carry trace amounts of toxins, the problem is most likely at the source.

Land, or rather water.

Bai Lixin didn't pay too much attention to the forest princess. This time he grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and applied it to the wound.

The system once again issued a toxin threat.

It is not these plants that are poisonous.

Throwing away the soil in his hand, Bai Lixin used water magic to clean up the wound and soil.

He looked at the forest princess in the vines. Like the fake princess at the beginning, the princess's eyes were also dark blue.

The lips were also bruised, a sign of poisoning.

Bai Lixin approached, this time the vine did not continue to attack him.

Carefully looking at the palm of the forest princess, Bai Lixin found that her palm was also a little blue, the fingertips were swollen and slightly red, and there were some red dirt marks hidden between the forefinger nails.

Under the cleanliness of the other finger slits, this finger slit embedded with red powder looks particularly eye-catching.

Bai Lixin took out a piece of white paper and a thin needle from his backpack, and carefully picked out the red powder. Fold the paper and put it carefully in the backpack.

Bai Lixin lifted the eyelids of the forest princess, his pupils were scattered, and his eyes were erratic.

The setting of this world is very much like a fairy tale world.

The forest princess is analogous to gods. There are four major races in this world, and there are ordinary people and gods in each race.

However, the term "god" has not been heard among the undead race. I don't know whether the gods only exist in the night elves or other races.

Seemingly seeing Bai Lixin's doubts, Di Jia said: "It is rumored that there used to be gods in Sibi Continent, and then the gods left the continent and went to the gods one after another. But some gods and mortals

The combination produced children. Those children were left in the Sibi Continent because they were demigods and could not go to the God Realm with pure bodies. "

"The forest princess should be like this."

Bai Lixin pointed to the gap between the forest princess' nails: "Do you know what this is?"

Dijia: "It's just powder. It's hard to tell what it is. But I smell it, and there are about three cases."

"First, it's the red spores of poisonous mushrooms. Second, it's a powder made from dried red cherry fruit. Third, it's a poisonous redstone powder."

Bai Lixin: "Looking at the facial features of the forest princess, it should be poisoned. It seems that only by detoxifying her can she wake up."

So far, he has only obtained a few fragmented messages.

Plants in the forest should all contain trace elements.

The source of the plant's poison is most likely the water source.

Unusual red powder in the crevice of the index finger.

If you know what poison the forest princess has been poisoned, it will be relatively easy to detoxify.

It would be great if I could take a little blood or saliva from the princess and study it.

Ding! It is detected that the player intends to harm the forest princess, and the countdown will be deducted by 2 hours. Players please cherish feathers, do not have any unreasonable ideas.

Bai Lixin: ""

When did I have a bad idea about the forest princess? ! I just want to sample!

Ding! Friendly reminder, as long as it is an act of trying to create a wound on the body of the forest princess, it is a malicious act. If it is just a fantasy in the mind, a warning of time deduction will be imposed. Three times is the upper limit, and the time will be reset to zero after the warning reaches three times.

Friendly reminder, if the wound has been put into action, it will be regarded as an act, and the countdown will be completely cleared.

I wish players a happy game.

Bai Lixin groped his chin, and the other hand subconsciously stroked the furry in his arms.

In other words, just observe.

Just try one by one.

First of all, we must find the root cause of the forest princess's sleep. If the forest princess is really related to the lifeline of the forest as the Elf King said, then she should be strong enough. The forest itself has its own purification function, and it is not easy to become a poison because of poison. so.

Bai Lixin intends to find a few elves to ask.

With Bailishin's departure, the vines that were still open just now were re-entangled.

When Bai Lixin is completely gone, the vine is the same as when he came, hanging quietly in the middle, patiently acting as a big ball.

As he walked, he did not forget to taste the branches and leaves of those new varieties of plants.

As he suspected, all plants contain toxins. In addition, he also found that the toxin is getting stronger and stronger.

The plant toxins around the Forest Princess were only trace amounts at best, and as they moved away from the Forest Princess' residence, the toxin intensity also changed from trace amounts to small amounts, and then to moderate amounts.

Bai Lixin was even thinking, if he went deeper, would he find highly poisonous plants?

After walking for a while, he suddenly heard the sound of ding ding dong dong murmur of running water. Following the sound, Bai Lixin saw a small stream.

The stream is extremely clear, but there are no fish or shrimp in the crystal-clear stream.

Bai Lixin held a small handful of water, he didn't drink it directly, but stuck out his tongue and only licked it a little.

Ding! A highly toxic toxin is detected, and poison resistance is activated. If the dosage is too small, it can be detoxified. Because the toxin is too strong, the detoxification process will accompany the body. Please be patient.

As soon as the system's voice fell, Bailishin felt a sudden throbbing pain in his stomach.

The pain lasted for more than ten seconds and then disappeared quickly.

Congratulations to the player, the poison resistance proficiency has been improved, and the current level of poison resistance is lv.6.

The full level of poison resistance is level 10, and Bai Lixin feels that when he leaves this forest, the poison resistance has reached the full level.

His eyes fell on the crystal clear stream. It's hard to imagine that such a clear water stream has such a venomous poison hidden in it.

The riparian plants near the river, about ten centimeters, are barren.

Bai Lixin tugged at the plant closest to the river and chewed on the leaves.

The system immediately prompted that this leaf contains a lot of toxins.

Obviously, this river is the culprit of all the toxins in this forest.

It's just why there are so many toxins in this clear river, I'm afraid we have to go to the source of the water to see it.

Bai Lixin stood up, changed direction, and headed towards the upstream of the stream.


in the live room.

I seem to see the real version of Shennong tasting all kinds of herbs.

The forest princess is so beautiful, very much like the flower fairy in the cartoons I watched when I was a child.

I have seen other players play this dungeon before, but they have not done it here.

So where did they do it?

[They didn't find there was a forest princess, they thought it was an elf princess, and they were tricked by the elf king and died directly.

Isn't the secret treasure of the elves a dead answer? How did you get the secret treasure of the elves?

I remember that some of their players stole it directly, and it worked. At that time, the system prompted them to succeed.

But stealing is definitely not as good as doing it in earnest

Tasks give high points.

It used to be able to steal, but after stealing it twice, it was not easy to use, and later players did not steal it once.

Isn't that waiting to die?

In fact, the task of this copy has not changed for a long time. When it was still a trial instance at the very beginning, the mission only needed to survive for four days and four nights. The task of collecting the secret treasures of the four clans has only started a few times. But since this mission appeared, the survival rate has become zero.

So collecting treasures is a bug? The garbage system, I don't know how to fix it, it's all broken and let players play. Isn't this the same as the player being forced to do a roller coaster with loose screws?

Don't be afraid, wait for Xin Shen to end.


The water flowed from the depths of the deep forest, and Bai Lixin walked along the way, and the road became more and more steep and rugged. The sun overhead was no longer so hot and bright, and the surrounding leaves kept rustling, and the sun was about to go down.

Bai Lixin walked for more than half an hour, and finally found the source of the stream through the bright sunset at dusk.

The stream disappeared into a cave, and the scene in the cave could still be faintly seen by the sunset.

Blissin turned on the flashlight from his backpack and walked into the cave while lighting it.

The sixth sense told him that there must be some close connection between the strange and highly poisonous river water, all the poisonous plants, and the sleeping princess of the forest.

The cave is a little damp because of the current. The cave is not small, and the wind blew into the cave, making a strange whistling sound.

Even with a flashlight, it was a little dim in front of me. The sun in the forest disappeared very quickly. The sunset, which was emitting a warm golden light just now, has completely disappeared at the end of the horizon.

The moon has not yet risen, and the surroundings are getting darker and darker.

He heard the sound of the wind blowing into the hole, and there were many small stones under his feet. Bailishin carefully followed his feet and moved forward step by step along the current.

Just as Bailishin moved forward, a drop of icy liquid fell on the back of Bailishin's neck, and the drop of liquid quickly moved down the neck and merged into the robe.

Bai Lixin rubbed his neck and continued to move forward.

Every now and then, a "tick-tock" dripping sound could be heard overhead.

Just as Bailishin was moving forward, he suddenly heard a rustling sound.

Behind him, there was a "click" sound of dead branches being cut off.

Bai Lixin stopped abruptly.

The flashlight first shone overhead, nothing but the wet stalactite walls glowing with water.

Then Blissin flashed the flashlight behind him.

At the place where the "click" sound of dead branches snapped just now, Bai Lixin only saw a broken branch, and there was nothing else.

But he still heard the rustling sound of his body moving.

The flashlight chased the voice, but still couldn't find them.

Just when Bai Lixin retracted the flashlight and wanted to move forward, he suddenly caught his breath when he saw the scene in front of him.

In front of the empty place just now, a group of strange monsters suddenly appeared.

They have no hair and skin that looks like human skin, but these monsters walk on all fours.

The skulls are also very similar to human skulls, except that their pupils are hollow silver-gray and their teeth are jagged and jagged.

The limbs of these monsters are very long, some are crawling on the ground, some are hanging on the wall, and they move very fast. When they move, their limbs support the wall and the ground, and there is no sound.

They huddled in the darkness, their beastlike gazes fixed on Blissin.

The flashlight in Bai Lixin's hand shook a few times, and the beasts immediately moved a little in a hurry.

These monsters seem to be afraid of light, and the flashlight has not been able to shine on them just now, I am afraid they have been avoiding the light.

Bai Lixin did not dare to relax his vigilance, he covered them with a flashlight, and looked towards the end of the stream with the faint light the flashlight brought him.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was startled when I saw it.

At the end of the river is a huge spring, and in the spring, dense monsters curl up inside.

Bai Lixin: ""


I seem to have drank a little of this water just now, help, is the spring the bathing water for these monsters?

Come here, always have to see what is in Quan's eyes.

Bai Lixin moved the flashlight in his hand and shone in Quan's eyes.

The monsters that were fluttering happily just now fled like bears covered by bees, and quickly merged into the darkness.

Bai Lixin couldn't see them in the dark, but he knew that they could see him in the dark, and they kept staring at him.

Bai Lixin walked towards the spring, and as he moved, he saw something floating on it.

When he was only a few steps away from the spring, he also saw what was inside.

It was a pile of carrion.

The rotten heart, lungs, liver, skin and other organs just floated in it, like egg drop in seaweed egg drop soup.

Bai Lixin: ""

Sorry for insulting seaweed egg drop soup.

Dija's voice was particularly abrupt and oppressive in the dark cave, "Look at these monsters, don't they look like night elves?"

Bai Lixin heard the words and shone the flashlight on the monsters. This time combined with Dijia's tips, not to mention, these monsters really have the characteristics of night elves.

Pointy ears, slender body, and long limbs.

Dijia's voice was heavy, "When the disease appears, the first thing that will bear the brunt is the creatures between heaven and earth. They will slowly disappear, not only reason but civilization as well."

Bai Lixin: "What are you talking about?"

Dija: "A bard's prophecy. A bard's prophecy is always endless, and you won't realize what it's talking about until it happens."

"I always thought this prophecy was about the plague of mankind, and that plague has already happened. Now that I see this, I may have misunderstood it."

"The creatures between heaven and earth, night elves have always claimed to be the beings who can perceive the power of heaven and earth the most. They have always lived in the forest and coexisted with heaven and earth. Besides them, who else can claim to be the creatures between heaven and earth?"

"It's not just reason that has disappeared, but also civilization. If this prophecy corresponds to the night elves, this sentence makes sense. The plague of mankind was cruel, but it only destroyed human life. They civilization still exists.”

"It's different now. The night elves have turned into this walking corpse, and the forest princess has fallen into a deep sleep. If the forest princess can't wake up, the night elves will really be extinct."

Bai Lixin: "Did the prophecy say a solution?"

Dijia: "The bard only said four words: pay from the bottom of the pot."

Salary from the bottom of the pot?

What's the meaning? Cut off from the root?

But what is the root cause?

There is a saying that because prophecy is a exploration of the future, in order not to be condemned by God, the prophecy will be expressed in vague words.

They won't be as easy to understand, or even as clear-cut.

But in the process of interpreting prophecy, it is easy to interpret mistakes.

Sometimes it even leads to the occurrence of prophecy due to misinterpretation.

The existence of prophecy is not necessarily good.

The reason why the future is full of longing and curiosity is because of its mystery and unknown. Once life knows what may happen in the future, life is likely to become the slave of the future.

Bai Lixin doesn't like these prophecies that appear from time to time, but obviously, these prophecies are an important factor that constitutes this copy.

From the first day they descended on this copy, the prophecy was present throughout.

Even he was regarded as a bride because of the existence of prophecy.

The prophecy that "drawing from the bottom of the pot" can solve all this?

What salary is drawn from what?



This monster turned out to be a night elf? I'm numb, is this the difference between beautiful and unbeautiful?

I want to be spoiled, what does it mean to draw from the bottom of the pot? Who can tell me? Have you seen the little angel of this copy?

Didn't I tell you just now? No one found the task of the forest princess at all, and everyone folded on the real and fake princesses in front. If you don't see it here, who knows what the bottom line is?

However, there are so many prophecies in this dungeon. The bard who said so many prophecies is really powerful, but it is a pity that powerful people can only exist in legends in the end.

Not only prophecies, but curses. The three major elements of the magic world are being pinched to death. Magic, prophecy, curses, have that taste.

You analyze yours, I will vomit for a while first, the patient with intensive phobia has just been completely numb.

Die of laughter, you have already entered this game, and you dare to have intensive phobia?


Those ugly night elves just watched Blissin vigilantly and didn't mean to approach.

Their gray-white eyes were a little dazed, and they were a little dull, and for a while, Bai Lixin thought of seeing Zhou Guang and the others in the tunnel of the Immortal King.

Although the expressions are not the same, Zhou Guang and the others have become thoughtless puppets?

Is this a coincidence that this occurs in both populations?

If it is a coincidence, is it too coincidental?

If it's not a coincidence, what's the connection?

Bai Lixin controlled the black pearl in his hand and randomly selected a night elf monster.

As the white light lit up beside the monster, the system prompt sounded again.

Ding! The target has been completely diseased and cannot be treated for the time being. Please improve your item proficiency as soon as possible.

Bai Lixin was stunned by this prompt, and then he asked the escape system: It means that after the proficiency of the props is improved, can these diseased night elves be cured?

Escape system: Growth-type S-level healing props-----mermaid heart, when upgraded to full level, it can not only cure terminal illness, but also revive. Players can complete the level of props as soon as possible.

Bai Lixin remembered the crystal ball that was forcibly upgraded to the full level by Dijia in the previous plane, so can he follow his example and improve like this?

Dijia once told him that there are two ways to upgrade props.

One is to improve proficiency through continuous use, which is to generate qualitative changes from quantitative changes, which can be upgraded when the quantitative changes reach a critical value.

The other is to inject energy directly, forcing the props to undergo qualitative changes.

two squares

The methods are the same, but obviously the first method is more mundane for the masses, because for most players, there is simply not that much energy to complete the upgrade.

Bai Lixin's flashlight shone on these night elves, and he saw a figure in the light of the flashlight.

It was an elf that was different from other night elves. It was taller, had longer limbs, and even had a bigger chest than other elves.

Feeling the strong light, the elf swoops away.

Bai Lixin stared at the elf and fell into a few seconds of contemplation, the sky was getting dark, this is not a place to stay for a long time.

The elves seem harmless now, and no one knows what will happen over time. If it's really harmless, what about the carrion soaked in water?

Blissin couldn't find anything else in the cave and quickly exited the cave.

Toxin, Sleeping Forest Princess, Sick Night Elf

There are more and more clues, and things are getting more and more interesting.

Bai Lixin turned back, the moon had slowly risen above his head, and then Bai Lixin quickly identified the direction of the moon's position, and it didn't take long for him to find the way he came from.

As a night elf that is nocturnal, late at night is obviously more lively.

When Bai Lixin returned to the night elf tribe, he saw the night elves dancing around the bonfire.

There were so many night elves that he had never seen during the day.

All of them had smiles on their faces, and they danced enthusiastically to each other, expressing their feelings through dancing.

The Elf King had put on formal clothes. He sat alone on the throne, reclining lazily on the throne, and the corners of his eyes swept over the night elves who were singing and dancing on the stage, drinking fruit wine cup by cup.

Bai Lixin stood beside this group of laughing night elves, and his originally restrained gaze became heavier.

The bonfire swayed and the moonlight was clear.

In these surging flames, Bai Lixin did not see a single shadow.

All night elves have only bodies and no shadows.

Those shadows should have jumped as the bonfire lengthened.

Bai Lixin looked at the elf king on the throne with complex eyes, and saw that the elf king was also watching him intently.

Looking at each other, they seem to have noticed something.

The elf king's originally sloppy posture suddenly turned serious, and the reclining body sat upright. The elf king also looked at Bai Lixin with a complicated look.

Bai Lixin was the first to stagger his gaze, and his gaze fell on the grass.

When he was in the cave just now, he really saw it right, that tall body was very similar to the elf king in front of him.

Although the body has become thinner and the skull has changed, the bones can still be aligned.

As he thought about it, he saw a pair of dark boots in front of him.

Looking up, the Elf King who was sitting on the throne just now has come to him.

The Elf King has put away his usual rambling, and his expression has never been more serious: "Take a step to speak?"

Bai Lixin: "Okay."

The two walked into the darkness one after the other, and the swaying and dancing sound of the bonfire could be heard behind them.

Elf King: "You seem to have discovered something interesting. You discovered our cave."

Bai Lixin did not deny it, "Can you tell me what happened?"

The Elf King sighed: "When I found out that the disaster was coming, it was too late, and most of the night elves were also infected with the disease. In order to prevent my subjects from suffering so much, I used the last power to drive out the body of the night elves. into the cave. Trapped their memories and souls again in the happiest endless cycle."

"From then on, they only wake up in the dark. They sing and dance, forgetting the pain, only the memory of that day."

Bai Lixin: "What about the night elves during the day? They were really injured, and I also treated them."

Elf King: "They are the only night elves who are not infected with the disease. In order to protect them and help my subjects not to discover the truth, I let healthy night elves be responsible for patrolling during the day. Every night comes, I Sleeping spells are cast on them so they can sleep through the night and wake up the next day."

"That way they won't discover the secret that the night elves have no shadows. And these subjects will always be mired in joy and won't discover the reality of pain."

"It's just that I didn't expect that after a long time, the forest princess also fell into a deep sleep. My power has almost been used up, and I can't save the forest princess at all, so I began to place my hopes on others. I used the elves' secret treasures as a bargaining chip to attract The rescuer appeared, but what I didn't expect was that the rescuer used a dirty technique of stealing in order to get the secret treasure, so I made a contract later."

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