After the Doomsday Rebirth, My Whole Family is Big Brother

Chapter 918, Fanwai - What's on the other side of the wall

Chapter 918, Extra Story - What's on the other side of the wall

The stars move and the bucket turns, and the sea changes.

I don't know how many years have passed.

The tall city walls are covered with thick moss.

Even some of the city walls have begun to fall off in large pieces, and some places have been dented.

The sea is blue, and the submarines made by humans have not been able to break through the Great Wall.

Safe bases have been outlawed.

The world has become several countries again.

After several world wars, peace was finally restored, restarted and developed, and developed and restarted.

Human beings start from scratch and start to develop technology again.

This has happened countless times in the long history of mankind.

Every time it was redeveloped, it failed to break through this wall, and it failed to invent equipment capable of stepping on the moon.

But this time, it seems that the wall that has stood for thousands of years can be broken through.

The most powerful country is the Dragon Kingdom, which covers the largest area and is also the strongest.

Today is the most eye-catching day.

Humans have successfully invented satellites and explored the other side of the earth.

It is an endless grassland and forest.

Suitable for human habitation.

At any time, it is ready to open a hole in this city wall that has stood for an unknown number of years to expand the living area of ​​human beings.

The two children were playing near the city wall holding hands, running happily.

Sister, sister, what's on the other side of the city wall?

The younger boy raised his head and asked his sister who was holding his hand, his eyes were full of curiosity.

The taller sister blinked her big ignorant eyes, and said softly,

Didn't it be said on TV! It's a land with a lot of animals, maybe we can go there to play!

The little girl stretched out her hand and scratched the city wall,

Some dirt was buckled from the top.

Ah? Then there are no monsters that can eat people in this world?

The little boy looked disappointed,

Didn't Mom say that there are monsters eating people on the other side of the city wall?

Many children have heard a legend that if they are disobedient, they will be thrown to the other side of the high wall to feed monsters.

Monsters like to eat disobedient children.

Of course not! Mom lied to you! Mom was so scared by grandma when she was a child!

The little girl was on her toes, as if she wanted to see the other end of the city wall, but she couldn't see the end.

You can only see the high city walls piercing into the sky.

Then why is there a red light coming from there every New Year's Eve?

The little boy also snatched a piece of dirt from the city wall, and asked expectantly,

Could it be because there are gods over there? The gods can call wind and rain, they can also summon sea water, and they can fly!

You are so stupid. There are no gods in this world. Besides, didn't you listen to the experts! Those are all natural phenomena. The red light over there on New Year's Eve is just the frequency light reflected by the atmosphere!

The little girl poked the boy's forehead with her finger.

Although she didn't know what frequency light was, what the experts said must be right.

Oh, did the experts say why there is no red light during Chinese New Year this year? The red light is so beautiful, even redder than red lanterns!

The little boy still didn't understand.

Experts say that there was too much snow on New Year's Eve this year!

The little girl explained.

Then the records in Shanhe Jing are all false? The little boy blinked.

Shan He Jing is his favorite book, which records a lot of bizarre stories.

He also said that there was no such high wall in the beginning, and human beings were scattered in every corner of the earth.

Later, everyone became powerful. Most people became gods, and some people became monsters, eating people everywhere.

Later, there was this city wall, which separated people from monsters.

In addition to this story, there are even many powerful and intelligent monsters recorded.

The magical hibiscus tree, the talking monkey, the iron-eating beast that can crush steel...

Although the text is difficult to understand, the little boy still likes to read it. What he reads are all translated texts, and he can barely understand them. He has already pestered his family to buy a lot of illustrations.

I don't know who wrote the Shanhe Jing, but it has been a thousand years, so it must have been fabricated by the ancients!

The little girl replied solemnly,

Experts have said that it is impossible for such a powerful animal to exist in the world, and humans cannot go beyond that limit!

Oh, the expert must be right!

The little boy nodded approvingly, but still scratched his head unwillingly,

Is there a slight possibility that it is true?

No! The little girl shook her head, and replied obediently, Let's not talk about the Shan He Jing, even the Shan Hai Jing that has never been seen in the legend is fake. Flying big fish!


The little boy lowered his head, feeling very disappointed.

Fairy tales are deceptive.

It seems that he should read more books that adults read.

The siblings held hands and played around the city wall for a while, then went home for dinner.

remote desert area.

There is no one living here, only endless walls and sand.

Helicopters landed in front of the wall, and some people in uniform clothes came down, and they had skins of various colors.

All kinds of high-tech bombs were placed in the marked positions, and some people in white coats were holding computers and kept calculating something.

From day to night, from night to day.

After three months in a row, the plan was finally completed.

Today is destined to be a day that will be recorded in history.

Human beings will open up new territories and set foot on lands that have never been set foot before.

TV, the host said impassionedly, this is only the first step, after the technology advances further, human beings can still fly to the sky and walk on the moon!

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The impenetrable city wall was torn open.

But it didn't blow up a gap that could pass through.

The city wall is too wide, tens of kilometers.

But it doesn't matter, humans are well prepared.

Helicopters once again delivered all kinds of explosives in a steady stream.

Thick smoke billowed again and again, and there was a loud noise.

The sky paid off, and after a long time, human beings finally saw a hole in the city wall.

Also breathed the fresh air on the other side.

This side of the city wall is a desert, and the other side of the city wall is an endless forest, and you can even see many extinct animals!


Human beings are boiling, and scientists are boiling.

A large number of people entered the land where human beings have never set foot on, and ran to their heart's content.

Feel the beauty here.

Soon, someone found a large number of bones in the land.

Experts speculate that on the other side of the city wall, human beings like them lived at first, but they encountered an indestructible virus, and everyone died.

Everything is back to normal again.

So the archaeologists were also excited, and began to search for some ancient relics in this unknown land.

Large tracts of land have been re-covered with human footprints, and the gaps in the city walls are getting wider every year.

With more resources and more population, the happiness index has also risen.

In this land, no one will ever know how brilliant the civilization was.

He also didn't notice that some seemingly ordinary stones were quietly releasing some energy.

These energies are too small to be detected by any instrument, but at some point, they will burst forth.


? ?End sprinkle flowers~

? A new book opening - Don't Panic, Xueba Daddy and I Traveled Together

The school scumbag Fengjin wakes up and becomes a little farm girl, who can't even learn conic curves and doesn't have any survival skills.

? Facing a dangerous situation.

? Fortunately, Xueba's father is also here!

? It hurts Fengjin to beat someone, but her father is omnipotent!

? Food, cakes, cosmetics, iron making, glass making, explosives, everything!

? Poor farm father and daughter, holding the spirit spring space in their hands, and have a spirit fox and white tiger as pets.


? ——The head of the beggar gang cried and shouted to beg for food at her door.

? ——The prime minister who hides the dragon robe in the closet at home.

?  …

? It was only later that she discovered that these strange creatures were all her buddies and scumbag classmates!

? Is the collective crossing incident a conspiracy?

? Fengjin guessed for a long time, and felt that a certain handsome man was the villain!

? But... the villain's leader, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, does not look like the legendary crazy critic, he is quite beautiful, and he looks like he can cry for a long time with a fist.

The representative of the physical education class of the five big and three thick has changed from Zhou Wu to Zhou Wu, with a graceful figure and a prosperous appearance, Xiao Jin is not afraid, I will succeed in chasing the dog prince of the feudal society with my good looks, and I will kill him directly when the time comes!

? Chen Yu, who was holding Feng Jin's little hand, shuddered silently.



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