"Good morning, Mr. Tang!"

The first person to come to a company must be the front desk.

The little girl, no, the older girl is already 27 years old, and her child is already in kindergarten. In order to make a better living, she chose to marry her boyfriend and have a child during her graduate studies.

After graduation, she weaned her child and sent him to kindergarten.

The prosperous Tang Dynasty! What a good opportunity, she went through many trials to get this job.

Not only did she earn a lot of money, but Mr. Tang also allowed all of them to attend the morning meeting.

What a good opportunity?

Tang Qian looked straight ahead and ignored the beautiful woman in front of her.

The office had been cleaned, the desk was spotless, and the windows were clean.

The windows were also opened, and the sea breeze blew the snow-white curtains, bringing fresh air to the room.

She just walked into her office, took off her coat and hung it on the coat rack.

There were several bags on the cabinet next to her, and she didn't notice if one was missing.

Turning around and about to sit down, the girl at the front desk had already brought in a cup of coffee.

"Mr. Tang, your coffee!"

"Put it on the table, you can leave now." Tang Qian said coldly.

She usually doesn't smile much in the company, and the receptionist has long been used to it. She put the coffee on her desk and turned away.

Tang Qian walked to the window and looked at the traffic outside. She was thinking whether to delay for a while or start shipping from next week.

The target price has not yet reached her psychological price, but the time has been long enough.

She had seen the production forecast report of the planting base last week. Should she raise the price of her two stocks?

There will be dividends this month. What she meant at the family meeting was that the dividends this year will be delayed a little. After all, she lost more than 10 billion in the first half of the year. She wanted to borrow money from the pharmaceutical company to make a profit in the market and fill the hole.

But at the meeting, her father Tang Zhenshan did not agree.

She proposed to issue additional shares again, and her father said he would consider it...

She was upset!

She sat down on her seat when she returned to her seat, and suddenly felt a slight tingling in several places on her buttocks.

Hmm? Was it because she was spanked too hard last night?

She lifted her buttocks and touched it with her hand. It was indeed a little painful.

She took a sip of coffee and nodded.

The coffee brewing skills of the front desk staff were pretty good.

Nate smiled and pointed at the screen while chewing the bread in his hand, "This woman is very playful! Two strong men followed her to the hotel last night.

I saw it from the road surveillance...

Although she is old, her buttocks are really perky!"

Yuan Long and Yuan Qi nodded, "Yes, she has never been married and has never had children, and her waist is not thick.

This figure is quite good among 40-year-old women."

The screen showed the surveillance footage of the work area. Tang Qian did not come out after entering the office.

Employees began to appear on the screen one after another, but there was no sign of any disturbance, which meant that the toxin had not yet taken effect.

When nearly 20 minutes had passed, Tang Qian finally felt something was wrong.

She felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, and her stomach also hurt.

She was thirsty and wanted to drink water.

Her heart was beating very fast, as if she had hypoglycemia.

She was a little flustered, so she stood up, picked up her coat, walked out of the office, and said to the employees outside: "I have something to do and need to go out for a while. The morning meeting will be postponed. Wait until I come back."

"Okay, Mr. Tang."

"Yes, Mr. Tang."

"Mr. Tang, do you want to go to the hospital? I see that you look very bad."

More than bad, she was sweating on her forehead.

She thought that there should be no problem with the breakfast she had, and the coffee would not be a problem, but she was not sure.

She wanted to go to her own hospital to have a look.

Nodding, she walked quickly towards the company door with her bag.

She covered her mouth while walking, and she could not suppress the churning in her stomach.

"Here it comes!" Yuan Long's voice rose a few degrees, and Yuan Feng also came over.

All the staff of Sixiang stared at the employees who stood up on the screen and Tang Qian who hurried away with her mouth covered.

"She can't survive!" Yuan Feng smiled.

Nate said with a chuckle, "She should be able to hold out for about a day.

Under normal circumstances, ricin is difficult to detect because so few people use it.

And usually 36 hours after poisoning, the degree of single-strand breaks in DNA reaches its peak.

If she goes to the hospital now, during the morning rush hour, she will not be able to survive by the time she arrives at the nearest hospital.

There is no way to detoxify this thing.

Even if a large amount of glutathione is used, it is useless. The dose on 9 needles is enough to kill 10 Tang Qians.

She is already dead."

Yuan Long laughed and said, "Then what are you waiting for, check out and leave! As soon as the news comes out, I will ask Ben for the balance!

I want to add a horse farm to our manor, what do you think, second sister?"

Yuan Feng stood up and said, "Don't spend money recklessly, save money, don't you, third brother and Nate need to get married?"


Tang Qian held the wall and insisted on going to the basement. After getting out of the elevator, she couldn't help but vomited.

The breakfast in her stomach plus the coffee, vomited out completely.

Feeling a little better, she shakily took out her cell phone and called her own hospital, asking them to pick her up as soon as possible at parking space A88 in the underground garage.

After insisting on telling her symptoms, she felt that it was difficult to breathe.

The toxin had begun to affect her respiratory center...

Tang San huddled himself into a small ball. He had just entered the car not long ago, but he did not expect this woman to stumble towards him.

He huddled himself in the back and did not move.

Tang Qian opened the door and sat in it, closed the door, and began to breathe heavily.

The car did not start, but just stopped in place. She retched several times in the car...

Tang San frowned slightly when he smelled the sour and rancid smell in the air.

This woman is not right, she is probably sick.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

He took out the wire saw and swung his hands.

The wire saw was put on Tang Qian's neck.

She should have reacted, but she was dizzy and didn't feel anything at all.

Tang San didn't care so much. He pushed his knees against the seat and pulled hard with both hands.

Tang Qian began to resist, but she didn't have much strength.

She was already having trouble breathing, and her neck had started bleeding after the wire saw had sunk deep into it.

She wanted to struggle and call for help, but fear had completely taken over her mind.

She suddenly thought, was this Chen Ping'an's counterattack?

Thinking of this, her fear became even stronger.

Tang San was very smart not to pull, otherwise the car would be covered in blood.

This woman had no power to resist!

I'll strangle her to death!

His hands were not very strong, but the wire saw sunk into his flesh, and his knees were against the backrest, with no solution.

Tang Qian's hands stretched backwards weakly, trying to grab the thing that was strangling her neck, but it was useless.

Tang San held his breath and exerted force with his hands and knees.

A minute later, Tang San suddenly smelled a foul smell.

He let go of the wire saw in his hand and looked around, and no one noticed the movement in the car.

The traffic was quite lively, and it was almost time for work. Normal!

He pushed open the car door, slipped from the shadows to the utility room, collected his things and took off his coat, revealing the short-sleeved shirt underneath, wrapped his things into a ball and threw them at the back of the utility room, then pushed open the door and walked towards the elevator.

Only three minutes later, he had already walked out of Tang's Building.

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