Chen Pingan was silent.

It was indeed a bit too much. He had never thought of this before, but now, this idea seemed to come naturally.

After a while, he said: "I am a speculator.

Speculation is an art rather than a science (Andre Kostolany, the godfather of German securities).

For the rich and powerful and capital, what they pursue is absolute profit and how to trample on the law artistically.

I... I am just trying to protect myself."


Edwards smiled and said in a gentle voice: "Boss, you misunderstood me.

For the enemy, any means can be used, regardless of whether it will cause the wrath of heaven and the resentment of the people. Morality and conscience are worthless in the face of hatred."

Chen Pingan looked at this guy who sold himself for revenge, and agreed with what he said in his heart.

This guy, with all the money he could raise, killed dozens of people in his uncle's family, and was even cruel enough to burn all the family property!

An absolutely ruthless person, and a business genius with a very high IQ.

Rebirth, after all, has its benefits.

Otherwise, how could I know such a person?

And he has a perfect tacit understanding with me.

He smiled, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes, "Then settle Mr. Dickert and his team's family first.

Now we have two things to do.

One is to make money, and the other is to see how many industries the Tang family has abroad.

Since you have the intention to kill me, then..."

"Fight to the death!" Edwards interrupted and finished what he wanted to say.

Chen Pingan nodded, "We'll fight to the death! At least we have to bring down the Tang family!"

"Boss, first we need to know whether the Tang family has assets overseas. This is not difficult to do. You don't even need to check it yourself. Just spend a little money and someone will help you do it."

"Do you mean to post the task on the dark web?"

Edwards smiled and said, "You just need to find an internationally renowned firm, even if it's the Big Four, there will be people who will be happy to help you find the information you want. As long as you pay, they will do everything.

If I check with you, let alone whether I can find it, the time alone is enough to earn more than ten times the money I spend."

Chen Pingan certainly knew that if strictly calculated, his time cost was very high.

But now, apart from agreeing to Chen Xiaolong and his politician client, there is nothing to do.

"Okay. You are European, it's best for you to do this.

I'll study the market fluctuations."


Tang Qian is in her forties and is known as a witch.

A typical business woman, but her interest has never been in industry.

She has been working in the financial market for more than 20 years. She has a strong personality and has not married yet.

The long-term imbalance of yin and yang has made her personality more and more perverse and cruel in recent years.

Except for the old people who have followed her for many years, the job-hopping rate of middle-level employees is the highest in the financial industry in Shanghai.

But those who have followed her are all good hands after they come out, which makes her position in the Tang family as stable as Mount Tai.

The fund company she established creates more profits for the Tang family every year than a medium-sized pharmaceutical factory.

"Haven't you contacted the person yet?"

At this time, she was on the phone, her voice was not loud, but her tone was very stern.

Listening to the report below on the phone, she couldn't help but wonder, the things arranged by the people below have not yet had any results, and it has been more than half a month.

As a result, the report below said that the person who arranged it was missing!

This is not a good sign.

Based on her personality, the people below usually report the results after investigating as much as possible.

So far, there has been no movement in the Chen family. Except for Chen Pingan and two personal bodyguards, there has been no change.

And Chen Pingan's whereabouts can only be found after the exit record.

"Forget it, come back after cleaning up the mess."

After hanging up the phone, she focused on her work.

Two months ago, all her losses occurred in just a few days.

On the shock platform before Chen Pingan left the market, nearly half of the short orders were hers.

The profit margin between the upper and lower platforms had brought her a lot of profits. When the futures index broke away from the platform and rose, she did not give up, but continued to increase her positions.

The reason for being so crazy is because she has money.

She invested nearly 5 billion yuan, and the final loss came from the game at the last high point.

If she had not been heavily invested in copper, she would not have run out of money to continue to short.

More than a dozen billion yuan is equivalent to the profit of most of last year.

How could she bear this?

She has never suffered such a big loss since her debut.

Everything was done by this young man who suddenly appeared.

Her first thought at the time was to kill the other party, and then she did it.

After being frustrated for more than a month, she learned the other party's name. She even asked her men to kill the other party regardless of the fact that the other party came from the Chen family in Beijing.

In fact, if she knew that her brother-in-law was Chen Ping'an's second uncle, she would only use her brother-in-law to win over the other party and let the other party help her make money.

But she didn't know.

She didn't even check Chen Ping'an's information. After knowing that he was a member of the Chen family, she paid the money and asked someone to do it!

She didn't check the other party, but the other party had checked her information. Not only that, the distribution of the Tang family's industries and the most profitable parts were all written into the information.

Edwards found two connected manors, which were actually two families.

Each had a land farm, a breeding farm, and shared a lake and sewage treatment system.

The houses were concentrated in two parts, surrounded by mountains and rivers, which can be said to be quite good.

Thanks to the infrastructure construction capabilities of modern society and the fear of war, shelters were built in the mountains behind.

Chen Pingan and Edwards rode on horses and followed the owner to check every corner of the entire area.

It is less than an hour's drive from the city, with vast land and sparse population, beautiful scenery, and very good air.

Wheat and vegetables are planted in the farmland.

These are not Chen Pingan's focus.

He focused on the house structures of the two families, which were built with a very light modern prefabricated construction model.

Except for the poor bulletproof performance, it is indeed very suitable.

In addition to various house buildings, the total area of ​​the two families reached more than 4,000 acres.

This area is really big enough.

It is enough for whatever he wants to do here.

Except for the poor network, Chen Pingan is very satisfied with everything else.

Considering the daily operation, he also bought a villa in the city as a trading studio.

Others are not important.

The cost of the three properties is undoubtedly huge, but Chen Pingan is not vague at all.

Chen Pingan paid a full 130 million euros for this.

When all the ownership documents were placed in front of him, Chen Pingan felt that the shrunken cash was worth it.

It’s just that the efficiency of the local government is really hard to describe.

According to his plan, he will leave one manor for his parents and Huihui, and the other one for himself.

But some renovation and expansion are needed.

Where will the bodyguard live?

Some trees need to be planted on the manor.

In addition, the road also needs to be repaired, otherwise it is really inconvenient.

There are also shelters and shooting ranges.

He did not intervene in all of these and handed them all over to Edwards.

There is only one requirement, that he can hide here and live alone for at least one year without worrying about living supplies and weapons and ammunition.

Edwards hired a German designer, and everything was based on a heavy, solid and durable tone.

Chen Pingan happily watched his manor change day by day.

Until Chen Xiaolong called to ask about the progress of financial management.

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