""Name it?"

Li Kuan stroked his chin. Yes, a new ship should be given a mighty and resounding name.

After all, it is the first large ship.

It is likely to be recorded in the history of Lingnan in the future.

"Then let's call him the wise and mighty Li Shimin!" After a long time, Li Kuan clapped his hands and gave him a name very seriously.

"Good name!"

"What a good name your Majesty has given!"

"Just call him the wise and mighty Li Shimin!"

"Why didn't I think of this name!"

As soon as the name was announced, everyone started to praise it. Some people even took out books to write it down.

They didn't care whether the name sounded good or not, as long as it was given by their own prince.

"No, no!"Li Dao Zong and Cheng Yao Jin staggered when they heard the name.

Since ancient times, the emperor's name has been taboo.

Li Kuan was good enough to directly name it after the emperor, which was a big taboo. Li Dao Zong, who was in charge of the Ministry of Rites, knew the ins and outs of it best.

The key point was that the current emperor was still his father.

"What's wrong?" Li Kuan glanced at Li Dao Zong, his eyes squinting. This imperial merchant from the capital was startled.

"Since ancient times, it has been taboo to use the name of the current emperor...."Li Daozong looked a little confused. His nephew didn't seem to know the rules. He actually used Li Shimin's name directly on a ship. Isn't this a challenge to the emperor's authority?

If it were in the capital, even if he was a prince, he would be suppressed by the Zongzheng Temple.

"It’s really troublesome, let’s just change the name!" Li Kuan wanted to say that this is Lingnan and his father didn’t know it either, but he thought that this ship would be recorded in history and his father was very proud.

If he knew, he would probably be furious.

So he continued:"Then let’s call it Chang’an!"

"Good, name!"

Others echoed again, the name given by their prince is very nice.

Li Dao Zong and Cheng Yao Jin's eyelids jumped, Li Kuan's mind was so jumpy, and the name was so casual.

"Where are the other two?" Li Kuan looked forward.

"In other docks!" Yang Dachuan said quickly

"Let's name them together, one is Lingnan and the other is Luoyang!" Li Kuan saved trouble and named the other two ships at the same time. Zhao

Xin had a dark face and didn't know what to say. Fortunately, an hourglass not far away had run out at this time:"Your Majesty, the auspicious time has arrived!"


Li Kuan stopped talking nonsense and struck the gong beside him, and the workers began to move.

However, it took a lot of effort to get this big ship into the sea, with the cooperation of thousands of people and the help of Gongshujia's equipment. It took more than an hour for the giant ship to be launched, stirring up waves several meters high.

Compared with the Chang'an, the other two ships were launched much faster, taking a total of two hours. When it was almost noon, all three ships were launched.

Standing at the dock, looking at these three big ships, everyone was excited.

This is their great masterpiece.

"Report, there is no abnormality in the launch of the ship!"

"The boat is steady!"

"It can sail!"

One report after another reached Li Kuan's ears.

Looking at the big ship on the sea, Li Kuan's heart was surging:"Everyone, thank you for your hard work. I will never forget that in the south of our Lingnan, there is a group of selfless people like you. The people of Lingnan will never forget it!"

Every shipbuilder shed tears of excitement.

""Let's go, get on board!"

Li Kuan shouted and strode towards the largest Chang'an.

The others followed closely behind.

Li Kuan stood on the deck, looking at the vast sea, his heart heavy.

Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozon followed him, and only when he was on the deck did he realize how small he was.

How did they forge such a big ship?

There was a giant crossbow on the edge of the deck, and there were several wheels on both sides of the crossbow, which was different from what they had seen before.

Some naval sailors came on board with Li Kuan. In fact, when he was forging the big ship, he began to train the navy.

These people would also catch some fish to eat during training. It can be said that the fish they caught every day could supply the entire harbor.

""Dashi Yang, are there any food and fresh water on board?" Li Kuan suddenly asked this question while looking at the vast sea.

Dashi Yang didn't know why Li Kuan asked this, but he nodded and said,"We have prepared it. We plan to launch the boat and let it sail for a distance to try out how the boat works!""

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Set sail! I will go with you!"

Li Kuan smiled. The sea, here he comes.

"Your Majesty, you are worth a fortune. It is too risky to go out to sea! Besides, I haven't decided on the itinerary yet!" Yang Dachuan was a little panicked. Going out to sea is too risky.

"Don't worry, we're just going around the coast. Besides, it won't be a problem if we let a few small boats follow us!" Li Kuan gave him a reassuring look and said again:"Set sail!"

Li Daozong and Cheng Yaojin were speechless. It seemed that Li Kuan did what he thought.

A prince actually wanted to go to sea. If it were Li Shimin, he would never do this.

Zhao Xin also shook his head helplessly. He knew what kind of temper his prince had. No one could change his decision.

Li Dachuan had no choice but to take out a flag, walked to the highest point and hit it a few times, and the horn whistled.

The huge sails on the ship unfolded and rose against the wind.

The huge ship slowly moved.

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