The next day!

Li Dao Zong woke up from the soft big bed, and he didn't want to get up.

He had enjoyed everything he should have enjoyed yesterday, soap, shower, toilet, toilet paper....Everything was beyond his imagination.

He also knew why Li Shimin came to Lingnan to ask Li Kuan for papermaking technology.

If such soft paper can be used as toilet paper, then the papermaking technology here must be extraordinary.

After staying here for a night, he really liked this place. If possible, he would like to stay here for a few more days.

He got up early and called Cheng Yaojin. At this time, the waiter of the inn also brought breakfast. This time, Li Daozon once again experienced the delicacies of Lingnan, fried dough sticks with pickles.

After breakfast.

The two did not dare to rest too much, so they left the inn and walked towards the Palace of King Sao Chu.

"Yaojin, is this really Lingnan?"Looking at the people chatting and laughing, and the neatly-knit houses, Li Daozong still couldn't believe it. In just a few years, Lingnan has changed so much.

"Your Majesty, you still don't believe it? You will know after you see your eldest nephew in a while!"

Cheng Yaojin did not continue to talk nonsense and walked forward quickly.

The Prince of Chu's Mansion was not far from the inn, and it took less than half an hour to get there. However, on the way, he stopped the gate of the Prince of Chu's Mansion.

"Please inform that Cheng Yijin from Chang'an is here to meet your prince!" Cheng Yaojin handed over his fish token and motioned the doorman to inform him.

The doorman looked at the fish token, smiled bitterly and pushed it back:"Sorry, you came at an inopportune time. My prince went to Lingnan Port and just left yesterday!"

The tone was very polite, without any disrespect.

Li Daozon looked at the doorman's performance and nodded secretly. Since ancient times, there have been seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister, not to mention the prince's doorman, but the man in front of him was so humble in front of the two of them pretending to be businessmen.

It can be seen that the character of the King of Chu is not bad.

"Lingnan Port?" Cheng Yaojin's face froze. Was he late? Then he continued to ask:"When will the prince come back?"

"I don’t know about that!" Menzi shook his head and continued,"Last year, the prince stayed in Lingnan Port for a month!"

"...."Cheng Yaojin was speechless this time.

What a coincidence.

If he had come a day earlier, he would have caught up.

"I have something important to discuss with the King of Chu. Where is Lingnan Port? Let's go chase him!"Li Daozong couldn't sit still when he heard that it would take a month. Li Shimin was still waiting for him to go back and report.

Besides, if Li Kuan had a good time and stayed in Lingnan Port for two months, he couldn't just wait there foolishly.

"Then you go ahead, go out from the South City and walk south along the road, maybe you can catch up with him!"The doorman did not stop them and pointed them in a direction.


Cheng Yaojin and the others knew the direction and did not stop there. They went to the north gate to get horses and headed south with a few guards.

After passing Lingnan City and heading south, the width of the cement road became four lanes back and forth, probably because there was less traffic, but there was still plenty of space on both sides, so they could widen it at any time.

They rode forward, galloping their horses.

They wanted to catch up with Li Kuan quickly.

On the road to Lingnan Port, a team of carriages and horses was moving slowly forward. There were hundreds of people in the team, including heavy armored cavalry and special elite soldiers. They were always alert to the surroundings.

In the middle of the team, there was a luxurious Carriage.

On both sides of the carriage are a tall and strong man and a capable man.

They are really the two guards under Li Kuan, Zhao Xin and Daniu.

This carriage is a four-wheeled carriage, very large.

The inside is even more luxuriously decorated, with sofas, a reception table, and even a gauze curtain separating the middle, and there is also a comfortable bed inside.

At this time, Li Kuan was sitting in the carriage, holding a teacup, looking at the endless rice fields outside the window, and there were water wheels running in the distance.

What a pastoral scenery.

This is the result of his seven years of hard work. Now that Lingnan is peaceful and the people are prosperous, he can pursue his stars and the sea....cough cough...The sea.

The stars will have to wait.

Now the ships have been built and will be put to sea soon. Sweet potatoes, corn... potatoes... I, Li Kuan... cough cough... my fleet is coming.

He wants to make the people of the Tang Dynasty worry-free about food and clothing, and the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the sun and the moon coexist

"Zhao Xin, how long will it take us to get to Lingnan Port?"Li Kuan sighed and looked at Zhao Xin next to him.

Zhao Xin came over and said,"Your Highness, at our current speed, we can reach Lingnan Port tomorrow!"

Li Kuan nodded and continued to drink tea and enjoy the scenery.

""Your Highness, please wait a moment. I have something important to discuss with you!" Li Kuan was immersed in the surrounding scenery when a loud shout came from behind.

All the soldiers in the Chu Palace were instantly alert, with swords drawn and spears pointed.

Every eye fell on the two men.

""Who is this?" Zhao Xin approached and started to talk, but after just one glance, he recognized the merchant Cheng Yijin.

""General Zhao Xin, I am Cheng Yijin, and I would like to see His Royal Highness the King of Chu!" Cheng Yaojin greeted Zhao Xin with a smile.

Li Daozong stood aside without saying anything, and also looked at the army with vigilance.

He had also been a soldier for half his life, and seeing this well-organized army, he could not help but be secretly shocked, because these were all elite soldiers and generals.

"Cheng Yijin?"Li Kuan in the carriage also heard Cheng Yaojin's voice. A few days ago, Li Shu from Wanbao Pavilion in Beijing sent a letter saying that Cheng Yijin introduced Duke Lu and helped them a lot. But why is he here again?

And he even chased here?

"Let them come over!" Li Kuan's voice sounded.

Zhao Xin nodded and waved to the accompanying soldiers:"Search!"

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