Three days was afternoon

"Wang San, how is the business today?"

On this day, Wang Hu, the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion, was late again, holding his aching waist, and walked into the shop.

But before entering the shop, he glanced at Wanbao Pavilion.

Strange, Wanbao Pavilion still has business today?

Moreover, it looks like there are quite a lot of business, with carriages stopping by from time to time.

Wang San hurried over and said,"Shopkeeper, I sold three mirrors and 15 pieces of top-quality silk today, for a total of 105 strings of cash!...But.."

"But what?"Wang Hu's face was a little anxious, and his eyes opened wide, glaring at Wang San.

Over the past few days, the business of their Treasure Pavilion has been getting worse and worse, and there must be a reason.

Looking at Wang San's timid appearance, he should know what's going on.

"During the two days you were away, many people came to us to return things, including bronze mirrors, oriental pearls, and even refined salt and sugar!" Wang San was a little embarrassed, and he timidly told the story.

"What...returning the items? Is it because of bad quality?" Wang Hu's anger had reached his brows, on the verge of exploding.

Wang San continued,"No...they don't want it anymore!"

"Don't want it? They asked us to withdraw? Did you withdraw?"Wang Hu continued

"Return.."After Wang San finished speaking, he was afraid that the shopkeeper would misunderstand him, so he explained again anxiously:"Shopkeeper, those who come to return things are all wealthy families, we dare not offend them!"

There was no other way. The entire Wang family probably couldn't afford to offend so many people.

"Dongzhu and Mirror were returned, but why did they have to return Salt as well?"Wang Hu suddenly thought of this question.

You know, in the whole Chang'an City, only their Wang family has the best salt mines and controls the refined salt business. The salt from other places is not of the same level as theirs.

"Go buy it across the street!" The waiter pointed to the Wanbao Pavilion across the street.

Wang Hu continued to ask,"Are they cheaper than us?"

The waiter held up five fingers:"Not cheap, five strings of money for ten catties!"

"What? They still buy it at such a high price, are they crazy?"Wang Hu couldn't believe it

"I heard from the people who came out of Wanbao Pavilion that the refined salt there is purer than the salt on the market!" Wang San explained.

Wang Hu suddenly thought of a question, the opposite side seemed to also sell mirrors and glass beads, so he continued to ask:"Then the people who come to return the mirrors and Dongzhu are also because of the opposite side?"

"That’s right, they returned the items and went to buy them across the street!"Wang San continued to nod.

"Humph... What a great Wanbao Pavilion! Today I'm going to see what it is that can attract so many people!"

Wang Hu looked at the Wanbao Pavilion outside, and his originally indifferent face became solemn.

This Wanbao Pavilion has bad intentions.

Thinking of this, he walked towards the Wanbao Pavilion. He wanted to see what kind of things attracted those people?

"Do you have any more wine?"

As soon as he came over, a big man in fancy clothes came over and said loudly

""Yes!" A waiter came over and took the big man to the wine cabinet. The big man asked for two jars of wine and left.

Wang Hu was already a little stunned.

35 guan per jar, the man didn't blink when he paid, and left with two jars of wine.

He had previously concluded that Wanbao Pavilion's wine would not sell, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face now, and it was a slap.

Are these people crazy? Spend 35 guan to buy a jar of wine

"Welcome, what can I do for you?"While Wang Hu was in a daze, a waiter came up to him with a smile on his face.

"Show me the best mirror you have here!" Wang Hu didn't hesitate, and put on the attitude of a customer, looking at the shop assistant and said

"Our mirrors are all top quality, just in different sizes!" The waiter introduced as he walked to the counter and took out a mirror to show:

"The smallest one is 80 strings of cash, the medium one is 150 strings of cash, and the largest one is 300 strings of cash!"

When the clerks were introducing the mirrors to Wang Hu, one of them came up to Li Shu and whispered,"Boss, this guy is the owner of the Treasure Pavilion across the street!"

"I know!" Li Shu nodded, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

In fact, he had already known his potential competitor when he opened the business, but the shopkeeper probably noticed Wanbao Pavilion only after he suffered losses.


Wang Hu looked at the smallest wooden box. The mirror inside cost 80 strings of cash, which was four times more expensive than his bronze mirror. Was he trying to rob him?

But he still opened the wooden box curiously. What came into his eyes was his clear face....Is this a mirror? It is much clearer than a bronze mirror.

The moment he saw the mirror, his body began to turn cold.

He had no way to compete with this thing because he had never seen it before.

"I thought it was a bronze mirror. What's so good about it? I don't want it!"After looking at it for a few times, Wang Hu grabbed the wooden box and pushed it back abruptly, saying that he didn't like it very much.

"Don't put it away, I want this small mirror!" As soon as he pushed the mirror back, a lady came quickly and said,"Also, bring me a double-layered glass cup!"

""Marquis's wife?"

Wang Hu couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart when he saw this person.

The wife of Marquis of Lu, Marquis Junji, used to be a frequent visitor to their Treasure Pavilion. Unexpectedly

, she also came to Wanbao Pavilion now. It seems that this is not the first time she has come.

He was a little disappointed.

In Wanbao Pavilion, under the guidance of the waiter, Wang Hu looked at the hollow glass cup, clean salt, white sugar, and colorful glass beads!

Although he didn't buy anything, the waiter's face always had a humble smile and was very respectful.

When he walked out of Wanbao Pavilion, Wang Hu was already sweating coldly.

He bought a lot of bronze mirrors and oriental pearls under pressure, but they were not competitive at all compared with the Treasure Pavilion.

Bronze mirrors may be cheaper than glass mirrors, and there should be people who buy them, but oriental pearls are more expensive than glass beads.

He had only one thought in his mind: it's over!

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