
Li Shimin murmured softly, and then a trace of guilt appeared on his noble face:"If I remember correctly, Li Kuan should be in Lingnan!"

"Yes, His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu is in Lingnan!"The personal bodyguard Liu Renyuan nodded quickly.

As the emperor's personal bodyguard, he knew some things.

In the second year of Zhenguan, Prince of Chu Li Kuan was sent to his fiefdom in advance for some reason in the court, and it was still this desolate Lingnan.

He really felt sorry for His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu.

But the royal family is like this. If you don't have a backer, you will be the first to be expelled from the center of politics.

This is inevitable.

"He has suffered so much over the years!"

As an emperor, Li Shimin knew all about the matter. He had read every letter and could see the misery of Lingnan in the letters.

But he did not reply.

He did not want people in the court to pay attention to his son.

In fact, it is good to leave the center of politics. Although life is a little harder without a foundation, life can still be saved.

Before Li Yuan died, those words would echo in his mind from time to time:"You killed my descendants, and your descendants will be like this in the future!"

These words echoed in his mind all the time.

Before his death, his father did not forgive him for killing his brother and seizing the throne.

It is for this reason that he wanted to go out for a walk and take a look at the world he governed.

He wanted to prove to his father that the world he governed was not bad, the people were rich and well-fed, and he could be a wise ruler.

"Your Majesty, I think you should not go to Lingnan. Bandits are rampant there. You are worth a fortune. If you encounter danger, it will be inappropriate!"Liu Renyuan looked at the majesty in deep thought and advised him.

He knew what the situation in Lingnan was. After all, Li Shimin went on a private visit in order not to mobilize a large army.

Although the hundreds of fierce tribesmen they brought were all elite soldiers, they could not guarantee Li Shimin's safety.

"Then..."Li Shimin was also a little hesitant

"Oh my go..."At this moment, Cheng Yaojin, who opened the window for fresh air, couldn't help but exclaimed.

Li Shimin and Liu Renyuan in the carriage were both startled.

Li Shimin had long known about Cheng Yaojin's startled character, and couldn't help but frowned and reminded him:"Yaojin, why are you so startled? After all, you are already Duke Lu, be steady, learn to be steady!"

Cheng Yaojin's head had already drilled out of the window at this time:"Your Majesty, look outside!"


Li Shimin also frowned. What the hell is Cheng Yaojin doing? He is fooling around all day!

But he was also curious, so he opened the curtains on the other side and looked outside.

I'm going.

Then Li Shimin's exclamation sounded, and his tone was surprisingly similar to Cheng Yaojin's.

The exclamations of the two people even moved Liu Renyuan, but there were no windows, so he could only walk to the front, open the curtains and look outside.

Open the curtains!

In front of us was a gray, flat road that seemed to have no end. It was straight and more than twice as wide as an ordinary official road, enough to accommodate eight carriages. It was half as wide as the Suzaku Avenue in Chang'an.

Beside the road stood a ground cup with two characters engraved on it: Lingnan.

What on earth was this?

""Your Majesty, do you want to go up?" Liu Renyuan hesitated. This road looked like a stone road, but it didn't look like a stone road in terms of scale.

Li Shimin nodded, and the carriage did not stop and went up the wide road.

"What kind of road is this? Why is it so wide and flat!"The carriage was traveling on it without feeling any bumps, and the speed was very fast.

Looking back at the road they had just traveled, it was extremely bumpy and narrow. The speed on this road was more than twice as fast as theirs.

""It's the first time for me, Old Cheng, to walk on such a road. It's so flat, even smoother than the cobblestone road on Zhuque Street!" Cheng Yaojin also shouted happily.

He has this problem. He is always curious when he encounters new things.

"Your Majesty, this road seems to have been repaired not long ago!" Liu Renyuan looked at the road below and it seemed that it had not been used for a long time.

Cheng Yaojin also nodded:"Yes, when I came here before, there was definitely no such road!"

"It was just built not long ago?"

Li Shimin frowned, watching the carriage speeding on the road, somewhat unbelievable:"How much does it cost to build this road? Did Li Kuan use all the financial resources of Lingnan to build the road?" He took a deep breath. Coming from Chang'an, the further south he went, the more desolate it became.

He knew the situation of the people and knew that it was not easy for the people, especially in Lingnan, a foreign land. How much would it cost to build this road?

It can be seen how much money was spent on the construction of Suzaku Avenue, not to mention such a long straight avenue.

And it seems that there are only wilderness or rice fields around.

Wait....It's already July, why are there still people planting rice? The people in Lingnan are really barbaric. They don't know the seasons, no wonder they are poor. When

I return to Chang'an this time, I must find some farmers to come to Lingnan and teach them how to sow.

"Let's go to Lingnan!"

Li Shimin originally just wanted to take a look at this road, but now he wants to go to the heart of Lingnan.

Cheng Yaojin was happy to take a look. Liu Renyuan wanted to dissuade him, but seeing Li Shimin's serious eyes, he knew he couldn't dissuade him, so he could only order the convoy to continue forward.

All the way south.

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