Li Tai led the four people onto the high platform. The four of them sat in front of the exquisite small tables, as steady as a mountain.

The Yanyu Tower was exceptionally quiet at this time.

The literary status of these four people could be said to be superior to everyone present, which was also the reason for inviting these four old men.

""The fourth son is quite popular in the Confucian circle!"

Li Kuan looked at these old men and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No wonder Li Chengqian wanted to rebel, his father doted on the fourth son too much and couldn't tell the boundaries.

Now that Li Shimin is still in his prime and Empress Zhangsun is still alive, they have already begun to fight openly. Li Shimin just watches and does nothing?

He should go back to Lingnan obediently and not participate in the fight between the brothers. Anyway, neither of the two brothers can inherit the throne in the end.

It has to be said that the heirs chosen by his father are all very lame. First, the two"one hundred and seventeen" legitimate sons competed for the throne, and later it was passed to the youngest legitimate son Li Zhi, but the prosperous Tang Dynasty was handed over to a woman.


Yu Shinan coughed a few times in the silent hall, and then he spoke in a deep voice:"Everyone is here to participate in the poetry meeting. In fact, there are no rules. The four of us old guys each come up with a theme, and you write poems!"

"Today I will ask the first question. It happens to be snowing today, so I will ask all students to write a poem on the theme of snow. How about that?"

After saying that, Yu Shinan looked at the other three.

Kong Yingda and the other two also nodded and stroked their beards. They all felt that the first question asked by Yu Shinan was very appropriate.

It must be said that this is very appropriate.

It is also suitable for the opening written test, warming up

"Time limit is one stick of incense, start!"

As Yu Shinan finished speaking, beautiful women came up one by one with pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and distributed them one by one.

Everyone present was known as a talented person, and this was the largest poetry gathering in Chang'an City. Everyone wanted to try their best to show their talents.

"Haha.. This topic is easy for northern scholars like us to come up with, but I wonder how people in the south who have never seen snow will write poems about it?" Cui Hao laughed and picked up his pen.

His eyes glanced in Li Kuan's direction, as if to provoke him.

"Brother Cui said, it is hard to say about other things, but I have a lot of poems about snow!"Wang Jie of the Wang family also echoed.

He lost to Li Kuan in the last poetry contest, but this time he wanted to win back his love.

Others also began to write, and almost everyone had a lot of poems in mind.

However, some southern scholars frowned a little. As Cui Hao said, southerners rarely see snow, and they were a little embarrassed and didn't know how to write.

"Brother Cui, have you finished writing the poem?"

It took Cui Hao a cup of tea to finish writing and let the serving girl hand it in.

In this poetry competition, the earlier the person hands it in, the higher the chance of winning, because there are so many people behind, and these four old men will not be able to appreciate it slowly.

Unless there is a particularly amazing work among them.

Facing the questions of others, Cui Hao also smiled slightly, and said very modestly:"I have read thousands of books, and I have poems in my heart!"

The other scholars were full of admiration and could not help but speed up their own poetry writing.

Li Kuan was not far away from Cui Hao, so he could naturally hear such pretentious words clearly, and he could not help but curl his lips.

Can he die if he doesn't pretend to be X?

One after another, many people have begun to attach articles

"Prince? Shall we continue writing?"Zhao Xin looked at Li Kuan who had not started writing, and then looked at the incense that was about to burn out, and asked tentatively.

Although he knew that his prince was very talented in writing, and could write about Lingnan, there was no snow in Lingnan. (To read the novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!) Yes, there must be no snow in Lingnan, which limited his prince's ability to express himself.

"Write, why not write, grind it!" Li Kuan signaled Zhao Xin that it was time to work.

But Zhao Xin hadn't moved yet, Liu Xianxian stood up and said,"I'll help you grind it!" While the beautiful woman was grinding, Li Kuan put pen to paper, and his pen flew quickly.

In less than half a cup of tea, Li Kuan had finished writing and asked Liu Xinxin to hand it in.

Yu Shinan and others kept flipping through everyone's works, putting the ones with better performances together and circulating them again, and soon discovered several good works.

"Cui Hao's"Snow Falling" has gorgeous wording and also shows the snow scene. His writing is good. He is a good candidate!"Yu Shinan's article, start commenting!

"Brother Yu, this King Wei's"Viewing the Snow" is also good. It depicts the snow scene more beautifully, which makes me think of the snow scene all over the sky!"

Kong Yingda didn't hold an article at this time, but his face was full of praise and satisfaction.....

"Ladies and gentlemen, Wang Jie's"Snow in the Cold Winter" has a literary talent like that of a veteran, and he is worthy of being the eldest son of the Wang family!" Xiao Yu looked at one of the poems and nodded.

Kong Yingda then stroked his beard:"It seems that the first place in the list of poems will come from these three people!"

There are a few good ones among them, Chang Sun Chong, the eldest son of the Lu family are also good, but they are not as amazing as the poems written by the previous ones.

At this moment, Li Gang picked up a poem. After he finished scanning the poems above, his eyes showed appreciation:"Is it too early for you to say it now? Let's listen to this poem!"

"The year of Hongjun has come to an end, the east wind cuts the water down to the Temple of Heaven"

"The remaining Lingnan has thousands of rivers, overwhelming the Qinhuai Mountains."

"The bamboos sway in the wind, the silver phoenix dances, the pine trees bend in the clouds, the jade dragon is cold"

"I don't know who is playing the flute in the sky, blowing down the white flowers all over the world."

Although the first four sentences seem majestic, they also lack the charm of the snow scene. However, the last two sentences aroused the curiosity of several people, no, it was shock.

Especially the last sentence"I don't know who is playing the flute in the sky, blowing down the white flowers all over the world." makes this majestic poem even more outstanding.

Good poem!

After reading the whole poem, everyone seemed to be immersed in the majestic snow scene in the north.

"This should be written by a talented person from the south, right? I wonder who it is?" Kong Yingda spoke first, with a bit of appreciation for talent in his eyes. He wanted to know who this talented person was and train him to become a great scholar of the Tang Dynasty.

Xiao Yu and Yu Shinan also set their sights on this at this time, curious about who could write this poem.

Li Gang asked again slowly:"Everyone, what do you think of this poem?"

Yu Shinan spoke first:"It is magnificent and describes the snow scene vividly. It should be ranked first!"

"He had come up with the topic of"Snow", and he also thought that this poem was the best one among all the poems.

Kong Yingda and Xiao Yu also nodded.

Xiao Yu also began to be curious:"Brother Li, don't keep us in suspense, just tell us who is the outstanding person."

Li Gangzhi didn't keep us in suspense, and gave the poem to the three of them, and slowly said:"It is His Royal Highness the King of Chu!" King of Chu?

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