
Although it is not as crowded as it was three days ago, with tens of thousands of people, there are still quite a few people.

Now there are at least a few thousand people a day.

After all, there is nothing to do in winter, and they all come to Shilipu to see the hot air balloons and other novel things.

Although they can't ride them for the time being, it is still very shocking to watch the hot air balloons take off.

"The hot air balloon is back!"

Seeing a carriage pulling a hot air balloon back, everyone started to get excited.

Because there is only one hot air balloon now, the hot air balloon has to be pulled back by a carriage after it lands at a place.

Because of this, it flies twice a day. However,

Li Kuan has sent people to Lingnan to pull the hot air balloon, so there will be no need to be so nervous about the hot air balloon in the future.

""Duan Zan, Fang Yiai, Li Siwen!" Zhu Ming took the booklet and called out the names one by one.

As Zhu Ming's voice fell, three people walked out of the crowd.

The appearance of the three people of"Nine Three Three" was different. Duan Zan was a teenager of eighteen or nineteen years old. He looked elegant and heroic, and quite handsome.

Fang Yiai was five big and three strong, and his face was silly. If Li Kuan had commented on this, he would be smarter than Daniu.

Li Siwen, who came out last, looked more smooth, and his eyes kept turning in his eye sockets.

The identities of these three people were not simple. Duan Zan was the eldest son of Duan Zhixuan, Duke of Fan, and he would also inherit the title of Duke in the future.

The second Fang Yiai, the second son of Fang Xuanling, was also eighteen or nineteen years old.

The third person who looked a little lively was Li Siwen, the second son of Li Ji, and the most lively teenager.

Hot air balloons have just become popular in Chang'an City. People who can ride hot air balloons at this time are either rich or noble.

Moreover, they don't care about the hundred strings of money.

"Get ready. Don't run around in the sky, and don't jump down. You only have one life, so please cherish it!"

Zhu Ming looked at the few people and explained to them the rules to be observed in the air. Each one is extremely important.

Last time, Duke Lu ran in the hanging basket and almost fell down.

So now every time he rides a hot air balloon, Zhu Ming has to remind them.

People who ride hot air balloons are either rich or noble. If something really happens, it may cause trouble for the prince.

"We know!"

Several people had reserved seats two days ago, but it was their turn this afternoon. They came to watch the hot air balloon take off every day and knew the rules by heart.

They were eager to try it out, with a burning look in their eyes.

As Zhu Ming was giving instructions, the hot air balloon filled up again and slowly floated up.

"Okay, let's get on the hanging basket!"

Zhu Ming saw that they all understood and motioned for them to get on the hanging basket.

"" Make way, make way!"

But at this moment, a carriage came galloping and forced a way through the crowd.

"Stop!" Just as the carriage was about to enter the top of the slope, the soldiers stopped them.

"" Get out of the way! You are blind! Are you going to stop the carriage of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?" The man with a shrill voice in the carriage pointed at the soldier and said. In the carriage was Cheng Xin who wanted to take a hot air balloon ride.

But the soldier did not move:"No matter who you are, the carriage will stop if it goes any further!"

This is the order of the prince, and it cannot be stopped even if the emperor comes.

That's right, in the eyes of the Lingnan soldiers, Li Kuan is the king, and they will not obey orders from anyone except Li Kuan.

"you...How dare you! Aren't you afraid that the prince will drag you to the Chang'an government office and beat you with a stick?"The young eunuch was furious.

Since he followed the prince, he had never seen such an unyielding person.

This carriage was obviously the prince's, and this man dared to stop it.

"Forget Xiao Guizi, you are just a fool from a foreign land. It is normal that you don’t recognize the carriage of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

At this time, Chengxin's voice sounded in the carriage, and her tone was still contemptuous and superior.

After the voice fell, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Chengxin walked down slowly.

It must be said that Chengxin's appearance amazed the people around when she got off the car.

But after discovering that he was a man, they were immediately bored.

The soldiers who stopped them sneered, fools from a foreign land?

Just look at this broken place of Chang'an. If he hadn't followed the prince, he would not have been willing to come to this desolate place. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why do they look down on themselves?

"Who is your person in charge? I want to talk to him!" Chengxin came down with the help of others, glanced at the soldier, and said in a cold tone.

Person in charge?

The soldier looked at Zhu Ming who was preparing for the hot air balloon:"Zhu Ming, inside!"

As he spoke, he pointed to Zhu Ming inside. Now there is only one hot air balloon, who else could be in charge here but him?

Chengxin nodded and walked inside.

However, after Chengxin came over, Zhu Ming said directly without even turning his head:"If you want to ride a hot air balloon, go over there and pay the money, and they will notify you of the time to ride the hot air balloon!"


Chengxin's face, which had some smile on it, collapsed instantly and became extremely ugly.....

How could I be ignored like this?

"I am the prince's man!" With a dark face, Cheng Xin's tone became more serious.

"I got it. Go pay and queue up!" Zhu Ming looked at Cheng Xin at this time, his tone also indifferent.

The prince had told him personally that business must be done according to rules. If he cuts in line, what about the people who have been queuing up so hard?

Who of the people queuing now is not a powerful person? Will they offend so many people for a eunuch?

Although Duke Lu and King Jiangxia were given free rides by the prince himself, they still have to queue up, not to mention these people.

Cheng Xin thought Zhu Ming didn't hear clearly:"I am the prince's man, and I want to ride a hot air balloon now!!"

"No, you have to queue up to ride a hot air balloon!"Zhu Ming shook his head again

"Good!" Cheng Xin was getting more and more angry:"Don't you guys even give the prince face?"

Since he came to the East Palace, he has never suffered such a big injustice.

This person in front of him doesn't know the rules.

"Let's not talk about it first. Your succession does not mean you can be crowned as the crown prince. Even if the crown prince comes, you can't force us to change the rules!"

Zhu Ming's tone was a little euphemistic, but the meaning was very clear. The rules cannot be changed. Even if the crown prince comes, we have to queue up.


Everyone was boiling.


Are the people of the King of Chu so fierce? They don't even give the crown prince face?

"That person seems to be Chengxin?" There were also some people from aristocratic families or official families in the crowd, and some of them recognized Chengxin.

Chengxin, this is Li Chengqian's favorite person, this is already an unspeakable secret in the officialdom. 0.3 Many people have seen Chengxin, and they are shocked.

His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu's people got Chengxin, and today may not end well.


Before Zhu Ming finished speaking, Chengxin stepped forward and slapped him:"How dare you, you don't even take His Royal Highness the Crown Prince seriously, believe it or not, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will give an order to seal this place!" Chengxin has been ignored by the people here, and he is extremely angry.

At this time, the guards who had been following Chengxin also came out, stepped forward and quickly subdued Zhu Ming who was beaten, for fear that he would suddenly hurt Chengxin and it would be difficult to explain.

As for Chengxin's unreasonableness, they didn't care.

Their duty was only to protect Chengxin.

Seeing this, the soldiers of Lingnan also surrounded them, and the two sides were on the verge of swords.

"Oh? I want to see who is going to seal this place!" At this moment

, a hearty laugh sounded, breaking the stalemate between the two sides.

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