The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Tang Yu knew what Jiang Yuchen was doing without asking.

Jiang Yuchen heard the noise, turned around, and saw Tang Yu walking in.

Jiang Yuchen's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly went up to him: "Tang Yu, let's talk."

Tang Yu strode past him as if she didn't see him, and said to Mai Dan: "Sister Mai, I'm bothering you again."

This "hindering" didn't need to be said explicitly, and it was known that Jiang Yuchen disturbed Mai Dan's rest.

"It's okay, I'm ready too." Mai Dan said while stretching.

Jiang Yuchen's face flashed with embarrassment, and then he showed an angry mood...

"Tang Yu, don't be so childish, okay?! Do you think that avoiding us can solve the problem? That matter, it was a misunderstanding!" Jiang Yuchen frowned and chased after him.

"..." Tang Yu raised his foot and walked into the house.

Jiang Yuchen: "..."

Jiang Yuchen hesitated whether to chase him in. At this moment, the live broadcast team rushed into the yard and prepared to start the live broadcast.

"..." Jiang Yuchen gritted his teeth in hatred and had to leave first.

"Tsk! Knowing that what they did was not presentable, they only dared to come when the live broadcast was closed." Watching Jiang Yuchen leave, Mai Dan said disdainfully and turned into the house.

As soon as the live broadcast was turned on, the audience heard Mai Dan's incoherent words and were immediately confused...

A burst of barrage: [? ]

[What do you mean? ]

[Who did what? ]

[Did someone provoke Sister Mai? 】


On the other side, Mr. Xiao was very happy to see Tang Yu again after entering Tang Yu's live broadcast room.

"They haven't started working yet, they are eating." Mr. Xiao said with a smile while eating.

Xiao Li, who was standing by, was also watching Tang Yu's live broadcast with his mobile phone. Hearing what the old man said, he didn't explain that Tang Yu was working while eating.

After breakfast, all the guests gathered in the courtyard of the director team.

"Everyone, this morning, our task is to hit walnuts! The task is still 150 kilograms." The director smiled and said.

"Why is it hitting? Isn't it picking?" Mai Dan was puzzled.

"Teacher Mai, because walnuts need to be hit down with a pole, picking is too slow." Jiang Huiyan smiled and said.

Originally, Jiang Huiyan had imagined many scenes and done a lot of homework before coming to the show. She wanted to shine in the show, but she didn't expect to meet Tang Yu who came back from the dead!

As a result, she was always flustered and it was difficult to perform.

Tang Yu has been in the limelight many times.

Now, she has to work harder.

"...Oh." Mai Dan blinked and responded coldly.

She now looks down on Jiang Yuchen and his sister.

They are all bad people!

[Why do I feel that Mai Dan has a prejudice against Huiyan? ]

[Could it be that the vicious sister said something behind her back? ]

[Fans of the Jiang brothers and sisters, please don't be suspicious, okay? Mai Mai responded with an "oh", do you have to bow and say thank you? ]

Jiang Huiyan's fans suddenly became much quieter.

Jiang Huiyan's fans still dare not fight with Mai Dan's fans. After all, Mai Dan is a senior, and fighting is equivalent to bringing bad luck to their idol. Another reason is that Mai Dan's fans are like their idol, with a hot temper and not easy to provoke!

Among so many guests, they only dare to target Tang Yu.

"That's right, walnuts need to be hit with a pole. I'll ask the villagers to teach you later. Now, let's go to the destination." The director took over with a smile.


More than 20 minutes later.

Everyone stood at the edge of the field.

The terraces went down layer by layer, and almost every field was planted with trees, including walnut trees.

"There are walnut trees in these four fields," the director pointed to the walnut trees in the four fields, "From top to bottom, they are numbered one to four, everyone come and draw lots."

"I took a look, the older trees are very tall, and the walnuts are scarce, so it's more difficult to hit. The new trees are short, the walnuts are dense, and it's much easier to hit." Yan Kun analyzed.

"Yes, Teacher Yan's analysis is very correct." The director smiled and nodded.

"Then we have to catch a new tree." Mai Dan was eager to try.

"Fortunately, I can climb trees." Xu Shaoyang smiled and said, "Senior Qiao, how about you?"

"I can too." Qiao Hanyu nodded.

"Senior Mai, Teacher Tang, we will definitely be the first this time." Xu Shaoyang looked at Mai Dan and Tang Yu with a smile on his face.

When he smiled, he showed a small canine tooth, which was very cute.

Of course, this was a friendly provocation.

He just couldn't believe that Tang Yu, a quiet little girl, could climb a tree?!

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