Chapter 973 Sister, I'm Sorry

   Ye Dan was shaken by Song Mianmian's operation, and the cold aura of the whole person suddenly disappeared. He looked at Song Mianmian dumbly, with a sense of sight from a wolf to a dog.

Song Anqing originally thought that his sister had suffered too much when the two people got along, and he felt ashamed for his sister to say such nasty remarks in broad daylight and in public, but he waited for the next moment to see the powerful Ye Da who seemed to be able to stun the sky. The director got red, and the big faithful dog looked at his sister. From his point of view, he could even see the shining stars in Ye Dan's eyes. He suddenly felt that he might have misunderstood something.

  Fang Yunyun, who has been working hard to reduce her sense of existence, was suddenly fed such a mouthful of dog food. After looking at Ye Dao's reaction, she gave Song Mianmian a thumbs up silently in her heart.

  Sure enough, it is extraordinary to be Ye Dao's woman.

   Ye Dan slowed down for a while before he didn’t believe it, and said, "What did you mean by what you just said?"

   "Literally." Song Mianmian continued to work hard to smile at Ye Dan.

   Ye Dan's body was a little soft when he was laughed, and his mind uncontrollably remembered the coquettish look of the woman last night, and now the Adam's apple rolled, "Song Mianmian, you hooked me up last night for today's business?"

"I..." Song Mianmian subconsciously wanted to deny it, but at the end of the conversation he nodded obediently, "I know you have been working hard for me all this time, but you know in your heart that this means of shifting the flames of war will achieve the goal. , It is also a loss for both sides."

   "I'm happy." Ye Dan said a little arrogantly.

   "But I don't want to." Song Mianmian squatted down and hugged Ye Dan lightly, and repeated in his ear, "I don't want to. If you don't want me to leave, then I want you to ruin your career?"

   "I'm just behind the scenes, it's not that important." After Ye Dan said this, he even felt against his intentions.

Song Mianmian glanced sideways at him and didn't bother with this issue. "I thought about it. Even if I walk in this circle with my talents, it may not be long-term, but you are different. Your talents and abilities are recognized, and I’m not young anymore. I’m going to get pregnant after I leave the circle. If I’m lucky, I’ll be pregnant this year. Then I’m going to take the child. When the child is one or two years old, do we have to have a second child? The delay is four or five. In 2016, even if I didn’t retreat, I still couldn’t achieve much, so I might as well take the opportunity to leave."

"Are you going to have two children for me?" Ye Dan was surprised. He was happy to know that Song Mianmian was willing to give him a baby last time. Now it is even more pleasant to hear her say two children. You must know that a woman can only love a man and a man. Willing to have children for him.

  Song Mianmian nodded solemnly, and touched Ye Dan's head like a big wolf dog, "Of course, who doesn't want to give director Ye Da a monkey?"

   "Hmph." Ye Dan let out a cold snort when he thought of her previous attitude towards him, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was too obvious, and the snort was very imposing.

  Song Mianmian saw that Ye Dan was almost coaxing him, so he proposed again, "Then I will go out now, and you will wait for me inside?"

   "I will go out with you."

   "No, you will only complicate things if you go out."


   "You don't worry about me so much?" Song Mianmian interrupted Ye Dan.

   Ye Dan looked at the woman's determined gaze, took a breath and nodded reluctantly.

  Song Mianmian looked at Fang Yunyun, "Then let's go."

   After talking about it, she took Fang Yunyun and left Song Anqing’s ward quickly because she was afraid that the man would regret it.

   Ye Dan, "..." Why do you feel that you have been fooled?

  He couldn't help looking at Song Anqing on the hospital bed, and saw Song Anqing silently covering his forehead, and asked slightly dissatisfied, "What's your reaction?"

  Song Anqing looked at Ye Dan sympathetically, “I used to think that my sister would only fool me, and I was upset about it for a long time, but now I’m relieved.”

   Ye Dan, "..."

  He grinds his teeth, "So she often fools people like this?"

   "It's okay. I occasionally use violence against me. It's not like I can make any nasty talk to you. Tsk tsk." Thinking of her sister Hongye Dan's set just now, Song Anqing has goose bumps.

Ye Dan finally reacted with an excitement. In order to fool him, the woman tried her best on the bed to prevent him from discovering her plan. This will definitely not work for the set last night, so she used sweet words and finally sacrificed. Killer child.

  Taking a deep breath, Ye Dan threw a sentence to Song Anqing, “I’m going to see your sister. Call the nurse if you have something to do.”

  Ye Dan pushed the automatic wheelchair out of the ward after speaking.

  Song Anqing looked at the back of Ye Dan's departure, and when she thought of her sister's talk about walking not far in the circle with her talent, she turned her head to avoid Ye Dan's realizing gaze.

  How can you really be willing?

  In the beginning, it was indeed because the money came quickly, because there was a Ye Xiezhi in the circle, but what happened later? Even if there is no talent, he is desperately performing every role that belongs to him.

  It may be true that there is no talent, but it is absolutely false to dislike.

   Thinking of these Song Anqing's eyes sadly, if it weren't because of her father, her sister wouldn't have to be so embarrassed and wronged by herself. But why did those mistakes of the father continue to extend to the sister? Is the compensation and atonement done by my sister over the years not enough?

  Song Anqing was lying on the hospital bed, full of heartache and unwillingness to her sister.

  As Song Anqing felt more and more excited, there was a loud noise outside. He couldn't help but get up to see what was happening outside. After all, Ye Dan was worried about his sister, and he was also worried.

  Just as Song Anqing opened the door of the ward, he took a step, someone shouted at him abruptly, and then three or four people rushed in his direction.

   Before Song Anqing had any reaction, the people took out their microphones and pointed them at him.

  Song Anqing frowned, "What are you doing?"

  "Are you Song Mianmian's younger brother? What do you think about your sister getting married with Ye Dao while entangled with her ex-husband?"

  "Your father is really a tens of billions of corrupt | official Song Zhiguo? With such a stain, does Song Mianmian still enter the entertainment industry because he treats the public as a fool?"

   "Recently, celebrities have been exposed to scandals. Is the Song family's forces operating behind it?"

   "As the sons and daughters of Song Zhiguo, don't you feel ashamed? Why do you have the face to stand in front of the public and be loved by fans?"

   "I heard that Song Mianmian is holding a press conference today and intends to use Li Xiaoxiao's scandal to whiten him, is it true?"

   "How can Song Mianmian's background be worthy of Ye Dao? Did she hide your father's affairs from Ye Dao..."

  Song Anqing only said one sentence, but several reporters threw a lot of questions at him, and they became increasingly sharp and uglier, making Song Anqing's face worse when he was injured.

He used to see his sister being besieged in this way and was always worried that her sister would persuade her to change jobs, but her sister always told reporters that it was a trivial matter. Compared with their first days in the country, they had to sleep with a sharp knife every night. Han or rascal is much better.

Song Anqing has always believed in this, but until this moment he suddenly reacted, no, these vicious questions and all kinds of guesses like a sharp blade are not more comfortable than when facing a drunk, and even verbal attacks. More lethal.

Over the years, he has been well protected by his sister. My sister didn’t let him watch the scolding on the Internet. To reassure her, he didn’t watch it. My sister asked him to study hard. He thought that as long as he worked hard, he would give in the future. My sister is better than anything to earn a piece of heaven and earth.

Just as he laughed at Ye Dan before being brainwashed by his sister, has he not been in these years, but he is not as good as Ye Dan, the other party is protecting his sister, and he naturally enjoys the little world that his sister has created for him, and stays at ease. Ivory Tower even insisted on staying at school when she knew that something was wrong with her sister and that she might cause trouble to her in order not to affect her studies.

  If Ye Dan hadn't arranged someone in advance, his fear today was not simply hurting his arm and being connected to others, but a fatal loss.

  Listening to the nonsense of the reporters, Song Anqing couldn’t help thinking that her sister was also very scared at first, right? Since arriving in Country M, my sister has automatically supported the lives of the two of them, training herself into a bronze wall and iron wall, and he really thought that her sister could do anything!

   Her heart ached. Song Anqing looked at the reporters and felt that each of them was abominable. He clenched his fists tightly, and the bitter words came to his lips, and finally he was stunned by reason.

  If he is impulsive, it will only cause more trouble to his sister.

After taking a deep breath, Song Anqing rationalized her emotions and looked at the reporter in front of her, "My father is indeed at fault, but I am not guilty, and my sister is not guilty. She has not violated any constitution. Why can't she do what she wants to do? "

"Isn't it guilty? You use the people's cream collected by Song Zhiguo and enjoy a life of worry-free clothing and food. How dare you say that you are not guilty?" As soon as Song Anqing finished speaking, a reporter came up mockingly. The anchor who knew the hot spot quickly caught Song Anqing's face with the live footage.

  After the reporter finished the questioning, all kinds of embarrassing and mocking words flashed on the screen.

Song Anqing clenched his fist tightly, "So what? But at that time my sister was 17 years old, I was 13 years old, shouldn't I be supported by my parents? Besides, my sister never spent any money at home since she knew about her father. , My sister in Country M refused all help and brought a 13-year-old child of mine to survive in Country M. Because there is no green card, I can only work illegally. Marrying Brother Xing Shen is just to survive. They have never been together. Later, when I saved money, my sister took me back to China. The money earned in the entertainment industry over the years has not been used to support me to school. Every extra point is donated to the orphanage and various welfare institutions in Shencheng. Is this not enough? Is it possible? Because my father sinned, do we have to atone for it with death?"

Because of the excitement, the voice behind Song Anqing trembled uncontrollably, and her eyes were in a mess. My sister never told others. She disdains, but he can't. He can't watch these people constantly bullying her sister. Why should they do it? The mistakes of others buy orders for a lifetime, even if that person is the father!

  The reporter who was waiting to watch Song Anqing’s jokes, as well as the netizens in the live broadcast room, suddenly calmed down, staring blankly at the red eyes, not knowing whether it was the young boy who was shaking gently because of excitement or anger.

  The other party grew up very well, with a pair of clear eyes like Song Mianmian. At this moment, they were flushed and they tried their best to endure not crying. Anyone who saw it was sad and distressed, and could not say too harsh words for a while.

Song Mianmian heard the movement and ran back just to hear his brother's words. His heart trembled, and he squeezed the reporters forward to block Song Anqing, "Thank you, my brother is still young and just got injured. Please let him Rest, just ask me if you have any questions."

  Seeing Song Mianmian, the reporters returned to their senses, and then excitedly pointed the microphone at Song Mianmian, all kinds of problems came to Song Mianmian.

Without waiting for Song Mianmian's answer, Song Anqing pulled Song Mianmian behind him, "Sister, you raised me so big, you can't raise it for nothing. I think that when I grow up, I can shelter you from the wind and rain. You have questions against me. Come."

  "Excuse me, is what you just said is true? Song Mianmian and Mr. Xing were just fake marriage?"

   "Song Mianmian really donated all the money he earned to welfare institutions?"

   "Is her original intention to atone for Song Zhiguo or for herself?"


  After a moment of silence, the media still didn't let Song Mianmian's plan go.

  It's just that compared to the ruthless cold-bloodedness of these entertainment reporters, the audiences among the Internet celebrity anchors have completely different attitudes.

Probably young and good-looking boys naturally have good feelings, coupled with the sincere words before, and the stubborn look of resisting tears, they poke the hearts of thousands of girls in the live broadcast room, making them immediately turn into mother fans, and start It made a different sound.

Coupled with the fact that the two sisters and brothers just defended and protected each other, many people saw the deep affection between the two brothers and sisters, and many people couldn't help but call on the barrage, "Yes, why should I take my father's The charges were imposed on the children? Especially their two siblings were still so young at the time, and they were also very miserable, OK!"

  "You may not know that after Father Song was sentenced, his wife divorced him and ran away!"

   "No wonder the little brother said he was brought up by his sister. Oh my God, a 17-year-old girl brought a 13-year-old boy in a completely strange foreign country. I can't imagine how they survived..."

   "I can say it deliberately to win everyone's sympathy. Will I go to Country M without any money?"

   "It feels like my little brother is not that kind of person. Besides, have you seen Song Mianmian selling badly?"

  "Weak hands, I am from a welfare agency in Shencheng. I have indeed heard that the agency has always been sponsored by a lady surnamed Song, but the other party has never shown up. I don’t know if it’s Song Mianmian?"



  At first, everyone was only discussing in the barrage, but as the number of people in the live broadcast room increased, some keen netizens cut the screen to the v-blog, and this matter became more and more popular.

Outside the live broadcast room, Song Mianmian looked at the reporters who were besieging Song Anqing with a cold voice, "I will hold a press conference in Hotel X in an hour. I will explain your doubts and answer your questions by then. Please be there on time. Now I It's time for my brother to rest."

   After finishing this sentence, Song Mianmian looked at Ye Dan, who was not far away, and the other party immediately waved, and then the temporarily-invited bodyguard immediately stepped forward and took away several reporters and anchors.

  Although several reporters are unwilling, it can be seen that Song Mianmian has a strong attitude, and they have already said that they will answer their questions at a news conference in an hour, and entanglement will only cause trouble, and he can only confess his fate and leave.

  Waiting for the reporters to leave, Song Mianmian looked back at Song Anqing.

  Song Anqing thought of what she had just said, her head hung down and stared at her toes, "Sister, I’m sorry."

  (End of this chapter)

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