After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 947: Ye Dao's counterattack

  Chapter 947 Ye Dao's Counterattack

  Su Bixi stared at the official V of the "Wild" program group. She had read it dozens of times with a statement of only a few hundred words, as if she wanted to see something different from that statement.

  But no, no matter how she looks at it, it clearly reads Pei Hao and actress Zhou Zhou sliding down the Xiyue Mountain. Now the life and death are unknown.

  Unknown life and death...


Just as Su Bixi was holding the phone sluggishly, there was a bang outside, straightening Su Bixi's body, who was already nervous, and then comforting herself bitterly. She and the man had nothing to do, even if he had an accident. What does she have to do?

   So comforted herself Su Bixi got up and opened the door and walked towards the kitchen, no matter what the others, she still wants to live. With her current status, she is not even qualified to be sad.

  Just when he was almost in the kitchen, Su Bixi couldn’t help but stop, "Are you going to go far?"

  The girl who made the noise just now was carrying a suitcase, and suddenly heard Su Bixi asking herself, she was a little surprised, and then said softly, "I'm going to Xiyue Mountain, I'm going to find Pei Shuai!"

  Su Bixi's body stiffened, "You... go find him?"

   "Yeah, didn't you watch the news? The program team said that there was an accident with Pei Shuai, and my sisters and I did not believe that we planned to go to Xiyue Mountain to find Pei Shuai..." The girl's voice still choked.

  Su Bixi looked at her eyes, as well as the suitcase, "The show crew won't let you go, right?"

"What's the matter, Pei Shuai doesn't have a huge fan base like Ji Yang. He only has new fans like us. If we don't care about him, whoever cares about him!" The girl said with anger on her face, "So many people happen to be. It was us Pei Shuai and Zhou Zhou, the most inexistent, who had the accident. The catalogue has been holding on to keep everyone from knowing. There must be a problem in the middle!"

  After speaking, the girl took her luggage and walked out aggressively, no longer talking nonsense with Su Bixi.

  Su Bixi was a little bit self-deprecating, wondering where that person needs fan maintenance, but Pei’s family behind him.

   Seeing that his roommate was about to close the door, he suddenly said, "I'll go with you."

  After finishing talking, Su Bixi was stunned for the first time.

   "Huh?" The girl thought she had heard it wrong.

   "The weather over Xiyue Mountain is not good. It is not safe for you to go as a girl. Let's go together." Su Bixi quickly adjusted his emotions and repeated.

  The girl was surprised, "Aren't you also Pei Shuai's fan?"

   "Me? I am not, I..."

"Don't deny that we are so handsome, Pei Shuai, you are his fan and not ashamed. Living together for so long, the first time I found you as cute." Su Bixi also wanted to explain, when the girl next to her interrupted her directly. After speaking, he made two tuts at Su Bixi, with a strange look.

  Su Bixi was uncomfortable to hear but could not explain it any more, "Then can I go with you?"

   "Of course, you can pack your bags quickly. We have to go there to protest as soon as possible, otherwise we don't know if the black-hearted people in the program group will abandon us Pei Shuai." The girl urged.

  Su Bixi gave a hum, went into her room and changed into a thick coat, wrapped herself tightly, carried a backpack, and followed her roommate Bai Jingxin towards the airport.

  Originally, Su Bixi was worried about not being able to buy a ticket, but Bai Jingxin didn't know where to find the scalper. When she arrived at the airport, she sent the ticket, but the price was half the normal price.

  Su Bixi transferred the money, and then looked at the balance on her mobile phone, her eyebrows jumped, but she didn’t think much about it, she was dragged by Bai Jingxin and got on the plane.


  Xiyue Mountain.

  Pei Zhengyang arrived in Xiyue Mountain directly by private plane, and he also arrived with new technology products of ROSE Technology.

  Waiting to get off the plane, Pei Zhengyang got on the car sent by the crew in advance.

  It was exactly 6:30 when I arrived at Xiyue Mountain, three and a half hours after Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou fell.

  As soon as Pei Zhengyang entered the tourist hall, he saw Ye Dan guarding them.

  Yue Min had heard of the legendary second young master, but Rao was still amazed by this, but he would not have the heart to think about other things, so he strode forward and began to explain the apology.

  Pei Zhengyang didn't come to listen to other people's nonsense, and waved his hand to stop Yue Min, "Ye Dao has already informed me of the specific situation. It is important to find someone."

  After speaking, a man walked out behind Pei Zhengyang, who found a place to sit down and turn on the computer.

   After a while, Special Assistant Song Xiao also walked in, "Second Young Master, the things have been released."

   "Okay." Pei Zhengyang nodded, then looked at Ye Dan and Song Mianmian who came over, "The aircraft has been released, and there will be results in at most half an hour."

  His words made people in the whole hall breathe tight, nervous and uneasy.

  Everyone is looking forward to finding Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou immediately, but they are also afraid to find their bodies.

  Pei Zhengyang finished saying this sentence, no longer nonsense, turned around and dialed a few more calls, and one of the men he brought was sitting on a chair, tapping the keyboard quickly with his fingers.

  The wait is long. Fortunately, twenty minutes later, the young cool man typing on the keyboard suddenly raised his head, "Second Master, I found it."

  One sentence made the hearts of everyone in the hall tense.

  Song Mianmian subconsciously squeezed Ye Dan's hand.

   Ye Dan lightly patted the back of Song Mianmian's hand, "It will be fine."

  Song Mianmian was silent, just staring at the young man.

  The other party quickly tapped the keyboard again, and then spoke again in the scorching eyes of everyone, "Vital signs have been detected, and the two are alive."


  Huss’ words made everyone in the hall open their eyes with excitement.

  Pei Zhengyang immediately ordered, "Send the coordinates to the police."

   "Immediately." Xu Si agreed to do it quickly.

   Soon the sound of the helicopter sounded outside again.

   Then an ambulance came in and stopped at the place where the helicopter would land.

  Waiting for another 30 minutes or so, the helicopter outside came back, Yue Min received a call from the police, and he was found.

  Yue Min excitedly shouted out the news, and everyone on the scene rushed towards the landing place.

  When they arrived, Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou had been sent to ambulances respectively.

  Song Mianmian looked at Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou with oxygen in them, and the tears that had been enduring for a long time were finally gushing out.

   Ye Dan felt Song Mianmian’s emotions, and took the person into his arms, “Don’t cry, it will be fine for sure.”

  Song Mianmian cried and nodded, but his heart was tight!

  Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou were quickly sent to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment.

  The medical conditions on Xiyue Mountain are average. Fortunately, Pei Zhengyang has a careful mind and brought the expert team from Pei’s Hospital when he came over.

  After more than an hour of rescue, the two finally turned to peace and escaped the danger of their lives.

  The operating door opened, and the moment the expert finished speaking, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

  Song Mianmian wiped his cheek very hard, Ye Dan looked back at her, "It's okay."

   "Yeah." Song Mianmian nodded lightly, only to realize that Yue Min beside him had collapsed in the corridor. His face was pale, and the most fearful person today was Director Yue.

  Soon Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou were sent to the ward respectively.

  Song Mianmian pushed Ye Dan in, and listened to the doctor's detailed explanation of the two people's situation, and confirmed that the rescue was timely. After that, he only needs to recuperate and he will not be seriously affected before he really let go.

   Coming out of the ward, Ye Dan turned his head and said softly to Song Mianmian, "Wait for me."

  After finishing talking, he pushed the wheelchair to Pei Zhengyang by himself, "Thank you Er Shao for this matter today. Please don't hesitate to say anything if you need it in the future."

Pei Zhengyang faintly glanced at Ye Dan's legs, "I won't be polite when I should trouble you." After speaking, I looked at the time, "Since he has nothing wrong with me, I will go back. The provincial master knows that he is worried, here. Leave it to you for now."

   "Okay." Ye Dan responded swiftly.

  Pei Zhengyang stopped staying, leaving the expert team in a hurry.

On the road, I just ran into Jia Shengmao, Cheng Zhenyun, and Ji Yang who had received the news. The two men were okay. Cheng Zhenyun passed by Pei Zhengyang and opened his mouth slightly in shock. After waiting for someone to walk for a long time, he still didn’t return. Was awakened by Jia Shengmao, his mouth muttered, "Is that the first beauty in Yanjing? Pei Ershao? It really deserves its reputation."

   "It's pretty handsome, but you don't need to be such an idiot as an old aunt? Your new partner Ji Yang is still around." Jia Shengmao disgusted.

  Ji Yang hurriedly said with a smile, “Pei Er Shao’s beauty is recognized, so I’m willing to go downhill.”

  Cheng Zhenyun patted Ji Yang, "You are also handsome, but Pei Er Shao is indeed a monster."

  After speaking, he stared at Pei Zhengyang's leaving back.

  Jia Shengmao couldn't stand it, pulling Cheng Zhenyun into it quickly.

  On the way, they have learned that Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou are out of danger, and everyone's mood is relaxed a lot.

   When he arrived in the ward, Song Mianmian hissed at the three of them, “The doctor said that he won’t be able to wake up until tomorrow, so please don’t disturb them for the time being.”

  The three of them knew that Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou were indeed in no danger of life, and finally let go of their worry.

  It was just that Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou were out of danger, but the matter was not resolved.

After Yue Min was paralyzed on the ground for a meeting, he got up and started calling Assistant Director Zhang to arrange for public relations to release Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou's rescue and physical conditions.

  And Song Mianmian, Xing Shen, and a few people accompanying them need to go to the police station to take notes.

   Ye Dan wanted to follow Song Mianmian, but was held down by Song Mianmian, and looked at Xiangzi, "You take you Ye Dao to see your legs."

   "No, my legs..."

"You don't want me to worry about you all the time?" Song Mianmian interrupted Ye Dan. Just now, she was worried that Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou didn't care about Ye Dan's legs. Now they are out of danger, why would she be willing to follow her? Run around.

  Ye Dan looked at Xing Shen, who was silent all the way behind Song Mianmian, feeling very uncomfortable, but he also knew that if he insisted on making Mianmian worry, he could only compromise, "I'll pick you up later."

   "Okay." Song Mianmian did not refuse.

  The expression on Ye Dan's face finally eased, but when he watched Song Mianmian and Xing Shen leave together, his mouth began to panic acid uncontrollably.

   Xiangzi stepped forward to block Ye Dan's sight with a little indescribable words, "Ye Dao, let's go check it out."

   "Yeah." Ye Dan let out a dull hum, and then reluctantly followed Xiangzi for an inspection.

  The three of Jia Shengmao who witnessed all this, only felt that their eyes were going to be blind, and there was only one question in their mind. Is this really the unsympathetic and well-known Ye Dao in the circle?

  Sure enough, rumours like this are unbelievable.

   Ye Dan has finished shooting the film at nine o'clock, and he needs to wait for half an hour to get the results, and Ye Dan has not been idle for half an hour.

   "The material can be released." Ye Dan sat in the somewhat rudimentary hospital corridor, glanced at the time and ordered Xiangzi.

  "Yes." Xiangzi responded by tapping on the phone for a while, and sent the message to several operators.

The operation account that received the news soon pushed the black material related to Li Xiaoxiao at the same time, from the other party’s school days as a peripheral to the large-scale photos of various investors who accompanied various investors after entering the circle, as well as evidence of framed female artists of the same company. Only netizens can't think of it, and there is no marketing account that does not push.

Originally, the news of Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou’s Ping An had just been released. The netizens’ enthusiasm was very high, and they were relieved to find the troubles of the program group. Yue Min has contacted a number of media and wanted the other party to lead the topic positively. , But this time the impact was too great, and the results of his public relations were not ideal. How did you know that when he was unable to do anything, Li Xiaoxiao's scandal suddenly became popular all over the Internet.

No matter how hot Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou are, they are only artists outside the third and fourth lines. They have little influence. Now they are safe. No matter how hot they are, they can catch up with the explosive news of scandals, especially Li Xiaoxiao on weekdays. It is still a small white flower design.

  As soon as this news came out, it exploded in an instant.

  The attention of netizens was quickly attracted to the past, frantically watching comments.

  Some media following the trend took the opportunity to increase the topic of speculation.

  Li Xiaoxiao has been in a very good mood since knowing that the program group had an accident, until he saw that it was not Song Mianmian that fell, but Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou, and he cursed Zhang Shaowei for trash.

This made Li Xiaoxiao very upset. She wanted Song Mianmian to disappear, not Pei Hao or Zhou Zhou. However, thinking that Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou had an accident, Song Mianmian's variety show could not be recorded. Song Mianmian was named a disaster star, who would dare to use him in the future?

Li Xiaoxiao thought very well, and waited for the program team to announce that Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou had fallen down the mountain and had broken bones. They might not have survived and started to publish the draft. He didn't know that he would wait until Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou were out of danger. Suddenly it vibrated wildly.

  The unknown situation of Li Xiaoxiao saw that it was a V Bo, and she was ready to open it to see what happened. However, there were too many messages and the vibration was too strong. Not only did she not turn on the phone, she was stuck and crashed directly.

  An inexplicable anxiety made Li Xiaoxiao eagerly restart the phone, set the message to mute, and then open it. After only a glance, he found that it was netizens who were swearing in private messages. The words were extremely awkward and mixed with human organs.

Li Xiaoxiao glanced at her and almost threw her phone out. She has maintained a good external appearance in recent years. Although she has been scolded for pretending, most of the time she praised her for being beautiful, gentle, and a little fairy. Ever?

The comment is also 999+. The bad feeling in my heart is even stronger. I took a deep breath and opened the hot search instead of looking at the swear words. I didn’t expect that the first name was her name, and there was a red explosion next to it. .

Li Xiaoxiao was shocked. Although she had been on the hot search, she never ranked in the top ten. Now she is the number one. The surprise and fear made her click on the hot search cautiously, but Li Xiaoxiao almost fainted at the first glance, her eyes Staring at those photos, murmured in horror, "How is it possible, how is it possible..."

  (End of this chapter)

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