At night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

After having dinner at his uncle's house, Ye Chen took Kiana, his parents and sisters back to his own home.

After washing up, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Kiana sat on the bed, enjoying Ye Chen blowing her hair.

"Nana, when are we going to the hospital?"

Although a lot of things happened during the day, Ye Chen did not forget about Liu Yiwen.

Qiyana took out her mobile phone and looked at the time and said,"It's only nine o'clock now, let's go later, at least after twelve o'clock."

After twelve o'clock, most people have gone to bed.

Even those on duty in the hospital cannot always watch over the patients.

"Do we have to wait till twelve o'clock?"

Ye Chen got up at seven o'clock in the morning and had not rested in the middle. He was a little sleepy now.

The thought of having to wait till after twelve o'clock made him feel a little tense.

After all, he was still a mortal and could not compare with Kiana, the Herrscher of the End.

Kiana also saw the sleepiness in Ye Chen's eyes:"If you are sleepy, take a nap first, and I will call you when the time comes."

""Okay, I'll sleep for a while."

Putting down the hair dryer in his hand, Ye Chen yawned and lay on the bed, then waved to Kiana.

Kiana naturally understood what he meant, and sat beside him obediently, leaning against the headboard and playing with her mobile phone.

Ye Chen put his backhand around her waist, buried his whole face in her soft and white belly, and smelled her unique fragrance.

"Then I'll go to bed first. Good night, Anna."

"Well, go to sleep."

In order to make Ye Chen sleep more comfortably, Kiana used one hand to support his neck to prevent his head from sliding off her belly.

This was no joke, after all, her skin was not only as smooth as cream, but also smooth and tender!

After a while, Ye Chen fell asleep.

In the room, only the sound of Ye Chen's steady breathing was left.

At this moment, Kiana keenly noticed that there was a sound of footsteps approaching outside the door.

As her spiritual perception spread, she found that it was her mother who was walking towards this side.

When she came to the door of their room, she first put her ear to the door and listened carefully for a while.

‘Seeing this, Kiana couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Could it be that her mother also had a hobby of eavesdropping on her son and daughter-in-law?

Just as she was thinking this, she saw her mother raising her hand to knock on the door.

Seeing this, Kiana quickly tidied up her slightly messy clothes, and then covered Ye Chen's ears with her hands.

Almost in the next second, there was a knock on the door.

Knock knock knock!

"Come in, the door is not locked."

The door was pushed open, and Mu Yaqin's eyes immediately turned to the two people on the bed.

"Ye Chen goes to bed so early?"

What's wrong with my son? Didn't he always stay up until eleven or twelve o'clock before going to bed?

Sometimes I could even hear the sound of him playing games in his room at one or two o'clock.

Qiana nodded slightly and whispered,"Well, Ye Chen got up early today and was out walking all afternoon. He is a little tired."

"I see"

"Mom, what do you want to talk to us about?"

"Oh, it's actually nothing serious. I just discussed with your dad and decided to use the money you gave us to renovate the old house and the land in the countryside." The old house and the land in the countryside?

Hearing this, long-forgotten memories suddenly emerged in her mind.

Kiana also remembered that they did have an old house in the countryside.

That was where grandpa and grandma used to live.

But later, because grandpa passed away, grandma moved to the city to live with them, and the old house became vacant.

Now no one has lived there for four or five years.

Mu Yaqin continued,"Your dad decided to transform it into a farmyard, so I wanted to ask for your opinions and see what you say."

Kiana said softly,"Of course I agree, and I'm sure Ye Chen will have no objection."

It is indeed a good idea to transform my old home into a farmhouse.

If I get tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city, I can go back to the farmhouse in the countryside and live for a while.

Moreover, the old house is in a very good location, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery. With a little renovation, it can become a good holiday resort.

""Okay, then you talk to Ye Chen tomorrow. If you both have no objection, we will hire someone to demolish the old house in a while."

After saying that, Mu Yaqin turned around and left the room.

When she left, she also helped to turn off the lights.

Looking at the silver full moon outside the window, Qiyana suddenly felt full of expectations for the future.


Time finally came to twelve o'clock.

Kiana took a look and felt that the time was almost up, so she gently shook Ye Chen in her arms.

"Ye Chen, wake up, it's twelve o'clock"


Ye Chen rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned.

"Not awake yet?"

"Yeah, still a little sleepy."

"Why don't you stay at home and rest today, and I'll go alone."

Ye Chen shook his head and rejected Qiyana's proposal.

"No, even if I'm alone at home, I can't sleep without hugging you."

Ye Chen has long been accustomed to hugging Kiana when sleeping.

If she is not around, it is difficult to fall asleep no matter how sleepy he is.

Although Kiana is happy about this, she is also a little helpless. She is worried that one day she will suddenly leave for something, what should he do then?

"Then get up, and be quiet, so that our parents don't hear you."


The two of them changed their clothes quietly.

After leaving the house, Kiana hugged Ye Chen and flew into the sky, flying towards the People's Hospital.

After a while, the two arrived at the People's Hospital.

However, they did not rush to the intensive care unit, but first took a look at grandma.

At this moment, grandma was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Perhaps because Ye Chen transferred some spiritual power during the day, her face became much rosier than before.

After confirming that grandma was fine, the two came to the intensive care unit.

At this moment, there were only two nurses on duty, and they looked drowsy.

Kiana just used some tricks of the Herrscher of Knowledge to make the two nurses fall asleep directly.

Then, Kiana took Ye Chen straight to Liu Yiwen.

"I'll leave it to you, Nana."

"Wait for two minutes."

Kiana gently placed her delicate hand on Liu Yiwen's chest.

A faint purple light appeared in her palm.

The power of the Herrscher of Death was activated!

As we all know, the power of the Herrscher of Death can not only accelerate the apoptosis of biological cells, but also heal injuries!

Kiana first repaired the damaged internal organs in Liu Yiwen's body, then connected her broken femur, and finally repaired the damaged nerves in her brain.

Two minutes later, Liu Yiwen's injuries had been completely healed.

At this time, Liu Yiwen, who was originally in a coma, slowly opened her eyes and looked around blankly.

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