"Aunt, why are you coming down?"

After waiting for a long time, the owner of the parking space still did not come down, but he saw his aunt Mu Yaqin coming here. Ye Hongbin was very confused.

Did she come downstairs to pick up her son, daughter and daughter-in-law?

But there was no need, anyway, they were upstairs.

Mu Yaqin also showed a puzzled expression

"Didn’t Ye Chen say he wanted to move the car?"

"Move the car?"

Ye Hongbin was stunned and didn't react for a while.

But his fiancée Chu Kehan quickly thought of something and looked at Ye Chen with eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Ye, brother Ye Chen, is this car yours?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen hadn't spoken yet, but Ye Hongbin smiled.

"How is it possible? Where did my cousin get so much money to buy this car?"It is a million-level luxury car anyway. Although it is not as good as those worth millions or tens of millions, it is not a car that my cousin can afford.

Let alone a million or so, even a car worth a few hundred thousand, my cousin can't afford it!

"Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean my brother can't afford it!"Ye Yanxun snorted coldly. She was really a little angry.

This cousin always looked down on her brother.

Only her brother had a good temper and didn't argue with him.

"This is indeed Ye Chen's car."Qiana also spoke up.

She also couldn't stand this cousin.

She didn't argue with him before, perhaps because he really couldn't compare to him in some ways.

But now your man is crushing the other party in all aspects, why do you still look down on your man?

Although Mu Yaqin had just arrived here, she was an experienced person after all, and she saw what the situation was at a glance.

She didn't say anything, but handed the car keys to her baby son directly, and gave him a subtle look.

As if to say,"Give me a slap in the face of your cousin!"

Mo Chen would naturally not let his mother, sister and future wife Qiana down.

He pressed the key button, and the headlights of the vehicle flashed twice.

Then he opened the main driver's door and sat in

"Cousin, I think what you said before makes a lot of sense, and I really need to work harder."

After saying that, Mo Chen turned to Qiana, his sister, and his mother and said,"Would you like to go find a parking space with me?"

""Okay." Qiyana didn't refuse and sat directly on the passenger seat.

Her sister Ye Yanxuan was about to agree when she was stopped by her mother Mu Yaqin.

"You and Nana go ahead, I'll take your sister upstairs first."

It was time for the young couple to be alone, how could she let her daughter disturb them?

"Then Nana and I will find a place to park first."After saying that, Ye Chen drove away.

Mu Yaqin also took Ye Yanxuan to the elevator.

In the entire underground parking lot, only Ye Hongbin and his fiancée Chu Kehan were left, both of whom were in disbelief.

Chu Kehan snorted and looked at Ye Hongbin with a hint of disappointment.

Why did you have to act so arrogant? Now, you got slapped in the face so quickly that she was embarrassed as well.

At this moment, Chu Kehan suddenly regretted following him.

Why did she agree to his pursuit at that time?

It's just that it seems a little late to regret now. I hope he can learn a lesson from this incident.

Chu Kehan sighed softly.


On the other side.

After driving away, Ye Chen quickly found a roadside parking space on the road outside the community.

After parking the car, the two walked hand in hand into the community.

"Nana, did I perform well just now?"

Recalling Ye Hongbin's dull expression after being slapped in the face, Qiyana's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a charming smile.

"It's ok. At least my cousin won't dare to act like that in front of us anymore."

"I hope this lesson can eliminate the desire to compare with others in his heart."

In fact, Ye Chen was also very speechless.

From childhood to adulthood, he had never thought of comparing himself with his cousin.

He didn't pay much attention to the comparison between adults.

After all, he had lived two lives. He always believed that the reason why he was better than his cousin was just because he lived one more life.

There was nothing to be proud of.

But his cousin was the opposite. He always found ways to compare with himself.

But most of the time, he ended up losing.

Gradually, his cousin became more jealous of him.

He was an orphan in his first life, so he cherished family affection in his second life.

He once tried to repair the relationship between brothers. , but his cousin took his behavior as a sign of weakness.

Gradually, he didn't want to pay much attention to his cousin.

Because it was not the first time they came to this community, the two were very familiar with the routes here.

They soon arrived at the elevator entrance.

The uncle's family lived on the fifteenth floor of this building, and it took less than two minutes for the elevator to reach the floor where the uncle's family lived.

When they arrived at the uncle's house, they found that the door was open.

Presumably because they knew they would be here soon, they did not close the door.

There were many red stickers on both sides of the door, which looked very festive.

As soon as the two entered the door, they found that their parents, sister, and uncle's family were sitting on the sofa in the hall chatting.

"Ye Chen! Come on, come on, sit down quickly."The uncle was very enthusiastic and stood up and asked the two to sit down together.

"I haven't seen you for half a year. You are getting more and more handsome!"

"And he brought back such a beautiful girlfriend for your parents, well done!"

The uncle patted Ye Chen's shoulder, with a joyful expression on his face.

He was also sincerely happy that his nephew could find a girlfriend.

"This is Nana, right? I am Ye Chen's uncle. I heard that you have started to call my brother and sister-in-law mom and dad. You can also call me uncle."

"Hello, uncle, hello, aunt."

Uncle is still as kind and sincere as ever.

It's a pity that my cousin didn't inherit this good quality from him.

"You know what, the girlfriend your Ye Chen brought back to you is really beautiful."

The aunt looked at Qiyana carefully and praised her without any concealment.

Mu Yaqin raised her lips happily.

"Hahaha, your Hongbin's girlfriend is also very beautiful."

Afterwards, everyone talked about some things about getting married in a few days.

Time unknowingly came to noon.

Everyone turned to the dining table again.

This meal was cooked by the uncle's mother herself. In order to welcome the arrival of Ye Chen's parents and their family, a lot of dishes were specially prepared.

The table was almost full.

When they finished lunch, it was almost one o'clock.

"Brother, Sister Nana, I heard that a new shopping mall has opened nearby. How about we go for a walk?"

Because my parents and uncle still have some things to deal with, they can't go home so soon.

Ye Chen and others can only wait for them.

But Ye Yanxuan is obviously a person who can't sit still. She wants to go out for a walk.

"What do you think?"Ye Chen did not answer immediately, but looked at Qiyana

"Sure, just think of it as exercise after dinner."

"Yeah! Sister Nana is the best!"

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