There was only one class in the afternoon, and after it was over, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.

Because Mu Xiaoying and Yan Tingting's vacation was over, the train was at 4 o'clock.

So Ye Chen and Qiyana drove back to the rental house as soon as class was over, picked them up and took them to the high-speed rail station.

"Goodbye, cousin! Goodbye, cousin-in-law!"

Mu Xiaoying stood at the ticket gate and waved goodbye to the two.

"When you are free, come and play with me!"

Ye Chen nodded and said,"I know, I will definitely come when I am free!"

Kiana also said to the two of them,"Be careful on the road, and don't forget to send a message to me and your cousin when you go home!"

""Okay, got it!"

After watching Mu Xiaoying and Yan Tingting leave, the two drove back home.

When passing by the mall, they also bought some food.

The food at home was running out again.

Kiana made a sumptuous dinner for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's appetite was getting bigger and bigger, but he seemed to eat a little less tonight than before.

But Kiana didn't care too much.

After dinner, the two took a shower one after the other and sat in front of the computer desk to watch a movie.

Time unknowingly came to 7:30 in the evening.

At this moment, Ye Chen yawned repeatedly, looking like he hadn't woken up yet.

"Feeling sleepy so early?"

"Well, I don't know what's going on either." Ye Chen yawned again.

"Never mind. I'm going to sleep."

"Well, go ahead, you can get up early tomorrow."

Ye Chen went back to bed and lay down directly.

But he was very sleepy, but he couldn't fall asleep.

"Nana, come and let me hug you. I can't sleep without you by my side."

I'm used to having someone by my side. It would be hard for Ye Chen to fall asleep without Kiana in his arms.

Kiana had no choice but to accompany Ye Chen to bed.

"Ah, that's the feeling!"

Ye Chen put his arms around Kiana's slender waist, buried his face in her chest, and greedily sniffed the charming fragrance on her body.

Wrapped in this familiar warmth, Ye Chen soon fell asleep.

Kiana put one hand around Ye Chen's head, and took out her mobile phone with the other hand to watch videos.

She couldn't sleep at all so early, so she had to play with her mobile phone to pass the time.

But after playing for a while, she got tired of playing with her mobile phone.

Kiana put down her mobile phone, lowered her head, and looked at Ye Chen who buried his face between the two peaks.

The steady breath blew on her chest, and she could feel a hint of warmth through the thin pajamas.

For some reason, her delicate body was a little hot.

"Is this a reaction?"

Kiana was surprised and quickly calmed her inner throbbing.

"It's not the time yet. At least, wait a while.……"

Thinking of this, Kiana also closed her eyes, emptying her mind and not thinking about those things.

Time passed little by little, and gradually, in the silent room, only the steady breathing of the two people remained.


The next morning, it was still light when Kiana woke up.

The two of them were still sleeping in the same position as yesterday.

"This guy... he went to bed earlier than me, but got up later than me."

Just when Kiana was about to wake up Ye Chen who was sleeping soundly, she suddenly found that Ye Chen's face was red and sweating all over.

What's going on?

Kiana raised her hand in confusion and placed it on Ye Chen's forehead.

"It's so hot , you have a fever?"

Kiana showed a surprised expression.

How could you have a fever for no reason?

Kiana was still a little unconvinced, and leaned over to put her forehead against Ye Chen's forehead.

Well, it's still very hot!

"Ye Chen! Ye Chen! Wake up!"

Kiana gently shook Ye Chen in her arms.

"Nana...what's wrong? Huh? Why do I feel weak all over? And also have a headache?"

"Stupid, you are sick."

"Am I sick?"

Ye Chen also showed an expression of disbelief.

"How is this possible? Since I started practicing, my physique has become dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people. How could I get sick?"

Ye Chen thought Qiyana was joking. As soon as he stood up, he felt dizzy.

"So, is this true?"

Can a cultivator still be defeated by a virus?

Kiana said:"Your physique has indeed become stronger, but with your current level of cultivation, it is naturally impossible to completely resist the invasion of the virus. It is very normal to get sick."

"But the probability of this happening is very, very low, even lower than winning a million-dollar cash prize in a lottery."

"Is my luck so bad?"Ye Chen was speechless.

It would be a pity not to buy a lottery ticket if I had encountered such a low probability.

"Just lie down and I'll get you some medicine."

Kiana stood up and took out the antipyretic medicine she had bought from the drawer of her computer desk.

"Come, take this medicine first."

Qiana handed the water to Ye Chen.

After taking the medicine, Ye Chen lay down again.

"I can't go to class today, and I have to ask the instructor for leave later."

Qiyana covered Ye Chen with a blanket again and turned off the air conditioner.

"You don't need to worry about this, I'll take care of it"

""Nana, thank you for your help. It's great to have you here."

Ye Chen felt touched for no reason.

In the past, when he was sick, he could only bear it by himself. If he couldn't bear it anymore, he would force himself to go to the clinic or hospital.

This was the first time he experienced the feeling of being taken care of by someone other than his parents.

It felt so good!

"Stop talking and have a good sleep."

"Before going to bed, I want a kiss"

"I really admire you. You are still thinking about other things even though it's like this."

Kiana had no choice but to meet his small request.

She lowered her head and wanted to kiss Ye Chen's forehead, but just when the kiss was about to fall, she suddenly paused.

After hesitating for a moment, Kiana changed direction, and the kiss finally fell on Ye Chen's lips.

"Are you satisfied? Go to bed quickly."

Ye Chen smiled and said,"Yes, I am satisfied. I don't feel so uncomfortable now."

"If I could have another one, maybe my illness could be cured directly."

"Bottle mouth, go to sleep"

""Okay, okay."

Ye Chen closed his eyes again and fell asleep again after a while.

Although he still felt uncomfortable, he had a happy smile on his face.

After confirming that Ye Chen was asleep, Kiana put her hand on his chest, and a faint purple light appeared.

"Is that really the case?……"

After a moment, Kiana showed a guilty expression.

In fact, she had just deceived Ye Chen.

With Ye Chen's current strength, it was impossible for him to get sick. The reason why he got sick was naturally because of her.

Perhaps because of her restlessness yesterday, she failed to control the Honkai energy in her body well, causing part of the Honkai energy to overflow from her body.

Although this Honkai energy was very weak, Ye Chen held her to sleep all night, just like holding a highly radioactive plutonium element all night.

This Honkai energy was like radiation, eroding Ye Chen's body bit by bit.

But fortunately, it was discovered early and did not cause too much harm to him.

"I have to be more careful next time." Kiana murmured.

She would never let this happen again!

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