"No more talking, I'll answer the phone for a while."

Ye Chen quickly took two bites of rice and then pressed the answer button.

This was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"He is my cousin, and I am his sister...cousin!"

A delicate, gentle and sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Cousin? You're here so soon?"

Ye Chen then remembered what his mother had asked him to do.

A lot of things had happened in the past few days, and he almost forgot that his cousin was coming to Jiangcheng to play.

No, to be precise, he had forgotten it.

If it weren't for this call, he wouldn't have remembered it at all.

The cousin's voice came again from the other end:"Yes, we got off the high-speed train two hours ago, and we are now eating in a restaurant near the high-speed train."


Ye Chen suddenly caught an important message.

Mother didn't say that my cousin would bring other people.

"Yes, it’s me and my best friend, and her boyfriend. So, cousin, when will you come to pick us up?"

"Okay, I'll be there soon. By the way, you've been off the high-speed train for two hours, why didn't you call me earlier?"

"I am afraid of disturbing your class." That makes sense.

After chatting for a few more meaningless words, Ye Chen hung up the phone.

Then he said to Cao Yuanhao and the other two on the opposite side:"As you can see, I have to go pick up my cousin."

"go Go"

"Just leave the tableware there, we'll bring it to you later"

"Remember to treat us to a meal next time!"

"No problem!"

Ye Chen and Kiana left the cafeteria together.

However, the two did not walk towards the school gate, but went to the special parking lot in the school.

That's right, the two bought a car.

As a billionaire, it is really unreasonable not to buy a car.

After all, it is a means of transportation. Although Kiana can fly, every time she flies around, she has to find a deserted place to land to avoid attracting attention, which is really troublesome.

With a car, it will be much more convenient to go anywhere in the future.

After arriving at the parking lot, the two went straight to the silver-gray SUV parked in the corner.

This is a very popular domestic luxury car recently, the U8.

Ye Chen likes this car very much, so when When he decided to buy a car as a means of transportation, the first thing that came to his mind was this one.

Although it cannot be compared with those luxury cars of big brands, it is a domestic product after all, so he bought it without hesitation.

According to the normal process, it would take a few days to pick up the car.

But coincidentally, the sales director of that car shop happened to be related to the Xuan family.

After knowing that the two were distinguished guests of the Xuan family, he directly jumped the queue, paid on the first day and picked up the car on the second day.

Today is also the first day it officially went on the road.

Looking at Kiana who was fastening her seat belt, Ye Chen's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a happy smile.

Now that he has luxury cars and beautiful women, he has no regrets in this life!

"Stop smiling and start going"


At the same time, in a restaurant outside Jiangcheng High-speed Railway Station, two young, beautiful women with good figures and a handsome man were sitting together eating lunch.

One of the women was none other than Ye Chen's cousin, Mu Xiaoying.

""Xiaoying, what kind of person is your cousin?" The only man looked at Mu Xiaoying with a smile. Mu Xiaoying frowned subconsciously after hearing that.

This guy is really outgoing, calling her Xiaoying, Xiaoying, as if they have a very good relationship.

If it weren't for the fact that you are my best friend's boyfriend, I wouldn't want to stay with you!

And I always feel that this guy's smile is a little fake.

Although she was unhappy in her heart, Mu Xiaoying did not show it.

After all, he is her best friend's boyfriend, and she still has to give him some face.

Mu Xiaoying pondered for a moment and replied,"I don't have much impression of my cousin. I haven't seen him for many years."

"Then you always remember whether your cousin is handsome or not, right?"My best friend suddenly joined the topic.

Hey, is it really okay for you to ask other men whether they are handsome or not in front of your boyfriend?

Mu Xiaoying glanced at the man sitting opposite.

Well, it seems that he doesn't care at all.

The man still looked at them with a smile on his face.

To be more precise, it was her, Mu Xiaoying.

She couldn't understand why this guy kept looking at her like this.

"To be honest, my cousin is very handsome. When I was little, I thought he would be even more handsome when he grows up!"She still vaguely remembers that she loved playing with her cousin when she was little because he was so handsome.

She even said that she wanted to be her cousin's bride when she grew up!

Thinking back on this again, she can't help but blush.

She was really bold when she was little!


Looking at her bestie's excited expression, Mu Xiaoying couldn't help but hold her forehead.

This bestie is good in every way, but every time she sees a handsome guy, she can't walk

"Please be sure to introduce yourself to me when the time comes!"

""What's wrong with you, you slut? Don't you have a boyfriend now?"

Mu Xiaoying couldn't help it anymore and whispered in her friend's ear.

Her friend whispered,"We just started dating and are still in the probation period. What are you afraid of?"

"???"Mu Xiaoying was confused.

Is there a trial period for dating? That's too outrageous!

After chatting about her cousin, she received a message from him.

"My cousin is here. He's outside. Let's go out."

""Let's go! Let's go see what your cousin looks like!"

The best friend pulled Mu Xiaoying and walked out impatiently.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly followed.

Soon, Mu Xiaoying saw a familiar but somewhat unfamiliar figure coming out of a silver-gray car.

Although they had not seen each other for many years, when they met again, Mu Xiaoying recognized Ye Chen at first sight.

And Ye Chen also recognized Mu Xiaoying.

"Ye Chen's cousin?"

"Yes, Xiaoying, long time no see."

"Yes, after not seeing you for so many years, you have become more handsome."

"Hahaha, you've become much prettier too."

The two of them praised each other, and Kiana, who had just gotten off the car, was speechless when she saw this.

"Who is this?"

The three of them also noticed Kiana very quickly.

When they saw Kiana's amazing appearance, they were all stunned.

So beautiful! She doesn't look like an ordinary woman at all!

The only man among the three showed a fiery look, as if he was looking at prey.

After feeling the gaze of this man, Ye Chen and Kiana couldn't help but frown.

This guy might have started to make plans for me (my wife).

Thinking of this, the two of them leaned against each other very tacitly, as if they were swearing sovereignty and declaring that the beauty had a master.

"This is my girlfriend, Qiyana."

Mu Xiaoying looked at Ye Chen in astonishment.

"You actually have a girlfriend? It's like the iron tree blooming!"

Mo Chen was speechless.

Why did all his relatives treat him like an iron tree?

"By the way, why don’t you introduce me to the two people around you?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, this is my best friend Yan Tingting, and this is my best friend’s boyfriend, his name is, his name is, by the way, what is his name?"

"My name is Chen Lihui, hello."

When introducing, Chen Lihui did not forget to continue to cast his eyes on Kiana, without hiding it at all.

This made Kiana and Ye Chen even more unhappy.

But after all, the other party was a guest brought by their cousin, so the two did not show it.

And he didn't do anything excessive now, so they couldn't do anything to him.

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