On the other side,

Qiyana and Ye Chen were unaware that they had been noticed by someone.

After buying two days' worth of food, the two returned home.

It was another sumptuous dinner, which made Ye Chen unable to stop. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart again, with such a girlfriend, what else could a man ask for!

"You're daydreaming again, go wash the dishes!"

This time, Kiana learned her lesson and didn't kick him with her legs.

"I just ate, just let me rest for a while." After eating so much, Ye Chen didn't even want to move.

"By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?" Ye Chen changed the subject and asked. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are weekends. Usually at this time, Ye Chen would stay at home alone to play games or browse Bilibili. Occasionally, he would go out to the bar with Xiaopang and the others. It was very monotonous.

Now that he has a girlfriend, he naturally can't be so monotonous.

Kiana pinched her chin and thought for a moment and said,"You can arrange it yourself tomorrow, and I will continue to practice with you the day after tomorrow."

Originally, her plan was to continue practicing with Mo Chen for the next two days.

But after thinking about it, she gave up.

Strength is important, but it also requires a combination of work and rest. If the body is broken down by practice, it will be a loss.

"Then let's go to the movies tomorrow." Ye Chen suddenly looked forward to tomorrow.

This is a date, right?

Thinking about it carefully, he was a little excited. After all, this was the first time he had a date with his girlfriend in his two lives.

""Sure, but what movie are you going to take me to see?"

Kiana was also looking forward to it.

This was her first time going out on a date with a man, and the other person was her past self.

"Let me make it clear first, if you want to take me to see a horror movie so that I can hold you and take advantage of me, forget it, I'm not an ordinary girl."

"Of course I understand this!"

Ye Chen never regarded Qiana as an ordinary girl in his heart.

Besides, who would still use this old-fashioned routine in this era! What's more, he disdains to use such a small trick to take advantage of others. If he wants to take advantage of others, he will do it openly!

"Let's go watch Wreck-It Ralph 2"

"Wandering Ball 2? Haven't you seen it?"

"Let's watch it again. Anyway, there aren't many good science fiction movies recently."

Ye Chen likes to watch science fiction movies, and Qiyana is no exception.

At the beginning, both Wandering Little Ball 1 and 2 were watched no less than three times.

"In the past, we only watched it on the computer. This time, we watched it in the cinema, and the atmosphere must be different."

"Isn't the purpose of a date just to create an atmosphere?"

Kiana nodded:"What you said does make sense, so I'll listen to you."

"It will be almost noon after watching the movie, so let's go have a meal, and then we'll go to the newly opened amusement park in the afternoon, and check in at the popular milk tea shop!"

Ye Chen took out a schedule from somewhere and said seriously.

Seeing this, Kiana couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that you have prepared well for this date."

"Of course! I did refer to the dating guide!"

Ye Chen prepared for this date for several days!

During this period, he not only referred to the online guide, but also consulted a few close friends.

However, the suggestions given by those close friends were too weird and had no reference value.

After chatting about the date for a while, Ye Chen went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Kiana had nothing to do, so she picked up Ye Chen's mobile phone and watched short videos.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a message box pop up on WeChat.

When she clicked it, she found that it was a friend request.

And the other party was a woman!

""Hello, brother, I'm your sister!"

Looking at the other party's application introduction, Kiana was immediately unhappy.

Where did this little slut come from? She actually dared to hit on her own man!

Don't they know that Ye Chen already has a girlfriend like her? Don't these women have any self-awareness?

Of course, unless the other party is not a student from the same school.

But if they are not students from the same school, how did the other party get Ye Chen's WeChat?

Unable to figure it out, Kiana didn't think much about it and directly rejected the other party's friend application.

And replied:"Ugly rejection! I like young women!"

Now the other party should not seduce her boyfriend again, right?

Kiana felt happy and continued to watch short videos.

But before she had watched for long, a call suddenly came in.

The caller ID showed that it was Mother.

Why did her mother call suddenly?

This time Kiana did not answer the call directly, but ran to the kitchen

"Ye Chen, our mother is calling, please answer the phone"

"Can't you answer it? Look, I'm busy."

Ye Chen raised his hands covered with detergent bubbles, indicating that he was helpless.

"The call must be for you. I'm not very good at answering the phone, so I'll hold it for you!"

"You might as well turn on the hands-free mode."

"That's right!" Kiana suddenly realized.

As expected of a bug, it still has some stupid genes.

But this kind of bug is cute!

Kiana pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone.

The next second, the serious voice of her mother came from the other end of the phone.

"Ye Chen! You bastard, if you dare to do anything to let our Nana down, your father and I will never forgive you!"

Ye Chen:"???"


What the hell is going on? The two of them were completely confused and had no idea what was going on.

""Ye Chen, speak!"

The mother's voice sounded a little impatient.

Ye Chen quickly said:"Mom, what's wrong with you? When have I ever done anything to let Kiana down?""

The sun and the moon can testify, the heaven and earth can testify!

He, Ye Chen, has never done anything to let Kiana down, okay!

"Then when your cousin added you on WeChat just now, why did you say that you like young women?"

After hearing this, Ye Chen was even more confused.

His cousin added him on WeChat? How come he didn't know!

No! The phone was not in his hand just now, which means...

Ye Chen looked at Qiyana.


Kiana also reacted and smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

Great, it was indeed her doing!

Ye Chen tapped Kiana's cute nose with his finger covered with bubbles, glared at her, and then replied:"You misunderstood mom, I thought it was a female classmate from school who wanted to add me, so I just found a reason to refuse!"

Since it was his own bug that caused the trouble, he had to take the blame.

The main point is pampering!

"Is that so?"Ye's mother expressed doubt

"It's true! Kiana was right next to me at the time!"

"Yes, mom, I was next to Ye Chen at the time."Qiana also spoke at this time

"I see. That's good.……"

With Kiana's testimony, Ye's mother finally breathed a sigh of relief

"By the way, Nana, has Ye Chen ever bullied you? If so, tell me and I will teach him a lesson for you!"

""Mom, who is your biological child?" Ye Chen was speechless. With Kiana's strength, it was hard to say who would bully whom.

"Mom, Ye Chen is very nice to me and never bullies me."

"That’s good. If he dares to bully you in the future, just tell mom and I will teach him a lesson!"

""Okay, mom."

Looking at the harmonious relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, Ye Chen was so envious.

He felt like he was about to become a child given away for free after topping up his phone bill.

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