Seeing Lin Mo and Saeko return,

Miyamoto Rei, who found the backbone, got off the car immediately

"Lin Mo! Someone just attacked us, they had Molotov cocktails and attracted zombies!"

Lin Mo glanced around, without any emotion in his voice,"Where are they now?"

"Already escaped," Miyamoto Rei showed an embarrassed expression,"I'm sorry, I didn't protect the bus well......"

Lin Mo waved his hand,"This is not your fault. There is a fire extinguisher in the car. Put out the fire quickly."

"Senior Busujima, cooperate with me to clean up the zombies!"

The two drew out their long swords and began to clean up the zombies around them.

Miyamoto Rei and Takagi Saya took out fire extinguishers to put out all the flames around the bus.

Half an hour later, the situation was under control.

Although the bus was not damaged by the Molotov cocktails.

However, there were burn marks of varying degrees on the front, rear and sides of the bus.

The bus, which was originally brand new, now looked a little shabby.

Seeing the bus become what it is now, Miyamoto Rei felt very uncomfortable.

She even tried to wipe the body of the bus with a wet rag, but the burn marks could not be removed.

Deep in Miyamoto Rei's heart, she already regarded the bus as her home.

Now that her home has been destroyed, you can imagine how uncomfortable she feels.

"The shopping carts we blocked at the entrance of the mall were cleared away," Busujima Saeko returned after investigating the clues.

A hint of murderous intent flashed across her cold face.

"Someone is targeting us, and their behavior is much crazier than that of ordinary criminals."

Lin Mo nodded slightly. The fact that they can use weapons such as homemade Molotov cocktails is enough to show that the enemy has a kind of evil power.

Now the enemy is hiding in the dark and is tentatively launching an attack.

Lin Mo felt a little tricky.

His bus is not invincible, let alone a tank made of mold.

Even homemade explosives and detonators can cause fatal damage to it.

Today it is a Molotov cocktail, then tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it may become a detonator.

It's time to put the upgrade of the bus on the agenda!

Looking at the building materials collected by the decomposition machine, there are about four or five tons of various materials scattered.

Especially, a lot of special steel was obtained from the disassembly of Minami Rika's Hummer.

These will be important raw materials for the upgrade of the bus.

The vigil will start tonight.

Miyamoto Rei and Miyagi Saya will guard the first half of the night, Lin Mo Saeko will guard the early morning, and Marikawa Shizuka and the little loli will guard the second half of the night.

After making a good plan, Lin Mo lay down on the co-pilot seat early.

Every driving seat of the bus can be used as a bed.

Of course, there are also hidden folding beds.

But now there are many people and the relationship has not yet warmed up to the level of accepting sleeping on the same bed.

So everyone lies in their respective positions to rest.

""Junior Lin Mo, don't be too nervous," before the break, Busujima Saeko came to talk to Lin Mo.

She put her hands on Lin Mo's palms.

Lin Mo could clearly feel the delicacy and softness coming from her hands.

The kiss on the rooftop brought subtle changes to the relationship between the two.

Even as cold as Busujima Saeko, at this moment, there was a touch of tenderness in her cold eyes.

"Saya and Rei will take care of the vehicle. We have guns and a bus. Those bastards in the dark are no match for us."

"Okay, I understand," Lin Mo gently squeezed Saeko's white palm.

Although she has practiced kendo for many years, Saeko has a pair of slender hands with excellent touch.

Just like a jade handicraft, you will never get tired of playing with it.

After Saeko left, Lin Mo lowered the seat and lay down.

Wrapped in a carpet, he closed his eyes and sank into the internal system of the bus.

The upgrade system of the Doomsday Bus is not complicated.

The general idea is to consume designated materials and upgrade the part to be upgraded.

For example, to upgrade the bathroom, a total of 300 units of various metal ingots are needed.

Upgrading tires requires a lot of rubber.

Or to enhance the overall defense of the bus, various steel, glass products and various composite materials are needed.

After this period of material decomposition and absorption.

A lot of materials have been stored in the storage space.

Lin Mo first upgraded the decomposition machine.

The one hundred units required for the upgrade Electronic parts and two hundred units of industrial silicon.

Fortunately, there are many electronic products such as smart electric drills in the warehouse of this hardware store.

By decomposing these products, Lin Mo gathered enough materials needed for the upgrade.

As the upgrade button was pressed, a countdown number appeared on the decomposition machine under the holographic projection.

It is estimated that it will take six hours to complete the upgrade. After the upgrade is completed, the decomposition range of the decomposition machine will be expanded from the original radius of five meters to a radius of ten meters.

Lin Mo continued to invest in materials.

He installed a row of electric saw modules on both sides of the bus.

These electric saws are usually hidden inside the car body. Once activated, they will extend out of the car body and strangle approaching zombies.

It also takes six hours to complete the installation of the electric saw.

There are still a lot of materials left in the warehouse.

Lin Mo took the last step, which was to use all the collected materials to strengthen the car body itself.

Special steel, carbon fiber material, high-density crystallized silicon...

As the building materials in the warehouse were cleared out, the first defensive reinforcement of the bus began.

The reinforcement took 12 hours.

After completing all this, Lin Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt sleepy and soon fell into a deep sleep.


Flowers! Flowers! Flowers! I beg you!!!

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