Chapter 680

  Out of fear or fear of Yogmov.

  The current [Dominaria World], after the joint efforts of many [Mages] and countless mortals.

   has long been shrouded in a special world-class spell barrier.

  It is difficult to manufacture.

  Even in this plane called [Multiverse], [Dominia], [Multiverse]... by the inner natives, it is extremely rare!

  And its only function is to prevent Yogmov himself from successfully entering [Dominaria World].

  Intent to completely block it from the outside of the world!

  Another being present, named-Bo Liwa's [Travelling Mage], after hearing the sigh of Brigadier General Gufu, he looked a little uneasy and asked:

   "How high do you think our odds of winning?"

  Different from Bo. Liva and Urza, this [Mage], known as Brigadier Gufu, is good at spell types [Prophecy], [Destiny], [Probing]...

  So, in terms of result estimation, the other party is undoubtedly a professional master, with an accuracy of 99.9%!

  When Bo Riva's words are spoken.

   Not far away, Urza also looked at Brigadier General Gufu very curiously.

  As a longing for Avengers, he also wants to know what the outcome of the opponent’s prediction is.

  He guessed somewhat uncertainly:

  'We have done so much preparation, our odds of winning should be pretty good, right? '

  Faced the curious eyes of both of them.

  After a short hesitation.

  The look on Brigadier General Gufu’s face said with a little embarrassment:

   "The odds of winning are not so good...

  In my eyes, the guy named Yogmov is like an incomparable and terrifying black shadow.

  He just exists, it will swallow countless destiny and cause and effect.

  This means that even if he does nothing, countless people will die because of him.

  The terrible feeling made me a little scared instinctively, as if I was looking directly at death..."

  Looking at the horror on the other's face.

  After listening to the other party's words, Urza's face immediately became much ugly.

  He felt that the other party’s words sounded very wrong...

   also can't take care of being a little bit euphemistic.

   immediately asked unwillingly:

   "Is he really that scary?"

  After the words had been spoken, Brigadier General Gufu, who hadn't intended to hurt morale, had no intention of continuing to hide it.

  'S expression is very jealous and bluntly said:

  "...The other party's destiny trajectory before becoming [the **** of Phyrexia] is like a clearly visible drama to me, and everything can be traced.

  But as the opponent merged himself into the world named [Phyrexia], and transformed it from an ordinary world into a post-purgatory that shouldn't exist in the world.

  The other party’s existence seems to be blessed by fate, and it becomes blurred.

  The power is constantly skyrocketing, especially the [Black Mana] in the [Five Color Mana], which loves him very much, and constantly gives him various gifts, which further strengthens his power...

Right now, although I have not played against each other, through the warning given by fate, I have no doubt that the existence named Yogmov can be regarded as the most powerful in the current [Multiverse]. The [black mana] caster..."

  The words of Brigadier General Gufu are not finished yet.

  Not far away, Bo Riva immediately denied it with a face full of disbelief:

  "How can it be so strong? Are you wrong?"

  【Five Colors Mana】, this is the source of power for all the transcendents in the 【Multiverse】.

  Whether it is the extraordinary person of the spellcasting system, the extraordinary person of the warrior system, even those beasts, gods...all can't do without it!

  And the mana of each color also corresponds to a part of the common basic rules of countless worlds.

  Under this premise.

  【The strongest black mana caster】.

  The gold content of this title is terribly high.

   symbolizes that the strength of the opponent is definitely the second echelon and even the first echelon of the entire [Multiverse]!

  Except for the existence of super-specs such as [Taichu Dragon] and [Taichu Cat], almost no one can dare to say that it is absolutely stronger than the other!

  At this moment, just fantasizing about the strength of the other party, Bo Riva instinctively felt a chill and retreat...

  Even if he is a master of the [Travelling Mage], he can still be a strong one.

  But he also has no doubt that enemies of that level can easily kill himself!

   did not care about the other party’s denial, Brigadier General Gufu sighed:

   "I also hope that I feel wrong.

  But after my repeated attempts, the answer is indeed that way. "

  One time.

  The scene directly became a little silent.

  After a while.

  Bo Riva spoke a little disheartenedly:

   "In that case, or else we should just surrender as soon as possible?"

  Although he is not weak here, he can't figure out where he is waiting for someone to win.

  Faced with his frustrated words, Brigadier General Gufu shook his head and explained:

   "It's useless, based on the answers I got through prophecy spells.

  After we surrender, our end will inevitably be forcibly transformed into an [artifact creature] by the opponent.

   and obtained the entire [Dominaria World] Yogmov, his strength will also usher in another rise, and he will completely become the [Dark King]!

  The entire [Multiverse] has been in a long catastrophe since then. "

   Hearing surrender will undoubtedly die.

  Bo Riva hurts even more: "Then what can we do?"

Brigadier General Gufu calmly said:

  "Fate is changing.

  Although our odds of winning are slim, we do have a slight chance of winning.

  It is precisely because of this that I came to 【Dominaria World】on purpose, with the intention of enlarging that possibility! "

  Speaking of this, Brigadier General Gufu looked at Urza beside him.

  "According to my judgment.

  You are the opportunity to defeat Yogmov!

  In the torrent of uncertain destiny, you have been in touch with Yogmoth since your childhood.

  In spite of his hostility, you are often in danger.

  But every time you successfully escaped, and got various benefits.

  It can be said that your destiny is completely restraining Yogmov.

  And your existence is like the obstacle that the other party must cross over.

  As long as you can continue to succeed, then Yogmov will one day be consumed by you! "

  After finishing speaking, Brigadier-General Gufu patted Urza's shoulder vigorously.

  It really depends on your expression to save the world.


   instantly confused Urza.

  Originally after hearing the title [The Strongest Black Mana Caster].

  His heart, longing for revenge, just chilled for a while.

  But Brigadier General Gufu’s words made him unable to understand.

  Urza didn’t even know that he still had that ability!

  (End of this chapter)

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