Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1189: 【Kong Xuan】

   Chapter 1189 [Kong Xuan]

  The monster with the bird head and the human body adapted to the sequelae caused by the teleportation and gradually restored vision in his eyes.

   Looking at the surrounding environment that seemed too unpretentious, he instinctively guarded for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger around, he immediately sighed sincerely:

   "This place is too simple, isn't it?"

   "Not even a room??"

   However, thanks to [Prehistoric World], relevant news has been spread before.

   He soon accepted the reality.

   understood the fact that he was in a [different world], and also understood the fact that this so-called [novice village] had no bricks or planks except for the surrounding walls.


   also sincerely feel good luck with it.

   According to the information he received before.

   The [First Batch of Players] of [Prehistoric World] is only 10,000 places.

   And that insignificant amount, placed in the entire [Prehistoric World], is obviously just a drop in the ocean.

   It is definitely a blessing to be able to get one of these places. The difficulty is comparable to winning the lottery. Anyway, it is almost impossible.

   "Although I have killed some [players] in the past, I also felt sincerely envious of their [immortality] and [aptitude]..."

   "However, I never thought that one day I would really be able to get this kind of treatment..."

   While talking to himself.

   He stretched out his left hand and looked at the unfamiliar brown scales on the back of the hand that should be covered with fluff in Japan. The corners of his eyes could not help showing a little smile and excitement.

  【Race: Golden-winged eagle (six-winged evil dragon)】.

  The former is his original bloodline, even if it is a very good one in the entire demon clan.

  On the bloodline of birds, only very few can beat him.

   The latter is the new bloodline he chose when he created the [Character Panel].

  According to the information described in it, I am afraid that the strength is still higher than the bloodline he already has.

   at this moment.

   Under the superposition of the two bloodlines.

   Although the latter is only a trivial seed activated.

   However, the power contained in it has gradually emerged.

The most intuitive manifestation of    is that he feels that his body strength has become one-thirtieth stronger.

   And, there is a strange feeling in the mouth.

   As if you can spit out flames that can burn everything at any time!

   Even though I didn't specifically want to release it now, a sulfurous smell still slowly overflowed from my mouth...

   "Really powerful..."

   After subconsciously clenching his fists twice, in his mind, he couldn't help recalling a very proud figure, the guy who never looked at him seriously, the arrogant person who was the son of the Phoenix.

   "With the status of [Player], the current me, in terms of future achievements, may not be inferior to that guy..."

   In the past, he did not have the courage and confidence to say such words.

After    has a new power.

   Reminiscent of other abilities given by [Player Template].

   his heart.

   That is an unprecedented expansion!

   Ambition has started to burn quickly, intending to go to the position that used to be out of reach!

   But what he didn't know was that the imaginary enemy in his heart, the son of the Phoenix, the first peacock of the 【Honghuang World】——【Kong Xuan】.

   is also in this [different world] at this time, and the geographical location is not far from him, the straight-line distance is about more than 3,000 kilometers.

   For them.

   is tantamount to being close at hand.

   And, just as he has obtained a brand new bloodline, [Kong Xuan], who is also a [player], is naturally no exception.

   Originally, he was arrogant and disdainful of those extra bloodlines, thinking that the existence of the other party would only pollute his own power.

   But his parents told him not long ago that they should be vigilant enough against the [different world] side.

Because, behind the scenes, those guys who claim to be the [production team], since they will toss around so many times, and preside over everything with the [world] as a unit, then it is bound to have a great meaning, a little careless, if one is not good, Even if they are, they may be doomed...

   Therefore, [Kong Xuan] raised a little bit of vigilance and paid attention to the current problem.

With the idea of ​​trying, when I created the [Character Panel], I didn't give up the [Race] option, but chose a reasonably desirable [Race] from it - [Nine Bright Phoenix], a kind of burden with him A [race] in the name of [Phoenix] like a kin.

   at this moment.

   He felt the power in his body, which was different from the past, violent like the scorching sun.

   He could clearly feel it.

  's own [Innate Magical Ability - Five Colors Divine Light] and [Fire Walk]'s power have increased to a certain extent, at least 30%!

   Even the other properties of [Five Colors Divine Light], [Gold], [Wood], [Water], and [Earth], have become more violent due to the connection, and their destructive power has been increased.


  When the scorching sun above his head shone on him, he felt a peculiar joy.

   He felt a sense of comfort from the bottom of his body, and even the power in his body became more active, making him want to fly into that scorching sun and bathe in it.

   If you go to the depths through the appearance, you can still see his body, the original bloodline [Five-colored Peacock], is swallowing and merging the power of [Nine Bright Phoenix] at a very fast speed...

   The compatibility of the two is excellent!

   does not need to be deliberately controlled, it is spontaneously complementary!

   For this result, although [Kong Xuan] does not understand the specific reason.

   But the benefits are obvious!

   made him only sigh with emotion.

   The opportunity here is really unusual. I just entered the venue, and I haven’t even figured out the situation, and it has inexplicably become a lot stronger...

   also made him sigh with emotion for the foresight of his parents. If it wasn't for their reminder, he might have missed this great opportunity due to arrogance...

   Then, after scanning the planet under his feet with his spiritual sense, a thought came to his mind.

  'It's such a small place...'

   It can be said that, except for some places that are probably [Novice Village], which he can't see clearly, everything else seems very ordinary in his eyes.

   Then, he turned his gaze to the distant star sea.

   is different from the small circular earth under your feet.

   He could clearly feel it.

   That boundless sea of ​​stars is probably many times bigger than the [Honghuang Continent]...

  Think about it, that's the stage for their group of [players]...

   (end of this chapter)

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