Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1113: New version, new gameplay.

  The new version of Chapter 1113, new gameplay.

  How long can a living body be irritable?

  Undoubtedly, this is a very boring question.

   sounds like it's useless.

  However, this kind of boring question is one of the more important things for existences such as Olga.

   After all, being able to get irritable at least shows that the other party still has strong enough emotions, and has not been bored enough to basically give up thinking, and there are still a lot of emotions in his heart.

  So, after hearing the [Lingbao Tianzun] in [Jade Emperor]’s mouth, I became calm and uncomfortable, and when there was no passion, Orrhega felt a little pity for the other party.

  If you meet in an era of passion, maybe you can fight with it, which happens to be a good way to relieve boredom...


  I want to come now, it’s still a bit late.

  A bland old man who has lost most of his interest...

   And for the changes in these things.

  Orrauga has no regrets for too long.

   Soon, he turned his attention to another issue.

  "Do you want to come to the last game?"

  [Jade Emperor] was a little puzzled:


   "Yes, as soon as you play a game, you will treat it as a solution to boredom or something."

   Say it.

  Or Lianjia casually took out a copy of the [Timeline] that [Jade Emperor] had taken out before.

  "The information carried by this thing happens to create a suitable [world] to serve as a good playground..."

  Looking at the things in his hand seriously, the [Jade Emperor] who was idle and bored, did not bluntly refuse, but asked:

"How to play?"

   didn’t think about anything, Olga, who himself suggested casually, replied:

   "Play this as a strategy game? What do you think?"

   "Let's control one power separately, and then see who ultimately rules everything?"

  To create a [world], for him, it is indeed as simple as the opening game.

   Therefore, his words are also quite casual, and he does not care about the so-called gains and losses and his handwriting.

  As for the [timeline] in his hand, which [world] is it?

  In fact, the result is also simple, it is the so-called "Honghuang".

  As a [world view] that is a fusion of many forces, its plasticity is fairly strong.

  Many growth routes and possibilities can be well experimented.


  To this day, [Heavenly Court] and certain forces are not unfamiliar to it.

  From time to time, some of the information will be extracted and used as some kind of material.

  But facing Orrga’s current proposal.

  After thinking about it seriously.

  【Jade Emperor】, he sighed with little interest:

   "Although it is not bad, but that kind of game, I have played in that [world] more than once, such as: with the Kylin clan to fight for the hegemony of the world..."

   "...So, now that I think about it, even if I change opponents, I still feel a little lack of interest..."

  When people are bored, they will do some **** things.

  Similarly, non-human guys will do similar things when they get bored.


  To relieve yourself of boredom.

  Many [Timeline] of [World], many tossed by [Jade Emperor].

  Unfortunately, the game proposed by Olga just happened to belong to the type he had tried before.


  Even 【World】has not changed.

  Undoubtedly, this also makes the game much less interesting.

  In this regard, after understanding the situation.

  Orrauga also did not change his intentions easily, but decided to change the rules and gameplay of the game:

   "Then add some random entrants?"

  It’s not as fancy [Jade Emperor] as Olga, a bit puzzled:

   "Anyone who enters?"

  "I just look for a few more players, and drop some [different time and space life forms] from other [time and space] by the way, so that everything inside is more chaotic and full of randomness."

  Hearing this, [Jade Emperor] also reluctantly raised some interest.

   "Find more players..."

  He has no objection to this.

   There are far more than one or two boring powerhouses.

  Furthermore, he felt that it would be more fun if he throws some [Alternative Time and Space Life Forms] into it and stirs it up.

  That kind of feeling.

  Essentially, just like players who play strategy games, they all hope that they can choose more units under their command.

  Many times, as long as it is fancy enough, the fun will naturally increase.

   "That can be fun..."

  Get the exact answer.

  Too idle and wanting to count the microscopic particles in the air to play with, Olga’s spirit was shocked, and he preached to [Jade Emperor]:

   "In this case, as a local, it's up to you to find a few like-minded guys around here to join in..."

   "By the way, we can also bet some resources for prize money..."

The feeling in   's words is the same as that of a gambling dog who has committed a card addiction, full of impatient taste.

  While listening to those words, 【Jade Emperor】, who didn't feel anything wrong, after a little thought, didn't reject anything disappointingly, nodded and approved:

   "Well, I'll go nearby and ask if anyone wants to play together."

  "You can make the general framework of the [world] first..."

  "Don't be too fixed as before, it's better to make more changes. Uncertainty is the fun..."

  In this regard, after thinking about it for a while, Olga also found it reasonable.

  Although the general framework of [World View] can be pulled directly from [Honghuang] and applied.

  But things that are too much to follow the script, after all, are still a bit dull.

  So, if it’s best, it’s better to add something else to string together...

  Think of this.

  No hesitation.

  He just started out of thin air, like kneading dough, and began to knead something that was not yet formed.

  And beside him, strands of silk threads also appeared, and they continued to gather between his hands, forming a new [worldview] together.

  【Hongmeng is not divided into three thousand gods and demons】(√)

  【Pangu opens the world】(√)

  [Heaven and earth come out, the time machine from the distant future suddenly appears, and the cyberpunk module starts] (√)

  【Silicon-based life forms are loading】(√)

  【Informatization electronic heaven is loading】(√)


  After a long time.

  Looking at the stuff in his hand.

  While wondering how this thing should be described, Olga was also quite satisfied with secretly thinking:

  "This is really, new version, new gameplay..."

  (End of this chapter)

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