The tavern was dark, with grease candles burning vaguely on every table. The wooden pillars of the tavern were tied with blazing torches, which together with the candles illuminated the greasy faces that were either sloppy or drunk.

The tavern maids kept shuttling between the gaps between tables. The air was filled with the smell of meat and stench, mixed with the sounds of clamor or shouting and laughing, forming an inherent portrait of a medieval tavern.

This was a very simple tavern located in the King's Landing Flea Bottom. The ground was unpaved hard mud, and the wooden ceiling above had long been blackened by the large amount of smoke rising from candles and torches.

However, this was also a common place for ordinary civilians to drink and have fun.

"You don't need to pay me, Davos." The tavern owner was a thin, middle-aged man with a mustache. Now he was hiding in the back room of the tavern and secretly meeting a brown-haired middle-aged man wearing coarse black clothes and a black cloak.

"I don't care if it's true or not. The Lion family has a grudge against me and us. It's enough for you to know this."

"It costs a lot to hire people. You will need them eventually." The brown-haired middle-aged man standing in front of him shook his head.

"I can't ask you to work for nothing."

"Why should it cost more to ask our prostitute to gossip more?" The tavern owner sneered: "As for those singers, their thief ears are eager to find out the shameless deeds of all the nobles in the Seven Kingdoms. You see, Davos, although we can't beat those who ride horses and carry guns, we are not cowards who will do nothing when they are bullied. You know, I went out to buy goods that day, and my sister was raped by a Lion family. If I knew which bastard did it, I would skin him alive!"

"God bless her." The brown-haired middle-aged man sighed.

It has been five days since the conversation with Renly that day, and during this period, in addition to his normal work, he spent all his spare time on this matter.

Because of the promise to that person? Or was it because of the indignation in his heart? He couldn't figure it out.

Things went more smoothly than he had imagined. Afterwards, he didn't even use half of the "activity funds" that Renly gave him. Now he has basically found all the reliable friends he can find in Flea Bottom.

Tavern owner, canteen chef, shoemaker, barber, fishmonger, and even the down-and-out bard.

Everyone agreed in unison. Everyone had a grudge against Lannister, big or small, but everyone had it.

Of course, Davos also had some old friends who were not affected by the war, but he thought it was best to be cautious about this. Half a lifetime of smuggling career allowed him to see all kinds of people, and also saw many unexpected betrayals. Even those who had been contacted, he contacted them secretly and did not dare to approach them in public.

After staying in this tavern and drinking a cup of brown barley wine, Davos said goodbye to his old friend and left. However, just after leaving the noise of the tavern behind, he suddenly felt as if someone was looking at him.

Not long ago, a light rain made the narrow road here muddy. The windows of the three-story wooden houses on both sides were closed, and there was no one under the stalls built on the roadside because of the night.

After scanning the surroundings and finding nothing, Davos touched the long sword hanging in the black cloak with his leather-gloved hand, and then stepped out of the street.

The sight projected on him seemed to have disappeared soon, but Davos did not relax his vigilance, and even quickened his pace. However, just as he was about to walk out of this narrow road, a slender figure suddenly jumped out of the shadow by the wall.

"Onion Knight?"

Davos paused when he heard the words, and the hand touching the hilt of the sword at his waist tightened unconsciously.

"Who are you?"

"A friend." The other person said so, standing in the cold street with his back to the moonlight, wearing a black cloak and unable to see his face, but his voice was soft, obviously a woman.

However, Davos did not let down his guard.

"Friends will not do this kind of stalking."


The female voice chuckled: "No, we just happened to meet you here."


The brown-haired middle-aged man's heart tightened when he heard this word, but before he could react, someone suddenly patted his shoulder from behind.

"If it was an enemy, you would have been killed by us long ago, Davos."

The voice was rough with a hint of laughter, but the brown-haired middle-aged man couldn't help but tighten the hilt of the sword in his hand, but he did not act rashly, but slowly turned his head to look.

A face that made him somewhat familiar came into his eyes.

"Are you... Ben?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yes, it's me, Big Belly Ben."

The other party nodded, wearing coarse cloth, and his fat body, with a big round face that was particularly prominent in the moonlight: "I'm not very satisfied with this nickname. I should be called Strong Ben."

"As far as I know, you are already-"

"Dead? No, no, no, Arthur Dayne bribed those bastards, but not all of them betrayed us."

Davos understood.

The man in front of him was a gang member of an organization called the Royal Forest Brotherhood. Of course, that was in the past. When he came out of Storm's End, he had told the black-haired boy about this. The gang was entrenched in the Royal Forest where the king hunted, and made a living by kidnapping and extorting nobles. Two years ago, the mad king sent troops to wipe it out.

It is said that Sir Arthur Dayne, the leader of the Dawn Sword, was able to completely annihilate this group of bandits because he bribed the villagers living in the royal forest.

However, at present, it is obviously wrong to say that it is complete. The man in front of him named Benn was one of the more famous gangster leaders in the Kingswood Brotherhood. He was said to be dead, but he was clearly alive and well at this time.

"That little boy who sold himself?" Davos asked.

He knew the person in front of him mainly because he had contact with him when he was a smuggler, but the two of them had only met once or twice, so they could not be called familiar.

But now, it seems that they are specifically looking for me.

Davos couldn't think of any reason for these people to come to him other than the child he met not long ago.

"His name is Tob." The soft-voiced woman in front of him said, "He is my son. We are short of money. That day he heard that a noble convoy was passing by and ran over."

"Are you Wenda, Wenda the White Deer?" Davos asked again.

Wenda the White Deer is also a leader in the Kingswood Brotherhood. Davos has never seen her, but he can guess it.

"Now Jenny, blonde Jenny."

Big Belly said: "The name Bailu Wenda is much louder than ours. Hey, who calls her a woman? Women are born to give birth to children, everyone says so."

They didn't seem to be hostile, but Davos would not let down his guard because of this. The things he did during this trip required concealment, and now being approached by these two former bandits, he didn't think it was a good thing.

"What do your two friends want from me?" he said slowly, secretly thinking about how to get out.

"Of course, of course I have something to do. Why don't we go to a nearby pub to sit down and talk?"

"Excuse me, friends, I have to go to work later."

"Don't be nervous, my friend, we just want to ask you for a favor, a small favor." The big fat man named Ben said: "You see, although we are, well, dead, in fact we are not at all Not dead, so, as long as this person is not dead, he must have many needs, such as——"

He seemed to be a bit speechless, so before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by his companion: "We would like to ask you to help introduce the noble young master of the Lu family. Nothing more, it's that simple."

"What do you want to see him for?" Davos frowned upon hearing this.

"As an attendant? As a private soldier? That's what it is anyway. We have seen many servants of noble gentlemen, and servants of noble children are not uncommon." Big Belly said: "Those trash can't compare to any of us."

"You mean, you are going to take refuge with a little boy?"

Although he knew that the little boy was not simple, Davos felt that it sounded so absurd.

"Have you seen him? If you haven't, you should have heard of him. He is only five years old."

The pot-bellied Ben was stunned when he heard this: "Five years old? We heard it was six years old. But that's not important. He will always grow up, yes, he will grow up. We are still young, and we have long stopped being bandits. Now, as long as he comes over with two golden dragons, like that day, we can do anything for him, yes, anything, no matter how old he is."

The former smuggler was stunned when he heard this. The two men in front of him were treating Renly as a fat sheep.

"Why not join Lord Stannis?"

He tried to remind the other party: "The boy you want to see does not have the right to recruit private soldiers. At the same time, his money was given by his family's butler, so he cannot spend it casually."

This is not poaching, but it is really impossible.

It seems that the young master of the Baratheon family has no one to control him, but in fact the selection of the people around him is very strict. Whether they are servants or guards, they are all carefully selected, and the three generations up to him have to be taken into consideration. You can let people sneak in at will.

And Davos didn't have much trust in them, but the two of them didn't seem to give up easily, so they thought about asking them to change their targets, or they wanted them to give up the idea after hitting their heads.

However, after saying this, the two of them just shook their heads.

"Actually, we wanted to join Stannis in the first place because he accepted you and a smuggler, but..."

The woman named Jenny looked at the brown-haired middle-aged man with soft eyes: "Does your finger still hurt? Davos?"

These words made the client subconsciously raise his hand to touch the small bag hanging on his chest, and Benn, who also walked up to him with a big belly, said: "We can't imagine why you let him chop off his fingers, and we can't imagine either. Why did he have to chop off your fingers?"

"Good deeds cannot offset evil deeds, and evil deeds cannot cover up good deeds. Since I have been engaged in smuggling for more than ten years, I must pay the price." Davos heard this and said seriously: "Lord Stannis's punishment for me Very just, there is probably no more just person in the world.”

"It sounds good. Being fair is better than not treating us as human beings, but we don't have noble sentiments like you. If you ask me to cut off my fingers, I won't do it."

Big-bellied Ben said in amusement: "Besides, if someone who does our kind of business really goes to seek refuge, he might chop off his head instead of his fingers."

"Can a brainless person still do things for the lords?" The woman also chuckled, obviously not intending to give up.

Davos frowned when he heard this: "But it shouldn't be a little boy. Don't you think this idea is ridiculous?"

"Well, of course it makes sense."

Big-bellied Ben said, "Robert of the Deer family is very generous. We have met him. I heard that he is going to be the king. Maybe he will not be stingy with his only two brothers. Maybe the little boy you mentioned will become a lord in a while. Boys becoming lords is very common, and we rarely make mistakes."

"Of course, this is a gamble, but even if it is not the case, I see that the child is so generous... Ahem, anyway, we will not lie to you. We have seen many nobles, but this is the first time we have seen a noble as generous as that child. To be honest, we are all scared. Apart from anything else, a few gold dragons are enough to spend for several years, which is more than what we can earn by raising pigs in the forest. How about it, friend? You are now famous, and you can take care of us poor people?"

Do you really think that child is easy to fool? Can you easily fool gold coins?

Davos shook his head secretly when he heard this, but he could actually understand some of the two people's thoughts.

There are many knights who can't find a master to adopt them in the Seven Kingdoms and are so poor that they have to sleep in the wilderness, not to mention these former bandits. They are neither knights nor clean people. It is not easy to find a backer, and it is difficult for them to focus on a little boy.

"I can tell him about this." After thinking about it, he said, "But I'm not sure if he wants you, and I won't hide your identity for you."

The two looked at each other and nodded.

"Of course, if he minds our identity, then forget it, but please say a good word for us, friends. We have been clean for several years and have decided to be decent people."

Big-bellied Ben spoke with a serious face. Seeing Davos nod, he said again: "But before that, I think we should be able to help you. Say bad things about the Lion Family. I'm good at this. Just treat it as a reward for you."

Davos was stunned by this, and then he said vigilantly: "You all know?"

"You are very careful." The other party laughed when he heard it.

"But we have been observing you for a long time."

Thank you for the 500 reward from the book friend Lu Ren Jia, and thank you for the 100 reward from the book friends strong々夜, I am Ye Yunyuan吖 and xiaotang246~

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