The live broadcast, as netizens wished, started!

Moreover, it was a live broadcast on an official media account!

A 360-degree view of the theft scene at the Kodaka-chan Guojia Museum from all camera angles!

Through the picture, you can see that the museum, which was originally lined with cultural relics, is now not in a mess, but most of the booths are empty.

"Damn it, it doesn't look like this was violent demolition, but rather that the exhibits inside the showcase were taken directly."

"This technique looks so professional. It must be a gang crime, right?"

"It is definitely a gang crime. Otherwise, how could there be no movement at all? You must know that there is round-the-clock surveillance here. It is not something that one person can do to pick up things and deal with the surveillance at the same time."

"Rumors, I heard that there was no abnormality found in the monitoring room last night. There should be a particularly powerful computer expert who invaded their monitoring and changed the real-time picture!"

"I wiped away my tears. Is this really a blockbuster movie? Did something like this science fiction really happen?"

"It sounds like it's going to explode, but have you noticed that the items in the missing display cabinets all seem to be our cultural relics, and none of the foreign jewelry and the like has been stolen."

"Hey, when you say that, it seems like that's really what happened. It seems that only our cultural relics were stolen. What's going on?"

"Damn it, are you targeting our cultural relics?"

"Made, don't let labor and management know which group of people did it, otherwise labor and management will never spare him!"

"You upstairs, don't talk too much. With my ability, even if you find out, what can you do?"

"Can you stop arguing? This gang is here for our cultural relics. We should work together now to find some clues and recover our cultural relics!"

"That's right, although we couldn't get these cultural relics back from Kotaka-chan's museum in the past, we can at least see them. Now that they've been stolen, I'm afraid we won't even be able to see them in the future. It's even harder to get them back, and we can't do it anyway. Let our baby go missing for nothing!"

"Unite, we need unity now!"


Netizens from all walks of life in the live broadcast room were commenting and trying to find out something through the ultra-high-definition camera.

My mentality also changed from watching the fun at the beginning to becoming a little unhappy.

It is simply unforgivable that he came here for his own cultural relics!

As for Kodaka-chan's guys, they became a little calmer from the initial anger.

Because as long as the jewelry that belongs to them in the West is not lost, the cultural relics of Shang and Xia were stolen by them hundreds of years ago. If they are lost, they will be lost. Although it is a bit embarrassing to have your own museum stolen, it is not completely unacceptable.

Some guys even ridiculed the netizens of Shang Xia, but they were quickly criticized by a large number of netizens who dared not speak at all.

Different management bureau.

It’s still the same conference room, still the same conference table.

Ye Guhong's eyes widened and he read the information about the theft of the Little Eagle Museum three times before he came back to his senses!

Followed by a hearty laugh!

"Hahaha, it's so happy, it's so happy!"

Ye Guhong couldn't help but tap the table, his eyes became moist.

Although there is currently no evidence that this incident was the work of the caller.

But Ye Guhong was certain that Lin Yang did it!

After all, the person who called last night just called to inquire. One night later, the Xiaoyingjiang Museum was stolen, and all the missing items were cultural relics from the Shang and Xia Dynasties.

If there was no connection between the two, he would never believe it.

Therefore, even if he hasn't received a call yet, Ye Guhong will directly start implementing the plan he discussed before!

The relevant departments responsible for foreign mail were directly taken over!

He is ready to welcome the cultural relics home!

Several other persons in charge were also extremely excited.

"Mr. Ye, now we just have to wait for the cultural relics to come home to confirm who did it!"

The second person in charge, Tang Wensheng, had red eyes.

"It's because we are useless and failed to protect the things left by our ancestors, and we have to let such a young man take the cultural relics home for us!" Ye Guhong was also a little excited.

Although the cultural relics have not arrived yet, he seems to have determined that these treasures will return safely.

"Mr. Ye, there is another question now. If those cultural relics come back successfully, should we make it public?" Han Zhaoyu, the third person in charge, asked with a red light on his white and fat face.


Ye Guhong tapped the table again, because to be honest, he had not yet decided whether to announce it.

If announced, it will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble.

But if it is not announced, I feel a little sorry for Lin Yang.

After all, Lin Yang took risks that they could not imagine to get the cultural relics back. If they are still hiding them, what is the difference between not getting them back?

Upon seeing this, the several persons in charge did not continue to disturb Ye Guhong's thinking.

The stakes are high, and every decision they make needs to be done with caution!

A few minutes later, Ye Guhong knocked on the table hard, his sharp eyes swept over everyone present, and said solemnly: "I have decided. When the cultural relics come back, we will directly announce that we have received anonymous donations from overseas people!"

"Do you want to make it public?" Several people in charge looked at each other with serious expressions.

"Of course it has to be made public!"

Ye Guhong's voice widened slightly: "We can't let that person's efforts be hidden in the dark. He should be treated like a hero. Although we don't know his name yet, his deeds should also be known to the world. !”

Following the words, Ye Guhong stood up slowly, looked far away in the direction of Xiaoyingjiang, and said leisurely: "Our Shangxia is no longer the Shangxia of decades ago. If even the things that have returned to the country are gone, If I can't protect it, or if I dare not come forward to protect it, wouldn't it be worthy of the countless people's continuous efforts over the years? It will also make people laugh at me, Shang Xia, for being so courageous!"

"Ye Lao's words make sense!" Several people in charge agreed.

Everything has been sent back. If you still dare not announce it, you are really too cowardly!

Ye Guhong said sonorously: "A young man who is alone overseas dares to fight to bring back our ancestors' things. How can we be timid?"

"We, Shang Xia, have worked hard for decades to develop, and countless compatriots and ancestors have struggled for it. Isn't it just that we can become the most solid backing for any son or daughter of Shang Xia at the critical moment?"

"Now is the time to reveal my Shang Xia sword!"

"Cultural relics must come back safely, and so must people!"

The several persons in charge suddenly looked solemn: "Yes, Mr. Ye, we understand! All routes, sea areas, and land in the direction of Kotaka-chan's return will be fully prepared!"

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