But she soon realized something at this time, and with trembling hands, she wanted to take off the ring that shared the magic power on her hand, hoping to prevent the tragedy from happening.

However, An Luo, who was always watching, understood that at this moment, Estelle's mentality had already collapsed. Her mood was very obvious, and she was holding a dark emotion that seemed to be desperate for everything and looking forward to destruction.

So even if Estelle takes off the ring, she will not stop. Instead, she will sacrifice something in exchange for magic power to complete her crazy killing. It seems that, at least in this era, it is legal. Serena, the source of all evil.

Originally he planned to continue observing for a while, but he still sighed, took out his wand and pointed it at the knife that Serena had dropped on Estelle's floor.

Just when Estelle, who completely ignored Irena's words and was unprepared for him, raised her wand and planned to use new magic to end it all... the knife on the floor flew up instantly, Insert directly into the middle of the wand and rely on momentum to make it escape from Estelle's hand.

The entire wand was lifted up by the knife, flew into the air, spun around, and then flew into An Luo's hand.



Severe attacks will be launched, but everything will be forcibly calmed down.

The magic block next to Estelle also disappeared without a trace the moment the wand came out of her hand.


Estelle looked blankly at her empty palm, and soon looked at An Luo who was holding her wand and pulling out the knife stuck in it.

"An Luo! What are you doing?! Why...cough, why are you stopping me!?" The girl's beautiful face was twisted violently with anger at this moment. She was coughing up blood while rushing towards him. He came over to take back his wand.

"Calm down first. You don't want to kill your best friend when you don't understand anything, the cause and effect, right? By the way... you look like your intestines are about to come out now, or are you? How about some treatment first?"

An Luo easily dodged the girl who was moving slowly due to serious injuries.

He had noticed before that Estelle was not dead, and was just observing her condition while thinking about when to treat her.

But she didn't expect that she would get up at such an unlucky time. However, after sighing a little, she pointed the wand at her and let the time-reversing magic light wrap around her body.

The wound on the abdomen appeared with the light, and it returned to its original state within a short time, with no trace of injury visible.

Estelle, who recovered from her injuries, moved faster and rushed towards him again, hoping to take away his wand as a replacement, but... regardless of whether she was injured or not, to An Luo, her The speed was as slow as a snail, so he easily grabbed her hands and raised them up to lift her hands up high.

The girl who was forced to stand on tiptoe could not help but glare at him and yelled: "Let me go! This matter has nothing to do with you. I thank you for the treatment, but dealing with the murderer... this is my duty. ! Please don’t get in my way!”

"I'm telling you, calm down a little bit. I know that all these years of hard work have come to nothing. This kind of answer is also quite frustrating. It's normal for people to go crazy and break jars, but there's a reason for this, right? ?"

"Everything happened for a reason...Don't talk about this again! I don't want to hear it! There is no way to recover it. This is the last..."

Just looking back 10 years, there is no way to achieve real salvation. All these efforts will be in vain. The blow is so big that it will almost make people collapse. Therefore, Estelle, who may have already collapsed, does not want to think deeply about this aspect. .

She has worked hard for this day for so many years, but it would take more than ten years to go back to 20 years ago.

But after ten years of preparation, she could go back to about twenty years ago. At that time, the actual time she needed to go back was thirty years. By analogy, it would actually take at least 27 years of preparation, and her body could not bear it. Had 27 years of blood draws.

And even if she could go back to the time when Serena was just born, just staying for a while would not help at all. She couldn't solve everything in one hour.

Killing Serena's parents from the beginning to prevent them from finding Serena and giving Serena to others to raise may be an option, but the uncertainty is too risky. The most important thing is to let her kill two innocent people. As a sinful person, this is basically something she can't do.

All in all, this was a dead end from the beginning. The cruel reality made her breathless and even forced her to go crazy if she couldn't help but vent. The confusion, anger and unwillingness converged, making her uncontrollably looking forward to taking everything away. Everything is ruined.

But now...it was no longer possible to contain it on his own. The urge to smash the jar was stopped by An Luo at this moment.

No matter how hard she struggled, she just couldn't break away from the hands holding her hands, and An Luo ignored whatever she said.

For a while, she didn't know whether it was due to excessive humiliation, unwillingness, or excessive anger, but hot tears slid down her cheeks unconsciously.

She finally gave up her struggle and just closed her eyes hard and let the tears flow. This made An Luo let go of her after a moment's hesitation, letting her fall to the ground like Irena.

An Luo patted her head gently and sighed: "Calm down first and leave the rest to me."

"Leave it to you...what? It's already happened..." The tearful girl looked up at him, with a confused look on her face, unable to think clearly about what he was going to do.

"Don't worry, there won't be any more damage. Just leave the rest to me."

An Luo didn't answer. He handed her his handkerchief with a smile, then walked towards Serena, who was dying but still smiling, and unhurriedly took out a pistol and pointed it between her eyebrows.

"An Luo? - Wait! What are you going to do..."

The tragedy and despair of people being killed in front of her frightened Irena so much that she could only be a bystander from beginning to end. She tried to stop them but was unable to stop them. She watched helplessly as An Luo pulled the trigger. Ended this young life.

The solemn bell in the distance, indicating that the one-hour time limit had expired, also happened to ring at this moment. Before the lingering sound of the bell had dissipated, the three of them disappeared from the alley where the bodies of a family of three were scattered.



The first is about time.

In the general sense, time jumps will have an impact on the present, but there is a grandmother's paradox. There is also a multiverse (parallel world) that can overturn the grandmother's paradox, and a time jump with history's forced revision.

It seems that there are no paradoxes in the multiverse theory, but in fact... Let’s not talk about other cosmologies for now. Estelle’s “Everett’s Many Worlds Interpretation”, according to an event in quantum theory It can have different consequences after it happens, in which case all possible consequences will form a new universe. (The solutions to parallel universes of conspiracy theory all fall into this category)

In theory, among the various cosmologies that new universes will be born when people make different choices, where does the huge energy that births new universes come from? Why was it born like this? And a new universe will appear so easily? This is unreasonable no matter how you think about it, right?

The focus is not just on people making choices, but on all living things, even non-living things. For example, every move of nature will have a huge impact on everything in the world.

Generally speaking, in the multiverse theory, as long as you choose one choice when faced with a choice, other choices that are not made now will follow this choice and countless universes will be born. To put it another way, every possibility A kind of world may be born.

If everyone walks 0.0001 millimeter more, a new parallel universe will still appear. If calculated this way, there are more than just humans and the earth in the universe. Therefore, it is impossible to measure how many possibilities will appear every second. Therefore, in the multiverse theory, a new parallel universe will appear. Trillions of countless parallel universes can be created in seconds. From common sense, extraordinary principles, and even imagination, we know that no amount of energy can sustain this development, right?

It is precisely because of An Luo's thinking that he cannot get an accurate answer. After all, even if his computing power is amazing, computing power and scientific research ability are two different things. He has not actually experienced everything. No matter how much he thinks about it, it is just fantasy.

Of course this answer, or rather this answer in this world, can be verified immediately.

However, until it is verified, no one can determine what the actual situation is, so Estelle has no way to let the murderer survive.

The former close friends were facing each other with swords. This was undoubtedly the worst ending. Not only was Estelle herself unable to bear it, but even Irena could not accept such a solution, so... An Luo chose to intervene.

As for Serena's true nature, he could basically tell from what he had just observed that Serena had indeed been severely abused and was very used to suffering pain.

Because most people who want to enjoy the pleasure of killing actually don't like to suffer the pain of being killed. But in the final analysis, although there are natural psychopaths in humans, there are no natural killers.

All murderers are caused by acquired factors. Judging from the cases that An Luo has learned about in the past, they are all formed by the influence of the environment. Either they were abused as a child or they were stimulated as an adult, or they were subconsciously influenced by the environment. It was formed by being unknowingly affected by strange influences.


In another burst of light, the three of them were in the same position as before.

But what was a little different from before was that the dusk that enveloped the window had filled the depths of the room at some point.

Obviously they set off in the afternoon, and it was already evening in this world, but...except for An Luo, the two remaining girls did not pay attention to the change of time.

Estelle slumped down on the chair as if she had given up on everything. She lowered her head and stared blankly at the floor for a while. Then she slowly covered her face with her hands and let out uncontrollable sobs.

And Irena, who was more afraid of being at the murder scene than she thought, lowered her head and remained silent and speechless for a long time. She did not break the silence at the scene, but only glanced at Estelle, who was covering her face and crying. , and then glanced at An Luo, who seemed unaffected by this incident and was still moving the cabinets to check the situation.

Finally, the silent girl bit her lips, turned around suddenly, and rushed out of the room as if she was running away.

The girl who lowered her head and fled here didn't even take the reward, so she knocked over the money bag that was placed on the table in the living room, and let the money bag full of gold coins fall to the ground, letting countless glittering coins fall to the ground. Gold was scattered all over the ground under the setting sun.

An Luo glanced at the girl who escaped from the room, then looked at the wall behind the cabinet, and couldn't help but nodded with a smile on his face: "Well... there are traces, it seems to be a single world There’s nothing wrong with the time jump.”

.....No one responded to his joy. Estelle was still sobbing on the chair. She didn't even have any hope for this discovery, because the current situation made it impossible for her to expect anything more.

An Luo opened his mouth and wanted to say something to her, but soon decided to separate the relationship first and planned to come back to her after a while.

"I'll go out for a while and I'll be back in a while. You wait for me here first!"

Just leaving these words, he quickly rushed out of the room, not forgetting to close the door of the house.

Of course, this warning itself is actually meaningless. After all, Estelle is unlikely to be in the mood to leave here and do other things at this time.



After leaving the house that made her feel extremely depressed, the girl who just ran with her head lowered rushed out of the alley and soon came to the familiar city square again.

As if she was tired from running, she sat alone on a bench and looked at the tower in front of her, murmuring to herself in a low voice:

"...What on earth am I...doing?"

"...I obviously wanted to do something, but in the end I couldn't do anything..."

"There is no way to stop Miss Estelle... and there is no way to stop An Luo..."

"...An Luo...that guy must have considered me and thought that I didn't want to see the vendetta against my relatives and friends, so he killed Serena...Why... .Why can’t I do it myself...to avoid the worst outcome?”

While muttering, she lowered her head again, letting the wide brim of her hat cover her face.

But her hands were unknowingly clenching the hem of her skirt, and her slender fingers were trembling constantly. At the same time, she was regretting her past choices and cowardice, which made her feel extremely cold without knowing it.

Not just the fingertips, but the regret and residual fear even made the entire petite body tremble slightly.

She understood that although she thought so now and wished she could do that, she... couldn't.

.....She couldn't bring herself to kill someone.

Letting the sudden strong wind blow her hat away, the girl just tightened her grip on her skirt again, biting her silver teeth and murmuring for her own weakness.

"Seeing the friendship in front of me turn into hatred...looking at the person who loved each other deeply just a moment ago, and killing the person who has missed me all the time...but I can't do anything... .Ugh... I am indeed... just a traveler... just an ordinary witch... young and powerless... This kind of me is completely... .....Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

The trembling voice fell silent in the end. The gray-haired girl sitting alone on the bench could no longer say anything. She just shook her shoulders and let the tears fall down her cheeks. In this city square He cried loudly.

An Luo, who came a step late, watched silently. He caught the flying hat, and after a long while, he walked forward and sat next to the girl who was like a helpless child, unable to stop crying.

"...It's okay. You are still very young and just a child, so you don't need to take these things to heart. In the end, it is not your responsibility to deal with these things... ..Although you collect money, there are always things that people can’t do.”

"——Then who should take this to heart?! You? Or Miss Estelle? After all... why should you kill people?! If it is said that with great power comes great responsibility, then it should be It's up to me...I do it!"

As if she was bursting with emotion, the girl forced a hoarse voice out of her throat and cried to him with tears on her face.

Faced with the girl who looked like a wounded little beast, who had only shown weakness when she was alone, but now showed off her strength again, he was troubled and then gently held the girl in his arms.

An Luo ignored Irena's struggle, patted her back gently, and said in a calm tone: "If it is true that with great power comes great responsibility, then all these things should be done by me. After all, I Probably better than you."


"No, this is true. I am actually a little stronger than you all, so just leave this matter to me and I will solve the matter."

An Luo put his hand on Irena's shoulder, smiled and rubbed her head roughly, messing up her beautiful gray hair, but without waiting for her to get angry, he showed a gentle smile: "Normally it doesn't matter. It doesn’t matter if you doubt me about this matter, but only on this matter... just trust me."


"Okay? Well...why are you in a daze?"

"Ah, no... Well, I just want you to have a reliable side sometimes... or something, ha, ha ha." For reasons that I couldn't figure out, I unconsciously looked at each other. Irena, who was so panicked that her cheeks were hot, hurriedly looked away, but when she calmed down a little, her voice gradually lost strength again: "...But, even if you are occasionally reliable, this matter has already ....."

"No, this matter is not over yet. Everything can start again, but just leave it to me. All you need to do is go back and wait for me to come back."


"Believe me, and... don't cry."

An Luo smiled and patted her head, wiped away the tears on her face and put the hat back on her, then he grabbed her hand and pulled her forcefully back to Estelle's house. .

Then... He was not going to explain too much for the time being. In the surprised sight of Estelle and Irena, he directly used the time-returning magic that Estelle had used before. The two girls disappeared in a burst of light.

The two girls who stayed on the ground looked at each other. Why didn't they understand what was going on? After all, no matter what, they found it hard to believe that An Luo had learned the magic of going back in time just by looking at him, and even Being able to activate this magic on your own requires a huge amount of energy just to activate it.




(PS: I’m asking for votes at the beginning of the month~ I’m recommending books by the way...

Introduction: Actor Su, there are rumors on the Internet that you are in the same boat as Princess Hatsune and Luo Dian. What do you think about this? "

"Mr. Su, it is said that nine out of ten female artists signed by you have an intimate relationship with you. What do you think of this?"

"Mr. Su Yu, someone photographed you driving to Shinomiya's house in the middle of the night and staying there all night. You didn't come out until daytime. What is your relationship with Shinomiya Kaguya, the new head of the Shinomiya family?"

"Mr. Su, someone broke the news that you have met married women in private many times, and you have also had physical intimacy with students you once mentored. I don't know if this information is true.")

"Isn't it good to be Aquaman?" 》

Chapter 26: Threatening the Goddess·“Daughter” is a little strange

An Luo used atomically precise telekinesis as his eyes, combined with his complete memory ability, to copy all the magic movements when Estelle used magic, and then left in front of the two beautiful girls.

It can be said that up to the previous action, An Luo thought that his performance should be pretty good, and he successfully arrived nineteen years ago in a burst of light that surrounded his body.

However... He looked down at the soil where he was buried, and couldn't help but start thinking about the meaning of life.

Nineteen years ago, Estelle's home seemed to have not yet been built and was located on a slope, so... half of his body was buried in the soil. His previous actions could be called cool, but now This behavior can only be described as tragic.

Fortunately, time travel is repellent, otherwise that situation would make his stomach ache just thinking about it.

"Hey~" After being depressed for a while, he pressed his hands on the ground like pulling out a carrot, pulling out himself and the nearby soil. Then he began to worry about what to do next.

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