A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 347 Raising a good husband with twenty-four filial piety

After sending away several of the culprits of the Chai family, Long Heng's beard was blowing with joy, and then he smiled and generously invited Shen Yinghuan to stay and have a reunion dinner together, which could be regarded as a celebration for the young couple to receive their certificates.

In this way, Shen Yinghuan naturally couldn't refuse, and stayed in a good mood.

Although Long Heng is the clan leader, he is no different from the men of the Dragonborn clan. They are all strict with their wives and doting on their wives. During dinner, he rolled up his sleeves and led Long Qingtian, Long Youkang and Long Xinglou Three generations of grandfather and grandson were busy cooking in the kitchen, and soon the aroma came out.

Long Youkang's cooking skills needed to be improved, so in the end he was not allowed to cook, and he was only assigned the job of a vegetable washer and a waiter carrying dishes.

After two hours of careful preparation, plates of deliciously delicious meals were brought out of the kitchen.

Shen Yinghuan, her mother-in-law Mei Kuan, and her grandma, a gentle and kind elder like a lady, the three of them did not have to do anything. They just sat outside drinking the tea and drinks carefully prepared by the men, eating melon seeds, fruits and other things while watching. Chatting while enjoying the scenery, we had a very pleasant time.

Shen Yinghuan blended in perfectly and felt more and more that her married life was good.

"It's time to eat, mom, sister-in-law, niece-in-law—"

Long Youkang's voice came from inside the house, interrupting the chat among the three women. The three of them smiled and stopped eating melon seeds, patted the crumbs and got up and walked into the room.

Long Youkang was already squatting in front of the table full of food, sipping his saliva. When he saw the three people approaching, his eyes lit up, and he immediately grinned his big white teeth and said excitedly, "Mom, my father's craftsmanship has improved again. It tastes delicious, and the presentation is beautiful; my nephew’s craftsmanship is also good, and his knife skills are so beautiful that he can carve them like anything; but my second brother’s craftsmanship has deteriorated, and he can only eat it.”

"You brat, I was too busy before and didn't have time to study cooking. If I wait another month, my skills will definitely improve." Long Qingtian walked out with rice and chopsticks, and laughed and cursed with a guilty conscience.

Long Heng came out, with a smile on his majestic face and said, "What I am saying is that you have been really busy in the Lower Star Territory these years, but now that you have escaped, the skills of us Long family men cannot be left behind. Otherwise, you will be laughed at by other tribesmen if you can’t coax your wife. I don’t want a son who can’t coax my wife.”

Long Qingtian lowered his eyebrows and nodded in agreement, "That's what dad said."

After Long Heng taught his son a lesson with satisfaction, he looked at his grandson who had received the certificate today, with a satisfied look in his eyes, "Since Lou'er is already married, he has to shoulder the responsibility of being a husband. Come to me for further studies in the future." Improve your cooking skills and cook more delicious food for your wife."

The old man firmly believes that if he wants to catch his wife, he must first catch his wife's stomach, so he studies more on cooking skills and educates his juniors to study more.

Long Xinglou looked serious and nodded solemnly, "I understand, grandpa."

Shen Yinghuan was stunned for a moment as she listened, "Are you trying to cultivate a good husband with twenty-four filial piety?"

I have to say that her favorability towards this grandpa is slowly rising. Her husband does not need to train himself at all, grandpa just helps teach him, and she can directly enjoy the results and be happy.

After sitting down, the table was filled with people eating warmly, with constant laughter and laughter. Shen Yinghuan also felt an unprecedented relaxed family atmosphere, which was more relaxed and enjoyable than when she ate on Xiaoluoxing before.

So much so that on the way back after dinner, the corners of her mouth were raised.

"You two go back, your mother and I will go to a hotel to stay one night."

It was already dusk now, and it was obviously too late to go back and build a house. Long Qingtian kept his promise and did not plan to stay in their house temporarily. Instead, he turned around and planned to go directly to the city.

"Okay." Long Xinglou nodded hurriedly for fear that he would regret it.

Long Qingtian didn't look at his unlucky son. He snorted, hugged his wife, mounted the Qinglong and flew away.

In the end, only Shen Yinghuan and Long Xinglou were left walking slowly back.

The breeze blows with plenty of spiritual energy, and even the air is particularly fresh and comfortable.

Shen Yinghuan casually picked up a piece of bamboo leaf that was flying down and played with it in her hand. She said in a leisurely tone, "I was in a coma for a few days. Is there any obstacle that makes it difficult to contact the upper and lower star regions? I can't contact them. My mother has killed them, and I want to give them peace of mind."

Long Xinglou suddenly felt as if he was struck by lightning. The smile on Jun's face froze. No wonder he always felt that he had forgotten something. It turned out that he forgot to tell his wife's elders. He swallowed, feeling a little anxious.

"Yes, we should report that we are safe, and we should also report to our elders that we are registering our marriage."

As he said this, he was already thinking crazily about the apology ceremony. As a good son-in-law, how could he let people from his wife's natal family have opinions about him? Such things that would affect the relationship between husband and wife must not exist.

Seeing that his forehead was sweating, Shen Yinghuan smiled unscrupulously and said deliberately, "Well, this matter must be said. Let's kill it first and tell it later. I don't know if they will be angry."

Long Xinglou's handsome face fell slightly, and his sexy thin lips pursed nervously, "Then, what should I do? I will apologize to them next time I go back."

Shen Yinghuan suppressed her laughter and nodded in agreement, "Okay, you can try it next time."

Long Xinglou looked over with sad eyes, she was really willing to give up on her daughter-in-law!

Shen Yinghuan chuckled and said, "I'm just teasing you. Speaking of which, your expression is quite rich now. It's much prettier than the cold face you had before."

The corners of Long Xinglou's lips curled up, feeling a little beautiful in his heart, "Really? Then I'll smile more in the future."

The two seemed to have let go of their estrangement, and after a familiar banter, they returned to the topic.

"You have been comatose for nearly a month. I will report your situation to my mother-in-law every few days. They should not be too worried. As for contacting the lower star field, you have to reset the brain, upper star field and lower star field. The main brains and signals are not of the same system. I will help you connect the signals of the two main brains so that you can contact the star field. Please reach out and give me the optical brain."


Shen Yinghuan stretched out her hand without hesitation, and Longxing Tower was done with it in a few moments, and was in contact with Xiaxingyu.

However, Shen Yinghuan did not put the blame on Long Xinglou, but told them that in order to buy Hongmeng College's admissions examination quota, they must also bind Longxing Tower before they can participate.

Grandpa, who was roaring the most angrily, immediately muted his voice and said dryly, "Then, then treat him well."

Shen Yinghuan had a smile on her lips, "Okay, grandpa, I will. By the way, I will take the Hongmeng College admissions exam in two days. This exam will be broadcast live across the entire star. By then, grandpa, you will be able to see me in the Lower Star Territory. .”

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