
Luo Wei's group decided to leave Peach Blossom Island and go back to find trouble with the Happy King.

This was something that had been decided before, but later it was delayed because of visiting Lin Chaoying, and now that the matter of Peach Blossom Island has been resolved, Luo Wei put this matter on the agenda.

No way, who let the Happy King's men offend him.

Although Luo Wei has punished the Happy King's subordinates, he still has no anger and plans to trouble the Happy King.

This time, Huang Rong also left with Luo Wei.

In this regard, Huang Yaoshi did not stop it.

On the one hand, because Huang Rong has become an innate grandmaster, she can also be regarded as a master when looking at the rivers and lakes, plus the people around her are either innate grandmasters or Luo Wei, an immortal,

Huang Yaoshi naturally didn't have to worry about Huang Rong's safety.

As for the other aspect, it was naturally because Feng Yu had been resurrected.

Pharmacist Huang also wanted to live in the world of two with Feng Yu, so naturally he didn't want Huang Rong to stay and disturb him.

Out of these two considerations, Huang Yaoshi naturally did not keep Huang Rong, and let her follow Luo Wei and a group of people to leave.

Of course, the more important reason is that even if he wants Huang Rong to stay, Huang Rong may not stay, and it is better to let go than to make everyone unhappy.

In this way, the combination of Luo Wei, Huang Rong, Azhu, Lin Shiyin, and Blue Phoenix converged again.

And this time, two more people were added to this group.

Lin Chaoying, and Xiaolongnu.

Luo Wei was very puzzled that the two women would also follow Luo Wei together, and Lin Chaoying explained: "I left the Ancient Tomb Sect this time to create my own peerless martial arts in order to create 11. "

"But peerless martial arts can not be created behind closed doors, in addition to accepting all kinds of rivers, you also have to fight with all kinds of masters. "

"I think Happy King is a good opponent, and I'm very interested in his martial arts. "

"Why, you don't want to?"

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "That's not it, there is a big master like you among the peers, I'm too late to be happy, how can I not be willing." "

Lin Chaoying laughed and said, "That's not it." "

"I just don't understand. "

"What don't you understand?"

Seeing this, Luo Wei simply asked the doubts in his heart, "I remember that in addition to the two of you, the Ancient Tomb Sect should also have Li Mochou and your maid, and Grandma Sun." "

"But since I entered the Tomb Sect, it seems that I haven't seen these three people?"

Lin Chaoying suddenly realized, she thought it was something, it turned out to be this thing.

Lin Chaoying explained: "Grandma Sun has always been in the Ancient Tomb Sect and has never left, and I came out with Long Er this time, and I originally wanted to take Grandma Sun with me. "

"But she was old and didn't want to leave the tomb school, so she stayed in the tomb. "

"As for Mo Chou's girl, a few years ago, she couldn't stand the coldness of the ancient tomb sect, and the ancient tomb sect that left, and as a result, she later broke out a bandit name of a red practice fairy in the rivers and lakes. "

"Later, after this matter was transmitted to the Ancient Tomb Sect, my maid was worried that Mo Chou would suffer a loss, so she left the Ancient Tomb Sect to find Mo Chou. "

"So neither of them is in the Tomb Sect. "

Luo Wei complained: "I remember that your Ancient Tomb Sect does not seem to allow the door people to leave without permission, and there must be a man willing to die for you before you can leave the Ancient Tomb Sect." "

Lin Chaoying waved his hand and said: "What you said is the rules in the Condor Heroes, it is estimated that after my death, the rules set by my maid, and now I am not dead, so the current Tomb Sect does not have that rule at all." "

Luo Wei could only smile at this.

People are the founders of the ancient tomb school, and what are the rules of the ancient tomb school, naturally Lin Chaoying has the final say.

Others may not be qualified to interfere.

"Okay, you're welcome. "Luo Wei, on behalf of Huang Rong, Azhu and the daughters, officially welcomed Lin Chaoying and Xiaolongnu into the group.

At noon that day, Huang Rong made a table of good dishes in the carriage to celebrate the two.

After lunch, the women chatted together.

Rowe pulled out his diary and began to update.

[The matter of Peach Blossom Island has finally come to an end, and we left Peach Blossom Island today]

[Rong'er officially returned to my squad, in addition, Lin Chaoying and Xiaolongnu also joined in]

【Our team is growing again】

[This time, we plan to leave the Great Song and return to Daming to find trouble with the Happy King]

[I said this before, but then it was delayed because of some things]

[Now that the matter at hand has been dealt with, of course, I have to go to the trouble of the Happy King now]

[Ladies and devils who read the diary, which of you has a feud with the Happy King, sign up quickly]

[Everyone make an appointment to meet at a place, and then form a group to find the trouble of the happy king]

[Revenge is such a thing, many people have great power]

[Oh, wait, I seem to have forgotten something]

[By the way, Zhao Shirong]

Luo Wei patted his head, finally remembered, and almost forgot about it.

[I said before that I owe Zhao Shirong a favor, so I plan to return this favor before leaving the Great Song]

[After all, debt-free and light]

[Zhao Shirong, are you looking, do you want to find a place to meet before I leave the Great Song?]

At this moment, a translucent dialog box suddenly popped out in front of Zhao Shirong, who was watching the diary far away from the Power Gang.

There is a line written inside the dialog box.

[Whether to interview Rowe]


Zhao Shirong raised his eyebrows, and immediately realized that this was most likely a new function after the diary was upgraded. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

She hesitated and clicked Yes.

And on the carriage thousands of miles away.

On the diary in front of Luo Wei, a figure appeared.

This figure is a woman, royal blue with aqua green dress, high cloud hair, before she can see the appearance clearly, she is forced by a leisurely, graceful, and faintly excellent peerless style... People don't look like that...

Luo Wei was stunned at first, not understanding how a woman's figure suddenly appeared in the diary.

But at this moment, the woman took the initiative to speak: "Little woman Zhao Shirong, I have seen Luo Gongzi. "

Zhao Shirong?

Luo Wei couldn't help but be surprised, he just glanced at Zhao Shirong, but Zhao Shirong appeared in his diary.

What is this.

Video calls?

This is the new feature that emerged after the diary upgrade?

From uploading photos, to adding friends, and now there's another video call, whether it's a diary or a communication tool.

Although Luo Wei tried his best to complain in his heart, he was very calm on the surface, and said with a sigh: "Luo Wei has seen Lady Zhao. "

Now Zhao Shirong is already Li Chengzhou's wife, it is not appropriate to call people Zhao girl, Mrs. Li is too raw, and Zhao Shirong also has a copy of the diary.

So Luo Weisi thought about it and simply called Lady Zhao.

Anyway, a woman in the rivers and lakes, no matter how old she is, can be called a woman.

Zhao Shirong also heard the meaning of Luo Wei's words, smiled slightly, and said softly: "If Luo Gongzi does not dislike it, you can call the little woman Shi Rong." "

"It doesn't have to be. "

The person who said this was not Luo Wei, but Huang Rong.

Not long ago, she found that Luo Wei suddenly stopped updating, and out of curiosity, she came to Luo Wei's side, and just saw Zhao Shirong's appearance appear in the diary.

Without waiting for Huang Rong to be shocked, he heard the conversation between the two people, and quickly interrupted: "Sister Zhao is naturally Li Chengzhou's wife, my brother Wei is not very suitable to call you Shi Rong, I think Mrs. Li can be called this name." "

Luo Wei looked at Huang Rong with a smile, you can eat this vinegar, it's a little outrageous.

Fortunately, Zhao Shirong knows very well that Huang Rong is a little girl, and does not think about her in general.

She followed Huang Rong's words and said: "Mrs. Li can also be, left and right is just a title." "

Huang Rong suddenly felt that the punch he had prepared to punch was actually bombarded on the fluttering cotton, uncomfortable, and felt that he was crushed.

Luo Wei said in a timely manner: "I said before that I owe you a favor, I don't know how you plan to let me pay back 110, you say it, I have no words." "

Zhao Shirong said indifferently: "I want to know the end between me and Shen Zhou. "

Rowe was a little surprised, "Is that all?"

Zhao Shirong said: "That's all. "

Luo Wei sighed and said: "Then you have to be careful, your end is not very good, you and Li Shenzhou are dead." "

Huang Rong couldn't help but be surprised.

She is a person from the Great Song and is very aware of the current status of the Power Gang in the Great Song.

It is not impossible to say that it is the first gang of the Great Song Dynasty.

Li Shenzhou and Zhao Shirong are the gang leaders and gang bosses' wives of the power gang, holding high positions and being famous big people in the rivers and lakes.

Especially Li Shenzhou is a peerless powerhouse.

However, now Li Shenzhou and Zhao Shirong both died in the end, which Huang Rong never expected.

Zhao Shirong was not surprised by this, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be knifed.

Although the peerless strong is powerful, they are not invincible, and it is normal to be killed.

Zhao Shirong was even more curious about why they died, so she calmly asked, "How did we die?"

Rowe said: "This news is more exciting, I plan to say it in the diary so that I can take advantage of the reward, but if you don't want to, I can tell you now." "

Zhao Shirong said: "Then say it in the diary, I will watch." "

Luo Wei bowed, and after the two exchanged a few polite words, they ended the correspondence.

Huang Rong asked, "Brother Wei, did Li Shenzhou and Zhao Shirong really die in the end?"

Rowe nodded.

Huang Rong couldn't help but have a deeper understanding of this river and lake.

Jianghu is indeed a melting pot, no matter who enters it, it will be completely melted by this melting pot, even if it is a peerless powerhouse.

For a while, Huang Rong suddenly stopped eager to break into the rivers and lakes as before.

At this time, Luo Wei also began to update the diary.

[Let you wait a long time, let's continue].

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