Luo Wei saw that Invitation Moon had broken straight into his storm knife power, and he understood the purpose of Invitation Moon.

But the problem is that the Seven Limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth are moves painstakingly created by Qian You, which have already been thoroughly perfected, where are there any weaknesses.

Inviting the moon is completely useless work.

But at this moment, he had a flash of inspiration and suddenly thought of a good idea.

Luo Wei pushed the storm knife to attack Zhaoyue, deliberately sold a flaw, and after Zhaoyue found out, he was really fooled, urging Mingyu Zhenqi, and his hands slammed over.

"You're fooled. "

Luo Wei laughed, and when he was flawed in the invitation moon shoot, the knife became more and more violent, even more terrifying than just now.

Only then did Yueyue realize that she had been fooled, and her heart couldn't help but be surprised.

She had to admit that Luo Wei did have some skills, and he actually deceived himself, facing the surging storm knife force, Zhaoyue understood that if she took a step back, the opponent's attack would be very strong.

So she suppressed the idea of retreating, pushed Bright Moon True Qi again, and went head-to-head with Luo Wei.


The second wave of explosions sounded again, and the terrifying wave of qi was like a storm, like a tsunami, sweeping out in all directions, one wave after another.

The earth shattered again, and terrible cracks spread out in all directions.

Luo Wei's whole person flew upside down again like a cannonball, and only stopped after flying out tens of meters.

After this impact, Luo Wei, a first-class expert, was even more deeply injured, a large amount of blood splashed out of his pores, and the bone of his right hand holding Shennong's ruler was even shattered.

Fortunately, Shennong's ruler was extremely strange, and the power was endless, so that Luo Wei supported it.

This also made Rowe aware of a problem.

Even if he learned god and demon-level martial arts, he would not be able to go head-to-head with a master like Zhaoyue.

If it weren't for Shennong's ruler, Luo Wei would have already lost.

On the other hand, Yueyue also felt incredible.

In the past, she could kill a first-class expert like Luo Wei without much effort, but now the other party is on par with herself.

He shot twice, but did not take the other party, but was shocked by the tiger's mouth cracked, and his bones were numb.

All the internal organs have been slightly traumatized, which is really a bit incredible.

God-level martial arts are really remarkable.

While exclaiming, Yueyue pushed Mingyu True Qi to suppress the injury, his eyes were shining, and the invisible Qi Machine locked Luo Wei deadly.

The next blow must be a stone break.

Rowe also noticed this, but he was unhurried, took a step forward, and suddenly disappeared in place.

The qi lock of the invitation moon suddenly lost its effect, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Wei appeared behind Yueyue, waving the Shennong ruler to strike again.

Devouring the Heavens and Destroying the Seven Limits, the fourth form, hail.

In an instant, a strangely cold knife power struck Yueyue's vest, and the gloomy and cold knife power spread all over the void, and even condensed the air and water into hail, shooting densely like a storm.

These hailstones all contain the knife power released by Luo Wei, all of which are indestructible and amazingly powerful.

Yueyue obviously noticed this, and did not have time to turn around, so she could only wave a palm back.

The palm was surging, like a mountain and a sea, shaking the void, forming an irresistible force, and all the hailstones that came to be smashed into smashes.

But the cold knife power had already invaded Yueyue's body, sending Yueyue Zhen flying out, and an extra touch of Yan red appeared in his mouth.

This surprised Mercy Xing, who was sitting in the stands.

She never thought that Luo Wei could really hurt her sister, it was really unbelievable, was it so powerful in god and demon level martial arts?

After Luo Wei injured Yueyue with one move, he did not chase after the victory, but stayed in place.

This made Zhaoyue very dissatisfied, if it was her, she would definitely not let go of this, and she would definitely chase and fight fiercely to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

But Rowe didn't do that, wasting such a good opportunity.

Instead of being grateful, Zhaoyue was very annoyed, "Why, you look down on me." "

Luo Wei smiled bitterly: "What is it that I look down on you, I am exhausted and can't move." "

Yueyue couldn't help but be stunned.

Luo Wei said: "Don't forget that I am just a first-class master now, my internal strength is limited, you should not really think that my internal strength can fight you for hours." "

"Although the god and demon-level martial arts are powerful, the internal power consumed to urge this martial art is also very amazing. "

"My internal strength now is no longer enough to continue fighting. "

Only then did Luo Wei understand why Luo Wei didn't chase after the victory just now.

It's not unwillingness, it's that you can't.

So she collected the dissatisfaction on her face and said, "I was negligent and forgot that you are still just an ordinary martial artist who has not entered the innate. "

Just now, after Luo Wei fought with him for a few tricks, he shocked her, which made Zhaoyue subconsciously raise Luo Wei to the level of a great enemy, almost forgetting that Luo Wei is still only a first-class master.

But it was precisely because of this that Zhaoyue deeply felt the power of god and demon-level martial arts.

"If you are an innate grandmaster, I am definitely not your opponent. "

Yueyue said calmly.

Luo Wei smiled and threw the Shennong ruler to Zhaoyue, "Use it to heal your injuries, the effect is better." "

Zhaoyue was stunned, then nodded, holding Shennong Ruler in his hand, and the endless power quickly cured Zhaoyue's injuries.

This made Zhaoyue couldn't help but sigh in admiration, "What a Shennong ruler." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

She was not seriously injured just now, and if she healed her injuries, she only needed to rest for a day.

But in just three or five minutes to hold the Shennong ruler, he healed her injuries, and the Heavenly God Soldier was indeed magical.

For a time, even people like Zhaoyue became greedy for Shennong Ruler.

However, after all, she was the palace master of the Shifting Flower Palace, an extremely proud person, and soon suppressed the greed in her heart and returned the Shennong ruler to Luo Wei.

After the two ended the fight.

Mercy Xing and the others walked down from the stands and asked with concern, "Sister, are you okay?" "

Yueyue shook her head, "I'm fine. "

Mercy Xing then put down his heart, turned his head to look at Luo Wei, his eyes flickered, "Luo Gongzi, you are okay." "

Luo Weihaha laughed and said, "With Shennong ruler here, what can I do." "

Mercy Star muttered, "That's good, that's good." "

At this moment, Azhu and the others came over, and Huang Rong clapped her hands and said, "It's so powerful, Brother Vi, the battle you had just now was really exciting." "

Luo Wei smiled dumbly and said: "This is what is it, you think it's wonderful because your eyelids are too shallow, you haven't seen a really wonderful battle at all, I don't believe you ask Mercy Xing." "

Everyone couldn't help but look at Mercy Star:

Mercy Xing smiled slightly, and said playfully: "Luo Gongzi is too modest, in fact, the battle just now, even among the grandmasters, can be regarded as a wonderful battle. "

Luo Wei felt that this kind of half-hanged battle was wonderful, probably because he had just cured Mercy Xing's disability, so Mercy Star would praise it so much.

So he didn't take it seriously, but said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, I should really listen to it." "

Mercy Star saw that Luo Weiyan was insincere, but did not say anything.

Next, after a few polite words, they left this martial arts arena.

Because it was already nightfall, Luo Wei invited the two daughters of Yue Mercy Star to spend an evening in the villa.

The two women thought for a moment and did not refuse.

In fact, they were eager to see what this modern villa looked like.

Luo Wei asked Aju to prepare a guest room for the two daughters.

In the evening, when Luo Wei finished washing and lay on the bed to prepare for bed, he suddenly remembered that today's diary had not yet been written, so he picked up his spirits, took out his diary and began to update the diary.

[I compared what happened today, and I almost forgot to write a diary, so I will make up for it now]

[There is nothing too exciting news in this diary, it is more perfunctory, everyone can read it if they want to, don't read it if they don't want to]

[Today I have sent sixteen beauties home to join Azhu, Huang Rong and others]

[As for Jiang Zuo Situ, I didn't kill him, but spared him a dog's life]

[By the way, this dog's life is a real dog's life]

[Because I used the art of fingering and turned him into a real dog]

[If no one can crack my finger technique, then Jiang Zuo Situ can only spend his life as a dog in this life]

[This is also my punishment for him]

At this moment, there is one to count one, not only Feng Siniang, Ning Zhongze, Gao Yanan, or Lin Chaoying, Li Mochou, Murong Qiudi, Murong Jiu and other women, all of them were stunned by Luo Wei's words.

Good guys, this is not a breaking point.

This is also too powerful.

It is incredible that Luo Wei can turn a person into a 0.6 dog.

The women shuddered just thinking about it.

What an ultimate punishment is it for a living person to spend his life as a dog.

It's too ruthless, it's really ruthless.

But at the same time, there are still some women who feel that Luo Wei is doing the right thing, and in the face of an evil person like Jiang Zuo Situ, he should do it.

Killing him is too cheap for him, only in this way can this group of people live in endless regret day and night.

Well done, Rowe.

The women were enthusiastic and continued to read the diary.

[To be honest, at the beginning, I wanted to turn Jiang Zuo Situ into a woman, and then sell it into the Qinglou, and let him taste what it is like to entertain people with color]

[But I think this punishment is a bit light, so I ended up turning him into a dog]

[As for the other three messengers under the Happy King, as well as the Happy King, I have to think about how to concoct them]

[Anyway, you must not make them feel good, you must make them regret what they have done in this life]

When Yunmeng Fairy saw this scene, her eyes flickered, "Maybe I should find Luo Wei and tell him how to do it, so that the Happy King can collapse and live day and night in regret and panic." "。

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