Soon after, Rowe returned to the nameless town, and as for the Ironclad Lux, he had already put it away.

This gadget can only be used once a day, and each time lasts about half an hour.

Enough for a battle.

Once recycled, you can only wait the next day to use it again.

Although it was a little troublesome, Luo Wei had to admit that the combat effectiveness of the ironclad warriors was very strong, and the strength of the flying witch Sun Zhongjun was already very good.

Probably a second-rate master.

But he easily lost at the hands of Ironclad Lux.

Luo Wei was very skeptical that the strength of the ironclad Lux was worthy of the first-class masters of the rivers and lakes.

And every time Luo Wei makes a move, he can summon dozens of first-class masters, looking at the entire rivers and lakes, only those big forces can do it.

As long as he doesn't encounter some grandmaster-level master, he should be able to walk sideways.

Unfortunately, it can only be used once a day, which is too little.

It would be even better if it could be used several times a day.

But then again, ever since Rowe returned to Nobody, he always felt that something was wrong.

I seem to have overlooked something.

Faintly, there seemed to be a sense of foreboding.

So Rowe took out the diary, flipped through it over and over again, and finally found that something was wrong.

Good fellow, when he was complaining about the flying witch Sun Zhongjun just now, he seemed to have inadvertently exposed the fact that he was still staying in the Huashan Realm.

It's worth it.

No, there is no way to stay in the Huashan Realm, and he must leave.

Rowe hurriedly packed up his salutes and found the owner of an inn who wanted to hire a carriage to leave the town.

But the problem is that this nameless town has too small a population to keep horses.

In desperation, Rowe had to take a step back and hire an ox cart, which was not as fast as a horse-drawn cart, but at least much faster than two legs.

Escorted by an ox cart, Rowe left the unnamed town.

However, the realm of the Huashan Sect is very large, and Luo Wei drove for an afternoon and did not go out of the realm of the Huashan Sect.

In the evening, I found a safe place in the wild and spent the night.

Early the next morning, continue on the road.

While hurrying, Rowe did not forget to keep a diary.

[I'm a fool, I'm a fool, I'm a fool


Countless women who felt the update of the diary turned to the first page of the copy of the diary and saw this line of big words.

Everyone looked confused.

Well, why did this guy start cursing himself, what kind of nerves is this.

[Yesterday, I patronized the flying witch Sun Zhongjun, and accidentally exposed my location, and I could only run overnight].

[Isn't that stupid].

When many women saw this scene, they couldn't help but laugh.

Ning Zhong couldn't help but suddenly realize, no wonder after she reacted yesterday, she sent Huashan disciples to search for Luo Wei nearby, but all night without success, it turned out that the other party had run away overnight.

But where can this guy run in one night?

Ning Zhong fell into deep thought.

[The next time you complain, you must calm down and never expose your whereabouts].

[All in all, let's leave the realm of the Huashan Sect as soon as possible].

[Now the Flying Witch Sun Zhongjun should have been discovered by the disciples of the Huashan Sect, and I estimate that the disciples of the Huashan Sect should have started looking for me].

[But as long as Ning Zhong does not expose my identity, the disciples of the Huashan Sect should not know that the person who deposed Sun Zhongjun is me].

[Of course, I don't have confidence in whether Ning Zhongze, Yue Lingshan and the others have exposed themselves].

[After all, people are disciples of the Huashan Sect, and it is a matter of course to think about the Huashan Sect].

[It's just that I won't just tie my hands up].

[It's a big deal to do a big job with the Huashan faction].

[The skill I gained yesterday is to scatter beans into soldiers, each bean can summon an ironclad warrior, and every ironclad warrior can be regarded as a first-class master].

[I can summon dozens of first-class masters by scattering a handful of beans casually].

[I don't believe it, this kind of strength can't break out of the Huashan faction].

[Even if it is really planted, I believe that someone will come to save me, after all, the ability to bring back the dead is enough to make anyone's eyes hungry].

Murong Qiudi, Shangguan Haitang, Zhaoyue, Huang Rong, Ning Zhongze, Feng Siniang, Ren Yingying, Gao Yanan and others couldn't help nodding.

Yes, the ability to bring back the dead is indeed enough to make countless people's eyes hungry.

No one can ignore this ability, and neither can the emperor.

With this ability, Rowe is equivalent to having a talisman.

If it is not necessary, people will not easily offend people with this ability.

After all, there is only one life for everyone, and having a resurrection is equivalent to having countless lives.

Who can not be gluttonous.

[Of course, the above is only the worst-case scenario, which has not happened yet


[At my current speed, there should be no problem leaving the Huashan Realm].

[The question is, after leaving the Huashan Realm, where to go?] This is a problem].

[Originally, I wanted to find the treasure, after all, I got a treasure map, and it's a pity not to dig for the treasure].

[But after reading it for a day last night, I didn't understand this treasure map, so I could only choose to give up].

[Otherwise, go to the Golden Needle Shen's house and take a look at Shen Bijun].

[In the plot of Xiao Shiyilang, Shen Bijun is known as the first beauty in martial arts, and she looks like a captivating city, and I still remember how Shen Bijun was described in the book].

[The door of the carriage opened, and a person walked out].

[In this instant, all the people not only stopped moving, they almost stopped breathing, they have never seen such a beautiful person in their lives! ] 】

[She is not wearing any particularly gorgeous clothes, but no matter what kind of clothes, as long as it is worn on her body, it will become extraordinarily good].

[She didn't wear any jewelry, and she didn't rub fat powder on her face, because for her, jewelry and fat powder were superfluous].

[No matter how precious the jewelry is, it cannot share her own brilliance, and no matter how noble the fat powder can not add another point to her beauty].

[Her beauty is beyond anyone's description].

[Some people use flowers to compare beauty, but how can flowers be as moving as her?] Some people will say that she is like a person in a picture, but what brush can draw her charm.]

[Even the fairy in the sky is definitely not as gentle as her. Whoever looks at her will never forget.]

[But she doesn't seem to really live in this world, how can there be a beauty like her in the world?] It was as if she would suddenly disappear from the ground at any moment and ride the wind. This is the first beauty in martial arts - Shen Bijun].

[When I saw this description, I was stupid].

[Good guys, what a beauty this has to look like].

[When watching TV series before, several people played Shen Bijun, what Li Siqi, Zhu Yin, Fan Danfeng, Gan Tingting].

[These people are beautiful, but they are not as beautiful as described in the book].

[So I'm curious, how beautiful the real Shen Bijun is to be worthy of this description].

[Oh yes, you may not know what a TV series is, let me explain it briefly].

[You can think of my TV series as a drama of this world].

Feng Siniang couldn't help but suddenly realize that the TV series was a drama.

However, she remembered Luo Wei's description just now, and couldn't help but mutter, "No wonder this guy named Luo Wei said that Xiao Shiyi Lang would like Shen Bijun." "

"If Shen Bijun is really so good-looking, it can indeed attract him."

At the same time, countless women were stunned when they saw this description.

Yueyue's eyes flickered, and she turned her head to look at her sister Mercy Xing, "Who do you think is more beautiful than me and Shen Bijun." "

Mercy Xing shook his head and said: "I haven't seen it, I can't compare, but my sister is indeed a stunning beauty, and the beauty in the rivers and lakes is not only Shen Bijun." "

Lin Chaoying muttered, "Is it really good for a woman to see this point? "

Shi Guanyin sneered a few times, "Rat eyes, where in the world is there a better looking woman than me." "

Huang Rong looked at the reflection in the river and smiled slightly, "Shen Bijun, right, I want to see who is more beautiful between us." "

[Forget it, I wrote this in my diary, many people must have seen it].

[If I really went to open Shen Bijun, it would not be good to be caught by them].

[And although Shen Bijun is the first beauty in martial arts, he is only the first beauty under Xiao Shiyilang's world view].

[And Gu Long has written dozens of martial arts novels, and the first beauty he has described is not a few].

[For example, in the amorous swordsman Heartless Sword, Lin Xian'er, who is full of people, is also the first beauty in martial arts].

[In the sword of the third young master, the first beauty in martial arts is Murong Qiudi, the eldest lady of the Murong family].

[Zhang Sanniang in the peerless double pride is not only the first beauty in the world, but also the first talented woman in the world who is pseudonym Wen Wanqing in the literary circle, Princess Wen Zhao, who was handpicked by the emperor, and is known as the Jade Lady in the rivers and lakes. ] 】

[In the legend of Chu Liuxiang, the first beauty in martial arts is Qiu Lingsu, but unfortunately she was jealous by Shi Guanyin and ruined her appearance, and I don't know if it was ruined in this world].

[If it's really ruined, don't beat yourself up, if nothing else, I should be able to get a reward to restore your appearance in the future].

[When the time comes, you come to me, I will help you treat].

[There is no other meaning, it is a pity that a beauty disfigured her face].

[In addition, there is the first beauty in the legend of the banner hero, Shui Lingguang, also known as the first beauty in Gulong's pen].

[She is a beauty with a radiant face, skin that is better than snow, and is shaped like jade].

[Its beauty is unearthly, not contaminated with human fireworks, like an empty valley and a glorious orchid, combining the softness of heaven and earth and the soul, which is better than fairies].

[Praised by posterity: Jade light stands quietly, and Lingbo fairy falls into dust].

[I have to admit, Gulong can write beauty].

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