Luo Wei said softly: "Man, the woman you like just wants her to be cold and want her to be frivolous and lowly, and wants her sunshine and her style is not shaken." "

"May she be like a smoke, may she be manly and lazy, look at her crazy and see her funny and dignified, want her to be beautiful and let her kill without blinking, and make her love really want her to lose her eyes..."

When Rowe said this, he was slow and steady, because he was afraid that he would say it quickly and sing it accidentally.

"All in all, for men, the most perfect woman is nothing more than a hall, a kitchen, a noblewoman under the bed, and a swing in bed."

"So you just said that men like women with wind fleas, it's not right."

Gold inlaid jade: ...

Huang Rong, A Zhu, Lin Shiyin, Blue Phoenix: ...

After a long time, Jin Jiuyu couldn't help but scold, ", it's too difficult to be a woman, how can there be such a woman in the world." "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "What you said is not bad at all, it is indeed difficult to be a woman, especially in this patriarchal society where men are in power, and the conditions I just mentioned, really no woman can achieve." "

"That's why I will choose a few more, looking for a cold one, looking for a frivolous and lowly one, looking for a sunny one, looking for an amorous one that does not shake, looking for an interesting one, looking for a beautiful one..."

"Now you understand why men always like three wives and four concubines."

"You just said that men like wind and horse fleas, it's not wrong, but it's just a little one-sided."

"After all, men are very fraternal."

The gold-encrusted jade suddenly realized, and said with a charming smile: "Listening to Jun's words is better than reading books for ten years, sure enough, men understand men, and the old lady has been taught this time." "

"Come on, I have prepared the best 547 rooms for you, do you want to take you to see it now."

Luo Wei looked back at Ah Zhu and Huang Rong.

None of the four women objected.

Luo Wei nodded and said, "Then go and see." "

Jin Jiyu smiled softly and said, "Go, go upstairs." "

Under the leadership of gold inlaid jade, several people came to the top floor of the Dragon Gate Inn, that is, the fourth floor.

"My inn, the hall on the first floor, the second floor is a lower-class room, the third floor is a medium-class room, and only the fourth floor is a high-class room, which is not only fully equipped, but also has beautiful scenery."

"Just open the window and you can enjoy the unique scenery of the desert."

"Especially in the evening, when the sun goes down, the scenery is beautiful."

"On the fourth floor, there are a total of twelve rooms, and I know that you are coming, so I specially left two of the best rooms for you."

Huang Rong said in a strange manner: "There are five of us, and you only have two left?" Also deliberately? "

The gold-encrusted jade glanced at Huang Rong obliquely, "Little girl, what do you know, in three days, it will be the auction of my Longmen Inn, and then my Longmen Inn will definitely be crowded with people." "

"If I hadn't known that you were coming, I specially left you two pieces, and you would only be able to bunk the floor now."

As he spoke, the gold-encrusted jade pushed open the door of a room, and said proudly: "How about it, the room that the old lady has prepared for you." "

Huang Rong said: "General. "

In fact, the room is already very well decorated and quite clean.

However, Huang Rong's recent diaries live in a luxurious villa created by Luo Wei using the art of landscape transfer, and it is very convenient to do whatever she does.

This Longmen Inn in front of him naturally could not satisfy Huang Rong's stomach (BBFC) mouth.

The gold-encrusted jade naturally did not know this, but Huang Rong was looking for stubble and ignored him.

Azhu said: "Boss Jin, there are five of us, and there will be too few two-piece rooms." "

Jin inlaid jade said: "No, you sleep with the little girl, Lin Shiyin sleeps with Blue Phoenix, isn't this right?" "

Azhu said: "What about Gongzi, where does Gongzi sleep?" "

Jin Jiyu smiled slightly, leaned in front of Luo Wei, and said with a smile: "My room is very large, if Luo Gongzi doesn't dislike it, how about sleeping with me in the evening?" "

Huang Rong suddenly exploded with anger, she had never seen such a shameless person, and she recommended herself as soon as she came up.

"You don't think about it."

Huang Rong righteously refused for Luo Wei, "Brother Wei will not sleep in your room." "

Jin inlaid jade snorted coldly, did not take care of Huang Rong, but approached Luo Wei, "What does Gongzi mean?" "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "Forget it, I have a place to sleep, so I don't worry about Boss Laojin, you just said that the auction has three days to start?" "

Jin inlaid jade nodded, "Not bad, I read the diary and said that Gongzi wants to participate in the auction, do you want me to leave you a special subtle." "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said, "Then it will bother Boss Jin, in addition, I have something here that I want to put on the auction, I don't know if Boss Jin can agree." "

The gold-encrusted jade's eyes lit up and asked, "What Gongzi wants to sell, it shouldn't be the Seven Limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth." "

Luo Wei smiled and said, "Boss Jin said and laughed, how could I sell the Seven Limits of Devouring Heaven and Earth, I want to sell this." "

From the cloth pocket inside his shirt, he took out a white jade Guanyin and placed it on the table.

The gold-encrusted jade saw the white jade Guanyin's eyes straightened, "Good, a flawless white jade Guanyin, beautiful, it's really beautiful." I believe that this white jade Guanyin will definitely become the finale of this auction house. "

"So, Boss Jin agreed."

"Naturally, even if I am stupid, I can't push such a good thing away." Gold-encrusted jade smiled.

"Then say okay, at the auction in three days, I will auction the white jade Guanyin."

After Luo Wei finished speaking, he picked up the white jade Guanyin again and put it back in the cloth pocket.

Gold-encrusted jade looked at Luo Wei's chest with flickering eyes, and couldn't help but reach out and touch it, "Luo Gongzi, how the hell did you do it..."


Huang Rong had long been unaccustomed to gold-encrusted jade, and raised her hand to pat away the gold-encrusted jade's hand, "Look back, don't touch it." "

Jin inlaid jade couldn't help but glare at Huang Rong and touched his right hand that was beaten red. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Luo Wei knew what Jin Jiyu wanted to ask, and explained, "I used the Kettle Heaven Technique to create a large space in the cloth pocket inside my clothes, which can hold a lot of things. "

"It's kind of a Qiankun bag with Qiankun inside."

The gold-encrusted jade's eyes lit up, and he said, "Can that prince also give me a Qiankun bag." "

Huang Rong said angrily: "Who are you, why let Brother Wei give you a Qiankun bag." "

The gold inlaid jade proudly raised his neck, and said with a smile: "Of course, it is by my horse flea, as long as Luo Gongzi is willing, the old lady is willing to cooperate no matter what posture, can the little girl do it?"

Huang Rong was immediately stunned.

Even Azhu and Lin Shiyin were shocked by the words of the tiger and wolf inlaid with gold.

On the contrary, the blue phoenix was not strange, and when the women of their Miao family expressed themselves, their bold appearance was no worse than that of gold-encrusted jade.

It's just that the women of their Miao family don't have such a wind and flea as gold-encrusted jade.

"No face." Huang Rong couldn't help but scold.

Jin inlaid jade said disapprovingly: "If the old lady wants to face, it is impossible for the elite to be such a big inn, little girl, you are still very tender." "

Luo Wei saw that Huang Rong was about to quarrel with the gold-encrusted jade again, and quickly clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Okay, I'm hungry, let's go down and eat."

The gold-encrusted jade answered, and left the room with Luo Wei's group and returned to the first floor.

Luo Wei and the others walked to a table where there was no one and sat down, "Boss Jin, bring us a few pounds of mutton, and a few other dishes that you are good at, not those special dishes." "

Jin inlaid jade said with a smile: "What is a special dish, Luo Gongzi, you shouldn't think that our Longmen Inn is some kind of black shop." "

Luo Wei said: "You are really right, in the movie, your Longmen Inn is really a black shop, especially there is a young man called Diao Buyu in your store, and the knife worker can be called Yuding Xie Niu." "

"It allows a master to cut the opponent's arm to the bone without any notice."

"You can tell at a glance that there are no fewer people to practice."

Gold inlaid jade: ...

When Huang Rong heard this, she couldn't help but giggle.

Jin Jiyu snorted and said: "That's just the original, I can tell you now that our Longmen Inn is definitely not a black shop, if it were a black shop, it would have been overturned by righteous people passing by." "

This statement is true.

Rowe snorted, indicating that he had been taught.

Jin Yiyu came to a shopkeeper, ordered a few dishes in the kitchen, and personally brought a pot of good wine and placed it on Luo Wei's table.

Passing guests couldn't help but be eye-opening when they saw this scene.

Some people even shouted and asked: "Yo, isn't this the lady of the Dragon Gate Inn, what are these people, they actually let you personally accompany." "

Jin inlaid jade knew that Luo Wei had always been cautious and his reputation in the rivers and lakes was not obvious, so he said vaguely: "Of course, it is a big customer. "

The man continued to ask: "Big customer, how big is it, is it even bigger with me, the chief scoop of the seventy-two waterway docks in Jiangnan?" "

When the people around heard this, they immediately caused a commotion.

The 72 water and land docks in Jiangnan refer to a person, a person who can call the wind and rain in the rivers and lakes.

This person's status is high, his strength is strong, and he is also a first-class existence when looking at the rivers and lakes.

Not to mention, waterway terminals are still quite a lucrative business.

It can be said that it is a daily gold fight.

As long as ordinary people occupy one, they can become rich people on the rich side.

And this person occupies a full seventy-two paths.

There is money, power, and strength.

Therefore, the people of the rivers and lakes can be said to be in awe of this chief scoop.

But no one expected that this famous big man in the rivers and lakes would appear here.

When Luo Wei heard these words, he quickly remembered who this chief scoop of the seventy-two waterways dock in Jiangnan was.

He is a background plate in Xiao Li's flying knife.

There is no official appearance.

It is his wife, Mrs. Rose, who appears.

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