When Luo Wei saw this scene, he didn't know that Li Xunhuan's gesture was deliberately made for Lin Shiyin to see.

However, he did not say anything, but took a glass of wine, touched a glass with Li Xunhuan, and said in his mouth: "Brother Li is polite, this cup should be my respect for you." "

Li Xunhuan smiled bitterly and said, "You are not only my lifesaver, but also my cousin's lifesaver, and this cup should be my honor to you no matter what." "

"No, one cup is not good, I want to toast you three times in a row."

Saying that, he poured himself another glass, picked up the wine glass and drank it.

Cup after cup, after three cups, Li Xunhuan did not stop, but found another reason to toast Luo Wei one after another.

Rowe did not stop it, but began to complain in his diary.

[Li Xunhuan, this is to get himself drunk]

When the women saw the diary update, as soon as they opened it, it was this endless sentence, and they were a little confused.

[At lunchtime, Li Xunhuan set up a banquet for me and Azhu to catch the wind and wash the dust]

[Lin Shiyin poured him wine, he didn't want to]

[Instead, he found a reason to toast me, obviously trying to get himself drunk]

[When I contacted Li Xunhuan when I saw Li Xunhuan just now, Li Xunhuan's eyes were full of pain, and I understood]

[If I'm not mistaken, "Four Eight Zero" When he took the medicine to Long Xiaoyun today, Long Xiaoyun had already had a showdown with him]

[That's why Li Xunhuan is so gloomy and depressed now]

[On the one hand, he is his fiancée, on the other hand, he is his own lifesaver]

[With Li Xunhuan's person, he will naturally fall into a dilemma]

[But I didn't expect Long Xiaoyun to start so quickly, Lin Shiyin just came back and had a showdown with Li Xunhuan]

[This guy is also a bit of a city government, why is he so impatient]

[Could it be that it is because of my arrival that Long Xiaoyun feels threatened, so it is better to strike first]

[But the problem is, Xiao doesn't know what Lin Shiyin and I are planning]

[Thinking about it, I estimate that this is likely to be my arrival, causing a butterfly effect]

Murong family.

Murong Jiu looked up at his eldest sister Murong Qiudi and asked curiously, "Sister, what does this butterfly effect mean?" "

Murong Qiudi shook his head, "I don't know very well. "

She knows butterflies, knows the effect.

She knew each of these four words, but when they were combined, she couldn't understand them.

Why do butterflies have an effect?

This traverser is indeed unfathomable.

In fact, not only Murong Qiudi, but even Lian Nei, Feng Siniang, Shen Bijun, Huang Rong, Shui Lingguang, Yueyue, Lin Shiyin and many other people who read the diary were dumbfounded.

Azhu sat next to Luo Wei, looked at Luo Wei, who was drinking with Li Xunhuan, and asked Luo Wei with his eyes.

"Gongzi, what is this butterfly effect?"

Luo Wei received Azhu's eyes, and while drinking with Li Xunhuan, he explained in the diary.

[Just now Aju asked me what the butterfly effect is, which is actually very troublesome to explain]

[The person who first proposed this theory was a meteorologist]

[In words you can understand, it is a person who understands the heavens and can predict the wind and rain]

[The most common description of this effect is: "A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest of South America, occasionally flapped its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas, USA, two weeks later"]

[But I believe that you definitely did not understand this sentence]

Aju couldn't help nodding, she really didn't understand, what Amazon River, what Texas, she had never heard of.

On the contrary, I have heard about tornadoes, but I have never seen them with my own eyes.

And where is this America?

Her son-in-law is really inscrutable.

[The real explanation of the butterfly effect is that in a dynamical system, small changes under initial conditions can drive a long-term huge chain reaction of the entire system]

[In layman's terms, a very small thing that seems unrelated on the surface can make a huge difference]

[This shows that a small thing will cause all kinds of uncertain things to happen]

[It also shows that everything in the world is connected to a certain extent, don't underestimate any thing or person]

[I don't know Long Xiaoyun, but my arrival has brought a crisis to Long Xiaoyun, so Long Xiaoyun attacked Li Xunhuan in advance and wanted to take Lin Shiyin]

[So I think, this is the butterfly effect I created]

This time, some full women finally understood Rowe's words.

Huang Rong, who was rushing to Li Yuan, couldn't help but suddenly realize: "It turns out that this is the butterfly effect, and it is really interesting." "

And like Huang Rong, Xue Bing, who was rushing to Li Yuan, flickered his eyes and guessed: "Could it be that my death is also related to this butterfly effect?" "

[In short, regardless of whether my arrival has triggered a butterfly effect, anyway, Long Xiaoyun has already made a move]

[Now it's Lin Shiyin's turn to play]

[Quick, now question why Li Xunhuan treats you]

Luo Wei drank the wine and made a look at Lin Shiyin.

Lin Shiyin received Luo Wei's eyes, his eyes flickered several times, and suddenly snatched the wine glass in Li Xunhuan's hand.

"Cousin, you can't drink anymore, you've already drunk enough."

[However, well done, continue]

Luo Wei worked hard to encourage Lin Shiyin in the diary.

The other women who read the diary were speechless for a while, because they were not at the scene, and through the short sentence of the diary, they could not see what happened in Li Yuan.

Missed a good show in vain. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Li Xunhuan's wine glass was taken away, so he had to laugh bitterly and said to Luo Wei: "Brother Luo, let you see the joke." "

Luo Wei said calmly: "That's not true, I'm just quite curious, your attitude is still good in the morning, how can you start to borrow alcohol to relieve your worries in a blink of an eye." "

"Could it be that our arrival made you feel embarrassed, Brother Li."

"If that's the case, let's go first."

Luo Wei launched a retreat at the right time, detouring from the side to help Lin Shiyin.

Li Xunhuan hurriedly said: "Brother Luo's words are bad, I am very happy that you can come, how can I be embarrassed, it is really Brother Luo who misunderstood." "

Luo Wei sighed and asked, "Then why is Brother Li's eyes full of bitterness and borrowing alcohol to relieve his worries, is it possible that he has encountered some trouble, it is better to say it and let everyone help you come up with an idea." "

Li Xunhuan naturally wouldn't say anything about Long Xiaoyun's desire to marry Lin Shiyin, so he could only say vaguely: "It's not a big deal, I can solve it myself, come, brother Luo, we're having a drink." "

Saying that, he wanted to grab the wine glass in Lin Shiyin's hand.

Lin Shiyin naturally does not give:

Rowe urged secretly.

[It is this opportunity to expose Li Xunhuan's disguise and drag the topic to Long Xiaoyun's body]

Lin Shiyin was as good as the flow, and sneered: "You used wine to relieve your worries today, and you are so cold to me, it should be related to which of your eldest brothers to worship, cousin." "

Li Xunhuan was like being shocked, and his face turned pale in an instant.

【Go on, go on】

Lin Shiyin said: "Did he tell you today that the reason why he fell ill was related to me. "

Li Xunhuan's face was no longer bloody, and he looked at Lin Shiyin stunned, and said tremblingly: "It turns out... It turns out that you all know it. "

Lin Shiyin said: "Yes, I do know, cousin, you really have a good big brother." "

Li Xunhuan's face became unprecedentedly painful, a handsome face kept twitching, his tall posture gradually became twitching, and the whole person seemed to have been pulled to the bone.

"I know all too well who you are, cousin."

"You are a man of great affection."

"You know that he covets your fiancée, but you don't know how to deal with it, so you can only drink to relieve your worries."

"But have you ever thought about me, thought about how I feel."

Li Xunhuan was speechless, and he didn't even have the face to open Lin Shiyin, because he knew that since he had this idea, he was sorry for Lin Shiyin.

Seeing this, Luo Wei encouraged again.

[Okay, that's it, nice job]

[Now step forward, slap him twice, and wake him up completely]

Lin Shiyin saw this paragraph in the diary and subconsciously raised her hand.

Seeing this, Li Xunhuan knew that Lin Shiyin was already angry to the extreme, and he thought that he was sorry for Lin Shiyin, so he did not resist, but closed his eyes.

Lin Shiyin looked at Li Xunhuan, who was full of pain, and her anger softened without knowing how.

The hand raised high has been lowered again.

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain.

[If you give it to you, you won't be useful, Lin Shiyin]

Women: ...

Good guys, what is called giving you a chance you don't use.

3.5 What exactly did Li Yuan send in?

The women don't know why, but they always feel as if they accidentally missed a hundred million.

Lin Shiyin stretched out her hand, gently touched Li Xunhuan's face, and said softly: "Cousin, there are some things you don't want to say, I can say it for you, I will go to Long Xiaoyun now and explain it clearly with him." "

"Even if I marry a beggar in this life, I can't marry him."

Saying that, Lin Shiyin turned around and left, ready to go to Long Xiaoyun and slap him twice.

For her own happiness, she gave up.


However, at this moment, Li Xunhuan suddenly grabbed Lin Shiyin, who was about to leave, and said in pain: "No, Brother Long, he is already terminally ill, if you go and tell him about this, it will undoubtedly force him to die." "

Lin Shiyin looked at Li Xunhuan in disbelief, "Do you know what you're talking about, cousin." "

You are powerless to solve this matter, will you not let me solve this matter?

Li Xunhuan said: "Big brother, he... He couldn't withstand such a blow anymore, cousin. "

Lin Shiyin was completely angry, and she yelled at Li Xunhuan for the first time, with her originally gentle personality.

"He can't bear it, can I bear it."

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