Luo Wei naturally didn't know Murong Qiudi's reaction at this time, and he was still writing hard.

[The new method is actually very simple]

[That is to let Lin Shiyin bravely say no to Li Xunhuan and Long Xiaoyun]

[This is very important, in the original plot, Lin Shiyin finally married Long Xiaoyun because she did not convey her thoughts to Li Xunhuan and Long Xiaoyun]

[To put it bluntly, she is a weak woman who follows the flow]

[So if you want to protect your happiness, you must say no to others]

[Long Xiaoyun wants to marry her, without saying a word, first go up and slap Long Xiaoyun twice, angrily scolding the other party's toad for wanting to eat swan meat]

[I don't believe it, Long Xiaoyun still wants to marry her]

[But if you want to have a face, you won't do this]

[Li Xunhuan wants to give her to Long Xiaoyun, and then go up to slap him, so that Li Xunhuan knows that she is a living person, not a cargo that can be pushed around]

[As long as you bravely say no, Lin Shiyin can master your own happiness]

When many women saw this idea, they couldn't help nodding.

Lian Nei snorted, slapped the table and said: "Well said, since you like it, you will boldly pursue it, and verbosity will only make people look down on." "

Feng Siniang laughed, "Not bad, it should be like this." "

Gao Yanan smiled slightly, "Love should not have gone with the flow." "

They genuinely applauded the idea.

[After Lin Shiyin heard my idea, she also felt good and liked me]

[Then invite me to Li Yuan with you to help her]

[I know that she is still a little apprehensive in her heart, so I agreed to come down and send the Buddha to the west, the idea is all out, not bad for this step, not to mention that I am quite interested in Li Yuan]

[In the original plot, Li Xunhuan not only gave Lin Shiyin to Long Xiaoyun, but even gave Li Yuan and Wan Guan's family wealth to Long Xiaoyun, protruding a bold and generous 523]

[Who can wait for this]

[To be honest, if I hadn't had Goldfinger, I would have wanted to learn Dragon Xiaoyun]

【Send money and food to women】

[I call the good guys]

[It's not that brothers are not people, but sister-in-law is too charming, Li Xunhuan]


Just as Luo Wei was writing, Azhu's coughing sound suddenly came from outside the carriage, and then the curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing Azhu's pretty face.

I saw Azhu said with a playful face: "Gongzi, converge a little, everyone is watching." "

Through the thin slit, Luo Wei saw that Lin Shiyin, who was sitting next to Azhu, had already turned red, obviously ashamed by the tiger and wolf words in his diary.

"Don't be meaningful, write hi, write hi, I'll change it."

When Azhu heard this, he lowered the car curtain and turned his head to comfort Lin Shiyin.

Rowe relented a little.

[I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wrote too much just now, I accidentally wrote out my heart]

[What's going on in this broken diary, why every time I write a journal, I can't help but write some inner words]

[This diary is poisonous]

[In short, everyone should not have heard what he said just now, what sister-in-law is too charming, it is all my nonsense]

[My main focus is a Jian'an style bone, Wei Wu legacy style]

[Ah, bah, my main focus is a sincerity]

[Sister-in-law or something, I never have this kind of thought, it's just a momentary mouth, don't care]

[Erm... Forget it, let's write here in today's diary first]

Seeing that he seemed to have a tendency to become darker and darker, Rowe decisively ended To's (BBF) day's diary.

If there were no special circumstances, he would not continue to keep his diary today.

Wait until tomorrow, in a different topic, sooner or later everyone will forget today's events.

After writing his diary, Rowe accepted today's reward.

Because Lin Shiyin pursues the explosive point of her own happiness, today's reward is no longer a guaranteed one-year strength.

Rather, it is a spell.

Of course, it is not a heavenly and earth-level spell, it is an ordinary spell.


This spell is not as practical as the wall-piercing technique, but it has a feature that it can be used to punish people if you think someone's mouth is poisonous.

You can cast this spell.

At that time, this guy's two lips will grow together, and the mouth will disappear.

This is sealing.

An unknown spell to use, but very scary to use.

This sealing technique can not only seal people's mouths, but even seal people's assholes, which can be completely realized... There is no ass in giving birth to a child.

Like other spells, sealing can only be used once at all, cannot be accumulated, and expires and is void.

However, Rowe didn't care about this, because he had already mastered several spells at this time.

Can fight, resist, and run.

Even if you encounter a master, you are not afraid.

The horse's hooves rolled, galloping all the way.

It didn't take long for Azhu to find a shop on the side of the road, stop the carriage, ask for a few steamed buns and white porridge, and drink it in a hurry.

After breakfast, the group continued on their way. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At night, after the carriage drove into the town, he found an inn to stay in.

Continue the next day.

In the next few days, nothing happened, so there was nothing to break in Rovy's diary, only perfunctory.

Therefore, the rewards received are all one year of pure internal strength.

In this way, Luo Wei's internal strength accumulated to about fifteen years.

Looking at the rivers and lakes, this is already very good, at least surpassing more than 70% of the jianghu people.

In this way, Luo Wei and the others galloped all the way and soon arrived at Li Yuan.

At the gate of Li Yuan, there are also two door links of imperial pen letters, which are well-known phrases known to martial arts fans.

One class of seven jinshi, father and son three tanhua.

Lin Shiyin got off the carriage and looked at the pair of door links, and couldn't help but feel a trance in her heart.

Luo Wei jumped down from the carriage, stood beside Lin Shiyin, and said with a slight smile: "Finally here, let's go in." "

Only then did Lin Shiyin come to her senses and take Luo Wei into Li Yuan.

The group walked through the courtyard and entered the inner hall.

When the servant in gray clothes saw Lin Shiyin, a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but shout towards the back room: "Young master, young master, Miss Cousin is back." "

Li Xunhuan, who was in the back room, heard these words and immediately ran out from inside.

"Cousin, you're back." When Li Xunhuan saw Lin Shiyin return, he was surprised and delighted.

Lin Shiyin nodded, and Yingying saluted: "I came back cousin, and I also brought a few guests." "

Li Xunhuan looked in the direction pointed by Lin Shiyin, and couldn't help but be stunned, and a surprised expression couldn't help but appear on his face, "Brother Luo, how are you." "

Before Luo Wei could speak, Lin Shiyin said: "I met a few bandits on the way back, and thanks to Luo Shaoxia, I survived. "

This is the statement that the two discussed on the road, otherwise it is impossible to explain why Luo Wei knew Lin Shiyin.

Could it be that the two people met through diaries?

It would be impossible to believe such words without seeing the diary with their own eyes.

And Li Xunhuan is a man, destined to have no way to see Luo Wei's diary, so he can only find such an excuse to explain the acquaintance of the two.

It might seem like a coincidence if it were someone else.

If he had changed to someone who was seriously suspicious, he would probably have muttered in his heart by now, "This person first saved me, and then saved my cousin, so he shouldn't have deliberately approached me in this way." "

But Li Xunhuan is not such a person, hearing that Luo Wei saved his cousin, he not only did not doubt Luo Wei's intentions, but was more grateful to Luo Wei.

One thanked Rowe vigorously.

Luo Wei waved his hand and said, "It's just the right time." "

Li Xunhuan saw that Luo Wei was so humble, and his liking was even greater, so he wanted to keep Luo Wei no matter what, and invited Luo Wei to live in Li Yuan for a few more days, so that he could make the friendship of the landlord.

Of course, Luo Wei did not refuse, and readily agreed.

His purpose in coming to Li Yuan was to support Lin Shiyin, and naturally he would not leave easily.

When Li Xunhuan saw Luo Wei agree, he was naturally even more happy, and immediately called the housekeeper, asking the housekeeper to prepare a good wine and good food, and to wash the dust for Luo Wei.

The butler promised to come down and go down to prepare lunch.

However, at this moment, a servant walked in and said, "Young Master, the medicine has been fried. "

When Lin Shiyin heard this, she hurriedly said, "Medicine? What medicine, cousin, are you sick? "

Li Xunhuan shook his head and said: "It's not me, it's my eldest brother, after you left a few days ago, my eldest brother couldn't afford to get sick, and I don't know what's going on?" "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but laugh secretly, and Long Xiaoyun made a move.

[Coming, coming, finally coming]

As soon as he complained in the diary, it aroused the curiosity of countless women, and everyone opened the diary one after another.

What's coming?

Suddenly, this guy was talking again.

Rowe continued to complain inside the diary.

[After arriving in Li Garden today, I finally met Li Xunhuan, Li Xunhuan is very enthusiastic, I heard that I saved Lin Shiyin, and I had to invite me to live in Li Garden for two days]

[It just so happens that I am also very interested in Li Yuan, so I readily agreed]

[But at this time, a servant suddenly told Li Xunhuan that the medicine was ready]

[Lin Shiyin also thought that Li Xunhuan was sick, and quickly asked what happened, Li Xunhuan comforted Lin Shiyin and said that it was not him who was sick, but his eldest brother Long Xiaoyun]

[As soon as I heard it, I knew that Long Xiaoyun was going to have a moth]

[After all, in the original work, this is how it is]

When the women saw this scene, they couldn't help but be surprised, this is what happened in the original work?

What the hell is going on? You guy made it clear.

Everyone looked at it curiously.

[In the original plot, after Long Xiaoyun saw Lin Shiyin, he fell ill with lovesickness, couldn't afford it, and even became terminally ill, begging Li Xunhuan to marry his cousin Lin Shiyin to himself]

[After Li Xunhuan heard the news, it was called a thunderbolt on a sunny day].

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