Wall piercing, this is the reward that Rowe just received.

It seems simple but very mysterious, as long as there is this spell, no matter what kind of copper wall and iron wall, Luo Wei can easily break in.

To put it bluntly, with this spell, there is nowhere under the sky that can bind Rowe.

Whether it was the Huanggong Forbidden Land or the Great Inner Treasure, Luo Wei came and went freely.

That's why Luo Wei said that this spell seems ordinary, but it is very useful.

After mastering this spell, Luo Wei happily took the 50,000 taels of silver tickets and pulled Azhu to play.

Shangguan Haitang said hello to Luo Wei because he was concerned about the fake silver ticket case, and left the Elysium Building early.

This time, Rowe did not return to the first floor, but went to the second floor.

Here bet, one thousand taels of silver each time.

Just now, Luo Wei's family was thin and did not dare to come here to play, but now that he has 50,000 taels of silver tickets, he naturally does not care about this.

However, what surprised Luo Wei was that the way of gambling on the second floor was completely different from that on the first floor.

No more dice, pai nine.

It's a more wonderful way.

I saw the dealer wave his hand and let the next person come out holding a box and put it on a table.

"You are all famous heroes in the rivers and lakes."

"Four Three Zero, so let's play something different this time."

"I have something in this box, what exactly it is, you can check it in the way you do best, but the premise is that you can't open this box."

"When you decide, we'll place your bets."

"If someone guesses it, they win."

"If no one guesses, then I won, the dealer kills, I don't know how to play, what do you think?"

"No problem."

I saw a slender man in white agreeing cheerfully.

Others nodded one after another, and when they saw it, everyone was full of confidence in themselves.

The dealer smiled slightly and said, "Then who comes first." "

The slender man in white said, "I'll come first." "

He took out a thousand taels of silver tickets and put them on the table, walked to the box, stretched out a finger and tapped lightly on the box a few times, as if he was checking with internal force, and after the inspection, he said confidently:

"It's a gold bar inside."

The dealer was noncommittal, turned his head to look at the others, and asked, "Is there anyone else to check?" "

Another man came out, put down a thousand taels of silver tickets, put his ear to the box, and flicked his fingers.

Then, he also said confidently: "It's not a gold bar, it's a dagger." "

The dealer asked, "Is there anyone else?" "

Immediately afterwards, several martial arts figures walked out, put down the silver ticket, and began to check the box, giving different answers.

Some say a long sword, others a short blade.

Others say machetes.

But everyone is confident in their own exploration.

Ah Zhu said with a smile: "Gongzi wants to play?" "

Rowe shook his head, "Let's see what is being said first." "

After a while, the person who should have placed the bet has already placed the bet.

The dealer shouted three times in a row, and after seeing that no one had placed a bet, he ordered the person to open the box.

Under the bright light, a golden dagger appeared in front of everyone.

The dealer said: "This time, it was the second noble guest who guessed it, and it was indeed a dagger inside. "

The man who placed the second bet smiled slightly, and said to everyone: "Accept, accept." "

Then unceremoniously swept away the silver tickets on the table.

The dealer chuckled and said: "This time, let us congratulate this distinguished guest, but don't worry, our game is still continuing, I believe you still have a chance to turn over." "

Saying that, he asked the next person to serve another plate.

On the plate was a wine jug, as well as eight wine glasses.

The dealer picked up the jug, filled eight glasses of wine among the eight glasses, and said, "Guys, our new game is these eight glasses." "

"The wine jug in my hand is a mandarin duck jug, and there are two kinds of wine in it."

"One is poisonous, the other is non-toxic."

"Just now, I was already pouring poisonous wine into one of the eight wine glasses."

"What you have to do now is to find the poisonous one among the eight glasses."

"However, I want to remind you that this poisonous wine uses a colorless and tasteless poison, and it is not easy to distinguish it."

"This time you must be cautious when placing bets."

The man in white took out a thousand taels of silver tickets again and put them on the table, that momentum, that temperament, as if one thousand taels of silver in his eyes, was not money at all.

He stepped forward, sniffed eight glasses of wine in turn with his nose, and said: "Sure enough, it is a colorless and odorless poison, and I can't smell the difference between eight glasses of wine at all." "

The dealer laughed and said nothing.

The man in white sighed and said, "It seems that this time I can only be blind." "

As he spoke, his fingers swiping back and forth between the eight wine glasses, he finally pointed to the third glass and said, "That's it." "

The dealer quietly asked, "Is anyone else going to bet?" "

Another man took out a thousand taels of silver ticket and said, "I also choose the third cup." "

The man in white asked in surprise, "Why did you choose the same drink with me?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The man said, "Because I know who you are and know your research on wine, I trust your judgment." "

The man in white couldn't help but be stunned, continued to laugh, and said: "Actually, I really didn't tell which glass was poisonous wine this time, and this glass was chosen by me blindly." "

The man smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it's only a thousand taels left and right." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he really wanted to give a thumbs up and say something about the atmosphere.

That's just a thousand taels.

How much money is needed to say such a thing.

Then, more than twenty people placed bets in turn, Luo Wei thought about it, also took out a silver ticket, and still said on the table: "Azhu, you choose." "

Azhu couldn't help but be stunned, and looked at Luo Wei in surprise, "Gongzi? "

Her luck today is not as good as Rowe's.

Rowe said, "It's okay."

Aju said, "Then choose the third cup." "

The man in white glanced at Ah Zhu and withdrew his gaze.

Rowe said, "Okay, then choose the third cup." "

After placing your bet, it's time for the draw.

I saw the dealer clapping his hands, and a subordinate walked in with a cage with eight rabbits in it.

The next person poured eight glasses of wine into the mouths of the eight rabbits in turn.

Only the rabbit, which drank the seventh glass of wine, began to twitch and eventually whimpered:

The remaining seven rabbits are bouncing alive.

The dealer said with a smile: "This time, it is the seventh glass of wine that is poisonous, let us congratulate this woman for winning this game." "

The heroine in the banker's mouth is not Azhu, but a woman wearing purple clothes with some bright eyes.

After the woman won the victory, she swept the silver ticket on the table and slowly walked in front of Rowe.

"Luo Gongzi, can you take a step to speak."

Luo Wei was a little surprised, "You know me? "

The woman stretched out her right hand, and in her hand there was an extra diary that only he and Azhu could see.

Rowe immediately understood that this was also a heroine or supporting actress with a copy of the diary.

I didn't expect that today's Elysium Building would be so lively.

In addition to Shangguan Haitang, there are other heroines or supporting actresses.

Looking at his appearance, could it be that he also came to find himself?


Since the other party is so active, Luo Wei naturally will not refuse, he really wants to know what the other party is looking for him for?

So the three of them spoke to the dealer, and the dealer politely let the next person take Luo Wei to an unoccupied room.

After entering the room, the woman took off the mask on her face, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

"Little woman Lin Shiyin, I have seen Luo Gongzi."

The woman who called herself Lin Shiyin, Yingying was a gift.

Aha? Lin Shiyin?

Luo Wei looked at the woman in front of him and couldn't help but say: "Lin Shiyin may not be a truly perfect woman, but no one can deny that she is a beauty." "

Her face was too pale, her body was too thin, and although her eyes were bright, she was too cold, but her wind god, her temperament, was incomparable. In any case, she can make people feel her unique charm, no matter who looks at her, he will never forget. "

"She will always be so beautiful and noble. The sadness and resentment contained in her eyes made even the hard-hearted people feel moved when they saw it. "

Lin Shiyin looked confused.

Azhu couldn't help but complain, 0.4 Gongzi, what are you talking about? "

Luo Wei coughed and said, "This is Gu Long's description of Lin Shiyin, I'm just telling the truth." "

Azhu looked Lin Shiyin up and down a few times and said, "But I see that Miss Lin's face is not pale, and there is no resentment in her eyes." "

Luo Wei said: "You don't understand, in the original book I said, I married Lin Shiyin ten years after Long Xiaoyun. "

Lin Shiyin: ...

She really has nothing to say now.

Luo Wei opened his mouth and asked, "Miss Lin, are you looking for me for something?" "

Lin Shiyin knelt down without saying a word, and said, "Please Gongzi save me." "

Luo Wei's eyes were quick, and he assisted Lin Shiyin, who was about to kneel, and helped her up, "Save you, are you poisoned or injured, I'll see." "

Lin Shiyin shook her head and said: "It's not, it's Li Xunhuan, my cousin brought Long Xiaoyun back to Li Yuan, I don't know what to do, so I came to Gongzi for help." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but call out a good guy, "I saved Li Xunhuan, how come Li Xunhuan still knows Long Xiaoyun." What the hell is going on here? "

He didn't understand, how could this plot go back again.

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