The man who walked into the inn was one meter eight meters tall, strong in size, holding a long box of nearly two meters in his hand, and slowly walked in front of Luo Wei.

"Excuse me, is it Roviro?"

The man Lanxess said: "Someone gave you a box, please take a look." "

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows and said quite unexpectedly: "It's true that I am Luo Wei, but it's not Luo Daxia, are you looking for the wrong person." "

The man said: "Since your name is Luo Wei, then I must not have found the wrong person, this is your thing." "

He placed the box on the table at the inn.

Then, turn around and go.

Luo Wei quickly stopped him, "You wait, what is it here?" "

The man stopped and said, "I don't know, this is something that someone entrusted me to give you, and the client specially ordered me, if I dare to open the box, he will definitely kill my whole family." "

"So, I don't know where the box is."

Feng Siniang was interested, stood up and circled around the box, putting her arm on Rowe's shoulder.

"Knowing that your name is Rove, and you sent someone to bring you something, it shouldn't be the group of women with diaries."

"It's possible."

Luo Wei bowed his head slightly, there were few people who knew that his name was Luo Wei, except for a few disciples of the Huashan Sect, only the group of women who obtained copies of the diary.

It seems that in this small Fuzhou City, in addition to Feng Siniang, there are other women.

It's just that this woman who sent things doesn't seem to want to meet with Rowe.

"Let me see where there is in here."

Feng Siniang put her hand on the box, lifted it slightly, and opened the box.

Luo Wei looked down and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Because there was a sword in the box, a sword of no depth.

The reason why I can't see the quality of this sword is because this sword is sheathed by a simple and old scabbard.

Feng Siniang stretched out her hand, took out the sword in the box, and pulled the sword out of its scabbard with slight force.

At this moment, the sunlight shone in and fell on the bright sword of this sword, reflecting a snowy sword light.

"Good sword, really good sword." Feng Siniang was amazed, took the sword and played back and forth, easily splitting the table in front of her in two.

The wine jug and teacup on the table spilled to the ground and shattered.

Luo Wei couldn't help but roll his eyes, who provoked whom this table, Feng Siniang actually wanted to treat it so cruelly.

"Do you know what kind of sword this is?" After Feng Siniang had played enough, she picked up the scabbard and put the sword into its sheath.

Rowe shook his head, "I haven't seen it. "

Feng Siniang said with a smile: "If I didn't guess, this sword should be the legendary Sky Sword." "

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, "You said, this is the Heavenly Sword." "

Feng Siniang pulled out half of the sword, turned the sword body, and under the sunlight, she saw that the snow-white and bright sword body was engraved with two small characters of Yitian.

"It seems that the Yitian Sword was really taken by some woman, and then saw the diary you wrote and knew that you were very interested in the secret of the Yitian Sword, so I gave it to you."

"This woman is really generous."

Feng Siniang sighed a few times and marveled one after another.

Then, she asked, "Do you want it, don't give it to me?" "

Luo Wei snatched the Heaven-Relying Sword back from Feng Siniang's hand, "If you are my woman, let alone a Heaven-Relying Sword, I can give you the Shennong Ruler." "

"It's a pity, the person you like is Xiao Shiyilang, not me."

"But fortunately, Xiao Shiyi Lang doesn't like you, hahaha."

In the end, Rowe couldn't help but laugh.

On the other hand, Feng Siniang, a group with a black face, glared at Luo Wei viciously, and scolded a dog for not spitting ivory out of his mouth.

Luo Wei was also unimpressed, took out his diary and updated it.

[Good guy, I call good guy].

[Just now, just a few minutes ago, someone sent me a treasure].

[And this treasure is nothing else, it is the Heavenly Sword I just complained about].

[It seems that the Yitian Sword really fell into the hands of one of you, but for what purpose did you dare to give the Yitian Sword to me, I can be regarded as recognizing this favor].

[If we have the opportunity to meet in the future, we will definitely have a drink].

[Also, since you gave me the sword, you have left a name].

[You don't even leave your name, aren't you afraid that someone will impersonate you in the future?] 】

[Of course, no matter what the future holds, if I unlock the secret of the Heavenly Sword in the future, there must be one of them, and I will do what I say].

[That's it].

After updating the diary, Luo Wei put away the Yitian Sword with his backhand, said hello to the fourth lady of the wind, and left the inn.

After Feng Siniang compensated the boss for the loss, she quickly chased after her.

"You're really not going to do me this favor?"

"Not going to."

Feng Siniang was angry, and said unpleasantly: "I'm also a beauty, you really don't plan to show it in front of me, maybe I will give up Xiao Shiyi Lang and like you." "

Luo Wei said with a look of disgust: "Pull down, if you are willing to give up Xiao Shiyi Lang so easily, you are not Feng Siniang, in addition, if you are in the simple 'Xiao Shiyilang' world, I have to show it in front of you." "

"But it's a pity that this is not a simple Xiao Shiyi Lang world, but a comprehensive martial arts world."

"And the last thing in this world is a big beauty like you."

"There is obviously a big forest waiting for me to develop, why should I hang yourself on your crooked neck tree at this moment, do you say what I said makes sense."

Feng Siniang was angry, and suddenly shouted, "Who do you say is the crooked neck tree, old lady, no matter how I look at it, it is a tall tree." "

Rowe complained: "That's a metaphor. "

"It's a bad metaphor, I don't like it."

"So I'll change the metaphor?"

"Forget it, the devil knows what disgusting metaphor you're going to come up with." Feng Siniang looked disgusted.

Suddenly, she rolled her eyes, and seemed to think of a good idea to attract Luo Wei's interest, "Didn't you just say that you want to know the secret of the Heavenly Sword, I have a way." "

Rowe was really attracted and asked, "What can you do?" "

Feng Siniang and Luo Wei walked side by side, and said as they walked: "If the Heavenly Sword is really as you said, there are treasures hidden inside, it is best to find a divine weapon that can split the Heavenly Sword. "

"In this way, we can take out the treasures inside the Heavenly Sword."

"And I happen to know where there is such a divine weapon."

Rowe said, "You shouldn't be talking about a deer cutter." "

Feng Siniang couldn't help but be stunned, "How do you know?" "

Rowe said: "Not only do I know this, I also know that the purpose of your asking me for help is to snatch this deer cutting knife, right?" "

Feng Siniang was not a fool, and quickly came back to her senses, "This should not be the plot that happened in Xiao Shiyilang." "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Yes, it is the plot that happened in Xiao Shiyilang, and at the beginning of the plot, it was your Feng Siniang who rushed back from the wind and dust servants outside the pass, and wanted to find someone to conspire to seize the deer cutting knife. "

"You found Hua Ping, and it turned out that Hua Ping's hand was cut off by Xiao Shiyilang."

"Later, you found Doctor Fei again, and as a result, Doctor Fei's legs were cut off by Xiao Shiyilang."

"Gu Long used this technique to set off Xiao Shiyilang's martial arts."

"But I wonder about it, this Hua Ping and Doctor Fei didn't offend Xiao Shiyilang, why did Xiao Shiyilang cut off people's most proud hands and legs, do you say he is sick."

Feng Siniang did not have the slightest surprise, and said calmly: "Isn't this the case in the rivers and lakes, sometimes for a little reputation, let alone a hand, a pair of legs, even this life will be lost." "

Luo Wei thought the same, and then stopped speaking.

Feng Siniang said: "Since you already know my purpose, I am not talking nonsense, although the deer cutting knife is not as old as the dragon slaying knife, I am sure that the power of the deer cutting knife is not under the dragon slaying knife." "

"If you can help me snatch the deer cutting knife, maybe you can really cut off the Sky Sword and obtain the secret of it."

Luo Wei asked curiously, "I have two questions. "

Feng Siniang said: "Please say." "

Luo Wei raised a finger, "First, you don't use a knife, what are you going to do with a deer cutting knife?" "

Feng Siniang said: "Of course, it is to sell money, as long as I get the deer cutting knife, I can buy a good price." "

Luo Wei raised a second finger, "If we really get the deer cutting knife and use it to slash against the Sky Sword, you really won't be afraid of destroying the two together." "

Feng Siniang said calmly: "If it is really destroyed, then it means that the deer cutting knife is just that." "

Speaking of this, she paused and revealed an interested smile, "What's more, I also want to know who is better than the Deer Cutting Sword and the Heavenly Sword." "

Luo Wei tilted his head and glanced at Feng Siniang a few times, "I didn't expect you to be a curious baby." "

Feng Siniang asked, "What about you, do you want to come with me to snatch the deer cutting knife." "

Luo Wei shook his head and decisively refused: "Don't go." "

Feng Siniang frowned and asked, "Why, don't you want to know what is hidden inside the Heavenly Sword?" "

Rowe laughed, "You seem to have forgotten something. "


"Although I don't have a deer cutting knife, I still have a divine weapon on hand that is more powerful than a deer cutting knife."

In an instant, Feng Siniang was as if she had been struck by a bolt of lightning, and she couldn't help but shiver.

She suddenly remembered that Luo Wei did indeed have a divine weapon.

And it is also the legendary Celestial God Soldier,

Shennong ruler.

A smile cracked at the corner of Luo Wei's mouth, "Now you should understand why the person who obtained the Heaven-Relying Sword sent the Heaven-Relying Sword to my hand." "

"She may not have a dragon slaying knife, but I really have a Shennong ruler."

"Although the characteristics of Shennong Ruler are to cure diseases and save people, it is undeniable that it is still a powerful heavenly divine weapon."

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