Eight hundred princely states, Daming.


Ning Zhong got up early today and prepared to clean up his room after Fujun Yue Buqun went outside to practice.

When the room was halfway cleaned up, Ning Zhong found a diary on the bed.


Could it be the day when the husband wrote it?

Does the husband still have such a habit?

Ning Zhong was very curious, picked up the diary and took a look, only to see that there were several big characters written on it.

Luo Wei's diary [Ningzhong Ze exclusive copy].


Lloyd? Who is this, and why does Rovy's diary appear in his room and has his own signature?

Ning Zhong frowned, his eyes flickered, and his brain raced.

She remembered that it seemed that half a year ago, when the Huashan Sect opened the mountain to accept disciples, there was indeed a young man named Luo Wei who worshipped under the door wall of the Huashan Sect.

But his diary, why it appears in his room, and his own name.

Ning Zhong was puzzled.

After hesitating, Ning Zhong did not open the diary, but planned to go to this disciple named Luo Wei and ask her what was going on in this diary.

So Ning Zhong left the room with the diary and came to the area where the disciples of the Huashan Sect lived.

However, what she didn't expect was...

"What, you said that disciple named Luo Wei has left the Huashan Sect?" Ning Zhong looked at the disciple in front of him who lived in the same dormitory as Luo Wei in disbelief.

This disciple said with sincere trepidation: "If you return to Junior Uncle Ning, Junior Brother Luo Wei has indeed left Huashan. "


"Seven days ago."

"Why did he leave."

"I don't know, it was one night seven days ago, Junior Brother Luo Wei suddenly shouted and woke up from his dream, drenched in cold sweat, as if he had some nightmare."

The disciple tried his best to remember what happened at that time, "However, at noon the next day, Junior Brother Luo Wei said that he was only shallow in learning and could not practice martial arts, so he withdrew from the Huashan Sect. "

Ning Zhong felt more and more that things were not simple, if that disciple named Luo Wei really left Huashan seven days ago.

Then how could his diary appear in front of him.

"Do you know where Rovehe went?"

The disciple shook his head honestly and said, "The disciple doesn't know. "

Ning Zhong said displeased, "As his senior brother, didn't you ask him where he was going to leave Huashan?" "

Seeing Ning Zhong's displeased expression, the disciple couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit, and said with a bitter smile: "Back to Junior Uncle Ning's words, I actually asked about it, but Junior Brother didn't say it explicitly." "

Ning Zhong asked, "What did he say?" "

"He said... The world is so big, I want to see it. The disciple looked helpless.

With these words, he really had no way to judge where Rowe was going.

Ning Zhong saw that this disciple did not intend to hide it, and should really not know Luo Wei's whereabouts, so he turned and left.

Back in his room, Ning Zhong took out his diary, looked at it a few times, and decided to flip through it to see if he could find Luo Wei's whereabouts.

But what she didn't know was that when she flipped through this diary, there were also countless amazing women, or hot, or pure, or cold and arrogant, or beautiful.

With the same curiosity, he opened the diary.

Ning Zhong flipped through his diary, and on the first page there was a line of shocking big characters.

[I crossed, I crossed, I actually crossed].

Crossing, what does it mean?

Ning Zhong frowned and continued to read.

[Important things must be said three times, I, Luo Wei, actually crossed over, this is really incredible].

[It turns out that the crossing actually exists, and I am the lucky one who crossed it].

[But the problem is, I don't want to cross it].

[I crossed, what should my parents do?"

[Oh, by the way, I still have a sister and an older brother, that's fine].

[Even if I am gone, I believe that they can serve the second elder well, but unfortunately, I have no way to accept the joy under the knee of the second elder, let alone give the second elder the end of his life].

[More importantly, I crossed over, what should I do with the original me, whether to die, or become a vegetative person].

[If the latter is okay, at least there is a thought].

[Maybe the former, that is the tragedy of the white-haired person sending the black-haired person, parents, I'm sorry for you].

Ning Zhong saw this and couldn't help nodding secretly.

Although I don't know what Luo Wei means by crossing in this word, looking at the performance of the other party, he should be a filial person.

[Not long ago, I finally fused the memories of the original owner and obtained several good and bad news].

[The good news is that I have crossed a martial arts world, where divine skills, treasure wealth, chivalrous beauties all exist, China has a population of 1.4 billion, who does not have a martial arts dream].

[The bad news is that I fuking travel through a comprehensive martial arts world, this world has Jin Yong's novel Flying Snow Shooting White Deer in the Sky, Laughing Book God Hero Yibi Yuen, as well as the legend of Lu Xiaofeng of Gulong, the legend of Chu Liuxiang, the peerless double pride, and even Huang Yi's Tang Double Dragon, Shattered Void, and Clouds and Rain].

[Of course, Liang Yusheng's Tianshan series and the white-haired witch, Wen Rui'an's Shenzhou Qixia and the four famous catches are also not lacking].

[Because this is a stitched monster martial arts world, the plot I know has completely collapsed].

[Take my current identity, I am currently a disciple of the Huashan Sect].

[In the plot of 'Smiling Rivers and Lakes', the head of the Huashan faction is Yue Buqun, his wife is Ning Zhongze, and there is a daughter named Yue Lingshan, because he has suffered from the sword qi chaos, so the Huashan faction withered].

[Except for the head Yue Buqun, there are only a dozen disciples under his command].

[At the same time, Zuo Lengchan, the Songshan Sect of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, is ambitious, and with his thirteen taibao, he wants to annex other sects and unify the five mountains, comparable to Shaolin and Wudang].

[And in order to revitalize the Huashan Sect and not be swallowed up by Zuo Lengchan, Yue Buqun worked hard and finally practiced the evil sword method].

[The evil sword method is powerful, fast, and its moves are like ghosts, and it is a first-class quack

[The only drawback is... If you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace].

Ning Zhong saw this and finally settled in Bengbu.

What the? In this plot of what laughter, my senior brother turned out to be the head of the Huashan Sect, and he practiced this... This...... Unorthodox martial arts.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

This is absolutely slanderous.

Ning Zhong was breathless, and the two pet bears who had been raised for many years kept undulating in front of her, turning into a circle of waves.

Unfortunately, this kind of beauty is not seen.

Ning Zhong continued to watch, she wanted to see how this damn Luo Wei slandered her senior brother.

[Above, these are just what happened in the 'smiling rivers and lakes'].

[However, this is not a simple world, but a world where many novels merge].

[The Huashan school in a large number of novels is integrated, which leads to the Huashan school being very powerful].

[For example, in the Xiaoao Rivers and Lakes, the head of the Huashan faction is Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan faction in the Blue Blood Sword is Mu Renqing, and in the Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer, the head of the Huashan faction is Xianyutong].

[In the famous sword flow, the head is Xu Shuzhen, the fairy of Furong].

[In the legend of Chu Liuxiang, the head is Master Iron Immortal Gu Kumei].

[In the dust of the sword net, the person in charge is the power of heaven].

[In Xuan Xue Xuanshuang, the person in charge is Kaishan One Sword Hongfang, known as a rare talent in the Huashan School for a hundred years].

[Among the Feiyan Dragons, the head is the eight-armed god Wen Gongtai].

[All in all, in many novel worlds, the Huashan faction has appeared, so this has led to the unprecedented strength of the Huashan faction in this comprehensive martial arts world, full of talents, and surprisingly powerful].

[There are thousands of disciples of the Huashan Sect alone].

[Yue Buqun is in the Huashan Sect, it's nothing at all, and the person in charge can't take his turn at all].

[So he naturally won't practice any evil sword techniques].

[And the Songshan faction has only mentioned it in the world of Xiaoao Jianghu, and has not appeared much in other novels].

[So in this comprehensive martial arts world, the Songshan faction is not worth mentioning at all compared to the Huashan faction, and if you want to annex the Huashan faction, what is the spring and autumn dream].

[It is precisely because of this that I conclude that the plot I know has long been chaotic because of the emergence of the comprehensive martial arts world].

[If you want to gain benefits from prophecy, dream away].

[So at the beginning, I was panicked and panicked].

[Don't look at me now a disciple of the Huashan Sect, but I am a cannon fodder in the Huashan Sect, not only being bullied by the old disciples all day, but also being accidentally choked one day].

[After all, this world is too chaotic, how can an ordinary person like me live in this world].

[But at this moment, I got a few more news].

[The good news is that the day after I crossed, my plugin went online, and the legend that the crosser must have a plugin is true].

[The bad news is that my plugin is a diary writing system, who writes a diary for serious people].

[The specific usage of this diary writing system is very simple, as long as you write a diary on the diary, you can get a reward].

[But I guess that when I start writing a diary, the system starts to make trouble, and a large number of copies of the diary will be randomly distributed to the heroines or supporting actresses of this world].

[This kind of bridge, I'm tired of watching it in other novels].

When Ning Zhong saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned, could it be that the copy in his hand was really sent by the diary system.

She half-believed it, after all, the Luo Wei people had left Huashan, but the diary suddenly appeared in her hand.

It was indeed a little suspicious, and she continued to look down.

[Although I know that the diary I wrote will definitely be seen by many people, but who let the diary give a reward, for the reward, fight].

[After all, it is not an easy thing to survive in this comprehensive martial arts world].

[But before that, I have to make a preparation].

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