At this time, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels were already excited.

They had never imagined that this duel would reach this level.

Frieza was originally very powerful, that’s all.

But he could actually transform?

And his power after the transformation increased several times.

This is really too exaggerated.

But what surprised the angels was the video.

That little kid could actually burst out with power and knock Frieza, who had transformed, away! ? He could even continuously blast out terrible energy waves and hit Frieza.

The astonishing scene stunned many powerful people in the heavens and the worlds.

They immediately said.

They...It seems that he is not even as good as a child?

How old does the little guy look?...He is only about five or six years old, right?

This shocked many viewers and made them speechless.

In the pirate world,

Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others were all stunned.

They did not expect that this kid would suddenly explode!

Just now they all thought that the little guy was just like the bald guy, just here to make a cameo appearance.

However...The Warring States also realized

"Could it be that this little guy is the Sun Wukong?"

Zhan Guo saw that in the video, after seeing the child burst out with such power, even he was shocked. He said:"How could this be? Is this kid closer to a Super Saiyan than me! ? How can I cultivate it!" It can be seen that he seems very unwilling.

In the world of death,

Hitsugaya Toshiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, Kenpachi and others were also greatly shocked.

They did not expect that in that world, even a child would be so strong.

Everyone inexplicably felt that their self-esteem was hit. At the same time, they also developed a strong interest in who the Sun Wukong was. The strong men were not stupid at all. After watching for a while, they could see that no matter it was the man who kept shouting that he was about to become a Super Saiyan, or the child, it felt

...They don't look like Sun Wukong.

Maybe...The real strong man has not appeared yet!

Only in the Dragon Ball universe, everyone knows very well what is going on now.

However, when Krillin, Master Roshi, Yajirobe and others saw that the little Gohan in the video also burst out with such a powerful force.

They were also shocked and horrified.

Then, a smile appeared on their faces!

Krillin:"Death...Die! Gohan, you are so awesome!"

Krillin was still immersed in the fear of being killed instantly by Frieza.

Now he saw that Gohan helped him to get revenge! Krillin felt that even the terrible Frieza would not be able to bear it after that series of moves. On the hospital bed, Goku was also very pleased. To be honest, Goku valued Gohan's potential. He always felt that Gohan could become stronger than him in the future. Unfortunately.

...Chi-Chi didn't let Gohan practice.

Otherwise, Goku was also looking forward to seeing the day when Gohan became the strongest.

However, at this time, what shocked the audience in all the heavens and worlds was that in the video, after the little guy finished a round of attacks.

Below, Frieza actually stood up again as if nothing had happened.

Such a scene stunned many strong men.

But they also felt that this was normal!

That was the emperor of the universe, Frieza, who had undergone a transformation.

If his strength was defeated so easily, it would be too ridiculous.

However, the previous round of terrifying attacks by the little guy only made Frieza feel a little pain.

This still surprised many people.

They all said that Frieza was indeed terrifying.

I'm afraid he hasn't shown his true strength yet. And in the Dragon Ball universe.

Krillin, Master Roshi, and Yajirobe's expressions also froze instantly.

Krillin:"This guy...It's really a monster...."

In fact, they knew it in their hearts.

With that level of attack just now, it was definitely impossible to defeat Frieza.

But Krillin and the others were helpless!

The gap in strength was too big!

The other strong men in the world were still relaxed.

But for Krillin and little Gohan, the scene in the video was simply a nightmare!

Not only that! They soon saw that Frieza actually increased his strength again!

Then, he launched a counterattack. After all,

Gohan was still young.

He just exploded and hit Frieza with a set of combos.

But now it’s no use.

The strong men saw that the little guy was easily beaten to the ground by Frieza.

He had no power to resist.

In the ward, Krillin, Goku, Yajirobe and others were also somewhat relieved.

Fortunately, Chi-Chi had fainted.

Otherwise, if she saw Gohan being beaten like this, she would go crazy.

But in fact, even if they saw it, they gritted their teeth one by one.

There was anger in their hearts.

Krillin, Bulma, and Goku couldn't bear to see Gohan being beaten like this.

However, they had no way to deal with it!

In fact! Everyone soon saw that it wasn't just Gohan.

In the video, Vegeta also quickly launched an attack (ahdd).

He seemed to want to make one last struggle.

But his attack was much worse than Gohan's.

Frieza took this wave of damage.

He was fine, but said coldly:"Mr. Vegeta, don't worry, I will send you to hell soon after I finish dealing with this kid."

As soon as these words came out, Vegeta in the video was frightened and trembled all over.

Even Vegeta himself in reality, who was watching the video, was filled with fear.

His confidence just now had completely disappeared.

In his mind, he recalled the horror of Frieza again.

Vegeta was scared again.

As for the strong men in other worlds, they were watching very attentively at this time. In the world of One Punch Man, for all the S-class heroes, they had already given up at this time.

There's nothing I can do. Frieza is so incredibly strong.

If I ever meet him again,...All he could do was leave it to fate.

Saitama, on the other hand, was filled with fighting spirit.

He felt that Frieza was more suitable to be his opponent.

If he could fight with such a strong man, he would definitely be able to satisfy his wish!

Saitama confirmed that what Frieza said before was absolutely correct.

However, as for being Frieza's subordinate,

Saitama had no interest at all.

Moreover, he did not think that he would lose at all!

On the contrary, Saitama was eager to use Frieza to determine the extent of his own strength.

In other words, where his own limit was!

This was what Saitama hoped for.

At this time, when the audience of the heavens and the worlds continued to watch, they soon saw that Frieza was ready to continue the attack.

But the bald head was cured by the green-skinned child.

And began to delay time.

It must be said that the bald head was not strong, but he had many means of attack.

After a series of operations, Frieza was annoyed.

It means that you have so many cheap tricks!

In the Dragon Ball Universe, Krillin saw this scene and finally breathed a sigh of relief....It's okay if I don't die.

Krillin doesn't want to die. He has been resurrected once.

If he dies again, he will be doomed.

But...Even so, the situation in the video is not optimistic at all.

When everyone continued to watch, they also saw that Gohan was also treated by the Namekian child.

His fighting power was improved again.

This also made Vegeta in the video confident.

He felt that now, the three of them joined forces, and they might really have a chance.

However...They were totally overthinking it!

Even if Gohan had improved his fighting power, the three of them together were still a million miles behind Frieza.

And just when the audiences of the universe were feeling desperate, they felt that this battle was impossible to fight.

Perhaps only if that Son Goku showed up would there be a chance? Yes!

Now many strong men were convinced that none of the three people present was Son Goku.

Even the guy who kept saying that he was about to transform into a Super Saiyan was not like that.

Of course, the strong men couldn't be sure at this time.

However, what surprised them was that at this moment, in the video, the little guy had an angry face and was about to go up and continue fighting with Frieza.

Suddenly, another green-skinned strong man appeared!

(To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) It was not until now that the audiences of the universe knew that the guy was called Piccolo.

The few people present were Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta.

Looking at the names marked on the video, everyone also confirmed their thoughts.

At the same time!

I started to look forward to it.

Sengoku:"I wonder what that Son Goku will be like.

" Uchiha Madara:"He should be a very powerful guy.

I am really looking forward to it!

" Aizen:"This

���The video is beyond my imagination. It's interesting...."

Many people in the heavens and the worlds were excited.

What shocked them even more was that the powerful men soon saw that the newly appeared Piccolo actually possessed extremely strong power!

This shocked many viewers.

In their hearts, they said that there were really many powerful beings in that world.

And in the Dragon Ball Universe, on King Kai,

Piccolo saw this scene and immediately became a little arrogant:"So that's how it is. It seems that I don't even need Son Goku to appear. I can kill Frieza alone, right?"

Piccolo felt that the title might be wrong.

He has obtained such a powerful power.

How could he lose? []

Piccolo never thought that there would be a day when his combat power would reach millions!

He was also very excited now.

On Earth, in a ward,

Krillin, Gohan, Goku and others were also shocked.

Especially when they saw that

Piccolo actually fought back and forth with the transformed Frieza, the horror on their faces became even greater.

Even when they continued to watch,

Frieza was angry after being beaten and condensed a terrifying ball of light.

He smashed towards Piccolo fiercely.

But Piccolo hit him back?

At the same time, Piccolo also fired back a terrifying energy cannon!

The shocking explosion shocked many spectators in the world.

All the strong men said that this battle was getting more and more exciting.

On Namek, Frieza was a little unhappy when he saw this scene.

He had seen that he crushed those people in the video before, making them feel more terrifying than hell.

Frieza was still quite satisfied with his operation.

But now, another Namekian appeared and could actually touch him.

Frieza couldn't accept it at all!

But, at this moment!

What shocked the strong men in the world was that when they saw that the battle between Piccolo and Frieza had become white-hot, both of them seemed to have burst out all their energy.

Piccolo was already covered in wounds.

Frieza didn't look as relaxed as before.

But Frieza suddenly said:"I think you may not know yet? I can transform again!


"And every time I transform, my strength increases several times!"

"What I just said was my true strength."

When Frieza said this, the world was silent in an instant!

In the pirate world, whether it was Garp, Sengoku, Kizaru, or Whitebeard, Kaido, Shanks and other strong men, they all couldn't believe it.

They couldn't even dream of it.

Originally, several people had planned to concentrate on watching

Frieza's amazing battle.

And the power that Frieza burst out was already terrifying!

Just like this, it felt like it surpassed the duel between Saitama and Boros.

But the result was......So.

Can Frieza transform again? ?

Second transformation? ? ?

In the world of Bleach,

Aizen, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow and other strong men also widened their eyes instantly.

They thought they had heard it wrong!

Grimmjow:"Then...What did that guy say? He can still transform! ?"

Grimmjow was completely stunned.

At this moment, his arrogance was gone.

Compared with that kind of strong man, he was so weak. He was so weak that Grimmjow didn't even have a temper.

He didn't even think about working hard to become stronger and catch up with those people.

Are you kidding! Whether it's Frieza, Boros or Saitama, they are all stronger than gods.


In the eyes of Grimmjow, Aizen and others,

Frieza and others can no longer be called monsters.

That kind of strength...It's God!

In the Naruto world,

Uchiha Madara was also completely convinced.

He knew that even if he had obtained the power of the Six Paths, he was still a million miles away from that truly powerful being. However...Uchiha Madara said that he would grit his teeth and continue to practice.

One day, he would gain a new kind of power.

He did not ask to catch up with those so-called gods.

As long as he could easily crush Hashirama, that would be enough.

Uchiha Madara was eager to get that kind of divine power.

However...The audience was surprised by more than that.

When they were shocked that Frieza had two transformations, suddenly, Frieza did not hide anything.

He continued,"Also, you probably don't know that I have reserved two more transformations for you."

"In other words, I still have two chances to transform. Next, I will let you experience a feeling that is more terrifying than hell!"

After saying that, Frieza did not hesitate at all.

He actually! Is he going to transform directly?

At this moment, many strong people in the heavens and the worlds were shocked! Shocked by the powerful divine power of Frieza.

In the world of One Punch Man.

Saitama was completely convinced that Frieza was definitely the opponent he was looking for!

That kind of powerful force was completely enough.

Saitama would not be too picky.

He knew that if he could fight with Frieza, it would definitely be more satisfying to him than fighting with Boros.

And in a certain spaceship.

Boros was completely confused.

He never thought that Frieza would be so exaggeratedly strong!

This time, Boros was completely kneeled.

He also understood that even if he worked hard to practice now, it would be difficult to catch up with Frieza.

Boros:"This guy...Is he so strong?"

Boros was shocked.

And so were many powerful people in the Avengers Universe, DC Universe, and Super God World.

Many audiences in the heavens and the world were shocked by Frieza's powerful strength.

At the same time, they were looking forward to it more and more!

In this case, what will be the extent of the next confrontation between Frieza and Super Saiyan Son Goku ? That shocking scene must be unprecedented, right? Thinking of this, the powerful people became more and more excited!!

(First update today!

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