At this time, in the Fairy Tail world,

Gray, Natsu, Erza and others who saw this scene all showed surprise and excitement in their eyes.

Natsu:"Hollowification? The guy called Ichigo called this move Hollowification, and it looks like he has become much stronger."

Gray:"I don't know which guild they are from, it's really eye-opening."

Erza:"But the power they use seems to be a little different from ours...."

Erza discovered the blind spot.

But at this moment, they could not associate the fact that these two people were strong men from other universes.

And the pirate world.

Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others were also a little shocked.

The most important thing is that they saw that after Ichigo became a hollow.

The improvement in strength was very obvious.

Whether it was speed, strength or all aspects.

The audiences in the heavens and all worlds saw that Ichigo rushed out again.

This time, he swung his sword and almost cut off Ulquiorra's sword.

In the video, Ulquiorra seemed a little shocked.

The two fought outside.

Ulquiorra was still expressionless and shot out a virtual flash.

However...When the terrifying light wave disappeared,

Ichigo Kurosaki stood there unscathed.

This made many viewers even more excited, because they knew very well that there would be more shocking scenes next.

However, for Kaido, Whitebeard, Uchiha Madara and other strong men, this level alone was far from enough.

In the world of the dead,

Madara felt no emotion in his heart, and even wanted to laugh.

"Is that all? This can be called shocking? It's ridiculous."

Uchiha Madara knew very well that if he took action, he could easily create a nuclear bomb-level attack.

The nine tailed beasts, a tailed beast cannon, are extremely powerful.

But in front of Madara, the nine tailed beasts are like pets, and can be easily defeated.

The tailed beast cannon is also useless.

However, at this time, in the world of death, in the palace of night,

Ulquiorra and others who were watching this scene, all had different feelings.

On the main seat, Aizen, with a calm look, was watching attentively.

He also knew that this should be what will happen in the future.

"Hollow? Ichigo Kurosaki, you are such an interesting guy."Aizen said. Grimmjow

:"What's going on? Can this kind of stuff fight Ulquiorra like this? Hey, Ulquiorra, are you letting him win?"

Grimmjow looked disdainful.

At this time, they had all been hollowed by Aizen's power of the Hogyoku. And Ulquiorra, who had a calm face, was still calm after hearing Grimmjow's words.

"Anyway, he won't be my opponent."

Ulquiorra has absolute confidence.

At least, judging from the current video.

The one called Ichigo is far from him.

Ulquiorra is probably the one who knows his own strength best.

He has the second stage of the return sword, which is a change that even Aizen has never seen.

With this trump card in hand, Ulquiorra doesn't know how he can lose.

Of course, the Ten Espadas also know that the god of death seems to be called Kurosaki Ichigo.

Then, the bull-headed Ichigo mentioned in the title should be his other power.

However, no matter who is in the Ten Espadas, they all think that.

Even the power of the bull-headed Appeared in front of Ulquiorra.

They were not good enough.

After all, he was the fourth ranked Espada.

The other Espadas all recognized Ulquiorra's strength.

At this time, the audiences in the heavens and the worlds saw that Ulquiorra in the video saw that his attack seemed to have no effect.

He flew directly upwards, then opened a black passage and got in.

Kurosaki Ichigo followed closely behind.

They came to the top of the Kyonyakū Palace.

When all the strong men saw that Ulquiorra, standing on a high place, looking coldly at the hollowed Ichigo below.

They inexplicably had a feeling, that is...Big things are coming!

In the pirate world.

Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks and other strong men are watching more and more seriously.

Kaido:"Huh? Looks like that Ulquiorra is going to get serious."

Big Mom:"Mom, mom~, fight, the more intense the better, hahaha!"

Shanks:"Two very powerful opponents! Their powers are also very strange, I don't know where they are from..."

Shanks thought that he was quite familiar with the New World and even the entire pirate world.

He didn't expect that there was such an amazing existence.

At this time, everyone also heard Ulquiorra's words.

After everyone heard it, they all became excited!

"Under the sky of the Xuye Palace, two things are prohibited."

"One is the hollow flash that exists for the Ten Blades, and its name is the flash of the King Hollow."

"The second is the release of the 40th and above Espadas. Both of these are too powerful and could destroy the entire Kyonyakū Palace."

After that, the warriors saw Ulquiorra raise the sword in his hand.

He said calmly:"Seal it! The Black Winged Demon!"


The terrifying spiritual pressure poured out and turned into a substantial black rain.

At this moment, many viewers in the heavens and the worlds were shocked!!

(The seventh update of the first day! Please collect, please give flowers, please give ten points, please give monthly votes! Muah! The results are very poor! Please support me! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!)

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